Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 363 Gold Supporting Actor Uncle Zhou

Chapter 363 Gold Supporting Actor Uncle Zhou

I heard that the temperature will start to drop sharply in late January, so Yu Dong and his group hurriedly took advantage of the good weather on Sunday to go out for a stroll.

Yu Dong's family, Yu Hua's family, Bi Feiyu's family, Feng Ming's family, plus Zhang Xian and Ruan Xiaohu, made a total of twelve people, big and small, and the lineup was very strong.

A group of people walked out of the school in a mighty way. Just after passing the library, Zhang Xian pointed to the school gate and asked in surprise, "Why are there so many people around the gate?"

Others also looked over.

At first they thought that another reporter was coming and were blocked at the door because they saw someone carrying a camera.

It wasn't until I got closer that I realized that the person carrying the camera was Lu Xi, a professional director, and Wang Hailin was holding the script beside him.

In front of the two of them was Uncle Zhou.

Wang Hailin seems to be giving a play to Uncle Zhou... No, it should be Uncle Zhou who is giving a play to Wang Hailin.

"Xiao Wang, the role of the doorman you designed is too thin. Look, if it's a young doorman who has just started working for a few months, it's completely fine to play according to your profile."

Uncle Zhou pointed to the script in Wang Hailin's hand: "But if you shoot me... a person who has worked as a doorman for decades, can he do this? Doesn't he know the small news better than anyone else? How could he ask three questions without knowing it? Xiao Wang, do you think I'm right?"

"Yes, sir, you are right." Wang Hailin nodded again and again, "Then shall I change it again?"

Uncle Zhou smiled and waved his hands, "You don't need to change the play for me. Didn't I say it? It's no problem to find a young guard to act. Let Xiao Fang do it."

Xiao Fang, who was at the side, was watching the fun, but when he heard Uncle Zhou asked him to act, he took two steps back and waved his hands repeatedly, "I, I can't come here."

Wang Hailin also said, "Let's change the play. I think you, Uncle Zhou, have very good acting skills, and you are the kind of talent."

"Really?" Uncle Zhou said with a smile, "My ancestors did indeed play roles in operas for officials."

"So it's a family lesson, no wonder." Wang Hailin flattered Uncle Zhou.

Lu Xi then strengthened his sentence, "If you say that those actors who have graduated from a professional class, they may not be able to compare with the uncle."

Uncle Zhou waved his hand modestly, "It's over, it's over."

At this time, Zhang Xian, who had been watching the crowd outside the crowd, said, "How about it, have you two been educated?"

As soon as he spoke, the others also noticed Yu Dong and the others standing behind.

"Hello, teachers."

"Hello, teachers."

The students who joined in the fun greeted obediently, and then made way for them.

Bi Feiyu also said, "Uncle Zhou is right, art still has to come from life, and you have to learn to observe a lot, so that your materials can be richer."

Wang Hailin and Lu Xi nodded repeatedly, "Yes, yes, the teachers are right."

Uncle Zhou said with a smile, "I just play with them. I don't understand anything about making movies."

"Grandpa, you don't understand movies, but you understand life. What children today lack is life. Without life, how can there be movies?"

Yu Dong smiled and said something to Uncle Zhou, and then said to Wang Hailin and the others, "Learn a lot from Uncle Zhou."

"What are you learning from me, nonsense?"

"Okay, sir, don't be modest, let's go out for a stroll, so we won't bother you."

"Okay, send off to all the teachers." Wang Hailin said hastily.

Bi Feiyu glared at him, "You are in a hurry to send us away."

Wang Hailin shrank his neck, "Don't dare, dare not."

"I think you're quite brave."

Seeing Wang Hailin being taught a lesson, the surrounding students couldn't help laughing.

Amidst the burst of laughter, Yu Dong and the others passed through the crowd and left the school gate.

Everyone strolled along the road, Zhang Xian looked back at the direction of the gate with great interest, and said with a smile, "Uncle Zhou is very popular now, I heard that many crews are looking for him to film."

"I've heard that too." Yu Hua nodded, "I also heard that when inviting Uncle Zhou to film a movie, you must treat him to a drink first, and then you have to take care of the food during the filming. During this time, the aunt does not go to school Food is delivered."

"It's not just that they don't deliver food, sometimes the aunt will also go to drink with her." Bi Feiyu added.

"The main reason is that it's hard to find group performers here in Jinling. The teachers of the troupe are most likely not willing to participate in such a small project. Even if they are willing, the remuneration is beyond the reach of the students. The market price has risen ridiculously in the past two years."

Speaking of remuneration, Zhang Xian felt a little emotional, the market has indeed risen rapidly in the past two years.

From the perspective of the general environment, people's wages are generally rising, and prices are also rising. It is normal for actors' remuneration to rise.

But relatively speaking, the salary of actors has risen much faster than that of other industries.

It's not just actors, but the entire film and television industry is changing rapidly, rising and changing in all aspects.

Hearing Zhang Xian's emotion, Yu Dong smiled without saying a word, what is the current situation, it will be called magic in the future.

But what Zhang Xian said was true. It was really difficult for students to find actors for filming in Jinling. It was okay for young characters to be dealt with by students, but not for older characters.

As for Uncle Zhou, he did indeed have some talent.

Regardless of acting skills, Uncle Zhou is not like ordinary people who are afraid of facing the camera. The old man is very relaxed, and he can understand the students talking to him about plays.

In the words of some students, Uncle Zhou was born with a character.

Take today's incident as an example, if someone else who has not been in the film and television industry for a few years listens to the director's lecture, then he will act whatever the director says, but Uncle Zhou can see the problem, and also Be brave enough to point out problems.

Yu Hua joked, "After the short film competition starts next year, should we set up an actor award and give Uncle Zhou a gold medal for a supporting role?"

"Let's not say anything about the actor award this time. When the short film festival starts next year, people from other schools who come to participate will probably be very confused when they see such an old man in so many films." Bi Feiyu laughed.

Chen Hong hugged Yu Haiguo and said with a smile, "I'm quite looking forward to hearing what Feiyu said."

"I'm looking forward to it too." Fu Jing nodded.

Zhang Xian looked at Feng Ming, "Old Feng, did you play a cameo role as well?"

Feng Ming scratched his head, a little embarrassed, "A group came to me, and a down-and-out poet cameo."

Yu Dong joked, "You look like a bear, and you can't act like you're down."

Feng Ming rolled his eyelids, "What's this called? Why do I look like a bear? You don't understand art at first glance, contrast, do you understand? The contrast of characters can quickly bring deep emotions to the audience. It creates an impression and creates a sense of impact. This is called drama, and it is necessary to write scripts. You don’t understand this, and you still teach drama creation?”

"Hey, I don't teach drama creation, why don't I go to your sports department to teach sports?"

"It's not impossible."

Zhang Xian laughed, "Speaking of the script, the "Don't Talk to Strangers" that is older than you is about to air, why haven't you mentioned it?"

Yu Dong nodded, "It will be aired in March."

"Then there are only two months left, will Suzhou TV broadcast it?"


"Then when it premieres, shall we make an appointment to watch it together?"

"How about that? You should watch it at home. This will increase the ratings."

"Worse than your ratings?"

"Besides, you can also turn on your own TV and watch them together."

"What a waste of electricity."

"That's a strange thing to say, won't it waste electricity if you look at it separately?"

"That's true."


As soon as Giuseppe returned to Italy, he was told that someone from the Deep Space Corporation was looking for him.

He has just returned from the United States, so he has a deep impression on Deep Space Corporation.

During this period of time, Deep Space Corporation has stole the limelight in North America.Whether it is the film and television circle, the cultural circle, or even the scientific circle, you can often hear the name of this company.

A few days ago, the new book "A Song of Ice and Fire" by George Martin, the author of Deep Space Company, became a new favorite in the book market as soon as it was released, directly breaking into the top ten best-selling books of the week.

At the beginning, everyone was attracted by the names of YU and Robert Jordan, but later readers found that this is indeed a good book, so the sales of this novel continued to rise, without any downward trend.

When the major newspapers reported that "A Song of Ice and Fire" rushed into the bestseller list, people were surprised to find that five books under the banner of Deep Space were lying in the top fifteen of the book bestseller list that week.

In addition to "A Song of Ice and Fire", there are "Deep Space", "Second World", "Resident Evil 1" and "Resident Evil 2".

Looking back, there are two more books under the banner of Deep Space in the top twenty, one is "Fatal Identity" and the other is "Westward".

Although most of these books belong to YU, people still remember the company Deep Space.

In this case, it is difficult for Giuseppe to know about Deep Space Corporation.

So when he learned that the Deep Space Company had approached him, he contacted the company immediately, and then found out the reason for the company's visit. It turned out that the other party had a script and wanted to ask him if he would take over.

Although Giuseppe prefers to write and direct himself, but because of the name of Deep Space Corporation, he decided to read the script.

After the meeting, Giuseppe discovered that what the other party brought out was not a film and television script, but a literary script, and the script came from an Italian writer.

Giuseppe just looked at it, then looked up at Terry Hume, the European director of Deep Space Corporation, "May I ask, why did your company find me?"

Tiry smiled and said: "Mr. Tonadore, do you need any special reason to ask you to make a movie? Everyone knows that you are the best director in the world. I think you should be needed if you are not asked to make a movie." Reason?"

"Mr. Hume, you are very good at complimenting people, but what I want to ask is, why did you find this script and think I will shoot it? As far as I know, your business is more in the United States and China." Zhu Sepe said.

Terry narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Actually, YU saw this script by chance, and he himself likes watching your movies very much, and thinks this script is very suitable for you. So he asked us to ask your wishes, and even Out of respect for you, he didn't make any changes to the script."

"YU?" Giuseppe raised his eyebrows: "He asked you to come to me?"

"Indeed." Tiri nodded.

"If that's the case." Giuseppe looked at the script in his hand with a smile, "Then I should take a serious look at it."



Pig stomach, do I have to make a role for Uncle Zhou?

(End of this chapter)

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