Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 362 The man in black has settled down

Chapter 362 The man in black has settled down

Schumacher, who was drinking on the other side, stretched his head to look at Matthew McConaughey, and said with a smile: "How about it, Matthew, I've finished watching it? Would you like to come over for a drink?"

Matthew McConaughey walked over with the script, "I've finished reading it. As expected of YU, the script is so well written. I was so fascinated by it just now that I forgot that I was reading the script."

"It's the same feeling I had when I saw the script for the first time." Schumacher raised his glass, "Have a drink?"

Matthew McConaughey smiled and shook his head, "No need, director."

"Okay." Schumacher nodded, and asked again: "How about it, Matthew, are you willing to take this play?"

"Of course." Matthew McConaughey replied without hesitation, "I don't think any actor can refuse such an excellent script and director."

"If that's the case, then it's settled."

Jimmy on the side raised his head and drank the remaining wine in the glass, and then continued with a smile, "I wanted to treat you to dinner, but I just answered a phone call temporarily, and I'm afraid I have to go back to the company. Since it's YU Matthew is hand-picked, and Matthew is willing to take on the show, then there is no problem, you two can talk about the rest, I will go first."

After speaking, Jimmy shook hands with Matthew McConaughey and left.

Matthew McConaughey was a little surprised to see Jimmy go so simply. He thought that Jimmy came here on purpose, maybe to see if he was suitable, and he might give him a simple audition.

Who knows, there is nothing, just waiting for myself to agree, Jimmy left directly.

After Jimmy left, Matthew McConaughey looked at Joe Schumacher, "Director, why is this Mr. James in such a hurry?"

Schumacher said with a smile, "He did receive a call, so you don't have to think too much about it. Since you agreed to accept the film, you will be the protagonist. Since "Killing Hour" is still being filmed, "Sniper Phone Booth" will It will start after a while. Of course, you have also read the script and know that the shooting time will not be very long. I predict that the official shooting will only take about two weeks."

"Yes, most of the scenes are in the phone booth." Matthew McConaughey nodded.

"So during this period of time, you have to think about the script yourself, and there won't be much time for you when the filming starts."

"I understand, director." Matthew McConaughey puffed out his chest and assured Schumacher, "I will definitely do my best to seize this opportunity."

"I believe in your ability." Schumacher nodded, and looked at Matthew McConaughey with a smile, "You really haven't contacted YU before?"

"No." Matthew McConaughey shook his head.

"Not once? Could it have happened before and you forgot?"

"How could this be? YU is such a famous person, as long as I meet him, I will definitely not forget it. If anyone forgets someone, it is because he has forgotten me. After all, I am just a small person."

"That's weird." Schumacher shook his head suspiciously, he is still a little strange now.

Could it be that YU took the time to study the American film and television industry, even young actors like Matthew McConaughey?
It doesn't make sense, where does YU have the time to do this.

Matthew McConaughey himself was also surprised, "When I learned about this, I was also very surprised. I didn't expect that someone like YU could notice me."

Seeing that Matthew McConaughey's expression didn't look like a fake, Schumacher laughed, "No matter what, this is a good thing for you. If you are grateful to YU in your heart, then show it well, The best way to thank him is to finish the work.”

"Definitely." Matthew McConaughey reassured.


Jimmy didn't fool McConaughey and the others. He really wanted to treat them to a meal, but Columbia Pictures called him and said they wanted to discuss the "Men in Black" movie.

After Jimmy returned to the United States from China, he added the plan of "Men in Black" to the negotiations with several film companies. In the end, "Harry Potter" was negotiated by Warner. Not settled.

Now that Columbia Pictures is calling, it's obvious that things have progressed.

After returning to the company, the assistant told Jimmy that the customer was already waiting in his office.

When he went to his office, he was surprised to find that Spielberg had also come.

"Long time no see, Jimmy."

Speer greeted Jimmy with a smile, because of the happy cooperation of "Second World", the relationship between the two parties is now very good.

Jimmy also smiled, "It hasn't been long, haven't we met last month? Since you're here, why didn't you say something in advance?"

"Not just me, but this one." Spielberg pointed to the person next to him.

Jimmy looked at this person in surprise, then smiled and apologized, "Sorry, I didn't recognize it just now, it turned out to be you, Mr. Sonnenfeld."

Barry Sonnenfeld, the director of "The Addams Family", of course Jimmy has seen it, but he just saw Spielberg at a glance, and he is not that familiar with Sonnenfeld, so he didn't notice that Sonnenfeld was next to him.

"I was very surprised that you recognized me, Mr. James."

"If I don't recognize you, then all these years will be in vain." Jimmy smiled and beckoned them to sit down, "Stop standing up, let's sit down and talk."

After a few people chatted for a while, Jimmy also understood their purpose.

Columbia is indeed determined to win "Men in Black", so Spielberg was hired as the producer of the film and also a lobbyist. He has full authority to negotiate with Deep Space.

As for Barry Sonnenfeld, it was Columbia's hand-picked director.

Speaking of which, Barry Sonnenfeld has some connections with "Men in Black". After Walter and the others bought the copyright of "Men in Black", they first went to Ed Solomon to write the script, and then they asked Barry Directed by Sonnenfeld.

But Sonnenfeld turned it down because he was filming "Short Man".

Later, when Walter and the others were going to find other directors to shoot, Jimmy went to them to buy the copyright.

Sonnenfeld had time now, so Columbia Pictures approached him again.

Because Columbia came here with sincerity this time, the negotiations between the two sides went smoothly. In the end, Deep Space Company decided to invest 1000 million in cash, and the film and television copyright and the script were combined to discount 600 million. Why is it so expensive? Because the screenwriter added YU’s name .

So the total adds up to 600 million, accounting for 17.00% of the share.

In fact, Yu Dong's name was added to the screenwriter not only because of the need to increase the price, but also because Yu Dong did participate in the creation of the script.

After Jimmy sent the script to Yu Dong to read, Yu Dong revised the script, especially the ending, which was completely different from the previous script.

Today it was just a verbal agreement, and a formal agreement will be signed later, but both parties are in a relatively relaxed mood at this time. If there are no accidents, the cooperation is basically settled.

Spielberg leaned on the sofa and said with a smile, "Your company has been very active in the film and television industry in the past two years. As far as I know, there are several plans in progress, right? Warner's side, Universal's side, and yours. There are new collaborations.”

"You are well informed."

"The film and television industry is not big, and some news always spread quickly. Of course, the main reason is that your books are selling well. I passed by the bookstore today, and I seemed to see a copy of "A Song of Ice and Fire" being promoted. The company, right?"

Jimmy nodded, "That's right."

You don’t need to deliberately inquire about this matter. When you see the promotional posters in the bookstore, you can probably guess that this book has something to do with Deep Space Company, because the most eye-catching line on the poster is “YU strongly recommends”.

"Although I haven't read this book yet, as a fantasy novel, with the recommendations of two well-known writers, YU and Robert Jordan, it is already half successful. I think the sales of this novel will definitely not be bad. "

Jimmy said quite complacently, "Has our company ever produced works that didn't sell well?"

Seeing Jimmy so confident, Spielberg and Sonnenfeld smiled knowingly, this Jimmy is really crazy.

But this statement cannot be refuted, because the novels produced by their company can sell hundreds of thousands of sales at worst.

Moreover, since the success of "Second World" and "Resident Evil", all Hollywood companies are staring at deep space and want to cooperate with them. It seems that as long as they cooperate, they can make money.

Of course, everyone knows that the current situation depends on YU.Therefore, when these companies cooperate with deep space, they are also seeking cooperation with YU.

However, if "A Song of Ice and Fire" and "Harry Potter" can also be successful, then everyone may look at Deep Space Corporation differently.

After boasting, Jimmy smiled and said to Spielberg and the others, "In fact, my confidence comes from the work. You wait, "A Song of Ice and Fire" will definitely surprise you. It will definitely become a bestseller. Three years ago, YU said this to me, and three years later, I will send this sentence to you.”

"Three years ago?" Sonnenfeld asked unexpectedly, "Was this book written three years ago? Then why did it take so long to publish it?"

Jimmy said with a smile, "This is about our company's long-term vision. Back then, George Martin didn't live very comfortably..."

In the next half an hour, Jimmy told Spielberg and the others a story, a somewhat dreamy story.

It is said that when George Martin's novels were repeatedly frustrated in the market, and when he was disheartened, it was the deep space company who had the insight to know the truth and paid in advance to buy the copyright of "A Song of Ice and Fire", which was only a prototype at that time, so that he could Concentrate on writing.

After three years, George Martin lived up to expectations and delivered the manuscript perfectly.

Spielberg and Sonnenfeld were taken aback for a while, and their thoughts were very unified. This story must have been made up by Jimmy, or at least it has been processed.



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