Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 365 The Misguided Dan Brown

Chapter 365 The Misguided Dan Brown

"It's getting colder, and our activities are getting more and more difficult."

"Yes, it's difficult."

Just after school, at the gate of Jinling Middle School, Jin Yang and Chen Tao walked out with their necks hunched.The weather was getting colder and colder. When the two opened their mouths, the white air came out before the sound came out.

They were discussing the matter of the Yuhua Reasoning Club. During this time, the weather was getting colder and colder, and it became more and more difficult for them to carry out their activities.

The key is that there is no indoor activity point, and it will be very troublesome if the weather is slightly worse.

The two were chatting, bowed their heads and walked forward, when they suddenly heard someone calling them: "Jin Yang, Chen Tao."

Chen Tao and the others looked up, only to see Fang Tao standing at the door smiling and waving at them.

"Brother Fang, why are you here?"

Chen Tao greeted him with a smile.

Ever since Fang Tao met Chen Tao and the others at Yuhuatai, he has often participated in their activities.

Fang Tao is straightforward and careful in doing things, and he is a college student, so gradually, Fang Tao is helping to do many things in the reasoning agency.

Some time ago, Jin Yang discussed with Chen Tao and promoted Fang Tao to be the vice president.

Fang Tao said with a smile, "Come and see you, do you have time tonight, the three of us have dinner together?"

"Okay, I'll just tell my family." Chen Tao agreed very simply.

However, Jin Yang showed embarrassment, "I'm afraid I can't."

"If there's anything wrong, you just call home and tell your uncles and aunts to say no. It's a rare opportunity for Brother Fang to find us for dinner."

Being teased by Chen Tao, Jin Yang thought for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll call and talk to my family."

Then they found a public phone to report to the family, and then found a nearby restaurant and sat down.

After ordering a few dishes at random, Fang Tao said to the two, "You are still young, so let's stop drinking."

The two nodded. Chen Tao clapped his hands and asked, "Brother Fang, did you really come to us today for dinner?"

"No." Fang Tao laughed, "Isn't it the end of the year? I wonder if our reasoning club is going to hold an event, a year-end ranking competition or something. I told the members of our school about this. After discussing it, they all felt good."

Since having Fang Tao, their reasoning club has grown faster and faster, and now there are many college student members.

These college students can actually play Werewolf in school, but the ranking system of Yuhua Reasoning Club is more attractive to them.

The ranking system of the Reasoning Club was created by Jin Yang. This kid made an algorithm himself and refined the ranking mechanism to ensure that members have a better experience when playing games.

This is also the reason why Fang Tao joined the reasoning agency at that time.

"The idea of ​​a ranking competition is a good idea, but now that it's getting colder and colder, it may not be possible to get all the people together. It would be great if there is an indoor activity point."

"I'm also here to tell you about this." Fang Tao said with a smile, "Our reasoning agency has done a good job in all aspects. The only shortcoming is that there is no fixed indoor activity point, and activities are easily affected by weather factors. .So I have been thinking about whether I can help our reasoning club get an activity room."

Jin Yang and Chen Tao looked at each other, and they both saw surprises in each other's eyes.

"Is it done?" Chen Tao asked expectantly.

"It's done."

Fang Tao clenched his fist, and he was also very happy.

For the event room, he traveled to many places. At first he wanted to get a classroom at Jinling University, but he couldn't get it done after asking around.

Later, when he was about to lose heart, he met Wang Hailin, the president of the Jinyi Mystery Fiction Association, and chatted with him about this matter.

When Wang Hailin heard that there was such an organization as the Yuhua Reasoning Society, he immediately became interested.

Since the founding of Jin Yi's Mystery Fiction Association, except for the initial wave of popularity driven by games, the subsequent development has not been ideal.

Wang Hailin himself has been trying to find a way, but after several attempts, it is not satisfactory.

This time, after hearing Fang Tao talk about the ranking mechanism of the Yuhua Mystery Club, he immediately became interested. He felt that this was an opportunity, which might change the status quo of their Mystery Fiction Association.

"President Wang of Jinyi's Mystery Fiction Association, knowing about our affairs, readily agreed to lend us their activity classroom. When we go over, just talk to him, and he will take us into the Inside the school."

"Golden art?"

Jin Yang and Chen Tao glanced at each other again, with strange expressions on their faces.

Fang Tao noticed the weirdness in their expressions and asked, "What's the problem? This werewolf killing game was actually created by Mr. Yu Dong for their Mystery Fiction Association. It should be a good thing to be able to carry out activities with them what."

"Ahem." Chen Tao cleared his throat and said, "It's not convenient for us to go to Jinyi."

"Why?" Fang Tao asked strangely, "Aren't you fans of Teacher Yu Dong's books? You should really want to go to Jinyicai, right? Maybe you can meet Teacher Yu Dong this time."

"It's okay to go there normally, but it's not very good to take the reasoning agency there."

Fang Tao shook his head, "I still don't understand why."

Chen Tao gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Actually, Yu Dong is my brother-in-law."

"What did you say, Yu Dong is you?" Chen Tao's voice was too low, Fang Tao couldn't hear clearly.

"Yu Dong is my brother-in-law." Chen Tao repeated.

"Oh, Yu Dong is said Yu Dong, what are you?"

This time Fang Tao didn't hear clearly, but he couldn't believe what he heard. He squinted and stared at Chen Tao. Is this kid kidding himself, or is he serious?

"Brother Fang, Teacher Yu Dong is indeed Chen Tao's cousin-in-law, and I went with him to Jinyi to find Teacher Yu Dong."

Since Jin Yang also said the same thing, there must be something wrong.

Fang Tao rubbed his head, "Why didn't you guys talk about this before?"

Chen Tao said with a smile, "I discussed with Jin Yang, not to reveal this news to others, but to really rely on our own strength to set up the reasoning agency. If we see anyone, we will say that I am Yu Dong's brother-in-law , although we can recruit more members, the role of our reasoning club will not be reflected. At that time, I was boasting with my brother-in-law, and I wanted to help him do a good job of publicity."

Hearing what Chen Tao said, Fang Tao gave a thumbs up, "You boy, you have backbone."

Being praised by Fang Tao, Chen Tao smiled a little embarrassedly, "So I hope Brother Fang, you will not tell other members about this in the future."

Fang Tao nodded and agreed, "No problem, I won't reveal a word. But I think you guys think too much about the activity classroom. Even if you go to Jinyi, you may not be able to meet Teacher Yu Dong. Even if you meet Teacher Yu Dong, he will know that you have come to this point without relying on him. By the way, does Teacher Yu Dong know about our reasoning club?"

"You should know. My mother seems to have told my sister, but they don't know the specifics."

"Then there's no problem." Fang Tao said with a smile, "In fact, it's impossible for Mr. Yu Dong to pay attention to us recently."


"You guys are in middle school, so I don't know much about it. I heard that Shenkong Company will hold an annual meeting in Jinling. Many well-known writers and big names in the entertainment industry will be there. As the head of Shenkong Company, Mr. Yu Dong must be extremely busy. "

"The head card..."

"Haha, don't think wrongly, just understand the spirit. Anyway, you just need to know that Mr. Yu Dong has not paid attention to us at all recently."

Chen Tao considered for a while, finally nodded and said, "Okay, everything will be arranged by Brother Fang."

Seeing that Chen Tao agreed, Fang Tao nodded happily.

He placed high hopes on the Yuhua Reasoning Club, and he also placed high hopes on the two boys in front of him.

Maybe Jin Yang and Chen Tao didn't feel anything, but Fang Tao could see their talents and potential.

Although Jin Yang is not good at communication, he has a very flexible mind and can often come up with some amazing ideas, and he does things in a straightforward manner without being muddled at all.

As for Chen Tao, he was a bit out of touch, but very friendly.A teenage boy, no matter who he sees, he can go up and chat with them. He is usually jovial, but he is decisive at critical moments. The members of the club admire him.

Together, these two people can produce a very subtle chemical reaction, and it is easy to get things done.

The success of Yuhua Reasoning Club is proof.

So in Fang Tao's view, as long as the abilities of Jin Yang and Chen Tao are brought into play, the reasoning agency will definitely become bigger and stronger.

The reasoning clubs in Jinling are all like a mess of loose sand, and they can't make a difference at all. It will be a matter of time before they are swept away by the Yuhua reasoning club.

Now that he learned that Chen Tao was Teacher Yu Dong's brother-in-law, Fang Tao became more determined in Fang Tao's idea.


The fact that Deep Space Corporation was going to hold the annual meeting had already spread before the invitation letter was sent out.

Of course, such a large event cannot be carried out silently.

Even if Deep Space Corporation wants to keep a low profile, the Jinling government does not agree.

With such a long face, it is impossible for the Jinling government not to do any publicity.

Deep Space Corporation is rooted in Jinling, and of course it has to sell the face of the local government. After all, there are many things that need to be taken care of in the future.

Because the popularity had risen earlier, Zhang Yimou asked with a smile as soon as he received Yu Yu's call, "Manager Yu, do you want to ask me if I can go to your company's annual meeting?"

"Director Zhang, do you know everything?"

"Yeah, I didn't know until I saw the news that I was going to attend your annual meeting."

"Those news are actually speculations. Our invitation list has not been leaked to any party."

"I know this, because the guests reported in different news reports are different." Zhang Yimou laughed, "I read in the news that Giuseppe will also go, so I don't quite believe the list they announced."

"They guessed it right."

Zhang Yimou was taken aback, "Is Giuseppe really going?"

"Really, and he is the first foreign guest confirmed to come."

It was indeed the first one. Giuseppe had already decided to come to China before the matter of the annual meeting was finalized.

"Okay, I see. If there are no accidents, I will definitely go."

Yu Yu happily replied, "Okay, we will send the invitation letter to you, Director Zhang, in a few days."

"You don't need to send the invitation letter. When I get to Jinling, just give it to me."

"That's fine, Director Zhang, let us know in advance when you come, and I'll send someone to pick it up."

"no problem."


After Yu Yu had settled the matter with Zhang Yimou, he hung up the phone without talking much.

There are hundreds of people on the list, and he has to call many of them himself, so he doesn't have time to chat with everyone in detail.

After ticking Zhang Yimou's name, Yu Yu went on to call other people.

As more and more people received calls, the matter of the deep space annual meeting became more and more clear.Previously, the media could only speculate on the ground, but now there are many "confessions" from celebrities, and the news is becoming more and more detailed.

The reason why this news has attracted the attention of many media is that the guests invited by Deep Space cover a wide range of people, and the guests are very famous.

Domestically, in the film and television industry, there are not only popular directors like Zhang Yimou and Zhao Baogang, but also actors like Ge You and Li Xuejian who are loved by the audience.Not to mention the literary circle, Yu Hua, Mo Yan, Yu Dong, Su Tong, Wang Anyi, Ge Fei... most of the domestic literary world has arrived.

Abroad, Spielberg, Giuseppe, Romero...these are all world-renowned figures.

Moreover, it is really unimaginable to be able to gather these groups of people together. It seems that apart from Deep Space, no other company can do it.

As the incident became more and more popular, many people in the film and television industry were also waiting to see if Shen Kong would invite me, because as long as she was invited by Shen Tian, ​​she would definitely be on the news, which is rare publicity opportunities.


News of the Deep Space Corporation, of course, will also become a topic among the students of the drama school.

At seven or eight o'clock in the evening, Li Yu and his classmates had just finished rehearsing a stage play. Everyone dragged their tired bodies and prepared to go out to find something to eat. On the way, Ren Zhenquan talked about the recent news about the Deep Space Company.

"During this period, the annual meeting of the Deep Space Corporation was very hot. I have been paying attention to the news. It seems that Spielberg and Giuseppe are both going."

"So it's true. I didn't believe it when I read the news before." Li Bing next to him said in surprise, "I've never heard of Deep Space Company before, it seems to have popped up all of a sudden."

Hai Tian smiled and said: "You just don't read enough news. If you pay attention to the literature circle, you must have heard of the company Shen Kong. Besides, Yu Dong's "Deep Space" seems to be named because of this company." .”

"Why, did they ask Yu Dong to write a book for publicity?" Li Bing asked.

"Because Deep Space is Yu Dong's agency, and Yu Hua and the others are contracted writers of this company. Otherwise, why do you think they were able to invite so many big names in the literary world?"

Li Bing pouted, "Is it so powerful?"

"Of course, and I also checked the guests invited this time, they should all be people who have cooperated with Shenkong." Haitian said this, and then looked at Li Yu, "By the way, Li Yu, didn't you participate in the competition before?" Have you acted in Director Zhao's "Don't Talk to Strangers", this movie also has the participation of Deep Space Company, Director Zhao and Feng Yuanqian have been invited, have they invited you?"

Before Li Yu could speak, Zhang Xiaohua on the other side curled his lips and said, "Li Yu is just a supporting role, how could Deep Space Company hire her?"

Zhang Xiaohua's words were not very polite, but she was a senior, so it was difficult for others to say anything.

Li Bing and Li Yu had a very good relationship, so he tactfully said, "Actually, it's not impossible. Li Yu's role is also very important."

Zhang Xiaohua smiled contemptuously, "That's right. After all, you have little experience in filming. It's understandable that you think it's important to take any role."

Li Bing secretly rolled her eyes, she couldn't understand Zhang Xiaohua, because he had acted in a few plays, he was always nose up in front of his juniors and girls.

In fact, who doesn't know, she played supporting roles, and it wasn't much better.

The originally pleasant atmosphere was a little embarrassed by Zhang Xiaohua's two words.

Li Yu glanced at Zhang Xiaohua, then slowly took out an envelope from his pocket and handed it to Li Bing, "Bingbing, I received a letter today, but I haven't had time to read it yet, please help me see what is written in the letter."


Li Bing felt that Li Yu's words were a little foolish, but she still took the envelope, and when she saw the contents inside, her eyes widened immediately: "Invitation letter from deep space!"

Her cry attracted Ren Zhenquan's attention to her hand.

Haitian snatched the invitation, "Let me see... Dear Miss Li Yu... It's really an invitation from Deep Space!"

When he was reading the invitation letter, other people also surrounded him, and there were voices of surprise one after another.

"Li Yu, you didn't make a prop, did you?"

"Hey, I really invited you."

"You hide too deeply."

Li Yu said with a smile, "I also just received it today, and I haven't had time to tell you."

In fact, when Li Yu received the invitation from the Deep Space Company, she also looked confused. She had the same idea as Zhang Xiaohua. She was a supporting role, so how could the Deep Space Company invite her.

But I never expected that Deep Space Company invited me.

Then she thought about it and thought that this matter might have something to do with Ruan Xiaohu.

Speaking of Ruan Xiaohu, Li Yu felt both sweet and angry in her heart. What was sweet was that Ruan Xiaohu often wrote letters to her. Although she never said anything about love, she could always feel Ruan Xiaohu's love in her heart. Sincere affection proves that my initiative was not in vain.

And the reason why he was angry was because Ruan Xiaohu always answered shyly and was not a man at all, so the two of them have not confirmed their relationship until now.

The last time Ruan Xiaohu came to the school to find her, he thought they would confirm their relationship, but who knew that after Ruan Xiaohu came, he accompanied her on the road all day at school, so he didn't say a few words.

Therefore, although she felt that this matter might have something to do with Ruan Xiaohu, Li Yu still felt a little surprised. Based on her understanding of Ruan Xiaohu, it was impossible for Ruan Xiaohu to go to Yu Dong for this matter.

Li Bing and the others knew something about her and Ruan Xiaohu, but they didn't know much. They only knew that Li Yu seemed to have a boyfriend. He looked cool and didn't like to talk much.

Ask her, she is unwilling to say more.

At this time, Li Bing confirmed that Li Yu had received the invitation from the Deep Space Corporation, and said to Zhang Xiaohua with a smile, "Senior sister, it seems that Xiaoyu is quite valued by the Deep Space Corporation."

Zhang Xiaohua choked up, turned his head away and didn't speak.

Li Yu suddenly smiled again, "Bing Bing, Deep Space said, I can bring relatives and friends there."


Li Bing's eyes lit up, and just as he was about to say something, Haitian next to him jumped up to Li Yu, "Sister, you will be my sister from now on. Sister, go to the annual meeting and bring your brother with you."

Ren Zhenquan sneered and said, "Haitian, you are several years older than Li Yu, and with your appearance, standing with Li Yu, no one doubts that you are her uncle. Unlike me, who looks younger, it is not at all to call her a sister." Something's wrong, isn't it, sister?"

Li Yu: "..."


Yu Dong is very busy these two days, but he is not busy with the annual meeting.

Two days ago, Jimmy called him again and told him the good news. Dan Brown's music is doing very well, and this time he released another album, which received a very good response.

On the phone, Jimmy praised Yu Dong again, saying that he has a good eye and discerning pearls, and he could tell that he was talented just by listening to Brown's cassettes.

"I'm curious, how did you see his musical talent? To be honest, I thought his music was very average, or even a bit poor."

Yu Dong couldn't answer Jimmy's doubts at all, because he never thought that Dan Brown could make a name for himself in music.

Where is the problem?
Yu Dong thought for a long time, and finally he could only attribute the change in Dan Brown's life trajectory to his joining.

Maybe it was because of his flattery against his will at the time that Dan Brown regained his confidence in music.

Yu Dong didn't know whether he should be happy for Dan Brown or what, but the key question was, if Dan Brown was successful in music, would he still write novels later?

If he didn't write it, wouldn't there be books like "The Da Vinci Code"?
Dude, how much less money this has.

Moreover, the novels written by Dan Brown are not suitable for Dong to write, and he can't write them, because they involve too much religious knowledge.

It is impossible for Yu Dong to spend time studying those religious contents in order to reproduce his books.

To get Dan Brown back on the original track, Yu Dong had to intervene again.So for the past two days, he has been thinking about how to lead Dan Brown into the "right way", and even wrote a letter of more than ten pages, preparing to send it to Dan Brown.

 Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 500 tip
  Thank you [FFances] for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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