Chapter 369 Weathervane

After arriving at the auditorium, I was finally able to move my feet.

However, the auditorium is used for events after all, and the function of meeting guests is relatively poor, and it is not easy to arrange tea.

Fortunately, Ruan Xiaohu and Qu Aiguo and the others helped with the work, and Li Yu and the others took the initiative to ask for Ying, so it was barely supported.

In the past, these people came here to see Yu Dong or Yu Hua. Now that there are so many people, it is impossible for everyone to talk to Yu Dong, so they began to actively expand their social circle and find people to get to know.

Everyone was in a group of a few or a dozen people, and Yu Dong went back and forth between the groups.

Zhang Yimou was very interested in Giuseppe and had been looking for an opportunity to talk to Giuseppe. After arriving at the auditorium, he finally found the opportunity.

"Hello Mr. Giuseppe, I'm Zhang Yimou."

After Rossi translated Zhang Yimou's words to Giuseppe, Giuseppe smiled and shook hands with Zhang Yimou: "Hello."

"Mr. Tonadore, this Mr. Zhang Yimou is a very famous director in China. His previous films "Red Sorghum" and "To Live" performed well at the film festival."

Giuseppe suddenly said, "It turned out to be the director of "Red Sorghum". I have seen this movie, and it is very good."

Speaking of which, Zhang Yimou is still Giuseppe's predecessor.

When "Red Sorghum" won the Golden Bear Award, "Paradise Cinema" had not yet been released. At that time, Giuseppe was still an unknown junior, and Zhang Yimou was already a cutting-edge director breaking into the international market.

But after "Paradise Cinema" came out, Giuseppe soon became famous.

Faced with Giuseppe's praise, Zhang Yimou smiled, and then asked, "Has Mr. Giuseppe cooperated with Deep Space Corporation before?"

"No, but there will be one soon. I worked with YU on a script." Giuseppe laughed.

Zhang Yimou nodded. The matter was similar to what he guessed, and he didn't ask any more about the script.He and Giuseppe have just met, so it's not easy to ask about such a private matter, if you want to know, you can only wait to ask Yu Dong later.

The two were chatting here, and Yu Dong, who was not far away, glanced here, and was about to come over, but Li Xiaolin waved to him, "Yu Dong, here."

Yu Dong could only walk towards Li Xiaolin and the others with a smile on his face.

In addition to the Shanghai Writers Association, there are also Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu. As soon as Yu Dong came to him, Cheng Yongxing said with a smile, "I have good news for you."

"What good news?"

"The short and novel awards will start selection next year. It is said that works from 95 and 96 will be selected, and your short stories are all included in the selection."

"It's indeed good news." Yu Dong nodded, "But do you mean next year in the lunar calendar or in the solar calendar?"

"For the Gregorian calendar, that is, the selection started in 97, and there is still one year left."

Li Xiaolin said from the side, "Don't think that the previous few articles were slack in the selection range, and you have to work hard this year. And our news may not be accurate. Don't delay the award at that time, and all of your few articles will not be used. .”

"I understand." Yu Dong smiled, probably the news this time is correct, he knows this matter better than Li Xiaolin and the others.

But this kind of inside information is actually a kind of cheating.

Writers without inside information may not write too many short stories. Those with inside information, no matter what, must write some, just to fight for awards.

Whether it can be awarded or not depends on the quality of the work, but from a certain level, the quantity can also improve the quality, even if it cannot improve the quality, it can also improve the sense of presence.

But now it seems that this news will not be an inside story soon. If Li Xiaolin can tell it on this occasion, more and more people will surely know about it later.

Yu Dong chatted with Li Xiaolin and the others for a while, and made an appointment to visit Balao next year, then turned and walked towards Giuseppe and the others.

He hadn't taken two steps before he was blocked by two large figures.

It is Joe Schumacher and Romero, both of whom are over 1.9 meters tall, especially Romero, who is already close to two meters.

With these two standing in front of them, the sense of oppression is really not small.

"Hi, Joe, Romero."

Yu Dong greeted them with a smile, and then saw Matthew McConaughey standing behind them.

Matthew McConaughey is about the same height as Yu Dong, in his early 1.8 meters, but standing behind Joe Schumacher and the others, he was tightly blocked.

"Matthew, you're here too." Yu Dong greeted Matthew McConaughey again with a smile.

Schumacher patted Yu Dong's shoulder very enthusiastically, "YU, I'm here to ask you if you would like to go to the scene of "Sniper Phone Booth" as a director...Jimmy has never replied to me, so I can only come to ask you face to face gone."

"I have to see your shooting time..."

"Our shooting time doesn't matter, it can be based on your time, anyway, our shooting time is relatively short."

"Okay, let me check the timetable and give you an answer tomorrow, okay?"

"Then I'll come see you tomorrow morning."

Yu Dong patted his forehead, Schumacher is too difficult to deal with.

"Don't come here tomorrow morning, I'll give you an answer when we meet at the venue tomorrow afternoon."

Schumacher smiled and said: "Okay."

After finishing Schumacher, Yu Dong looked at Romero again, "Romero, what do you want? Do you want me to follow the filming of "Resident Evil 2"?"

"No, no, no." Romero waved his hand and said with a smile, "I'm just here to chat with you."

Yu Dong nodded and suggested, "Why don't we go over there and talk to Giuseppe and the others?"


A few of them walked towards Giuseppe, and other directors and actors were also attracted. After a while, Yu Dong was surrounded by more than a dozen people, all of whom were directors and actors at home and abroad.

Li Xiaolin looked at Yu Dong and said with a smile, "Yu Dong is very famous in the film and television industry now."

Cheng Yongxing nodded in approval, "A few years ago, everyone was talking about Wang Shuo. At that time, Wang Shuo was basically unmatched in TV dramas. Who would have thought that now there is another Yu Dong."

"In my opinion, even when Wang Shuo was at his peak, he couldn't compare to Yu Dong now." Wang Anyi said.

"The path we take is different. Yu Dong is mainly exporting, while Wang Shuo is basically selling domestically. Yu Dong doesn't have much involvement in TV dramas, and he is still far away from the domestic people." Li Xiaolin said.

"Didn't I hear that Zhao Baogang had written a script to shoot it? This is Yu Dong's first show in the TV series. I don't know what will happen." Wang Anyi looked at Yu Hua again, "Is that TV series going to be broadcast? ?”

Yu Hua nodded, "Yes, it will air next month."

"Then I'll have to pay attention."


Not long after Yu Dong chatted with the directors and actors, a new guest came to the auditorium.

George Lucas, led by Jiang Jie, went straight to the east as soon as he entered the auditorium.

"YU, I finally see you." Lukas held Yu Dong's hand enthusiastically, "Sorry for being late."

Yu Dong was held by Lucas, and he was still a little confused. He didn't know the middle-aged man in front of him.

Jiang Jie introduced him in time, "This is George Lucas, the founder of Lucasfilm, and the director of Star Wars."

Yu Dong smiled, it turned out to be him.

"Mr. Lucas, your arrival has made my place flourish. I have heard Steven mentioning you before, and today I finally saw you in real life."

"Yeah, we have cooperated many times, but I didn't expect to meet for the first time after so long."

Yu Dong nodded. Indeed, Lucasfilm has participated in several films in the United States, especially their Industrial Light and Magic, from "Second World" to "Resident Evil" to the upcoming "Black and White". Clothed Man", the special effects are all in charge of this company.

If the follow-up "Harry Potter" is going to start filming, there is a high probability that they will also find them.

George Lucas also knew that Deep Space would be their main customer in the future.

Not to mention other things, just the plans that have been carried out and basically confirmed have already accounted for one-third of the workload of Industrial Light and Magic in the next few years.

It is also because of such close cooperation that although George Lucas has been busy with work recently, he still took the time to visit China.

Yu Dong was also very happy to see George Lucas, and hurriedly asked Jiang Jie to call over the science fiction writers who were gathered on the other side.

After these writers arrived, Yu Dong enthusiastically introduced to Lucas, "These are science fiction and fantasy authors under the banner of Deep Space, this is George Martin, maybe you should know him, this is Wang Jingkang, our Chinese author ..."

After Yu Dong tirelessly introduced all the authors, he smiled and said to Lucas, "Mr. Lucas, I dare say that at least half of them will cooperate with you in the future."

In fact, Lucas was somewhat disbelieving in his heart.

Both George Martin and Rowling are easy to talk about. The former is well-known in the American science fiction world, and the market response to the new "A Song of Ice and Fire" is also particularly good. Although the latter has no work, Lucas knows Some inside information about Warner and Deep Space pushing her.

As for those Chinese sci-fi writers, Lucas thinks it is incredible that one or two of them can go international. Not everyone can be like YU.

But on the surface, Lucas still sold Yu Dong's face, and said with a smile, "Of course, I am also looking forward to cooperating with you writers."

Yu Dong also probably knew that Lucas might not believe what he said, but he himself was not entirely sure whether it would come true.

But he just wants to say that on the one hand, he must show confidence and at the same time give Wang Jingkang and others hope and confidence. On the other hand, this is also his goal. Sooner or later, Yu Dong will no longer be the only one who enters the international market. .


Until the evening, Yu Dong asked Jiang Jie to get a few large carts to take everyone to Jinling Restaurant for dinner. Jinyi's cafeteria did not prepare meals for so many people in advance.

The car drove directly to the entrance of the auditorium, and everyone got in the car and drove out of the school directly.

The reporters who waited all afternoon in the cold wind could only look at the buttocks of the car and sigh.

However, their work was not in vain today, at least they took pictures of many celebrities, enough for them to go back and write news.

After the car left, Uncle Zhou looked at the reporters behind and said with a smile, "You guys, you still can't think fast enough. Those who think fast are already at the entrance of Jinling Hotel."

These reporters patted their heads suddenly after hearing Uncle Zhou's words: "It's true."


There are always some quick-witted reporters who have already rushed from Jinyi to the Jinling Hotel in advance.And besides the reporters from Jinyi, there are many reporters who have been squatting here, so there are so many reporters at the entrance of the hotel, there must be dozens of them.

As soon as the car carrying everyone arrived at the entrance of the hotel, the cameras in the hands of the reporters kept flashing.

If it weren't for the red carpet... oh, there is a red carpet.

The red carpet was not prepared by Deep Space. Jinling Hotel attaches great importance to this annual meeting of Deep Space, so it specially arranged for the hotel. The red carpet at the entrance is their masterpiece.

This evening is just a simple meal, but the atmosphere is very lively. Everyone knows that if we don't have a good relationship tonight, we may not have enough time tomorrow.

A meal was eaten from 06:30 to [-] o'clock and it was not over yet.

In fact, it could have ended earlier, but Jimmy suddenly came in the middle and brought the atmosphere up again.

When it comes to interpersonal relationships, Jimmy is better than Yu Dong.And different from Yu Dong, all the people here have had direct contact with Jimmy.

Over the years in China, Jimmy has also learned a lot of methods of persuading people to drink, holding a wine glass and looking for people to drink. After a round, the wine in his glass has not changed much, but others have already drank a lot of wine.

The key is to drink sauce-flavored baijiu at night. Many foreigners have never been in contact with it before, and they didn't take it seriously at first.

Mo Yan looked at these foreigners being bewildered by Jimmy, and laughed straight away: "It turns out that foreigners can't stand Jimmy's methods."

"Mr. Ji's methods are beyond the reach of ordinary people. The last time we drank together, what kind of fish head wine, fish tail wine, chicken head wine, double touch and three non-drinking... I don't know many things, and I don't know that he never Where did you learn it?" Bi Feiyu was holding the wine glass, and when he thought about the scene of drinking before, he felt a little apprehensive.

As soon as Bi Feiyu finished speaking, Jimmy turned his head to look at the wine glass, then fixed his eyes on them, and then walked towards them with a smile.

When he saw him coming, Mo Yan got up quickly: "I feel a little sick to my stomach, so I need to go to the bathroom first."


Until 10:30, everyone drank drowsily and went back to their rooms, but Jimmy was still awake.

Looking for an opportunity, Jimmy pulled Yu Dong aside and talked about something about tomorrow's annual meeting.

After chatting for a while, Jimmy suddenly said, "I heard from Yu Yue that you are going to donate the royalties from "Essays on the Cucumber Garden" to build a school?"

Yu Dong nodded, "Yes, Yu Hua and the others talked to me about this before, and I agreed."

"It's a good thing." Jimmy pondered, "but the income from royalties is relatively slow, and the company is also donating to build schools, so the effect of building buildings is relatively poor. I have a suggestion, it's better to set up a scholarship, so that it can be donated to build schools with the company Make a match."

"That's okay, as long as it can be used in practice."

"The income from books is continuous, and it is more appropriate to use it to set up scholarship awards, and it is easier to do later publicity. You can not specify a school, but adopt a district application system. Schools in the same area submit student information, and then We review and award scholarships if eligible. This allows for flexibility and increased impact.”

Yu Dong nodded, "Since you already have an idea, just follow what you said. I'll ask Yu Hua and the others later, and they won't have any objections."

"Okay, I'll ask Yu Yu to come up with a plan later, and you can take a look."

After talking about the scholarship, Jimmy smiled and said, "Are you ready for tomorrow's speech? Then we will have all-round photography to record the heroic appearance of your speech, but you must perform well."

"I'm not the only one who will speak tomorrow." Yu Dong laughed.

"It's true that you are not the only one, but I believe that everyone wants to listen to you." Jimmy patted Yu Dong on the shoulder, "My Dong, we have reached this position before we know it. Do you think Spielberg Gee, why did they come here so far? Just because they have cooperated with us? This annual meeting will also announce some follow-up plans of our company. These plans are likely to affect their development .”

"I hope that when you speak tomorrow, you will send some signals to them. If you want to develop well in a circle, you must have the ability to determine the direction of the wind. I hope that this annual meeting will be a beginning, a way for us to become a wind vane Start."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Don't worry, I understand what you mean."



Pig stomach, I have a fever today, that's all

 Thank you [Spoon 8321] for the 200 reward
  Thank you [Book Friend 20211101145359794] for the 5000 reward of the boss
  I started to have a fever last night. I got up in the middle of the night and took a measurement. It was 39.2 degrees. I quickly took some medicine. The fever subsided in the morning. I was proud of my health and recovered quickly. I started to have a fever again in the afternoon. Now my eyes hurt from the fever, and I can’t even look at the screen for long.

(End of this chapter)

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