Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 352 Winning the prize, who will go up?

Chapter 352 Winning the prize, who will go up?
"Quite interesting."

This is the evaluation given by Yu Hua, and other people's evaluations are similar. Only Yunlong said a few more words, "It's really interesting, and it can be seen that it is very ambitious, but personally, the story is too complicated. , whether it is read by ordinary readers or made into a film and television drama, it is not very good. In order to attract people, a story should be simple. It is better to add some richer elements to the simple structure of the story. Some."

Yu Dong knew what Xi Yunlong meant, and explained with a smile, "This is just a prequel, but the real story has not yet unfolded."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Yu Yunlong nodded and said, "That's understandable."

Although Yu Hua didn't express much opinion on the novel, he was quite interested in the plan of this mythology system.

"It is not easy to tell a story with a huge system. Although existing myths can be used as a support and basis for writing, they may also become shackles. It is not easy to write new ideas."

Bi Feiyu laughed and said, "I don't think there is any need to write new ideas. If you can perfectly knead all the myths and stories together, it will be a new idea in itself."

"I think what Feiyu said is right. It is enough to knead various myths and stories together. As for innovation, there is no need to deliberately pursue it. In fact, there are many versions of myths and stories circulating in various places, and the ideas provided are also Much."

Su Tong first followed up Bi Feiyu's words, and then talked about Yu Dong, "Yu Dong's previous two works related to mythology are actually completely different from "Tianaxe Sand Palace". "Heaven" is more of a modern color given by Yu Dong, resulting in artistic conflicts."

Han Dong squatted next to the small brazier, and said with a smile, "Didn't you hear that Yu Dong said that it would be made into a film and television drama? Naturally, the path is different. No matter how much we talk, it's useless. We can't test this novel. In the future, it will have to be tested by those readers and audiences, if they find it interesting, it is naturally a success, and if they find it boring, it is naturally a failure.”

Everyone else nodded in approval.

Han Dong is right, to examine popular literature, one needs the eyes of the masses.

At this moment Hu Changqing also woke up, turned over from the bamboo couch, stretched, yawned and asked, "Have you finished reading the manuscript?"

Feng Ming joked, "After watching, dinner is also finished."

"Have you had dinner too?"

Hu Changqing quickly looked out the window, it was indeed dark, and he didn't know what time it was.

But then he looked at Yu Dong and the others again, and said with a smile, "Impossible, if you have eaten, at least two of you will be drunk."

Yu Dong laughed, got up and said, "It's time for dinner, everyone, let's go downstairs and see if at least two of you will be drunk tonight as Secretary Hu said."

"Including Secretary Hu himself, at least three." Liu Changmin said.

Everyone chatted and laughed and went downstairs, Yu Dong smiled and said to Yunlong on the way, "I heard that brother Yunlong only drinks Moutai, so there is no other wine tonight, only Moutai."

Bi Feiyu asked curiously, "Yunlong, why do you only drink Moutai?"

"Haha, thanks to you, Yunlong, I can drink Moutai tonight." Feng Ming also laughed.

Yan Yunlong blushed, "Last time I drank too much and talked nonsense, I didn't expect Brother Yu to think about it until now."

Hu Changqing had a good night's sleep, and now he was very energetic. He patted Xi Yunlong on the shoulder and said, "Xiao Xi, there is nothing to be ashamed of saying that you like to drink, and Moutai is really delicious, thick and silky in the mouth. .In the past two years, I have bought two bottles every year and kept them hidden at home, waiting to drink them ten or twenty years later.”

"Secretary Hu has a long-term vision. I'm thinking about saving some wine. When my child gets married, I will take it out to entertain my in-laws."

"When it comes to storing wine, no one can compare to Yu Dong. His family has enough wine for me to drink for a lifetime." Bi Feiyu laughed.

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "This is too exaggerated."

There is a cellar in Luoyuan, and there is indeed some wine in it, but it's not all Moutai, there are also Wuliangye and other high-grade wines.

It didn't say that it was saved to entertain the in-laws in the future, but these friends must drink when they get together, and Luoluo's father and grandfather both love to drink, so they can't do without some wine.

The wine in the wine cellar is left over from the previous marriage, and there are still more than 100 bottles.

Yu Dong thought that more than 100 bottles of wine would not be finished in a while, but what he didn't expect was that he drank more than a dozen bottles of Moutai that night.

Some people say that Yu Dong lives a frugal life, but in fact he is not frugal. Now a bottle of Moutai costs [-] yuan, which is worth a month's salary for many people.

The wine I drank tonight is the salary of many people for a year, and the food is added.

The next day, everyone chatted about literature in the morning, played cards in the afternoon, and then went home in the evening.

Hu Changqing was very anxious when he left. Although he had a good time in Luoyuan these two days, but there was no Internet in the garden, he was thinking about the novel he published on the forum before.

As soon as he got home, his wife was about to ask him how he was doing these two days, so he ran to the study and turned on the computer in a hurry.

The wife stood at the door of the study and said angrily, "Tell me about you. You are not tired of looking at that thing all day long. Seeing you like this, Yudong has not been having fun with Yudong these two days. I regret not bringing the computer with me. go?"

"I don't understand, what's the use of bringing a computer, and he doesn't have the Internet. Besides, I had a good time these two days, and his garden is comfortable to live in. You, I told you to go, and you didn't want to go. People Yu Dong also asked about you."

"What do you tell people?"

"What else can I say? Say your old lady is arrogant, and if he doesn't come, please don't go."

The wife frowned and scolded, "You old bastard, talk nonsense, don't let people misunderstand you."

"Hey, take it for what I said. But next time you have to go, if you don't go, how embarrassing am I?"

"I'm worried that they are all intellectuals, and there will be no topic when they go."

"You are mediocre, don't you like playing mahjong, and they all like playing mahjong too."

At this moment, the computer was turned on, and Hu Changqing rubbed his hands and said, "I'm going to fight for my husband, so you step back, don't disturb the morale of the army."

Mrs. Hu gave Hu Changqing a white look, "Playing with things and losing one's ambition."


Since hcq published that novel, there has been a wave of novel writing in the forum.

In the beginning, everyone just wrote science fiction novels, but gradually, more and more other novels were written.

Although there are not many people in the forum, there are only a few dozen people who are usually active, and sometimes there are only a hundred or so people, but everyone writes very energetically.

As everyone writes more, the number of people who are active every day has gradually increased.

And what everyone doesn't know is that some mysterious people have been mixed in the forum unknowingly.

Since Hu Changqing talked about surfing the Internet last time, Jin Yi's group gradually began to pay attention to the deep space bbs.

The first one to pay attention to is Yu Hua. This guy boarded the deep space bbs after returning home. After two days of silent observation, he also began to interact with the netizens on the forum, and sometimes he would comment on some of the comments written by netizens. article.

Then there was Bi Feiyu, seeing Yu Hua's enthusiasm for playing, he also tried to go in to play, not to mention, it was really interesting.

Moreover, he was even better than Yu Hua. He not only commented on other people's articles in the forum, but also posted two short stories.

These two short stories have been sought after by many people, which made Bi Feiyu very addicted. Compared with publishing physical books, publishing works on the Internet like this, and then getting feedback directly, feels very different.

Every time he finished posting a novel, he would keep refreshing the forum to see if anyone praised him.

Bi Feiyu told Yu Dong about his popularity on the Internet, but Yu Dong just smiled and said nothing. Now there are not many people in the forum, and everyone is friendly. When there are more people in the forum in the future, he You will know what is malicious from "the other end of the network cable".

This guy, he still hasn't been beaten by the online world.

Later, Yu Dong gave Bi Feiyu a sentence, "Feiyu, you must remember eight words when surfing the Internet."

"Which eight characters?"

"Not pleased, not to have compassion."

"explain more clearly."

"Don't be too happy."


After Bi Feiyu left, Hu Changqing came to look for Yu Dong again.

"Yu Yu, do you think I should publish this new novel under the pseudonym Fu Shui?"

As soon as Yu Dong heard this, he laughed, "This is called impulsive punishment. After you posted it under the pseudonym of Fushui, those netizens found out that you are Fushui?"

"Yeah, when I posted the novel, I didn't think much about it." Hu Changqing said distressedly.

Yu Dong gave Hu Changqing an idea, "You have two choices, first, use Fushui's name to post, then abandon the current screen name, change the screen name and continue surfing the forum, let the previous screen name become Jianghu A legend from above."

"I'm not willing to give up my current screen name, I'm already very familiar with them."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, a mere internet name, but Lao Hu is like a treasure.

"Then there's nothing you can do. You can either reveal your identity, or post it under a pseudonym."

"Then I'll change my pen name."

Yu Dong knew that Hu Changqing wanted to choose this way, and it only took zero or countless times to wear a vest.Strictly speaking, Fushui was the first vest worn by Lao Hu, and it is completely reasonable to add another vest now, and he will probably wear other vests in the future.

However, Hu Changqing is still trying to convince himself, "Actually, it is reasonable to change the pseudonym, because strictly speaking, this novel should be written by the two of us together. If it is published under the pseudonym of Fushui, I am not too embarrassed. ?”

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders, "Old Hu, as long as you are happy."

"Hey, don't worry, when the manuscript fee for this manuscript comes down, we will be half of each other."

"Then what if this novel wins the Galaxy Award? Who of us will win?"


(End of this chapter)

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