Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 366 Recommend me a work

Chapter 366 Recommend me a work

The letter to Dan Brown was not sent in the end. After thinking about it, Yu Dong felt that the efficiency of writing the letter was too low, so he simply called Dan Brown in front of him for a face-to-face chat.

It just so happens that there is an annual meeting held in deep space this time, and there is a good reason for it.

Dan Brown and his wife were also very happy to be invited, and agreed immediately.


February NO.18 is New Year’s Eve. Considering that many people will go back to celebrate the New Year or participate in other activities, the time of the Deep Space Annual Conference is set on February NO.12.

And Giuseppe arrived in Jinling on February [-]th.

"Rosie, we made an appointment with YU to meet at three o'clock, right?"

After settling in the hotel, Giuseppe checked the time and followed Xing's translator to confirm the time.

Rossi nodded, "That's right, there is still more than an hour, sir, do you want to take a break? This is very close to Jinling Art Institute where YU is located, and we can start half an hour earlier."

Rossi is quite familiar with Jinling. He has stayed in China for more than five years, one of which was in Jinling.

Giuseppe shook his head, "No need, if you don't mind, can you read YU's work for me again?"

"Of course there is no problem." Rossi nodded with a smile. "In fact, I really want to read his novels myself."

Since Giuseppe decided to come to China, he began to pay attention to Yu Dong's novels.

At the beginning, he could only pay attention to Yu Dong's best-selling novels and "Xiang Xi" which attracted a wave of attention in the European and American literary circles.

Because of "Towards the West", Giuseppe had more expectations for the traditional literary works of the East.

It's just that YU's traditional literary works are hard to find in Europe, so when he came to China, he asked Rossi to help him collect YU's novels.

Rossi was also very helpful and helped him collect a lot of information, basically finding all the novels published by Yu Dong in all first-class literary journals.

On the way to Jinling, Rossi read the "Tree Hole" published by Yu Dong in "Flower City" for Giuseppe, and he had just read half of it.

The two of them were in the room at this time, each sat down in a comfortable position, and then Rosie began to read the remaining half to Giuseppe.

Reading is different from reading, the speed is very slow, and Rossi has to translate Chinese into Italian on the spot, the speed is even slower.

So until nearly three o'clock, Rosie didn't read the rest of the book.

"Sir, it's almost time, we have to go." Rossi looked at his watch and said.

Giuseppe was a little unsatisfied, "It's not a wonderful thing to hear such a good story but can't continue listening. It's just a pity that such a novel was not published in Italy, otherwise I wouldn't bother you to read it." Listen to me. In my opinion, this novel is more worthy of being read by Italian readers than "Resident Evil" and "Second World."

Rossi smiled, "Most of YU's novels have not been published in Europe and America, but they should be published in Italy in the future. Isn't "Xiang Xi" also published in Europe? This should be a signal."

"Let's go, let's meet this YU."


When Yu Dong first met Rossi, he thought that Giuseppe had brought his younger brother along, because the two looked alike.

The key is that the head is a little bald.

Italian men have the highest baldness rate in the world. Yu Dong thought it was a joke before, but there are two real examples in front of him.

Giuseppe is about forty, not tall, with pair of glasses, he looks very calm.

They met in Yu Dong's office. Yu Dong shook hands with them first, then poured them a cup of tea with a smile.

"It's not easy, is it?"

Rossi translated Yudong's words to Giuseppe, who smiled and said, "It was a bit boring on the plane, but after arriving in China, it was actually okay. Rossi kept reading your novels for me on the way, and the time passed quickly."

Yu Dong was a little surprised, "Which one did you read?"

"The "Tree Hole" you published in "Flower City" actually hasn't finished reading yet." Rossi helped to answer.

"You can find this novel, you really care about it."

"More than that, I basically found all your novels. When I was in Shanghai, I didn't need to spend too much effort. The staff in the bookstore knew you very well. Just now Mr. Tonadore was still complaining, why did your novel There is no Italian version."

Giuseppe nodded, "Yes, novels like "Hole in the Tree" must be very popular in Europe."

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Thank you for your compliments, but this matter may take some time."

"Your novel is worth waiting for the Italians." Giuseppe nodded, and then took out the manuscript of "1900: Monologue", "Since we are here for the script, I think we should get into the topic as soon as possible. Mr. YU, Regarding this literary script, I still have two questions."

"Well, you said."

"First, why do you pay attention to a literary script written by such an Italian writer?"

Yu Dong put the teacup on the tea table with a smile, and explained, "It's actually a coincidence. My wife has a friend in Italy. She found this literary script by chance. She thought it was very good and recommended it to my wife."

"Oh, that's it, it's really a coincidence." Giuseppe smiled, and asked again: "Then why did you find me?"

"It's actually very simple. After seeing this literary script, I came up with the idea of ​​making it into a movie. Because the author is Italian, the first thing that comes to my mind is you, because of your "Cinema Paradise" It left a deep impression on me, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is the best movie I have ever seen."

After a pause, Yu Dong continued, "I guess you might be interested in this script, so I asked the people from Deep Space Company to help you inquire, and you know everything about it later."

Everyone likes to hear compliments, and Giuseppe is no exception.

Especially for a well-known writer like Yu Dong, the praise he heard naturally carried more weight.

Giuseppe said happily, "Thank you for your love, YU. I thought that not many people in China had seen this movie. In fact, I am here this time, and I would like to hear your opinion on "1900: Monologue". You said After you read this script, you have the idea of ​​making a movie, so in your heart, you must have the prototype of a movie, right? Can you tell me about it?"

"Of course." Yu Dong took the teacup on the coffee table into his hand again, "Actually, I think this literary script is already quite complete, but some changes need to be made. For example, the ending..."

For the next hour, Yu Dong was talking and Rossi was translating.

In the middle of the trip, Yu Dong would get up and help them add some water.

Some of what he said were the plots in the movies he saw later, and some were his own views on the script.

Giuseppe nodded as he listened, taking notes with pen and paper.

After Yu Dong finished speaking, Giuseppe smiled and said, "I agree with you very much. "1900: Monologue" itself is very mature, and with your understanding, it will become more mature. Regarding the script, there are We agree on one point, and I also think it’s better for the protagonist not to disembark. There is no problem with the description of this paragraph in the original book, but as a literary script, he can use pen and ink to describe it, but the movie cannot..."

Then it was Giuseppe's turn to speak, and Yu Dong listened.

This is the case with the language barrier, and the discussion is more like a turn-based game.

In this way, two hours passed without knowing it.

After the conversation was over, Yu Dong and Jiang Jie sent them back to Jinling Hotel and had a meal on the spot.

After dinner, the two sides made an appointment to see each other tomorrow morning.

Just as Dong was about to leave, Giuseppe suddenly asked, "YU, Rossi will finish reading "Hole in the Tree" soon, can you recommend another work of yours?"

"My creation……"

"Of course, it's better not to be too long, otherwise Rosie may not finish reading it."

Rossi on the side licked his lips. Although he also wanted to read Yu Dong's works, reading books and translating books for others were completely different things.

"Tree Hole" is not long, probably only [-] to [-] words, but he has already struggled to read it.

Of course, it's not completely useless. Rossi feels that if he reads Yu Dong's novels to Giuseppe for a few more days, his translation level will improve a bit.

Yu Dong listened to Giuseppe asking him to recommend novels, pondered for a while, and said, "Maybe, you can read "Death of a Widow", which was published in "Harvest" before."

"Okay, I've made a note of it." Rossi nodded, "We also bought this issue."


The weather is getting colder and colder, especially at night, no matter how thick you wear, the cold wind can always find a place to sneak in and have an intimate "skin-to-skin kiss" with you.

Yu Dong trotted all the way to the staff apartment, rubbed his hands and went up to the second floor.

As soon as I got upstairs, I saw two fires flickering and extinguishing in the corridor.

Although the lights were dim, Yu Dong didn't even need to look carefully to know that it must be Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu who got together to smoke.

After getting closer, Yu Dong burst out laughing when he saw the two of them, "What kind of high technology is this!?"

Probably because the weather was too cold and smoking made hands cold, so the two of them didn't know how to come up with a way, one of them held a pair of chopsticks, and pinched one end of the chopsticks with his hands tucked into his sleeves, and the other end held a cigarette butt.

Bi Feiyu shrank his neck, took another puff of cigarette, and then said, "A gentleman is born with no difference, good and false are more than things."

"Tch." Yu Dong grinned, and walked towards his home with his arms folded, "Then you two gentlemen, face the cold wind here, I'll go back and sleep under the covers."

"Don't leave in a hurry." Bi Feiyu waved at Yu Dong with the hand holding the chopsticks, "I'm just waiting for you to come back, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Yu Dong turned around, "To make a long story short, it's too cold."

"So you still need to exercise more, look at me." Bi Feiyu patted his chest, "I'm not afraid of the cold at all."

Yu Hua also wanted to pat his chest, but he was wearing a big padded jacket, so he couldn't pat his chest.

"The two of us discussed, how about we get together to celebrate the Chinese New Year this year, and it will be more lively."

"Yes." Yu Dong agreed.

In fact, Yu Dong had thought about celebrating the New Year together before.

They will spend their first year in Luoyuan this year. To be honest, such a big garden seems a bit empty even if two families get together.

Moreover, Yu Dong was going to ask Xiaohu to celebrate the new year together, just because he was afraid that he would be embarrassed. If Yu Hua and the others also came together, Xiaohu should not have any psychological burden.

Hearing Yu Dong's immediate agreement, Yu Hua smiled, "Let me just say, this guy is definitely fine."

Bi Feiyu nodded, and said, "You must go to Luoyuan. I discussed it with Yu Hua. How about I bring wine with you when I go to your place for the New Year?"

"Go to my place, do you still want to bring wine?"

"One yard counts for one yard. Since we celebrate the New Year together, there must be back and forth."

Yu Hua also said, "Don't push this one."

Hearing what they said so resolutely, Yu Dong didn't say anything more, "That's fine, you can arrange the drinks."

"now it's right--"

Bi Feiyu waved his hand, but threw the cigarette to the ground. He quickly picked up the cigarette with his chopsticks, then blew on the butt of the cigarette, and took a sip, for fear that the smoke would be extinguished.

After the smoke became bright again, he continued, "There is one more thing. Haven't I written a lot of articles on "Essays in the Cucumber Garden", and the readers' response is also good. We are discussing whether to publish a collection."

"Okay, it can be published if the space is enough, you just need to tell Yu Yue or Jiang Jie about it."

Yu Hua shook her head and said, "Publishing the collection is secondary. What we mean is whether the royalties will be donated after the collection is released. Didn't Jimmy say before that there is a scholarship or something like that. "

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and asked, "What do you mean?"

"What we mean is to donate it. Isn't the Deep Space Corporation busy donating to build a school, can these royalties also be used to build a school?" Bi Feiyu asked.

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "I have no objection, have you told my brother about this, after all, there are his essays in it."

Yu Hua nodded, "I mentioned it once before, Su Tong's attitude is similar to ours."

"Then it's no problem." Yu Dong said with a smile, "Since our opinions are unified, let's do it this way. I'll talk to Yu Yu later to see how to operate it. Let's finish the matter, I will Go back first."

"Don't worry, there is one more thing."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "If there is anything else, you should finish it at once."

Bi Feiyu chuckled: "The last thing, isn't Li Xiaolin and the others coming at the annual meeting? Yu Hua called her on the phone today, and she said on the phone that Mr. Ba Jin mentioned a few of us. From Li Xiaolin's point of view, the old man is quite concerned about our works, of course, the main focus is on your and Yu Hua's works. I was thinking, should we find a time to look at the old man?"

"Hey, that's what happened." Yu Dong scratched his head, "Of course, as long as the old man is willing to see us, we can go there at any time. Have you mentioned this to Sister Xiaolin? What did she say? "

"I haven't mentioned it yet, isn't this what I mean by asking you?"

"What else can I mean? Of course I agree."

Yu Dong glanced at the two of them, then turned and walked towards his home, "Next time we talk about something, find a brighter place, the lights are dark, and those who don't know think we are thieves."

 Thanks to [He Fatty Get Up] Big Brother for the 500 reward
  Thank you [Han Sheng i] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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