Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 364 Chapter 360 Annual Meeting

Chapter 364 The [-]th Annual Meeting
Before finishing "1900: Monologue", Giuseppe looked up at Tiri again, "Mr. Hume, can I meet with YU?"

"Sorry, I'm afraid I can't decide on this. If you don't mind, I'll ask my colleagues in China. But I guess it's unlikely, because the Chinese New Year is coming soon, and YU probably won't agree to come here at this time. said Terry.

Giuseppe smiled, "I can go to China."

Terry raised his eyebrows, "It seems that you are very interested in this script, but you haven't even finished reading it."

"You don't need to finish it." Giuseppe shook his head, "Some things just need to have a beginning. I think, even if I finish reading it, I may not necessarily shoot it according to the original manuscript. I want to see YU because I think he read After reading the script, there should be a story in his mind, what I want to know is the story in his mind, by the way, why did he find me."

Tiri nodded with a smile, "Okay, then I'll try my best to arrange it."


When Yu Dong heard that Giuseppe was coming to see him, he was also very surprised. Giuseppe didn't even think that he could communicate on the phone, and he wanted to meet him as soon as he came up.

For Giuseppe's request to meet, Yu Dong agreed without thinking too much, and the two sides made an appointment to meet in mid-February.

Originally, Yu Dong wanted to advance or postpone the date, because February 18th is the New Year's Eve, but Giuseppe heard that China is going to celebrate the New Year, so he became more interested.

He said that since he was going to come to China, it would be good to experience the Chinese New Year's Eve by the way, so Yu Dong agreed after hearing what he said.

He had just made an appointment with Giuseppe when Jimmy called him again.

"How is it recently, my Dong, the temperature in Jinling has dropped recently, you have to keep warm."

"It wasn't cold at first, but when I heard you speak, I got goosebumps all over the floor. Tell me, what's your order when Mr. Ji called this time?"

Jimmy chuckled, "I have something to discuss with you. Isn't it the Chinese New Year? I'm going to have an annual meeting. What do you think?"

"Annual meeting?" Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "Tell me specifically."

"Isn't that clear? It's the annual meeting of our deep space company. When the time comes, we will gather together for entertainment and summary."

"The employees of the company? What about the employees in the United States?"

"It's not for the employees. The annual meeting of the employees is not easy to handle. The margin in China is up to me, and I can do it in the United States. I'm talking about the authors under our banner. Now we have signed a lot of authors. It just so happens This New Year’s Eve, call them all together and get together. On the one hand, it can unite everyone, and on the other hand, it will also help them build a good relationship.”

Yu Dong nodded after hearing this, "This is very interesting, do you have a plan? How do these foreign authors invite them to come to China?"

"Of course, I'm talking about all the authors of Deep Space. And not only these authors, I also plan to invite some guests, such as Harold, Romero, and Spielberg, as long as they want, they can go there .”

"In this way, the battle will be a bit big." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"Dong, you know me. If I want to do something big, how boring is it to make small troubles?"

"Okay, Mr. Ji has great ambitions, but in this way, some directors and actors who have worked with us in China will also be invited?"

"Of course, please invite anyone you can."

"That's a lot of people. Where are you planning to hold such a big event?"

"It's in Jinling."

"Is there a place in Jinling for you? You may not be able to make an appointment at Jinling Hotel now, after all, there is not much time left."

"Yes, you believe me. Although this is an internal activity of our company, the local government will definitely support it, so there is no need to worry about the venue."

Yu Dong nodded. Jimmy never fought unprepared battles. He said yes, so there was probably no problem.

"What do I need to do in the middle?"

"You don't need to do anything else, just go on stage and say a few words. Also, I'll let you draw up a list later, and you can see if there are any mistakes or omissions."

When Jimmy mentioned the list, Yu Dong thought of someone, "By the way, Giuseppe will come to China at the end of the year, and I will send him an invitation letter later."

"no problem."


Jimmy and Yuyu were very efficient in handling affairs, and they made the list in just two days.

When he got the list, Yu Dong's scalp felt numb. There were hundreds of people on the list, and basically everyone who could be invited was considered.

Zhang Yimou, Liu Heng, Zhao Baogang, Feng Xiaoning, Feng Yuanqi, Yu Yunlong, Jiang Wenli, Liu Peiqi, Li Xuejian... as long as they have cooperated before, they are listed on the list.

In addition to the film and television industry, the literary and art circle also invited many people, and the writers signed by Deep Space alone took up a page.

When he saw the list on this page, Yu Dong realized that they had already signed so many writers before they knew it.

Needless to say, Jinling, Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu, Ruan Xiaohu, Su Tong, Han Dong, Gu Qian... the sum is almost double digits.

Besides Bi Feiyu, there are quite a few people from Jinyi on the list, such as Jia Zhangke who entered the director support program, Qu Aiguo, the president of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, and Zhang Xian, the director of the drama department...

After reading the list, Yu Dong felt that there was no major problem, but he still added a person to the list, Li Yu, who had participated in "Don't Talk to Strangers" before.

Li Yu played a small supporting role in "Don't Talk to Strangers", and she didn't have many roles, so I didn't consider her when making the list.

If even a supporting role like Li Yu is called, there is no one on the list who can't beat thousands of people.

So Yu Yu was quite surprised when he saw that someone was added to the list, but he didn't ask much.Since the boss ordered such a small matter, he just had to do it.

As for Yu Dong, just after he asked Jiang Jie to send the list back to the company, two boys, Qu Aiguo and Wang Hailin, came to his office together.

Now Yu Dong's head hurts when he sees Wang Hailin.

This kid would look for him four or five times a week, either for script matters, for schoolwork, or for his reasoning association.

Qu Aiguo is better. Now that he graduated, he was hired by the school and became colleagues with Yu Dong.Although he usually works in the same building, he doesn't come to disturb Yu Dong easily.

"Why did you two come together?"

Qu Aiguo smiled, and took out a red plastic bag from behind.

"Brother Dong, I brought some tea for you to taste."

Yu Dong rolled his eyelids and looked at them, but he didn't go to pick up the tea, "I don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if I have nothing to do, just tell me if you have anything to do, and you still do this with me?"

Qu Aiguo walked up to him with a smile, and put the bag gently on the table, "Brother Dong, isn't there a short film contest in deep space? I'm thinking that our Science Fiction Association can't lag behind."

Yu Dong looked at Qu Aiguo, then at Wang Hailin, and said with a smile, "Oh? Does this matter have anything to do with your Science Fiction Association?"

"Of course it is related. Not only is it related, but it is also very important."

"Then I have to listen carefully." Yu Dong pointed to the sofa, "Sit down, do you want me to pour you a cup of tea?"

Wang Hailin waved his hand, "No, no."

Qu Aiguo had already done it himself. He skillfully found Yu Dong's tea, and then picked up the kettle and poured a cup of tea for himself and Wang Hailin.

"Brother Dong, you are welcome, we can do it ourselves."

When the voice fell, the tea had already been poured.

Yu Dong knew Qu Aiguo's pissing nature, and he didn't think it was disobedient.

Holding the teacup, he walked over to Qu Aiguo and the others and sat down, "Tell me, what is it for?"

"Hey, let me just say it straight. I also saw Wang Hailin and the others line up a reasoning short film, and I thought that our Science Fiction Association can't be left behind, and we have to make a science fiction short film. So, I That's why Xiyan came to look for you."

"Ask me to write the script for you?"

"Brother Dong, if you are willing to write..."

"No time to."

Qu Aiguo was not surprised by Yu Dong's answer. He still smiled and said, "I know you are busy, Brother Dong, so I dare not bother you. In fact, we have taken a fancy to another novel and would like to ask you to help us. ask."

"Which novel?"

"Take her eyes."

Yu Dong showed a surprised expression, "Do you want to make this novel?"

"Yes, Liu Cixin's novel is very well written..."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "Whether you want to shoot or not, I don't care about that. What I care about is whether you can shoot well?"

Qu Aiguo quickly explained, "Brother Dong, I've thought about it. If it's a big movie, then we won't be able to make it, but there's still room for manipulation when we make a short movie. We don't need to present those magnificent pictures. , and more importantly, to highlight the dedication of the astronaut in the novel."

"A short film lasts ten to twenty minutes. We are not so greedy to show too many things, so we are ready to seize this point and show it well. The reason why we chose this novel is also because this novel even It doesn’t make much of an impact without the big picture.”

Qu Aiguo spoke very sincerely, and it could be seen that he really wanted to make this novel.

And what he said is also very reasonable. For a short film, "Bring Her Eyes" is also easier to operate than other sci-fi works.

At the beginning, when Yu Dong heard that Qu Aiguo and the others wanted to make this novel, he disagreed in his heart, because he himself liked the novel quite a lot.

But after thinking about it, maybe it would be good to let them try, at least they can do some publicity for this novel.

"Well, let me ask for you."

Qu Aiguo's eyes lit up, and he was about to thank him, but Yu Dong continued, "However, there are two things that I want to make clear to you."

"Okay, Brother Dong, tell me."

"First, get ready for the authorization fee. It won't be too high, but it shouldn't be too low either."

"This is completely fine, just follow the normal standard."

Yu Dong nodded, "Second, if you want to do it, do it well, don't be perfunctory. If Liu Cixin agrees to authorize you, then the subsequent script writing must pass his level."

"We can ask Liu Cixin to write the screenplay for us, and we will also pay him a screenwriting fee."

"Discuss this with him. I won't have too high demands on you, but if I find out that you are perfunctory, it will not be good for you."

"How dare we, I didn't decide this matter with a slap on the head, but after careful consideration. You don't need to say, we will definitely do it well. After all, this is the first shot fired by our Science Fiction Association, and we must fight it." It needs to be beautiful. I have almost raised the funds, and unlike Wang Hailin and the others’ small fights, we are going to find professional actors to perform.”

Hearing what Qu Aiguo said, Wang Hailin had an opinion, "Elder brother, why do I not understand what you said? Why are we just making small troubles? We are also very human and really making movies, okay? We just I don’t have money, otherwise I can hire professional actors to shoot.”

"I'll just say it casually, why do you take it seriously?"

Wang Hailin frowned, "The key is that your words are too annoying."

Qu Aiguo rolled up his sleeves, "Hey, your wings are stiff, right? Is it because I can't control you anymore?"

"It's not that I don't care..."

Yu Dong looked at the two of them singing together, and rolled his eyes. He was still curious about why Qu Aiguo brought Wang Hailin here.Now it seems that he was brought here as a wingman just to play this game.

"Okay, okay, you two were brought out by me. I can see what's in your intestines. I can see clearly when you open your mouth. Don't act in front of me. I promise you about this, and I will give you tomorrow." You answer. Now, you two, get out of here, it gives me a headache to see you two."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, the two people who were originally looking at each other laughed together.

Qu Aiguo dragged Wang Hailin out, "Then we'll wait for news from you, Brother Dong."

Halfway through the walk, he smiled again, "Brother Dong, you haven't cleaned up the place, so you won't get out today, and you'll get out next time."

This time Yu Dong's head hurt even more.

After they left, Yu Dong called Liu Cixin's work unit.

After Liu Cixin received the call, he said with a smile, "Mr. Yu Dong, why do you have time to call me?"

Yu Dong knew that it was inconvenient for him to be at work, so he went straight to the point, "Someone wants to make "Bring Her Eyes" into a short film, let me ask what you mean."

"Okay, I have no objection." Liu Cixin readily agreed.

"You don't ask who wants to shoot, and how much are you willing to pay for the licensing fee?"

"I didn't expect anyone to be willing to shoot at all. As long as someone is willing to shoot, isn't it good to give more or less?"

Yu Dong sighed, well, he is just not in a hurry for the emperor and the eunuch.When Qu Aiguo and the others came to ask just now, he helped Liu Cixin think a lot, but in the end, Liu Cixin didn't take it seriously at all.

"Da Liu, you should be more cautious about novel copyrights."

"Will this affect my copyright?"

"Not at all. This time it is a general authorization, not only will it not affect the copyright, but it will also not affect the operation of the rights to adapt subsequent novels and films."

Liu Cixin smiled and said, "Isn't that all right? Isn't this money earned for nothing? And I really want to see my works being photographed. Besides, I don't believe others, don't you believe me?"

Yu Dong found that talking about these things with Liu Cixin really felt powerless.

"Okay, since you agree, then I will tell them later, let them talk to the company, and let them communicate with you directly after the authorization fee is negotiated."


"By the way, there is one more thing. The Deep Space Corporation is going to hold an annual meeting. I should inform you later. I will let you know in advance."

"Annual meeting?"

"I won't go into details on the specific phone call. You can wait for the company to notify you."

"Aren't you tantalizing?"

"It's your appetite, so be it, the phone bill is more expensive, so I won't chat with you."


After hanging up the phone, Liu Cixin shook his head. Isn't this harmful? His mind is full of the annual meeting now, and he can't think of anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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