Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 358 The sudden increase in sales

Chapter 358 Sudden Increase in Sales (Part [-])
On January [-]th, Xiao Han and sunny.

Yu Dong walked on the campus of Jinling University, feeling the warm sunlight. Although it was a little cold today, it wasn't too cold.

He came here today to participate in the "The Crowd" novel research meeting, and he deliberately arrived at the school half an hour earlier in order to visit his father-in-law's office first.

My father-in-law often talked about Yu Dong, saying that he didn't usually come to Jinling University to visit, but this time he happened to be here, so he would naturally go to his father-in-law's office.

It's just that he had just entered the school gate, and he was recognized before he had gone far.

Three or four boys came towards him, and one of them looked at Yu Dong in disbelief.

"Teacher Yu Dong?"

Yu Dong was taken aback, what, can this be recognized?He usually lives reclusively and doesn't show up much. Today, he even wore a scarf to cover his chin. He never expected to be recognized by others.

But since he was recognized, he greeted the other party generously.

"Hello, classmate."

"It's really Teacher Yu Dong!"

Several boys suddenly became excited.

Lin Yong just saw a person from a distance, and he felt a little familiar, and the closer he got, the more he felt like Yu Dong.

He had never met Yu Dong in person, but before that Yu Dong's speech at Hongxing Elementary School was made a special feature on Dragon TV, and he had seen Yu Dong on TV.

Although the reality is a little different from the TV, Lin Yong still tried to shout, but he didn't expect it to be Yu Dong himself.

Several boys surrounded him at once.

"Teacher Yu Dong, why did you come to our school?"

"Mr. Yu Dong, I just finished reading your novel "The Crowd". It's very good."

"Yes, yes, we are all fans of your books in our dormitory."


A few boys said something to each other, which quickly attracted the attention of the people around them.

The students coming and going saw the movement here, and many people stopped to observe.

After hearing that this person was actually Yu Dong, they also came over one after another.

Although the students were very excited, they were very restrained and kept a certain distance from Yu Dong after they surrounded them.

Seeing more and more people, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Thank you very much for your enthusiasm. I came to Jinda University to participate in a research meeting today, but I didn't expect to be recognized by you."

"Teacher Yu come to Jinda to play more often. We have many fans of your books in our school."

"That's right, our school's Cucumber Garden Poetry Reading Club is doing well."


"Yu Da, can you sign your name for me?"

The students were chattering, suddenly a hand holding "Xiang Xi" stretched out from the crowd.

Everyone was surprised, there is such an operation?They all looked at the owner of the hand.

Who would carry a copy of "Xiang Xi" with them?
Being looked at by everyone, Cheng Yu felt a little embarrassed, and she didn't expect to run into Yu Dong just after buying books in the bookstore.

No wonder her left eyelid has been twitching since the morning, so good things are waiting here.

After everyone finished watching Cheng Yu, they turned to look at Yu Dong, wondering if Yu Dong would sign for this female classmate.

Without thinking too much, Yu Dong took the "Xiang Xi" very naturally, then took out a pen from his pocket, signed his name on the title page, and wrote under the name: Xiaohan, Yu Jinling University.

"Thank you, Teacher Yu, thank you, Teacher Yu."

Cheng Yu took the book, as if holding a treasure, thanking him non-stop.

The eyes of the other students lit up, and someone handed over the "Harvest" in their hands.

"Yu Da, can you sign for me on this issue of "Harvest"?"

"Of course." Yu Dong accepted the book with a smile.

Yu Dong took the bookmark, and then returned it to the other party.

After signing, Yu Dong thought it was over, but he didn't expect the boy who recognized him first to run over panting.

"Teacher Yu, Teacher Yu, me, me, me."

He was holding a brand new "Second World" in his hand, and combined with his panting appearance, everyone could probably guess that the book in his hand was just bought at an outside bookstore.

It is relatively close to the school gate, only 70 meters away. There is a bookstore opposite the school. If you run fast, you can buy a book in 1 minute.

Yu Dong didn't expect the students to be so crazy, but he didn't hesitate to sign his autograph. He took a trip so he signed it.

It's just that this is just the beginning. Just as Yu Dong finished signing Lin Yong, two panting boys came here, each with a copy of "Second World".

Followed by three, four, five... Gradually, the students around basically had a copy of Yu Dong's novel.


Zhai Shuo, the owner of the bookstore, felt that he had seen a ghost.

Seeing that there was no one in the store at the moment, he ran outside to light a cigarette, and just after taking a puff, a boy rushed over at a speed of [-] meters, then picked up a copy of "Second World" from the shelf, Drop the money and run.

Zhai Shuo didn't care about smoking anymore, so he hurriedly picked up the money and counted it, no more, no less, just right.

But he was also puzzled, didn't he just buy a book, why is this guy in such a hurry?As if someone chased him from behind.

Before he could figure out what was going on, another person sprinted over [-] meters.

He also picked up a copy of "Second World" and took out two ten-yuan ones.

"Boss, change the money quickly."

Although he didn't know why they were in such a hurry, he was also infected by the other party's emotions, and quickly speeded up the change of money.

Di Shuo's movements were already very fast, but the boy kept urging: "Boss, hurry up."

"It's almost there, it's almost there."

In the end, the boy couldn't wait any longer, pointed to his face and said to him, "Boss, remember my face, I'll come back later."

After speaking, the boy ran to the school at the speed of a [-]-meter sprint.

This is not over yet, there are more and more people behind.

Some people bought "Second World", some people bought "Xiang Xi", and some people bought "Resident Evil", but without exception, they all bought Yu Dong's books.

Later, they bought out all of Yu Dong's books in the bookstore.

After all, it is a small bookstore, and it is impossible to store too many of the same book.

After Yu Dong's book was sold out, someone wanted to buy a new issue of "Harvest".

This issue of "Harvest" has bought a lot, but it has sold out a lot before, so it will be sold out soon.

Later, when someone came to buy it again, Zhai Shuo could only spread his hands and said that it was gone, and they could go further and look at other bookstores.

At the same time, he finally caught a student and asked, "Student, why are you all so anxious to buy Yu Dong's book?"

"Teacher Yu Dong has come to our school, and he will sign for everyone in front." The student hurriedly said, and then ran away.

Zhai Shuo patted his head and scolded: "nnd, if I knew it, I wouldn't have sold out the book, no, I have to buy a copy."

Then he ran towards another bookstore like other students.

The owner of another bookstore was glad that there were more customers, but wondered why so many people suddenly came to buy Yu Dong's books, and suddenly saw Zhai Shuo who came to buy books.

The two bookstores are not far away, and they usually communicate with each other, so when he saw Zhai Shuo, the boss looked surprised. He would never have thought that one day Zhai Shuo would come to his bookstore to buy books.


Yu Dong's side obviously couldn't cope with the increasing number of students.

While signing autographs for the students, he looked at his watch to prevent himself from being late.

After writing for a while, suddenly the pen ran out of water.

He breathed a sigh of relief, raised his pen and said with a smile, "I'm sorry everyone, I didn't refill the ink when I went out today..."

"Teacher Yu, I have a pen." A student shouted.

Yu Dong laughed, "It's not just that the pen is out of water, the time for the seminar is almost up, if you don't leave, you will be late."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, although the students were a little disappointed, they also knew that Yu Dong had business to do, so they scattered to the side to make room for Yu Dong.

"Thank you, then I'll take a step first, and see you later."

"Teacher Yu, walk slowly."

The students were polite and did not follow.

Just as Yu Dong left here, Zhai Shuo ran over with a few students holding a book.

"Where's Yu Dong, where's Yu Dong?"

"Teacher Yu is gone." The students laughed and dispersed.

Zhai Shuo patted his head, "Hey, I bought the book for nothing."

He looked at the book in his hand and muttered to himself, wondering if he would be beaten to death by Lao Liu if he ran back to return the book now.


Yu Dong hurriedly stepped on the clock and arrived at the place. Cheng Liye said angrily, "You really know how to pinch the clock. You said it would start at three o'clock, but you didn't arrive at the place until 59:[-]."


Just as Yu Dong was about to explain, Cheng Liye waved his hand, "Stop talking, let's go to the meeting room together."

Then Cheng Liye took Yu Dong to the conference room. At this time, the conference room was already full of people. Yu Dong glanced around and estimated that there were about twenty people.

As soon as he saw Yu Dong, Shen Changhe walked over with a smile, "Yu Dong, long time no see, welcome."

In addition, several people greeted him.

There are many people here that Yu Dong has met. Before he married Cheng Yanqiu, these people went to have a wedding.

Although there were many people, Shen Changhe introduced Yu Dong one by one.

Most of them are teachers from the Faculty of Liberal Arts and several editors from Jinling University Press. In the end, Shen Changhe took Yu Dong to an old man and introduced him grandly, "Yu Dong, this is Cheng Li from our Faculty of Liberal Arts." Professor Huichang."

Upon hearing the word Cheng Huichang, Yu Dong showed a surprised expression, and hurriedly said hello, "Professor Cheng, I have long admired you, I have long admired you."

Cheng Huichang is a well-known master of Chinese studies and has made great achievements in the study of ancient literature.People from the Chinese Department like Yu Dong, even if they don't know Cheng Huichang, most of them have read his works.

It's just that Yu Dong was a little surprised to see Cheng Huichang on an occasion like today. This man has been devoting himself to the study of ancient literature. How can he have time to attend a seminar on modern novels?

Cheng Huichang looked at Yu Dong and said with a smile, "I don't have me in today's seminar, but I have read "The Crowd" and am very interested in this novel, so I came to join in the fun."

 Thank you [Ghost Valley Holy Word] for the 100 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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