Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 359 The tone is a little high

Chapter 359 The tone is a bit high (second more)
After everyone was seated, Shen Changhe welcomed Yu Dong first, and then mentioned Cheng Huichang, thanking the old man for still paying attention to the development of the school after retirement.

In fact, Cheng Huichang officially retired in 89, but after retirement, he still served as the instructor of the students in school.

Facing the thanks, Cheng Huichang waved his hand indifferently, "No need to be like this. I'm eighty-two this year and I don't have many days to come. It's my luck to be able to spend my spare time in school. Since everyone is here for Yu Dong's "The Crowd" Come here, don’t waste time, let’s start directly.”

Shen Changhe nodded, and said, "Since I proposed to hold this seminar, let me first talk about my opinion on the writing method in this novel. In fact, there are not many twists and turns in the story in "The Crowd". Although overall consciousness fluctuates strongly and the plot jumps a lot, judging from each paragraph, the narrative is streamlined."

"In a small area, the story always proceeds loosely over time. But this way of writing reminds me of "The Scholars". It seems messy, but it has specific connotations, the shape is scattered but the spirit is not scattered."

When Shen Changhe said this, Li Qin, editor-in-chief of Jinling University Press, nodded in agreement.

"Zhou Zuoren's saying is quite right. It seems that a stream of water always goes eastward towards the sea. Wherever it flows, any bends in the harbor must be poured and lingered. There are rocks and aquatic plants. It needs to be brushed and stroked for a while before moving forward, which is not the main idea of ​​its itinerary, but apart from these, there is nothing else."

"This kind of writing that looks like an assembly line has formed a unique and unique tone, and it also makes an original picture come alive on the paper. This kind of creative technique makes "The Crowd" activate the body temperature and pulse, bringing the city to life. Restored from the dry and cold symbols, it shows the inner vitality and spirit."

Li Qin is young, not yet 40 years old, he has always had a high opinion of Dong, and has publicly expressed his appreciation for Yu Dong's works more than once.

After "The Crowd" came out this time, he read it right away, and even wrote a review article for it, but it hasn't been published yet.

And what he said just now is also written in the article.

Cheng Liye probably felt that it was not good to have such a high-pitched tone at the beginning, so he said, "The novel "The Crowd" does have remarkable writing techniques, but in some places, it is because of the pursuit of the fluidity of consciousness. , but neglected the continuity of the story, and did not do a good job in reality criticism.”

Shen Changhe smiled. He understood Cheng Liye's intentions, but he was afraid that he would be too flattering, which would be bad for Dong.

He said, "You are just being picky. How can a work cover everything. Since it is a research society, we should pay more attention to what this novel has achieved, rather than what it has not achieved. Old Cheng, his own Children, you can't just give me a hammer for no reason."

After Shen Changhe finished speaking, bursts of laughter resounded in the conference room.

Everyone here knows the relationship between Cheng Liye and Yu Dong, so naturally they also know the intention of Cheng Liye's words.

"I think the language used in this novel deserves our attention more."

Cheng Huichang spoke suddenly, and as soon as he spoke, the conference room fell silent. Everyone wanted to hear what this old gentleman who studied ancient literature had on "The Crowd".

"In my opinion, "The Crowd" is also a language experiment. There are some slang words and colloquial expressions in the novel, which fully express the atmosphere of the times and places. In addition, a kind of literary language is used in the description of characters and environment. The intertwined style and style give people a classical and intuitive feeling."

After the old gentleman finished speaking, everyone present could not help but nod their heads. Indeed, as he said, the use of language in the novel is very distinctive.

And the key point is that no matter whether slang or classical Chinese is used, it can be understood by everyone, and it is very smooth and does not feel abrupt, which is very rare.

Cheng Huichang continued, "Our Chinese culture has a core, and the core lies in the place. But blindly expressing the place is against the times, so I say "The Crowd" is a language experiment, it is at least in the Try to find a more acceptable style of dialect writing."

"In addition, another advantage of writing in dialect is that it can express the characteristics of local characters without repeating them. For example, in "The Crowd", as long as we see someone using you or you, we will naturally know that this person is not from Shanghai. . Of course, this can also be seen in many novels."

"Mr. Cheng is right." Shen Changhe continued, "Moreover, if only the local vocabulary is retained, it will not show the cleverness of the language strategy of "The Crowd". The core feature of its difference and beyond the previous dialect novels is Let the Shanghai language realize the compatibility of sound and meaning when oral language is transformed into written language."

Li Qin continued, "Yes, "The Crowd" not only combines the ancient and the modern in the use of language, but also combines the classical and the avant-garde in the content..."

Yu Dong on the side didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. In fact, he didn't think so much when he wrote this novel... It can't be said that he also thought a lot when he wrote the novel, but he wouldn't be like Shen Changhe and the others. Think of these more academic things.

For example, Shen Changhe said that "The Crowd" made Shanghai dialect realize the compatibility of sound and meaning when oral language is transformed into written language. Yu Dong also thought about it, but what he wanted was to preserve the characteristics of Shanghai dialect, and then let people from non-Wu-speaking areas also be able to understand.

And he couldn't do it by himself, and he had to rely on Cheng Yanqiu's help most of the time.

However, Yu Dong understood and was familiar with this kind of academic seminar, because he had participated in it many times before, but it was the first time that it was as important as today.

They didn't seem to be planning to let Yu Dong speak, they just chatted with him occasionally, more because they didn't want him to sit too boring.

After Yu Dong listened for a while, he finally understood why Cheng Huichang had come to participate in this seminar.

The old man has been talking about things related to classics from the beginning to the end. From the classical style language intertwined with white and white to the writing techniques of the storyteller, all the words are classical.

Later, a scene was formed, Cheng Huichang said a few classical words, and everyone followed to analyze a paragraph, and then Li Qin said a few innovative words, and everyone followed to analyze a paragraph.

The topic of the entire research meeting is repeatedly jumping between classical and avant-garde.

Interestingly, no one felt that there was a problem.

Maybe they were all enjoying what they were discussing and didn't pay attention to it. On the contrary, Yu Dong, a bystander, saw it most clearly.

Later, Yu Dong thought of that poem by Bian Zhilin, "You look at the scenery on the bridge, and the people watching the scenery look at you upstairs."

They were studying Yu Dong's novels, while Yu Dong was studying them.

The seminar, which was originally scheduled for two hours, lasted for more than three hours. During the meeting, everyone talked, drank tea, and smoked cigarettes.

There are more than 20 people, most of whom are smoking guns. Cheng Huichang is in his 80s and still does not put down the cigarettes.

Yu Dong didn't drink a few sips of tea, but went to the toilet many times, mainly to get out and breathe fresh air.

When the seminar was over, Shen Changhe said to Li Qin, "Editor Li, I will trouble you to summarize what we discussed today."

Li Qin smiled and waved, "Don't worry, Director Shen, leave it to me."

Of course, the research meeting cannot be opened for nothing. After opening, some paper materials are definitely needed for easy reference in the future.

What Shen Changhe meant was to ask Li Qin to write an article summarizing and condensing the things discussed at today's meeting, and then publish it in some newspapers and periodicals.

"Old Cheng, let's have dinner together tonight?" Shen Changhe asked Cheng Huichang's opinion while packing up the materials.

Cheng Huichang twisted his neck, smiled and shook his head, "I'm getting older, and I feel a little tired after sitting for a few hours. I won't participate in the meal, you go."

Shen Changhe nodded, he also knew Cheng Huichang's physical condition, it was not easy to sit here for three or four hours today.

"Then I'll take you back."

"No need." Cheng Huichang waved his hand, "Not so old yet."

Then Cheng Huichang looked at Yu Dong again, and said with a smile: "Yu Dong, come to Jinling University if you have time. Although you are teaching at Jinling Arts, you are teaching drama creation, which is a waste of your talent. Jinling University The Department of Chinese is not bad, so I have more time to communicate with each other. Besides, your father-in-law is the deputy director of the department, which is also the fate of each other."

Yu Dong hurriedly said, "Definitely, definitely."

Cheng Huichang nodded, and continued, "If you come again next time, remember to tell me. I also know that you have written a poem and a word, which are very good. We can communicate next time when we have time."

"Mr. Cheng is overrated. I just scribbled at random. It's really ridiculous. But since Mr. Cheng favors me, I will definitely bother you when I come back in the future."

"That's all right, I'm leaving."

Immediately, the old gentleman waved his hands to everyone and walked out slowly.

Everyone just stood there looking at the old man's back without moving, and waited until the old man was probably gone, before Shen Changhe waved: "Let's go eat."

On the way to dinner, Yu Dong was recognized by the students again, and he was also a classmate whom he met in the afternoon.

But these students are also very smart. They first shouted "Hello, principal, teachers", and then looked at Yu Dong: "Mr. Yu Dong's meeting is over?"

After the students left, Shen Changhe asked curiously, "How do they know you're here for the meeting?"

Yu Dong explained with a smile, "On the way here in the afternoon, I was recognized by the students and signed their names, so I wasted a little time."

Shen Changhe smiled and said: "So there is still such a problem. I said how did you step on it? Old Cheng clearly said that you would come early, and I was still waiting in his office for a while."

 Thank you [perforated45] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Book Friend 20170106112925349] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thank you [Dream For You] boss for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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