Chapter 355: 1900: Monologue

"I haven't seen the movie, but according to the script, I think that the murder scene at the beginning and the end only needs to find a song with a dark color, or find a tune that is used a lot and change it... There is a part in the middle, the protagonist sees it When the hostess takes off her clothes, the music that pops up should be layered..."

After eating, the two chatted about the soundtrack again, and Cheng Yanqiu began to seriously analyze how to use the soundtrack in "The Tuner".

Cheng Yanqiu's interest in the soundtrack surpassed Yu Dong's imagination, and when the soundtrack was mentioned, the light in her eyes couldn't be concealed.

Yu Dong quietly listened to his daughter-in-law's plan for the soundtrack of "The Tuner", looked at the light in her eyes, and then showed a gentle smile.

Seeing Yu Dong staring at him, Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "Don't just listen to me, you are the screenwriter, please give me your opinion."

"I have no objection at all, I just think what you said is very good, as I think. But there is one thing, I don't know if it can be realized, that is, playing a soothing song a little darker."

"Yes." Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "The emotion of the piece is not only related to the notes, but also related to the technique used by the performer. Just like the song "Happy Birthday to You" you played before, although it is a very cheerful song The song, but after you play it, there is a dark feeling."


"Are you trying to get me a little nervous by playing a soothing tune?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Yes, although the protagonist was very nervous at that time, he actually wanted to make the atmosphere less tense, so he would not take the initiative to play a somewhat dark piece of music. He hoped to use soothing pieces to make the atmosphere less tense. Killer relax."

"In this case, the atmosphere of the movie will be a bit worse."

"No, the soundtrack is one thing, and the sound effects are another. Later, Jia Zhangke can add some sound effects to the film to enhance the tension. For example, the sound of footsteps getting closer, the harsh sound of doors closing, and so on."

"In this case, I understand." Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "Actually, when I saw the script before, I really had the music for the movie in my mind."

"Then Jia Zhangke really found the right person."

Yu Dong smiled, got up to clean up the dishes, and Cheng Yanqiu also picked up his apron to wash the dishes.

"I'll do the dishes." Yu Dong took the apron from Cheng Yanqiu's hand, "Comrade Luoluo's hands should be well protected, and I'll save them for playing the piano."

"Then you, a great writer, should also protect your hand and save it for writing."

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "The writer's hands don't need to be protected, just look at Yu Hua's hands."

"Actually, you don't need to pay too much attention to playing the piano. Few of my classmates have good-looking hands. Do you remember Bai Yan? Her fingers are a little deformed."

"That didn't pay attention."

Yu Dong took the bowl to the kitchen, and Cheng Yanqiu followed, watching him wash the dishes.

"Speaking of Bai Yan, she has gone to Rome now, and she doesn't come back once a year. I saw her last year... Oh, yes, when we chatted last time, she told me that she saw a literary script that was very good. , Said that she would bring the script to me when she came back."

Yu Dong laughed, "Bai Yan actually pays attention to literary scripts?"

"It's mainly because the script is related to the piano, and she thinks the story is pretty good."

"what story?"

"It seems to be about an orphan who was abandoned on a ship. He became a very good pianist by self-study, and he only got off the ship once in his life. She didn't say anything else in detail."

Yu Dong stopped washing the dishes for a moment, why did he feel that this story was so familiar?
It sounds similar to the movie "The Pianist at Sea", the only difference is that the hero in the movie never got off the boat.

"What's the name of this story?" Yu Dong pretended to ask casually.

"I can't remember the name of the story, but the hero's name is very special, [-]."


That's right, it's "Sea Pianist".

In this way, the movie should be an adaptation of this literary script.

The director of "The Pianist on the Sea" is the famous Giuseppe Tonatore, who is also the director of "Paradise Cinema" and "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily".

Among these three movies, Yu Dong's favorite is "Paradise Cinema". When he saw this movie for the first time that year, he was deeply shocked.

"Did Bai Yan say who wrote this literary script? Where did she read it?"

"No." Cheng Yanqiu shook his head, then smiled again, "Why, it seems that you are very interested in this story?"

"It's really interesting."

"If you're interested, I'll ask Bai Yan for you later."

Yu Dong nodded, "OK."

In fact, Yu Dong was interested in this literary script, so he didn't have to make it. He just thought it was a coincidence that he was able to hear the original "Sea Pianist" from Cheng Yanqiu's friend.

With such a layer of fate, it naturally made him a little curious, and he asked with this curiosity.

In addition, if you really want to shoot, the deep space side should not invest money.

The box office investment of this kind of movie is not low, but the box office is not good, and it depends on selling the movie to make money back.

From an artistic point of view, it is certainly very valuable, and the post-production influence is also very strong.But from a commercial point of view, it is not even as good as "Sniper Booth".

But there is one thing, Yu Dong likes the soundtrack in "Sea Pianist" very much.

If he can participate in the filming of the film, Yu Dong hopes to take Cheng Yanqiu to see it.

Since Cheng Yanqiu is very interested in the soundtrack, maybe she can also participate in it. Even if she can't make a movie soundtrack, she can still learn from the movie soundtrack artist.

And after participating in this time, I can also build a relationship with Giuseppe, and it will be easier if I want to cooperate in the future.


Within two days, Cheng Yanqiu asked Bai Yan for the name of the script, which was called "1900: Monologue", a literary script written last year by native Italian writer Alessandro Barico.

After knowing the script and the author's name, Yu Dong called Yu Yu and asked him to help contact the author to see if he could buy the film and television adaptation rights of the script from him.

Things were much simpler than Yu Dong imagined. Alessandro Barico was well-known in Italy, so he was easy to find.

When the people from Deep Space Company approached him and offered to buy the film and television adaptation rights of "1900: Monologue", he readily agreed, and he did not give any counter-offer to Deep Space Company's $[-] copyright fee.

In fact, after Alessandro Barico finished writing "1900: Monologue", he also tried to find several filmmakers to see if it could be made into a movie, but they were all rejected.

This time, Deep Space was able to find him, which surprised him. For him, the copyright fee is not the most important thing. The important thing is that the literary script he tried to write can be turned into a movie.

Of course, the copyright fee of [-] US dollars is not cheap, and the life of Italian writers is not good, so it is not enough to look down on [-] US dollars.

After Yu Dong got "1900: Monologue", he was not in a hurry, because "Sniping the Phone Booth" was not finished yet.

And even if "Sniper Booth" is finished, he is going to take a break for a while. Writing the movie script like this makes him a little tired, and he needs time to clear his mind.


Coincidentally, when Yu Dong finished writing "Sniping the Phone Booth", a new issue of "Harvest" also came out.

And his "The Crowd" was also published in this issue of "Harvest".

As soon as Cheng Liye returned to the office after class, the dean of the department, Shen Changhe, came to him with a copy of "Harvest".

"Old Cheng, have you read the new issue of "Harvest"?"

Cheng Liye looked up at Shen Changhe, "Not yet, it's already out? I have class in the morning, so I didn't pay attention. But you came here just to ask this? Is there anything special about this issue of "Harvest"?"

Shen Changhe laughed, "Old Cheng, don't you care too much about your son-in-law?"

Cheng Liye looked strange, "How do you say that? I care about my son-in-law very much."

Shen Changhe laughed even harder. He took the magazine and walked up to Cheng Liye, then opened it and pointed to the catalog and said, "Look, old Cheng."

Cheng Liye stretched out his head to look, and saw the word "Yu Dong" impressively written on the catalogue, followed by the title of the work: Crowd.

He raised his eyebrows, and said unexpectedly, "Does this kid have a new work published in "Harvest"? I'm... oh, I heard him say that he was writing a novel and he was going to submit it to "Harvest", but later I said No more attention."

The main reason is that they don't usually talk about literature.

When Cheng Yanqiu just brought Yu Dong home, Cheng Liye thought about having a writer's son-in-law, which was rather novel...Of course, he never tried to have any other son-in-law besides the writer's son-in-law.

Anyway, at that time, with some thoughts of comparison, I chatted with Yu Dong about a lot of literature-related things, and I also paid more attention to what Yu Dong usually wrote.

But after a long time, they can't just talk about it when they meet each other, and the conversation between them gradually returns to life.

Now when his daughter and son-in-law come to eat at home, he either asks about life, or drags them to play mahjong.

Seeing Cheng Liye's surprised expression, Shen Changhe said with a smile, "So I said that you, father-in-law, don't care enough about your son-in-law. You see, it's me instead. As soon as the new issue of "Harvest" came out, I wrote his new work finish watching."

"I heard from him that it seems to be written on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, but I haven't seen the manuscript either."

"That's right, it was written on the Shanghai Stock Exchange." Shen Changhe nodded, "The writing is not bad, and it is of great research value. I didn't come to you to chat with you. I'm planning to start a research project in the department. Yes, let’s study and study this book together.”

Cheng Liye said with a smile, "Then it looks really well written, do you want me to call Yu Dong over?"

"I want you to represent our department and invite Yu Dong over."

"I called him, do you still want to invite?"

Shen Changhe waved his hand, "Old Cheng, just do official business and don't mix personal feelings."

Cheng Liye rolled his eyes at Shen Changhe, "I have no personal feelings, can I invite him over?"

 Thank you [Bai 97 You] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Old Wang's Lion] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Menghunxiang] for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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