Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 368 There is indeed one more chapter

Chapter 368 There is indeed another chapter

Everyone chatted in the office for a while, Ruan Xiaohu suddenly stood up, "Teacher, I'm going out for a while."

Yu Dong nodded, "Well, let's go."

After Ruan Xiaohu left, Zhao Baogang said with a smile, "Speaking of Xiaohu, Yu Dong, you had a hard time keeping it from me."

"Haha, I didn't hide it on purpose, but I don't think it's necessary to say it." Yu Dong laughed.

Gu Changwei didn't know the inside story, and asked curiously, "Is there anything special about this young man? What did Yu Dong hide from you?"

Zhao Baogang said with a smile, "Old Gu, you don't know, that is Ruan Xiaohu, Yu Dong's closed disciple, and a well-known writer."

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "Director Zhao, you are exaggerating. What a well-known writer, he just published a few novels."

"It's because you are too modest. I have read his novels. The "Putong" published in "Harvest" took me into it, and I almost didn't shed tears."

"Tsk tsk, "Harvest", it's amazing to be able to publish a novel on this." Gu Changwei sighed.

Zhang Yimou was also a little surprised, "I haven't read this novel yet, I'll look for it later."

"Definitely worth a look."


Li Bing and Li Yu got out of the car, and they were a little surprised when they saw a few reporters standing at the door of Jin Yi.

"These reporters' noses are too sharp, they've all squatted here."

Li Yu smiled and said: "Isn't this normal? Everyone knows that some of the people who came to the annual meeting this time must come to Jinyi's side. It would be strange if they didn't stay here."

"That's true." Li Bing nodded, and said to Li Yu, "But you have a lot of face, and you can still contact Yu Dong. Does he really have time to see us today?"

"Say yes."

Li Bing didn't think much, and looked into the school, "How do we get in? Just tell the guard?"

Li Yu also tiptoed to look inside, "Wait a while, someone is coming... Hey, here they are."

Li Bing looked in the direction she was looking, and saw a tall and thin young man walking this way, the more he looked, the more he felt familiar.

"This is, this is..." Li Bing slapped his head, "Isn't this your boyfriend?"

Li Yubai glanced at her, "What kind of boyfriend is still a friend."

"Still..." Li Bing chuckled, "That is to say, we won't be friends in the future? I knew you, little girl, were interested in him. But why is he in Jinyi? Is he a student of Jinyi?"

"more or less."

"What is almost..."

While the two were talking, Ruan Xiaohu had already reached the door, and he called out to the doorman, "Master, these two are my friends, let them in."

The reporters around were already ready to shoot, but when they heard that it was Ruan Xiaohu's friend, they put down their cameras one after another. From their point of view, Ruan Xiaohu should be a student of the school, and it was meaningless to shoot them.

The main reason is that the two of them are very good-looking, and the reporters thought they were female stars at first.

Uncle Zhou looked at Ruan Xiaohu, then at Li Yu and the others, with a caring smile, "Hello friend, hello friend, come in quickly."

Then the two entered the campus under the envious eyes of all the reporters.

Ruan Xiaohu led them to the government building, but the students next to him started booing.

"Mr. Xiaohu, there are family members coming to see you."

"Teacher Xiaohu, mighty."

"Mr. Xiaohu, you have to take care of your feelings, and you have to take care of your literature. I've been waiting for your novel for a long time."

"Yes, Teacher Xiaohu, can you be as productive as Teacher Yu Dong?"

"Mr. Xiaohu, you can't imitate Mr. Yu Hua. His works are like squeezing toothpaste."


In Jinyi, anyone who knows Ruan Xiaohu's identity will call him Teacher Xiaohu. After all, he is also the school's writer-in-residence, on the same level as Yu Hua.

Bi Feiyu often took Ruan Xiaohu to play football, so Ruan Xiaohu also met some students who played football, and the ones who made the most booing just now were those who often played football with him.

Ruan Xiaohu had a low temper and was teased by them, but he still waved his hand, "Go, go, don't make fun of Teacher Yu Hua."

At this time, the reporters outside the door felt that something was wrong the more they listened.

This kid doesn't look like a student yet?

"He must be Ruan Xiaohu."

A reporter suddenly reacted.

As soon as these words came out, several other reporters also reacted, "That's right, it must be Ruan Xiaohu."

Other reporters who didn't know who Ruan Xiaohu was asked confusedly, "Who is Ruan Xiaohu?"

But at this moment, no one wanted to talk to them at all, and all the reporters raised their cameras and began to take pictures of Ruan Xiaohu and the others.

Seeing this, Ruan Xiaohu quickly waved to Li Yu and the others, "Let's go."

Li Yu smiled calmly, "Why are you walking? We turned our backs to them. If we want to take pictures, we can only take pictures of their backs. If you run now, they may guess how to guess. And we are just friends. Let's take pictures for them." There is nothing wrong with it, or do you mean you have ghosts in your heart?"

Ruan Xiaohu became popular all of a sudden, not to mention, he really had a ghost in his heart. When Uncle Zhou saw him just now, he felt like he was caught in a relationship.

Li Bing smiled and said, "Yo Yo Yo, I'm still here, you two can't do it."

As soon as these words came out, both Li Yu and Ruan Xiaohu were embarrassed to speak.

Li Bing leaned against Li Yu's arm and asked in a low voice, "Your boyfriend..."


"Okay, okay, what is your friend's origin? How come the reporters know his name?"

Li Yu also felt that he couldn't hide it now, so he told Li Bing truthfully, "He's actually a writer."

"Writer!" Li Bing covered his mouth with a look of disbelief, "Such a young writer?"

Before Li Yu could answer, Li Bing said again, "You hide it too deeply, and you actually found a writer boyfriend without saying a word."


"I know, isn't it? But sooner or later, I am optimistic about you, come on."


When Li Yu and Li Bing approached Yudong's office, they were stunned by the scene before them.

Although they didn't know writers like Yu Hua, they knew Zhao Baogang, Jiang Wenli, Li Xuejian, and Zhang Yimou.

Although other people don't know each other, it's not easy to guess.

Li Bing, who was still teasing his best friend, suddenly froze, not knowing what to say.

It was Yu Dong who helped them out, "This is the actor Li Yu from "Don't Talk to Strangers", and the one next to him..."

Only then did Li Bing come to his senses, and quickly reported his family name, "Hello, teachers, I'm Li Bing from the show."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "Find a place to sit."

In fact, Yu Dong recognized Li Bing when he came in just now, but this was the first time they met, so of course it was impossible to call each other by name directly.

Li Yu took Li Bing to lean on Yunlong and the others. After all, they had been in the same crew before and were familiar with it.

Not long after the two girls came, Feng Yuanqian also arrived.

At this time, Yu Dong looked at the time and said with a smile, "There should be no one else in the morning, let's go to eat first. At noon today, please make a living in the school cafeteria."

In fact, it can't be regarded as a last resort. Yu Dong knew that there would be a lot of guests today, so he specifically explained to the cafeteria and asked them to prepare meals for the guests, which is not worse than going out to eat out.

During the meal, Jia Zhangke even came to take a group photo for everyone. After the photo, he said with a smile, "This is probably the pinnacle of Jinyi Canteen."


Whether that photo of Jia Zhangke is the pinnacle of Jinyi cafeteria is unknown, but it definitely cannot be the pinnacle of Jinyi, because after the meal, a group of people came one after another.

The first ones to come were Romero and Winona. As soon as the two appeared at the door, the cameras of the reporters kept pressing the door.

Romero and the others may feel unfamiliar, but everyone knows Winona. Although "Resident Evil" has not been released in China, there are not a few Chinese who have watched this movie. As the heroine of the movie, Winona Gained a large number of fans in China.

Followed by Spielberg, Schumacher, Matthew McConaughey.

Then there's Scorsese, Giuseppe, George R. R. Martin, Rowling...

Seeing these Hollywood superstars arriving one after another, the reporters were speechless except to squander the film.

They even thought that if a red carpet was laid at the gate of Jinyi, it would be an international awards ceremony.In fact, Rowling and Martin are not Hollywood, but who knows?
It wasn't just the reporters who were surprised. Zhang Yimou, who arrived earlier, also stood up and sat down among the waves of visitors.

They suddenly remembered what Yu Dong said before.

"There are more, and many more."

It is indeed a lot, and it is very weighty.

Although there were all kinds of news in the newspapers before, Zhang Yimou and the others also heard that Spielberg and others were coming, but on the one hand, they had some doubts about the authenticity of the news, and on the other hand, the invitation did not necessarily mean that they would come.

Even knowing that these people will come, the feeling of hearing the news is still different from seeing the real person.

It's not that Zhang Yimou has never seen the world. After all, he goes to film festivals every year, but seeing these people in Jinyi still surprised him.

Only then did he realize that Yu Dong's popularity had reached this level.

Look at these people in front of you. If the film and television industry is completely opened up in the future, who else can compete with Yu Dong and deep space?

What Zhang Yimou doesn't know is that all this is just the beginning, and an incredible era has quietly begun, and these people will be the characters who push the tide for Yu Dong on this stage.

The arrival of Rowling and the others is not the end, the follow-up sci-fi writers and writers like Wang Anyi have also arrived.

There were so many people who had already surpassed their expectations. Many people actually didn't tell Yu Dong in advance that they would come to Jinyi's side. They just saw others coming, so they came along with them.

Later, Yu Dong's office couldn't hold so many people at all, so Yu Dong could only wave his hand and lead them to the school auditorium, which was the only place that could accommodate so many people.

 Thank you [Moon Hidden Star Hidden Night] Big Brother for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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