Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 357 A Brief History of Deep Space

Chapter 357 A Brief History of Deep Space

Jimmy and Hanes first contacted Sissoko, and then Sissoko went to Kip Thorne to ask if they could meet.

Although Kip Thorne was busy, he heard that the president of the YU Association and the boss of Deep Space Corporation came to him, so he agreed to their request for a visit.

With consent, Jimmy went to Kip Thorne's office with Hahns the next morning.

On seeing Kip Thorne, Jimmy warmly offered a bag of tea.

"Professor Thorne, this is the tea I brought from China."

Thorne waved his hands again and again, "I can't accept such an expensive gift."

He wasn't being polite, but he really felt that it was very inappropriate to accept a gift like this when we met for the first time.

Jimmy smiled and said, "This tea is actually not expensive, it's just that it's a little more troublesome to pick it. I went there in person and went up the mountain with the locals carrying a basket. Early in the morning, when the dew hadn't dispersed Pick the tea back, and then ask the person who is best at frying tea to help fry it."

"So, Professor Thorne, what you are accepting is not something expensive, but my heart. In China, it is normal to send tea to friends, and the most interesting thing is to make a cup of hot tea together Sit and chat."

Kip Thorne had never seen such a posture, so he took the tea leaves in a daze.

After Kip Thorne took the tea, Jimmy introduced himself with a smile, "Professor Thorne, hello, I am the general manager of Deep Space Corporation, Jimmy James, next to me is Hahn from the YU Umbrella Association." Chris Chris."

"Hello, please sit down."

After taking his seat, Kip Thorne said, "When Sissoko told me that you were coming, I guessed that you were here for "Deep Space", but I don't know, what can I do for you? "


Just as Hans was about to speak, Jimmy waved his hand and said first, "Professor Thorne, we are here this time because we actually hope to reach a cooperation with you."

"Cooperation?" Thorne looked puzzled.

Not only Thorne was puzzled, but Hahns next to him also looked confused. Didn't they say they would come over and ask Kip Thorne to write an article for them? How did it become a cooperation again?

Jimmy smiled and explained, "That's right, our Deep Space Company is not only a cultural company, but also a technology company. Our company not only represents a large number of science fiction novels, but also is more interested in cutting-edge technology, and has always adhered to Running the company with the idea of ​​disseminating scientific knowledge to the public."

"I know something about your company." Kip Thorne nodded.

"Then I'll try to keep it short, but we actually want to help Professor Thorne publish a book for you."

"Help me publish a book? I'm afraid my book is not suitable for you?"

Jimmy smiled, "I'm not talking about those professional books, but popular science books for a wide range of readers. "Deep Space" is a science fiction novel, which involves a lot of scientific knowledge, but in order to keep it interesting, YU did not include There are more detailed explanations in the novel, so many readers have some doubts about the knowledge involved in the novel."

"So we thought, ask you, a professional, to write a book and explain to readers the scientific knowledge involved in the novel. I think such a book is not available for a top scientist like you, Professor Thorne. It is difficult, but it can solve the doubts in the minds of millions of readers."

Hans listened to what Jimmy said, secretly speechless, Jimmy is really good at fooling around.

Thorpe Keane is not a fool, of course he also knows Jimmy's idea, but what Jimmy said is hard to refuse.

Seeing that Thorpe Keane was a little moved, Jimmy struck while the iron was hot, "In addition, I also hope that Professor Thorne can serve as a scientific consultant for our company and provide assistance to the science fiction authors under our company. I believe that with your help, The level and professionalism of science fiction writers will also be greatly improved."

Hans was completely shocked, he didn't expect Jimmy to have a chain trick.

The idea of ​​a consultant is really good, and the core point of this idea is not that Jimmy said it can help science fiction writers, but that Deep Space will provide Thorpe Keene with consulting fees and let him make money.

Scientists are also human beings, and human beings have desires, and money can solve most desires.

Although publishing books can also make money, it is not stable after all, but being a consultant is different, you can always get money.

Sure enough, when he heard this, Kip Thorne was completely moved. He nodded and said, "I think what you said really makes sense."

Jimmy smiled, knowing it was done.


When Hunter saw the manuscript of "A Brief History of Deep Space", he knew that Dominic was going to be in bad luck. A writer famous for his popular science articles was nothing in front of top scientists.

"But why would Kip Thorne write such a book?"

That's right, this is not an article, but a book. What he got in his hands was only a small part of Chapter 1 [The Ultimate Truth of the Universe].

In the follow-up, there are six chapters including the law governing the fate of the universe, bending space-time and tidal forces, black holes, the cage from which light cannot escape, the structure of the black hole Gargantua, and the gravitational slingshot.

Although Hunter hasn't got the follow-up chapters yet, he knows how hardcore the content is just by looking at the title.

He even saw the shadow of "A Brief History of Time" in it.

Although I don't know why Kip Thorne wrote such a book, they would be stupid if they didn't publish such an article.

As for Dominic, who cares if he lives or dies?

Hunter took the manuscript and went outside to find Eric, "Please take a look at this manuscript and try to arrange it for the next issue."

Eric took the manuscript from Hunter suspiciously, "What kind of manuscript is this?"

"The manuscript of Kip Thorne, the Feynman professor of theoretical physics at Caltech, was personally delivered by Jimmy, the general manager of Deep Space Corporation."

These two names immediately bluffed Eric.

"Is this manuscript so big?"

"Otherwise, why did I ask you to publish it as soon as possible? There will be more later, this will be a great book."

Eric raised his eyebrows, looked at the manuscript in his hand, and then asked in surprise: "A brief history of deep space? Is this book related to "Deep Space"?"

Hunter was very satisfied with Eric's reaction, he smiled, "That's why it was sent by Jimmy, the general manager of Deep Space."

Eric murmured, "So, Dominic..."

"He's going to be in trouble, no doubt about it."

Hunter smiled, turned and returned to his office.


After Joe Schumacher received Jimmy's call, he rushed to Deep Space Corporation without stopping.

Seeing him coming so quickly, Jimmy was a little surprised, "I thought you'd have to wait a while to arrive."

"I've waited long enough." Joe Schumacher smiled: "Where's my script?"

Jimmy took out the script and said with a smile, "Is it yours? I still have to wait for you to read it."

"I believe in YU's strength."

After Schumacher took the script, he didn't bother to find a place to sit, so he just stood and read it.

Seeing him like this, Jimmy smiled, dragged a chair from the side and put it behind him, and then made him another cup of coffee.

But Jimmy's kindness was wasted, because Joe Schumacher didn't touch the cup of coffee until he finished the script.

After he finished reading the script, he couldn't help shouting, "This is the script I want, and this is the story I want!"

As if he had expected his reaction a long time ago, Jimmy didn't react much, but got up and changed him to a cup of hot coffee.

"Very satisfied?" Jimmy asked with a smile.

"Of course I'm satisfied, isn't my reaction obvious?" Joe Schumacher squeezed the script tightly, "I heard YU tell a simple story before, and I was a little worried at the time, but I didn't expect it to be such a story. Although The structure is simple, but the plot is very compact and touching."

"Now you have also seen the script. YU said before that there is enough time, so there should be no problem, right?"

"There is no problem at all. If I prepare well, I am confident that I can finish shooting the movie within two weeks."

"Then YU suggested Matthew McConaughey to play the male lead before, shouldn't it be a problem?"

"No problem," Joe Schumacher affirmed.

If he had doubts before, it seems to him that there is no problem at all now.

Coincidentally, Matthew McConaughey also participated in "The Killing Time" filmed by Warner this time.

He played a defense lawyer in the movie, so Joe Schumacher knows Matthew McConaughey's acting skills.

Although Matthew McConaughey is young and has little acting experience, judging from the audition, his acting skills are very mature, and he has an aura that ordinary young actors do not have.

It is indeed more appropriate for him to play the male lead of "Sniper Phone Booth".

Thinking of this, Joe Schumacher repeated what he said before, "Jimmy, can you discuss with YU again, and ask him to come to the crew to see when the filming of the next film starts. I think, if he can come , It will definitely improve the movie a lot.”

Jimmy wondered, "I'm afraid it's a bit difficult. YU is very, very busy, and you know his prolific output. Besides writing, he also has to teach - his job is to be a teacher. From China to the United States, It’s not easy to come here.”

"I know all this, but can you try to discuss it with him?"

Jimmy pondered, "Okay, I'll go and talk to him. As for whether he can come, I don't know."

"Thank you very much." Joe Schumacher smiled and said, "Yes, there are more."

Jimmy raised his hand and interrupted him: "I know what you want to say, do you want to ask YU if you can write this script as a novel and publish it?"

After being guessed, Joe Schumacher didn't feel embarrassed, and asked with a smile: "Is it okay?"

"Can I say it doesn't matter, I still have to ask him."

"Okay, then I'll wait for your news."

Jimmy nodded, "Since you are willing to accept this script, let's talk about how to shoot the movie now. Let me tell you directly, what I mean is, hand over the script to Warner, and we will cooperate with the three parties to produce it."

"I have absolutely no problem with that," Joe Schumacher said.

He really has no problem, because he is now cooperating closely with Warner, and one more movie and one less movie have no impact.

Moreover, "Sniper Phone Booth" is not a big production, and for Warner, it is just an addition.

The reason why Jimmy wants to cooperate with Warner is also because they will cooperate on the book "Harry Potter" in the future. Now this "Sniper Phone Booth" is equivalent to an appetizer.

This movie is basically sure to be able to make money, because the required cost is relatively low and the story is very strong.

And the script was written by YU.

Now in Hollywood, the two letters YU are worth at least 5000 million US dollars at the box office.

In addition, as Yu Dong said on the phone before, this movie can indeed be advertised by mobile phone manufacturers.

If the advertisement is negotiated well, the cost they have to pay will have to drop a lot.

It is impossible for Warner not to do such a business that is sure to make money without losing money.To put it bluntly, Jimmy's cooperation with Warner this time is tantamount to giving them money.

However, the money that should be given still needs to be given away. Warner will play an important role in the layout of Deep Space in Hollywood.

 This is the last chapter for today

(End of this chapter)

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