Chapter 354 Soundtrack
"Is this what a black hole should look like?"

Sissoko was even more surprised than Kip Thorne. The professor in front of him is an authority in astrophysics and gravitational physics. If anyone in the physics world has the most thorough research on black holes and wormholes, it is not Kip Thorne. Thorne is none other than.

It's not that Sissoko is superstitious about authority, but even Professor Thorne said that the black hole described in "Deep Space" is what a black hole should be. This shows that YU's description of the black hole is correct, even ahead of its time.

Why is this happening?

Kip Thorne seemed to know the doubts in Cisco's mind, and said with a smile, "Why do black holes grow like this? It's a long story. As for why YU can be described so aptly, I have to read the novel to know." .Maybe he just guessed it by chance... This possibility is relatively small, because his description is very detailed, and it cannot be guessed by random guessing. I am more willing to believe that he consulted a lot of information and then made a reasonable guess .”

"Is this possible?" Sissoko asked doubtfully, "I mean, just by looking up the information, can we deduce what a black hole looks like?"

"Of course it is possible. As long as you are willing to look for it, you can always find the information you need. Many of the information we study are actually public. But if you want to infer the appearance of a black hole based on those information, I am afraid that you need a little extra ability... At least a little spatial imagination is required."

After all, Kip Thorne pointed to "Deep Space" in his hand, and said, "Can I borrow this book? I want to see why the author speculates about the appearance of black holes and his description of wormholes." .”

"Of course." Sissoko nodded with a smile.

"Thank you, how can I return it to you after I finish reading it?"

"Professor Thorne, I know your office, I'll just go find you when the time comes."

"Okay, then you can find me in two days, and I should have finished reading it by then. I still have something to do now, so I'll be leaving first, and see you in two days."

After finishing speaking, Kip Thorne took the book and left. After he left for a long time, Sissoko patted his head, "Why do I want him to return it? It's just a book, just give it to me." He is."

However, Professor Thorne just said that he has no time to read, but now he has borrowed the book for a while. It seems that he is really interested in this novel.

Sissoko is in a good mood at the moment. Although Professor Thorne's words overturned his understanding of black holes, it also proved that YU is powerful.

He is a veteran science fiction fan. Before YU became popular, he often paid attention to science fiction during the time when the science fiction market was relatively sluggish.

Later, when the YU Umbrella Association opened a branch in Los Angeles, he was one of the first members.

After chatting with Thorne at the moment, he is in a good mood, and he is going to visit the branch office to see what everyone thinks about the new book, and share Professor Thorne's views on "Deep Space" with other members by the way.


In the editorial department of The New Yorker, Eric took the manuscript he had just received to the editor's office.

The editor-in-chief, Hunter Ross, just made himself a cup of coffee. When he saw Eric looking for him with the manuscript, he asked, "Eric, what's the matter?"

"Dominique's manuscript, I want to show you."

"Is there anything special?" Hunter took the manuscript, "Is there something wrong with Dominique's manuscript this time?"

Dominique is a columnist and has cooperated with their magazines a lot, often publishing articles in the technology sector.

It’s also interesting to say that Dominique used to specialize in literary criticism, but his literary criticism articles have not been very popular. Later, he found another way and started to popularize scientific and technological knowledge, and instead got more readers.

Now Dominique has become a well-known popular science writer, and is planning to publish his collection of popular science recently.

Eric explained, "His article this time is related to "Deep Space"."

"Isn't that great? "Deep Space" is attracting a lot of attention now, and Dominique is willing to catch this hot spot. We should be happy."

"But the problem is, I don't know which section to post this article on. Although it's a novel review, it involves a lot of scientific and technological knowledge. Moreover, this article is not very friendly, and it has raised a lot of problems for "Deep Space". "

Hunter frowned and nodded, "Let me read his article first."

"Okay, the article is not long, I'll just wait here."

After a while, Hunter finished reading the article, shook his head with a smile, "This Dominique really considers himself a scientist after writing a few popular science articles."

In the article, Dominique questioned the description of black holes and wormholes in "Deep Space" can't even be said to be a question, but a criticism.

However, in Dominique's original words, it should be a revision. He thinks that YU's description of wormholes and black holes is too taken for granted, and most of them are fabricated. fixed.

Hunter actually didn't know if YU's description of the black hole was right or not. He laughed because he thought it was unreasonable for Dominique to be so realistic about a science fiction novel.

And what level Dominic is, Hunter knows better than anyone else. Although he is regarded as a professional science writer by readers, his scientific foundation is not solid.

The articles he wrote were first read some popular science books or related papers, and then wrote them in a relatively easy-to-understand language.

The reason why it is liked by readers is that it is more interesting and easy to understand.

This time Dominic dared to touch the subject matter of black holes and wormholes, and he was brave enough.

"How's it going, Hunter?" Eric asked.

Hunter nodded, "Go ahead, post it directly to the technology section. The literature review section is too related to YU these days, so leave some space."

"okay, I get it."

Eric turned to leave, but Hunter suddenly stopped him again, "Forget it, let's post it on the literature review section. For the technology section, we still have to try our best to verify the correctness of the knowledge involved, otherwise it will be easy to cause trouble." upper body."

"it is good."

Eric smiled. Of course he understood what Hunter meant. If it was posted on the literary review section, it wouldn't matter. Anyway, literary reviews are the same as movie reviews. It often happens that you scold me and I scold you.

Literary criticism is inherently subjective, at least most people think so.


"Hey Hey."

In Yu Dong's office, Jia Zhangke stood in front of Yu Dong, not speaking, just laughing.

This smile is silly and treacherous, treacherous and silly, very weird.

Yu Dong was a little flustered by the kid's laughter, and asked, "Are you kidding yourself?"

Jia Zhangke finally put away his smirk and put on another flattering smile, "Brother Dong, please do something."

It turned out that there was something to ask, Yu Dong smiled, "Tell me, what's the matter? Isn't "The Tuner" already filmed? The rest is editing, and I can't help you with this."

"And the soundtrack."

"Soundtrack?" Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "I can't help you anymore. You see, there is a place on my whole body that is related to music? Besides, your soundtrack should be ready, right? It's all over, Just remembered this?"

"There were some preparations before, but after the film was made, the effect was great. Whether it was Brother Yunlong and other actors who performed beyond my expectations, even my own performance exceeded expectations, so the soundtrack prepared before was poor. It's interesting. This person has to pursue something higher."

Jia Zhangke smiled and continued, "Also, don't be modest, Brother Dong. How can you have nothing to do with music? Teacher Cheng is a musician, and that is the embodiment of music. You are living with music."

"You originally came up with this idea, but it's useless for you to flatter me, and Teacher Cheng can't hear her. Besides, Teacher Cheng doesn't know anything about film soundtracks. How can she help you?"

Jia Zhangke hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, absolutely, Teacher Cheng is the best piano player in Jinyi, I want her to record a part of the soundtrack for me, and give me some art direction... The soundtracks I prepared before They are all too ordinary, maybe Teacher Cheng can give some better choices, Brother Dong, you know, I am not very good at music."

Not only music, but also painting.

When Jia Zhangke showed Yu Dong the storyboard draft before, he almost vomited blood in Yu Dong's anger.Yu Dong originally thought that Jia Zhangke would hang out with Gongmei and the director's students every day, so the painting should not be too exaggerated.

Didn't expect it to be so badly drawn.

Yu Dong even wondered whether Jia Zhangke had discussed it with Jiang Wen. The square man he drew was similar to Jiang Wen's stick figure.

"Mr. Cheng is good at playing the piano, who did you listen to?"

"Who else should I listen to? We Jinyi don't know that Teacher Cheng plays well, and I saw Teacher Liu Shikun when you got married last time. I heard that Teacher Cheng used to learn piano from Teacher Liu."

"You know a lot, even Liu Shikun?"

"I don't know it either, I just heard it from others."

Yu Dong nodded: "Okay, I'll go back and tell Teacher Cheng about this. As for whether it can be done, it depends on her."

"Then thank you, Brother Dong." Jia Zhangke was very happy when he heard that Yu Dong agreed to help him, and said, "Brother Dong, this help should not be for nothing. Although the film funds are not much, I also know that Teacher Cheng There is definitely no shortage of money, but I will definitely express my sincerity to the greatest extent."

"Who said you, Mr. Cheng, are not short of money?" Yu Dong said with a smile, "Your Mr. Cheng and I are in charge of our own finances. We buy vegetables for one meal."

Jia Zhangke curled his lips, "You don't usually open fire, don't you often run to Anren Street..."

"You kid—"

Yu Dong picked up a book from the table and made a gesture to throw Jia Zhangke. The guy had already shrunk his neck and ran to the door, and he didn't forget to turn around and shout, "Brother Dong, don't forget things, I'm waiting for your good news."

When Jia Zhangke disappeared, Yu Dong smiled and put down the book in his hand, "This kid."

He really didn't lie to Jia Zhangke, after he and Cheng Yanqiu got married, they really took care of their own finances.

It wasn't a special agreement, but no one said anything about it. Cheng Yanqiu neither said that he would take care of Yu Dong's money, nor did he say that he would not spend Yu Dong's money.

The main reason is that Cheng Yanqiu doesn't have many places to spend money. Apart from daily expenses, what she buys the most is clothes.

She has a lot of salary herself, so she doesn't need Yu Dong to spend money for her at all.

As for the soundtrack, Yu Dong thought it was pretty good.

He knows his wife's talent better than anyone else, and film soundtrack is also an opportunity to display her talent, so he is going to go back tonight and ask Cheng Yanqiu if he is willing to take this job.


When Cheng Yanqiu got home, he heard the sound of ping-pong-pong from the kitchen and smelled the aroma of vegetables.

Running over with doubts, he saw Yu Dong wearing an apron and cooking.

Seeing Cheng Yanqiu coming back, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Comrade Luoluo, wait a moment, because the big meal prepared by the chef will be served later."

Cheng Yanqiu chuckled, "This apron is mine, it's too strange for you to wear it."

Her apron was pink, covered with floral flowers, and it was relatively small in size, so it looked very funny when it was tied to Yu Dong.

"I didn't find my apron, so I'll make do with yours."

Cheng Yanqiu stepped to open the cabinet above, "I think it's a bit dirty, so I washed it for you and put it in the cabinet."

"I will know next time."

"Why did you remember to cook? Didn't you say go to your parents' place to eat?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I called my parents' place. It's not good to eat at their place all the time. The old couple usually eat simple food. When we go, we have to work again, which will delay their playing mahjong."

Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong with a smile, "No, I always feel that something is wrong. Before we didn't go home to eat, we went to the cafeteria. Today you took the initiative to cook without saying a word, and you made it so rich. "

"Is it rich?"

"It's not very rich. A radish stew, a shredded pork with celery, and half a chicken. The two of us can eat so much? You must have something to do. Bring it here quickly."

"Haha, I do have something to tell you, but cooking has nothing to do with what I want to say. I just see that you work so hard every day with so many classes, so I personally cook to reward you."

Cheng Yanqiu showed an expression that I knew, "Tell me, what is it?"

"Isn't it the movie that Xiao Jia made? I want you to get him a soundtrack. You've read the script. It's just some piano pieces. I want you to tell the director which pieces are better to use, and then record them for him."

"That's it?"

"I've told you about this. Cooking has nothing to do with what I'm going to talk about. But I think it's a good thing. I don't think you usually write some songs, maybe you can put them in and use them. .”

"My songs are all written by hand, there is nothing special."

"I think it's very good, full of emotions. Although it is not suitable for performing in a concert hall, it is very good to make soundtracks. In fact, I have always thought that you have a talent for making soundtracks. Although the songs you write are very simple, they can always express emotions very appropriately. , touch people's hearts." Yu Dong said sincerely.

Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes and smiled, "Okay, I agree with Xiao Jia's matter, if you keep boasting like this, I don't know which side is facing north."

Yu Dong pointed to the door of the kitchen, "That side faces north."


 Thank you [Book Friend 2021030110451494] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Performance at the end of the month, [-] tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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