Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 367 I feel like participating in a movie chapter

Chapter 367 Feels Like Attending a Film Festival
Jinling Hotel, in a dark room, Giuseppe tossed and turned on the bed, unable to fall asleep at all.

In the evening, Rossi finally finished reading "The Widow's Death", but after hearing the story, Giuseppe could not be calm for a long time.

He got up and walked to the window, and opened the curtains. Outside the window was a city that was blown a bit bleak by the cold wind. Under the night, Jinling was silent.


Giuseppe couldn't help opening the window, and the cold wind found a gap and came in from the outside, making him shiver immediately.

He thought of the heroine in the novel again.

People's jealousy is like the cold wind under the night, although it is not as sharp as a knife, but as long as there is even a little gap, they can take the opportunity to sneak in.

First, an inch of skin is frozen, then a hand, an arm, half of the body, and finally the whole person will be submerged by the cold wind and die invisible.

The art form of "Death of a Widow" is very interesting. Although it is not long, it has many perspectives and covers a wide range of content. Naturally, what it tells is not only the tragic experience of a heroine, but also the sorrow of an era.

But what Giuseppe pays most attention to is the story of the heroine.

He felt something special inside his body suddenly moved, and he was hooked by this novel, but he couldn't grasp it for a while.

The meeting with YU this morning went very smoothly, and we talked through all the things that we didn’t talk about yesterday afternoon. Now the script of "1900: Monologue" has basically taken shape, and we can start filming with only a few minor revisions.

After two and a half days of contact, Giuseppe also had a general understanding of YU.

Young, intelligent, calm and dignified, he has lofty artistic pursuits, but like ordinary people, he has an appropriate scale of awe for life.

From such a close observation, Giuseppe seems to have found an answer. The reason why YU was able to write a best-selling book loved by the public and climb the peak of art at the same time is precisely because he is such an artist who is not separated from the people.

Giuseppe closed the window, and the howling of the cold wind stopped abruptly. He slowly returned to the bed and lay down, but his thoughts returned to the hometown where he was born and raised. "Death of a Widow" reminded him of many things.


Jin Yi is already on vacation, but there are still many students on campus.

The news of the Deep Space Annual Conference has spread throughout the country, and there is no reason why Jin Yi's students don't know about it.

So there are many students who are not in a hurry to go back after the holiday, and want to see if they can meet those big stars and well-known writers.

On the morning of NO.11, the weather was not bad. Many students ran to sit on the lawn as soon as they entered the school gate, holding books in their hands and basking in the sun.

"Uncle Zhou, the students in our school love learning more and more."

At the door of the reception room, Xiao Fang looked at a group of students sitting on the lawn, and said this with a smile.

Holding the teacup, Uncle Zhou glanced at the students with squinted eyes, and said with a smile, "This is called drunkenness, Xiao Fang, you have to see the essence of things through the phenomenon."

Xiao Fang touched his head, puzzled, "How do you say?"

"You'll find out later." Uncle Zhou smiled, deliberately putting it off.

It was around early ten o'clock, a man with small eyes and a slightly chubby figure walked to the gate of Jinyi, gave a signal to Uncle Zhou and walked into the school gate.

As soon as he entered, the students on the lawn all looked at him.

Mo Yan just went in, and when he saw so many students, he was still a little curious. It's already a holiday, how come there are so many people in Jin Yi, and then he was stared at by them, and the strange feeling became even stronger.

After that, even stranger things happened.

Some students waved to him.

At first there was only one, and then more and more students waved to him.

Why am I waving?

Mo Yan was at a loss, but he couldn't help raising his hand as a gesture, which was a response to these students.

I thought this was over, but another student shouted, "Welcome to Jinyi."

This is... the welcome ceremony arranged by Jin Yi?

It doesn't look like it anyway.

Mo Yan nodded at them in a daze, then walked over quickly.

Not long after Mo Yan left here, Zhang Yimou, Liu Heng and Li Xuejian also arrived.

This time, the reaction from the students was even stronger.

"Director Zhang, welcome."

"Teacher Li Xuejian, welcome to Jinyi."

"Welcome three teachers."

Zhang Yimou was also a little strange, but he didn't take it seriously. It wasn't the first time he had come to Jin Yi, and some of these students were even familiar to him.

Smiling and waving to the students, Zhang Yimou asked, "They are all reading."

"Yes, Director Zhang."

"Not bad, not bad." Zhang Yimou nodded with a smile, and then led Li Xuejian and the others over.

On the other side of the reception room, Xiao Fang was stunned. He finally understood why these students went to the door to read and bask in the sun today.

Uncle Zhou is right, they are drunkards who don't care about drinking, reading books is fake, and seeing celebrities is real.

Immediately, Xiao Fang felt that being a guard was quite an advantage, as long as these celebrities came to the school, he would see them as soon as possible, so he would not miss them.

After Zhang Yimou and the others came, no one came for a long time. Until around eleven o'clock, Zhao Baogang, Qian Yunlong, Jiang Wenli, and Gu Changwei came together.

Both Zhao Baogang and Yu Yunlong have been here, Zhao Baogang gave lessons to the students, and Yu Yunlong even hung out with the students for a while when filming "The Tuner".

So before they reached the gate of the reception room, some students recognized them.

"Director Zhao, Director Zhao."

"Brother Yunlong, brother Yunlong."

Xie Yunlong waved to the students through the gate, and then smiled at Uncle Zhou: "Master, today is the Spring Festival, did you not go home?"

Uncle Zhou smiled and replied, "Work is important, Xiao Liu, didn't you all come all the way? I am nothing, you go in quickly, director Zhang Yimou and the others have already arrived."

Several people nodded, and then entered the campus.

At this time, someone recognized Jiang Wenli, called her name again, and gave a warm welcome.

Jiang Wenli smiled at the students while waving, "Why do I feel like I'm going to a film festival?"

Gu Changwei nodded, "It's true that the students are very enthusiastic, but it seems that no reporter came over. It's incredible that no one came over for such good news."

"Maybe they all rushed to the Jinling Hotel." Zhao Baogang laughed.

Jiang Wenli nodded in agreement, "I heard that Jinyi's gate is not easy to enter. I guess these reporters know about it, so they all went to Jinling Hotel. By the way, Yunlong, I think you are quite familiar with this doorman. "

Before Xie Yunlong could speak, Zhao Baogang said with a smile, "This guard is an interesting person, and he is very familiar with Yu Dong and the others. If you want to establish a good relationship with Jin Yi, you must first establish a good relationship with him. .”

"That's kind of interesting."


Zhao Baogang was right. After the reporters arrived in Jinling, they first went to the venue of Jinling Hotel. After squatting in the venue for a long time, they found that there was nothing to shoot, so they ran to Jinyi.

Not long after Zhao Baogang and the others left, reporters arrived one after another.

The reporters were all equipped with long guns and short guns, but they were all blocked by Uncle Zhou.

There are only two possibilities for Uncle Zhou to let him go, one is to know Uncle Zhou and directly swipe his face, and the other is to have a secret signal.

If you don't have both, you can only feel embarrassed.

In fact, many journalists have been to Jinyi and know the rules of Jinyi.

There are also some reporters who have had a lot of dealings with Uncle Zhou. When they come up, they pass a cigarette first, and then they don’t break the rules. They register their names and units, and they don’t bother to go in.

For the reporters who registered their names and units, Uncle Zhou treated them generously, invited them into the reception room, and made a cup of good tea for them.


When Zhao Baogang and the others arrived at Yudong's office, Zhang Yimou and the others had already been sitting there for quite a while.

Upon seeing the four of them, everyone in the office stood up and greeted them.

Most of them know each other and need no introduction.

For example, Gu Changwei, he has cooperated with Zhang Yimou and Liu Heng many times, and he is very familiar with him.He was also in charge of "Red Sorghum" before, so naturally he also knew Mo Yan.

Originally, Yu Dong's office was quite spacious, but once they came, it seemed a bit crowded with more than a dozen people nestled together.He dragged a lot of stools in the big office, otherwise there would really be no place for so many people to sit.

After asking them to sit down, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Actually, I should be the one to visit you, and you should make a special trip here."

Gu Changwei smiled and said, "Actually, we also want to see what this Jinyi is like. After all, the "Cucumber Garden Essay" written by you guys is really impressive. When we came in just now, we took a special look at the wishing piece Shi, was indeed as described by Yu Hua, rubbed brightly."

"Actually, it wasn't that bright. Since "Lu Xiulan" came out, it has become brighter and brighter." Bi Feiyu laughed.

Xie Yunlong rubbed his hands and said, "It's a pity that it's not Xia Tian. You all mentioned Jin Yi's toad in your essays. I really want to get to know him."

Yu Hua said with a smile, "Where is the toad?"

"Of course there are toads everywhere, but only Jinyi's toads can receive such favor and be included in your works." Zhao Baogang took over, "When we came just now, we saw many students at the door. Good guy, you applaud us as soon as you see us, did you arrange it specially?"

Hearing what Zhao Baogang said, the others also laughed.

Before them, Mo Yan and Zhang Yimou were treated in this way, and they all mentioned this matter.

Yu Dong explained with a smile: "It was definitely not arranged by us. It should be organized by the students who love you too much."

"Is there anyone else coming today?" Yu Yunlong asked.

Yu Dong nodded, "There are more, and many more."




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(End of this chapter)

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