Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 360 There is a director in Italy looking for us

Chapter 360 There is a director in Italy looking for us
After hearing what his son-in-law said, Cheng Liye realized that he had misunderstood, "Let me just say, since you said you would arrive early, you shouldn't break your promise."

"But I still broke my promise." Yu Dong laughed.

"This situation is understandable." Shen Changhe said.

Li Qin laughed beside him and said, "Yu Dong, in fact, Mr. Cheng was right. There are so many students in our school who like you. You should really come here to give a class."

Upon hearing Li Qin's words, the others echoed.

"That's right, Yu Dong, you should come to give a class, and you don't care about the number of class hours, just how many classes you can take in a semester."

"If you come to start the class, it will definitely be full."

Yu Dong declined with a smile, "Thank you for your kindness, there are really too many things to do, and I'm afraid I don't have time to spare."

"Are you considering a teaching position at Jinyi? In fact, there is no need to worry too much. It is not uncommon to teach in different schools." Shen Changhe said.

Li Qin also said, "Can you come to the open class at night?"

Seeing this, Cheng Liye said, "You people, you really want to come up with something. I think it's too much for Yu Dong to teach in Jinyi now. Especially Li Qin, what kind of idea did you come up with?" , and let him come to class at night."

Shen Changhe reacted quickly, and laughed, "Old Cheng is right. We really shouldn't be so busy. We still want to see more excellent works. Besides, at night, we should go back to spend time with our family. On this point, Yu Dong, you should learn from your father-in-law. If there is nothing important, he will usually go home for dinner."

The others also realized that Director Cheng felt sorry for his daughter.

Li Qin said with a smile: "It's a slip of the tongue, it's a slip of the tongue."

Everyone chatted and laughed and walked towards the restaurant. Yu Dong, the protagonist, was surrounded by the crowd, but he didn't say much.

They persuaded him to come to Jinling University to give courses. He was a little bit tempted, but it was true that he was busy, so he suppressed this bit of excitement.

In fact, when Shen Changhe and the others suggested that he come to teach, he immediately thought of Bi Feiyu.

In his previous life, Lao Bi came to Jinling University later, and it was not as simple as being a lecturer for ordinary courses, but was directly transferred to the school with personnel relations, and was specially hired as a professor.

But now that Bi Feiyu has taken root in Jinling University, there is a high probability that he will not come to Jinling University in the future.

If he hadn't come back, Wu Changxin probably wouldn't have brought Bi Feiyu to Jinyi, so in a sense, he was the one who dug up the walls of Jinling University.

In the past two years, Lao Bi has been preparing materials to be evaluated as an associate professor. He will definitely be selected, and then he should be able to be evaluated as a professor before the age of 40.

After the old Bi commented on the associate professor, it was Yu Dong's turn.

The two of them are both management and teaching, so the conditions are relatively loose, and the materials are easy to prepare. Basically, the later school has plans and places for them.


In the evening, Yu Dong drank some wine, but he didn't drink much, only two or three.

In the past, he wouldn't dare to say that he didn't drink too much after drinking a few ounces of wine. The main reason is that although he quit smoking in the past two years, his drinking capacity has increased.

Now, he has no problem drinking half a catty.

But his father-in-law made a pound at night, mainly because Shen Changhe can also drink, and the two of them are rivals in chess.

During the dinner, I heard from other people that Yu Dong knew that the Department of Literature is famous for its ability to drink alcohol. It was rumored that the two department chairs together could drink more than three catties.

After the banquet was over, Yu Dong sent Cheng Liye home. Cheng Liye was cursing and talking about Yu Dong along the way.

"My drinking capacity, do you want to give me some wine after drinking this?"

"Don't get home in a while, I have to send you back."

"If it's not too late tonight, I still have to have two drinks with Lao Shen."

In fact, after hearing this, Yu Dong knew that his father-in-law was also a little drunk.

My father-in-law is a good drinker, but he likes to be falsely modest when he hasn't drunk. When people pour wine for him, he can't drink it, can't drink it.

After drinking to this state, you will not be falsely modest and start bragging.

When Yu Dong got home, Cheng Yanqiu was still awake, lying in front of the computer and reading something.

"Have you been drinking?"

"Drink some."

"I'll serve you a bowl of noodles to cushion your stomach."

"No, I'm quite full tonight." Yu Dong smiled, and approached again, "What are you looking at, with relish."

"I'm watching Secretary Hu bragging with netizens." Cheng Yanqiu pointed to the screen with a smile, "Didn't the novel he posted on the forum before be published in "Science Fiction World", and the netizens on the forum saw it."

"That's what happened."

Yu Dong smiled, bent down and pushed Cheng Yanqiu aside with his buttocks, and sat on the chair with half of his buttocks.

Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes, "Why don't you drag another chair over here."

"Drag another chair and heat it up again. It's a cold day."

Cheng Yanqiu had nothing to do with him, he could only sit in half of the chair with him, but it was awkward how to sit.

Seeing that she was awkward, Yu Dong directly hugged her on his lap and held her in his arms, "Isn't that all right?"

Then he looked at the content on the forum, and said with a smile: "This old Hu, he's frightened."

"Not only him, but also Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua, they have been very active recently."

"The weather is getting colder, and they have less outdoor activities, and it is normal to be more active on the Internet."

As he spoke, Yu Dong manipulated the mouse and found a post posted by Bi Feiyu.

Bi Feiyu's nickname is Bi Donghua. It seems that he likes this name quite a bit, but he's too brave, isn't he afraid of revealing his identity?

This post did not post any novels, but just wrote about my understanding of literature and writing, which is very professional.

Looking at the comments below, as expected, in addition to a lot of praise, there are still many people guessing Bi Donghua's identity.

Su Mo: 【This can't be Teacher Yu Dong, right? 】

Wangyunshanren: [It may also be the two teachers, Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua. 】

Affection is also loneliness: [It is absolutely impossible to be Teacher Yu Hua, Teacher Yu Hua is not in this style at all. 】

Wandering today: [Yes, there are many knowledge points in this article that only the Chinese department will be involved in, and Teacher Yu Hua should not be able to write them. 】

Old Zhu is a skinny guy: 【Mr. Yu Hua, if he sees your comment, he will definitely jump out of the screen and hit you. 】

Huang Tian is in the sky: [You are just guessing, can't you be some of their book friends?Of course, the level of this book friend is very high. 】

Shi Hua: [How could Yu Hua hit someone?Yu Hua is very gentle. 】


Seeing "Stone Flower"'s comment, Yu Dong burst out laughing.

This stone flower is none other than Yu Hua himself.

The reason for using this nickname, according to Yu Hua, is that he used the pseudonym "Huashi" in his early years. Later, when he sat in front of the computer thinking about his screen name, he saw his own shadow faintly on the computer screen, like a mirror.

The world inside and outside the mirror is the opposite, so he changed the two characters of his previous pen name "Hua Shi" to get "Stone Flower".

But it's also risky.

Although the pseudonym "Hua Shi" is not well-known, there will always be people who know it, and the identity may be guessed by others.

Thinking of the screen name, Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu's screen name again, and then he was stunned, Cheng Yanqiu directly used his own name.

"You use your own name on the Internet."

Cheng Yanqiu wrinkled his nose and said, "I saw that it reminded me to write my name, so I wrote my name on it."

"Yes, very spiritual. I guess others will think that you are a fan of Master Cheng's drama. But these screen names can be changed, do you want to change them?"

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head, "Forget it, let's not change it."

"That's fine, this screen name is also very good." Yu Dong rubbed his hands, "I'll chat with them."

After that, he put his hands on the keyboard.

Cheng Yanqiu quickly pressed his hand, "Don't use my account."

"Okay, then I'll change my own number."

After a short operation, Yu Dong changed his account.

After changing the account, Yu Dong posted a comment under the post.

[Actually, I think it is most likely Teacher Bi Feiyu. If you read his article, Yu Dong and Yu Hua are mentioned, but Bi Feiyu is not mentioned. I guess it is because I am embarrassed to comment on myself. 】

As soon as the first comment was posted, Yu Dong was about to post the second when Cheng Yanqiu patted his shoulder heavily.

"What are you?"


Cheng Yanqiu pointed at the screen and said angrily, "Look at your screen name."

Yu Dong looked at his screen name, and then smiled, so it was because of this.

His screen name is very straightforward, which is "Luoluo's husband".

"Isn't that good, Mr. Luoluo, do you want to change it to be Yu Dong's lady?"

Cheng Yanqiu rolled his eyes, and broke free from Yu Dong's arms, "I won't quarrel with you, I have to go back to the garden tomorrow morning, I'm going to sleep, don't make it too late."

"Wait for me, I'm here too."

Yu Dong quickly turned off the computer and rushed to pick up his wife.

"You haven't showered yet."

"Wash after sweating."


After "The Crowd" came out, it received a lot of attention, especially from academia.

Because this novel is indeed very special.

The language is special, the narrative method is special, and everywhere is special.

When ordinary readers read this book, they probably find it interesting. The narrative methods in it are erratic, but lively and interesting.

But academia saw something more.

Therefore, not only Jinling University held a research meeting, but also many schools, publishing houses, and magazines also held research meetings to see what Yu Dong did in this novel.

During this period of time, Yu Dong received a lot of calls, all of which invited him to attend the seminar, but Yu Dong declined all of them.

Jin Da made a trip there because of his father-in-law's face and being close.

Others, such as "Contemporary" and "People's Literature", are too far apart.

Moreover, Yu Dong must not go to Yanjing in the near future. Once he goes there, he may be caught by them. Once caught, it will not be a matter of one or two families.

He has to take a break recently, and he doesn't even write books and scripts, so he doesn't have time to rush between various research conferences.

After resting for two weeks, when Yu Dongzheng decided to extend his vacation, Jiang Jie suddenly ran over to him again.

"Teacher Yu, a director from Italy contacted us and wanted to inquire about the situation of "1900: Monologue."

 Thank you [Dream For You] boss for the 500 reward
  Thank you [Very Ai] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [big man] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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