Chapter 356 What a pity
"Old Cheng, then I'll wait for your good news."

When Shen Changhe was about to leave the door, he turned his head and gave another warning, and only after Cheng Liye nodded his head did he continue walking forward.

But as soon as he walked out of the office, his expression became awkward.

"Old Cheng, good morning."

Shen Changhe never expected that he had just said goodbye to Lao Cheng, and saw Cheng Lao in the blink of an eye when he went out.His "Old Cheng" just now was very loud, and Mr. Cheng must have heard it.

Cheng Huichang did hear it, but he knew that Shen Changhe was not calling him, so he said with a smile, "Looking at Director Shen's expression, he seems to be in a good mood."

"I can't get rid of my moody and angry look. It made Cheng Lao laugh. This is not a novel published by Yu Dongxin. I think it is very valuable for research. I plan to hold a research meeting, so I let Cheng Liye Go and invite Yu Dong over here." Shen Changhe briefly explained the matter.

Cheng Huichang nodded with a smile, "This can be regarded as the first month of near water."

He looked at the "Harvest" magazine in Shen Changhe's hand again, and asked, "Is Yu Dong's new work published in "Harvest"?"

"Yes, I just got it this morning too, and just finished watching it now."

Cheng Huichang thought for a while and asked, "Director Shen, can you lend me this magazine?"

Although Shen Changhe was a little surprised, he immediately handed over the book, "Mr. Cheng can take it if he wants to read it, it's ordered by us."

Cheng Huichang took the magazine, "Thank you."

The two nodded to each other, then Cheng Huichang turned and walked slowly to the other side.

Seeing Cheng Huichang's faltering steps, Shen Changhe couldn't help sighing, Cheng Lao's health is getting worse now.

In the past two years, Mr. Cheng not only walked much more steadily than now, but also smiled when he met everyone.These days, he seems to be struggling even to smile.

"It's not easy."

Shen Changhe shook his head, turned around and walked towards his office.


On the other end, when Yu Dong came home after lunch, he received a call from Cheng Liye.

Hearing that the Chinese Department of Jinling University would invite him to participate in the "Crowd" seminar, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Dad, will it be a little awkward for me to go to this occasion?"

"What's so embarrassing about this, the author himself is present in many research conferences."

"I was afraid that they would be too embarrassed to criticize me if I was there."

"This is a research meeting, not a criticism meeting. It was meant to praise you. I haven't finished reading the book, but Director Shen is right, it is indeed of great research value."

"A bunch of people praise me, and I'm embarrassed."

"Okay, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'll come back to dinner with Luoluo in the evening, and we'll talk in detail when we get home. I won't talk about it now, the phone bill is quite expensive."

"That's okay..."

As soon as those two words were spoken, the old man hung up the phone.

Yu Dong put down the phone and was going to take a nap. Cheng Yanqiu was busy with the soundtrack of "The Tuner" during this time. The two of them ate together in the cafeteria just now. After eating, she went to the piano in the complex building. room, he came back alone.

After "Sniping the Phone Booth" was finished, Yu Dong planned to take a good vacation for himself.

Take at least two weeks off from writing.

This is his own goal.

He also made a schedule for himself. In addition to reasonable rest, he also added a lot of sports to the schedule.

Speaking of which, he is still a member of the varsity football team, and he is still the main member.

Jin Yi used to have few teachers, and it was not easy to put together a staff football team. It took Bi Feiyu a long time to get together to form a whole team. At that time, he almost failed to pull Uncle Zhou into the team.

So even if Yu Dong didn't have much time at first, Bi Feiyu would definitely drag him over.

Now that there are more and more teaching staff in the school, the team is getting bigger and bigger, and the dependence on Dong is getting smaller and smaller, so Bi Feiyu always came over to take a look, and when he saw that Yu Dong was not idle, he stopped pulling him.

But before taking a nap, Yu Dong called Jiang Jie and asked him to take the script of "Sniper Phone Booth". George Schumacher was still waiting for news in the United States.


Not long after Christmas, the streets of New York are still full of festive atmosphere.

On January [-]nd, the headquarters of the YU Umbrella Association held the first internal meeting after the festival.

At the meeting, President Hahns and Vice President Jeff summarized the operation of the association last year and made arrangements for the work of the next year.

Finally, Jeff knocked on the table and said, "Everyone, the New Yorker has published two articles on "Deep Space" in a row during this period, which has caused some people to criticize YU. What do you think about this matter? ?”

In fact, "The New Yorker" published several articles about Yu Dong during this period, but most of them were boasting about Yu Dong.

There are only two articles about the descriptions of black holes and wormholes in "Deep Space".

At first, the YU Association didn't take the article seriously.

Although YU has been liked by many people since he has come to this day, there are not a few who have opinions on him.

There has never been an author in this world that can please everyone, and Jeff and the others know this, so as long as it doesn't cause much repercussions, they won't care about it.

But these days, Jeff has noticed something is wrong.

Dominique, who was the first to write an article, seems to have a lot of readers. During this time, Jeff often heard a kind of argument, that is, although YU's novels are interesting, they are not rigorous enough and have more fabrications.

Such comments are not very vicious, but Jeff knows that this is only the first part. After a long time, the rhythm has been brought up, and there are more and more such voices, which must have a bad influence on YU.

If a well-known science fiction author writes something that's just interesting without any science, it's all over.

This matter attracted Jeff's attention, so he brought it up at today's meeting.

The members looked at each other, and one member said, "How about we write a few articles?"

Before Jeff responded, another member retorted, "Is it useful for us to write? I read the article on The New Yorker. Although there is no basis, these two authors were doing science popularization before. Compared with us, Readers are more willing to take their word for it.”

"Yeah, we write articles, and the New Yorker may not publish them."

"Not a possibility, but a certainty."

Jeff scratched his head. The members were right. They wrote articles, and the "New Yorker" probably wouldn't even take a look at them.

This incident was a wake-up call for Jeff.

Although their association's propaganda methods can sometimes have miraculous effects, they are still low-end and have less right to speak.

In this situation, they can only catch blind.

Of course, the reason why Jeff didn’t think about these things before was because Deep Space has been doing a good job, and Jimmy has a wide network of contacts in the cultural circle. Every time YU’s novel comes out, there are always some columnists who will come out to help build momentum.

But now it seems that they can't all rely on the deep space side, otherwise, the value of their association will not be reflected.

In the past, they were small in size and couldn't think about these things, but now that their wings are growing, it's time to diversify their publicity methods.

"As for posting articles, I'll go back and communicate with Deep Space. Besides posting articles, is there any other way?"

When Jeff asked, the discussion suddenly stopped, and the scene was a little quiet.

At this time, Hahns said, "Actually, as far as I know, the description of black holes and wormholes involved in "Deep Space" has attracted the attention of some scientists. And many scientists think that the description in the novel is no problem, even It was very professional and brilliant."

"I know this too. The key is that scientists like them don't publish articles."

"I mean, can we contact these scientists to help write a few articles?"

Jeff shook his head slightly, "I'm afraid it will be difficult. Those scientists are very busy. It is already very difficult for them to pay attention to "Deep Space". How can they help write articles to fight back."

Hahns also knew it was difficult, but he still thought he could give it a try.

"We have a member in the Los Angeles branch who is a student of Caltech. According to him, the professor of his school who specializes in black holes and wormholes has a high evaluation of "Deep Space". We can try this professor and we can succeed. Of course, if it doesn’t work, then there’s nothing you can do about it.”

Jeff nodded, "I'll arrange for someone to contact you."

"Don't arrange for someone else. I'll go directly this time. The other party has a different identity. We should show enough sincerity from the beginning."

Jeff thought for a while and said, "How about we go together?"

"No, the association still needs you to preside over the overall situation, I can go there by myself."

"Okay, then it's settled. The president will try it first. If it doesn't work, let's find another way and adjourn the meeting."

After the meeting, Jeff called Jimmy and told him about the New Yorker article.

After listening to Jeff's words, Jimmy smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have made arrangements here, and two more rebuttal articles will appear on the "New Yorker" in a few days."

Jimmy was always reassuring indeed.

Jeff shook his head with a smile and said, "I was thinking too much. I should have expected you to make moves."

"No, no, you should think so much. If your association can take care of these things, then we will be able to relax a lot in the future. So your idea is right, you can try to seize the high-end right to speak. This time You can take action and try to find a few popular science writers to help you write articles." Jimmy said.

"Actually, we have this plan. Hahns is planning to go to Caltech."

"Why go to Caltech?" Jimmy wondered.

Jeff explained, "Because there is a professor in their school who specializes in black holes and wormholes, and he spoke highly of "Deep Space", so Hahns decided to go there in person and ask the other party if he would like to help us."

"Anything else?"

Jimmy’s voice is full of surprises. Caltech is very famous for its research in astrophysics and gravitational physics. If the professors at their school recognize the theory in “Deep Space”, it will be more useful than writing ten thousand articles by popular science writers .

"There is a student at Caltech who is a member of our association, and he showed the novel to the professor."

"Then it's no problem." Jimmy laughed, "You tell Hans not to leave in a hurry, I'll go with him."

"Are you going too?" Jeff asked in surprise.

"Of course, it would be a pity not to seize such a good opportunity."

 Thank you [FFrances] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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