Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 361 The chance to become famous is here

Chapter 361 The chance to become famous is here

As soon as Yu Dong heard that an Italian director asked "1900: Monologue", Giuseppe Tornatore immediately appeared in his mind.

Could it be such a coincidence that Giuseppe went to Alessandro just after he took down the copyright of "1900: Monologue"?

Cut off at the buzzer?

"Which director?" Yu Dong asked.

"It's a young director named Matteo Garrone."

Yu Dong frowned. He seemed to have a little impression of the name, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it.

He asked again: "Has this director had any works?"

"There is a short film "Silhouette", and there is nothing else. I am only 27 years old this year." Jiang Jie replied.

Hearing this, Yu Dong smiled, the young director is really brave enough, even dare to touch "1900: Monologue".

Leaving aside the artistry of this film, in terms of cost alone, this is not a film that a young director can touch.

Although the cost of "The Pianist on the Sea" cannot be compared with those Hollywood blockbusters, compared with ordinary movies, its cost is already very high. After all, it needs a boat, which costs at least 2000 million US dollars.

Yu Dong guessed that after he bought the copyright of "1900: Monologue", some people's ideas were aroused, and Mateo was one of them.

However, because of Mateo, Yu Dong was a little wary.

Matteo wanted to make the film because he bought 1900: The Monologue.

So will Giuseppe abandon the plan because of this?

Could the butterfly's wings blow this thing away too?

Thinking of this, Yu Dong turned his head to look at Jiang Jie, "Xiaojie, you and Yu Liang...forget it, I'll tell him myself."

Then Yu Dong picked up the phone and called Yu Yu.

Yu Yu was not in the office, so his assistant answered the call. After a while, Yu Yu came to answer the phone.

"Boss, what are your orders?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Yu Liang, I have a task for you to contact the Italian director you know this director?"

"I know that we also collect information on the Italian film and television industry. Giuseppe's name is relatively famous, so of course he is the one we focus on."

"That's good, you can find someone to ask Giuseppe if he is interested in "1900: Monologues."

"Boss, is it in your name or in the name of the company? Will you write this script yourself?"

Yu Dong nodded, "You don't need to tell him about the screenwriting, just show him the original manuscript of "1900: Monologue". We will talk about the screenwriting later when he becomes interested."

"Okay, I see, I will contact my colleagues in Europe to do it."

"Well, tell Jimmy about this too."


After Dong Dong hung up the phone, Jiang Jie asked from the side, "Brother Dong, what is this Giuseppe coming from, why do you have to find him?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "He is a very powerful director. You should pay more attention to this information, Xiaojie, and don't just focus on China and Hollywood."

"I see." Jiang Jie nodded, "By the way, there is another thing. There is news from Deep Space America that they have signed a professor from Caltech as the company's scientific consultant, and let our sci-fi The writers will do some linkage with this professor in the future."

"What kind of crazy idea did this Jimmy come up with?" Yu Dong smiled, "What aspect of this professor's research?"

"I heard that it studies astrophysics and gravitational physics,"

"What is your name?"

"Looks like Keene Thorpe."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "It's Kip Thorne."

"Oh, it seems to be. Recently, I have paid more attention to Manchester United, and I always think of Keane."

Speaking of Manchester United, Jiang Jie smiled again: "Thanks to you, Brother Dong, there are more and more fans in China who like Manchester United. There are rumors that you are the global image ambassador of Manchester United."

Yu Dong laughed when he heard the rumor, "As a writer, can I be the global image ambassador of the football team? This rumor is unreliable."

"I feel that because Manchester United has been promoting the fact that you went to watch the game before, many people believe this rumor."

Yu Dong nodded, "The Premier League has strong propaganda now, let them do it, as long as they don't fabricate the facts, let's leave it alone. I know about Kip Thorne, I'll talk to Jimmy later, by the way , you pay attention to several of our film and television dramas, "Don't Talk to Strangers", "Sniper Phone Booth", "Fatal Identity", if you have any news, let me know in time, in addition, "Harry Potter" and "Ice and Fire" "Song" you pay more attention."

"I don't need to explain this to you, Brother Dong. I have been paying attention to it. By the way, "Sniper Phone Booth" has already begun to prepare for casting. The Matthew McConaughey you mentioned earlier, Joe Schumacher very much agrees."

"That's fine."


Matthew McConaughey was seriously preparing for the scene of "A Time to Kill" at home when he suddenly received a call from director Joe Schumacher.

As a young actor who has not had any outstanding roles in his debut for several years, McConaughey will be somewhat apprehensive when facing a big director like Joe Schumacher.

On the other end of the phone, Joe Schumacher asked, "Matthew, do you have time now?"

"Yes." Of course there is, even if you don't have it, you have to say yes, "Director, do you have anything to do?"

"I want you to read the script."

"Script?" Matthew McConaughey looked at the script in his hand suspiciously, "Did you make a mistake, director? I have already got the script."

And it's been a while.

However, Matthew McConaughey didn't have much contact with the director in the early stage. He thought Schumacher didn't know that he had got the script.

Schumacher laughed: "Of course, I know you've got the script for Time to Kill, but you haven't got the script for Phone Booth yet."

"Sniper phone booth?"

Schumacher's words did not help McConaughey reduce his doubts at all, but made him more confused.

What does it mean to snipe a phone booth?A script for a new movie, or has Time to Kill changed its name?The latter possibility is relatively small, after all, the name of the original book is Killing Time, and this movie has nothing to do with telephone booths.

Schumacher did not explain to McConaughey, just said, "If you have time, come over and read the script."

"Okay, no problem." McConaughey agreed.

Then he put down the script in his hand, tidied up a little and went out.

When he went to Schumacher's residence, he found another man in the room.

"This is Matthew McConaughey."

Schumacher introduced the man, and then said to Matthew McConaughey, "Matthew, this is Mr. James, the general manager of Deep Space Corporation."

Deep Space Corporation.

Matthew McConaughey has heard about it, and it seems to be YU's agency. The two films "Second World" and "Resident Evil" have shadows of this company.

And this Mr. James, Matthew McConaughey had seen it at Warner before.

"Hello, Mr. James."

Jimmy shook hands with Matthew McConaughey, and then said with a smile, "Matthew, I've actually seen your movie, but I'm still curious to meet you in person. You must be wondering why I would want to meet you You, actually because YU called you to play our new movie."

Matthew McConaughey opened his eyes wide and looked at Schumacher, who said with a smile, "Yes, it was YU who asked you to come to the protagonist of "Sniper Phone Booth"...the one I told you about on the phone." The movie and the script are written by YU himself."

Schumacher pointed to the script at hand, "Let's not talk about anything else, just take a look at the script."

McConaughey nodded in a daze, then walked to Schumacher in a daze to take the script.

Before today, he already felt very lucky. During this period of time, he took on two dramas in a row, and both of them had a lot of roles.

But what he never expected was that he was favored so much, and today he received another script, which was the protagonist, and it was written by the famous YU.

Even lucky enough to make him feel a little unreal.

He tried his best to calm his excitement, and opened the script of "Sniping the Phone Booth".

Schumacher next to him smiled at Jimmy, "Jimmy, you finally came here. I'll buy you a drink. Matthew probably will take a while."

Jimmy nodded: "I'm more than happy."

Matthew McConaughey became more relaxed when the two ran off for a drink.

He made up his mind that he must read the script carefully this time, and if the director and Mr. James challenged him later, he would be able to handle it.

With this mentality, Matthew McConaughey read the script very carefully at the beginning, even unwilling to miss a letter.

But after looking at it, he couldn't care less about it, because the script was so wonderfully written!He was eager to know the follow-up story, so he watched faster and faster.

At first, he thought that the phone booth was just a small plot to start the follow-up story, but later he discovered that the protagonist seemed to be inseparable from the phone booth.

Is this movie going to be filmed in phone booths all the time?
In fact, he guessed right, it is indeed the case, the scene of this movie is very simple, and most of the scenes are done in the phone booth.

Most of the time, it's actually the protagonist's play, with very few other roles.

Apart from the protagonist, the one with the most roles should be the voice of the sniper.

That's right, in the script, except for the last scene, the sniper only has voice at other times.

But it was such a simple movie that made Matthew McConaughey very nervous watching it. The lines and rhythm of this script are so well written, every detail is done very well, and he can always watch it at critical moments Mood mobilized.

When he saw the middle, he couldn't think of anything else at all, and was completely carried away by the rhythm of the story.

It turns out that besides writing novels, YU is also good at writing scripts.

Of course, this is not surprising. Although there are many differences between scripts and novels, most of the time they are common. It is not uncommon for a good writer to write scripts.

After reading the script, Matthew McConaughey gripped the corner of the script with some excitement. He felt that his opportunity had come, and it was a real opportunity.

The protagonist of this movie has a lot of roles, it can even be said to be a one-man show, and it is a test of the actors' acting skills.Not to mention that this is a script written by YU, as long as he has something to do with YU now, it may be difficult not to be famous.

So as long as he can perform this movie well, he will definitely be able to earn a place in the film and television industry.

 Thank you [Dream For You] boss for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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