Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 370 Deep Space Annual Summary

Chapter 370 Deep Space Annual Summary
The next morning, Yu Dong was woken up by the phone ringing. He wrapped his clothes and got up to answer the phone.


"Brother-in-law, I'm Jingjing, is my sister at home?"

Hearing that it was Ning Jing, Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "It's only six o'clock, and she's still sleeping."

"Then I'll go there after seven o'clock and bring you some breakfast, it's agreed."

Immediately Ning Jing hung up the phone.

Yu Dong sighed, wrapped himself in the quilt and went back into the house, Cheng Yanqiu also woke up, and asked in a daze, "Who is it?"

"Who else could it be, your little sister said she would come over at seven o'clock."

"What time is it?" Cheng Yanqiu asked again.

"It's early six o'clock."

"It's past six o'clock." Cheng Yanqiu grabbed his hair and sat up, "Get up quickly, I made an appointment with Xiao Jing to go shopping yesterday. She came here on the night train last night, so she must have not slept for a long time. She cooks something warm to eat."

Yu Dong huddled under the quilt and didn't want to move, "Since I didn't sleep well at night, I should have a good rest in the hotel and go shopping. I also burn some warm food for her. I see you, I'm too used to her."

"I just like this girl." Cheng Yanqiu smiled and got up by himself, "You, go to sleep."

After Cheng Yanqiu got up, he was busy working in the kitchen, and Yu Dong also got up after a while. No matter what, it was not unreasonable for someone from the family to lie on the bed.

At 07:30, Ning Jing came early with two bags.

"Sister, I bought some buns, both white and fried."

She was not too polite, and ran to the kitchen to find a plate for breakfast.

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "It's just right, I cooked some porridge, and I'll eat it."

Although Yu Dong was quite upset that Ning Jing disturbed his waking dream, the buns she brought should be eaten anyway, and he ate more than the two of them combined.

After eating the buns, Yu Dong hiccupped and said, "You guys go shopping later, do you want me to arrange a car for you?"

"No, it's not too far away." Cheng Yanqiu shook his head and said.

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Let's go by car, I'll go with you."

Ning Jing smiled and said, "Brother-in-law, you are still worried."

"There is nothing to worry about. Jinling City is Teacher Cheng's territory. I am not as good as her in talking. I am going to bring Xiaohu with me. It is almost the Chinese New Year. I have not seen this kid buy me good clothes. Take him there to give him a gift. He picked out two new clothes."

"Okay, it's just that we go over to give him palm eyes and buy him some good clothes. It's rare for you teacher to bleed." Cheng Yanqiu said.

Yu Dong waved his hand, "What kind of blood is there? I'll take him to buy clothes, and he has to pay for it himself. This kid is earning a lot now, and he can still afford a few clothes."

Ruan Xiaohu is currently receiving the allowance from Jinyi on the one hand, and the manuscript fee on the other. He always has an income of 1 yuan a year.

Although they can't compare with Yu Dong and the others, they earn more than ordinary working-class workers.

Cheng Yanqiu and the others cleaned up the dishes at home, while Yu Dong went out to find Ruan Xiaohu first.

After arriving at Ruan Xiaohu's dormitory, he found that the boy was not there.

After waiting for a while, no one was found, so Yu Dong had to go home again.

Seeing him coming back alone, Cheng Yanqiu asked strangely, "Where is Xiaohu?"

"I didn't see anyone, so I don't know where I went." Yu Dong spread his hands, "I asked Jiang Jie to drive here, and I will take you shopping in a while, and then I will go to Jinling Hotel."

"Don't bother, let's get off at the Jinling Hotel, it's only a few steps away."


Yu Dong went to the hotel and looked at the layout of the venue first.

Then when he was going to find Yang Xiao and Tan Kai, he met Spielberg and George Lucas in the corridor.

"YU, you came here so early?"

Seeing Yu Dong, Spielberg seemed very happy, and even offered him an invitation, "We are going to my room, would you like to come and sit?"

Yu Dong was not in a hurry to find Yang Xiao, so he nodded and agreed, "Of course."

After entering the room, the three of them chatted one after another. Halfway through, Spielberg suddenly said, "YU, do you have any new book plans recently?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Didn't "Deep Space" just hit the shelves?"

Spielberg also laughed, "Don't think I don't know, "Deep Space" was written a long time ago."

"And a copy of The Martian."

"I know this too. It seems that I have written it for a long time. However, I think readers in other countries will definitely look forward to it. I talked to your Ms. Yang yesterday, and she strongly recommended this book to me. A novel. Although I have not read the novel, I have already become interested in this novel."

Having said that, Yu Dong guessed that Spielberg probably came to him because of "The Martian", so he nodded heartily and said, "It's very simple, I will tell Jimmy later and ask him to bring you the novel in advance." Take a look, if you are still interested after reading it, you can continue to talk about the following things.”

"That's great." Spielberg clapped his hands with a smile, and continued, "Speaking of Jimmy, it reminds me of a headache. He asked me to speak on stage tonight, but I still don't know I have no idea. The suggestion Jimmy gave me was to talk about the trend of movies, but I have thought about it for a long time, but I still don’t have a clear idea. Regarding the trend of the movie industry, what do you think of YU?”

Yu Dong twitched the corner of his mouth. To be honest, Spielberg's topic turned a little bluntly.Originally, he thought that Spielberg called him here for "The Martian", but now it seems that there are other purposes.

He probably wanted to hear some news about the deep space from himself.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I think the two of you are walking the right path in the film industry, and we can only follow in your footsteps."

Spielberg was obviously not satisfied with this answer. He shook his head with a smile and said, "Times are always changing, and something unexpected will happen at any time. Just like the Deep Space Corporation, who knew it would suddenly jump a few years ago." Come out, and develop so fast? Speaking of it, I have to admire Jimmy, most of the decisions he made seem to be right."

Lucas on the side nodded sympathetically and said, "Yes, in the past, the Deep Space Company was supported by Yu alone, but now it's completely different. George Martin's new book was well received when it came out. Rowling's The new book is also valued by Warner, and the market will definitely not be bad. In addition, Jimmy's bold purchase of the copyright of "Men in Black" is also a very profitable operation."

Yu Dong looked at the two with a smile. The two people sang together, just to catch up with themselves.

Since they worked so hard, they couldn't let their work go to waste, Yu Dong murmured, "Actually, I still know one more thing."

Their eyes lit up, and Lucas asked, "What's the matter?"

"I heard from Jimmy that he has paid more attention to IMAX recently."

"IMAX Corporation."

As bigwigs in the film and television industry, Spielberg and Lucas certainly know this company, and even this company has many businesses that overlap with Lucasfilm, so they are considered competitors.

This company was listed on Nasdaq last year. They have an IMAX3D system in their hands, which was installed in some theaters last year.

But overall, this system is not well-known and not very popular.

The key is that the development of 3D movies has not been very good in recent years, and the initial bonus period has passed. In recent years, basically not many people are willing to go to the cinema to watch [-]D movies.

"Is Jimmy interested in their system?" Lucas asked.

Yu Dong nodded, "Indeed."

Spielberg frowned, "The current market for 3D movies is not good, and the problems involved are also very complicated."

"I know that the decline of 3D movies has two factors. First, the equipment can't keep up, so the viewing experience is not much different from ordinary movies. Second, there are problems with the quality of movies. Early 3D movies blindly used 3D technology. , but ignores the wonderfulness of the story and the rationale for using 3D."

After a pause, Yu Dong continued, "As long as the audience can feel the excitement that ordinary movies can't bring to them in 3D movies, it can make 3D movies stand out."

Spielberg stroked his palm, not knowing what he was thinking, but Lucas had already said, "YU, I don't think this system will become mainstream for a while."

In fact, he has already put it mildly. The technology of 3D movies is really rough and cannot meet the quality requirements of excellent directors.

A few years ago, because of the movie "Stewardess", 3D even became synonymous with pornography.

Spielberg's thinking is similar. In his opinion, 3D movies are an accessory of mainstream movies and cannot become mainstream at all.People go to theaters to watch 3D movies just as a novelty. If they really want to appreciate an excellent director, they should not choose 3D.

But now that Yu Dong said that, he had to think more.

After thinking for a while, the answer Spielberg got in his mind was that it would take at least another three to forty years for 3D movies to become mainstream.

"YU, do you have any forecast for the cycle of 3D movies?" Spielberg looked up and asked.

Yu Dong said confidently, "In as many as 15 years, and as little as seven or eight years, 3D movies will once again attract everyone's attention, and even leap into the mainstream."

Normally, Yu Dong would keep his speeches on the line, but this time he spoke so radically because he wanted to drag Spielberg and Lucas into the pirate ship.

The next wave of dividends for 3D movies will soon come with the maturity of the IMAX system, and this wave of dividends is hard to eat, but it is different when it comes to Spielberg and Lucas.

The three parties are together, with technology, IP, money, contacts, and channels, and things are easy to get done.

Seeing that Spielberg was still hesitating, Yu Dong didn't continue to talk about this topic, but talked about the novel, "Aren't you interested in the novel "Deep Space"?"

The topic was successfully transferred by Yu Dong, Spielberg said with a smile, "I really thought about it seriously, but the knowledge involved in it is too complicated, if I want to shoot, I may have to learn about it. "

"If you want to learn, you can go to Kip Thorne, he is an expert in this field, and he is also a scientific consultant of the Deep Space Corporation, who can help you for free."

Speaking of Kip Thorne, Lucas couldn't help laughing, "Jimmy's move is really powerful, and he immediately pulled Kip Thorne into your camp. But Kip Thorne It's not a loss, his "A Brief History of Deep Space" has attracted a lot of attention."

"In general, Deep Space Corporation is more profitable."

"That's true."


Yu Dong chatted with Spielberg and the others all morning, and after lunch at noon, he went to chat with Yang Xiao and the others for a while.

At about three o'clock, Cheng Yanqiu and Ning Jing came to the hotel, and with them were two girls, Ruan Xiaohu and Li Yu and Li Bing.

After hearing what Cheng Yanqiu said, Yu Dong knew that Ruan Xiaohu had been taken shopping by Li Yu and his two girls in the morning, and when Cheng Yanqiu and the others went to the mall in the morning, they happened to meet Ruan Xiaohu and the others.

Ruan Xiaohu saw Yu Dong's expression of being caught, but Yu Dong didn't take it seriously at all. It's normal for boys and girls.

Besides, although Yu Dong is his teacher, he can't control these things.

"You go to Jiang Jie in a while, and he will arrange seats for you. I shouldn't be able to take care of you right now."

After a brief explanation, Yu Dong went to work.

The annual meeting officially starts at four o'clock, and there is not much time left.

But when Yu Dong arrived at the scene, he found that there was basically nothing he needed to be busy with. Jiang Jie pushed him to sit in the front seat and asked him to wait for the annual meeting to come up and give a speech.

At four o'clock, the annual meeting officially began.

Jimmy voluntarily served as the host, seamlessly switching between Chinese and English.

"ladies and gentlemen……"

"Ladies and gentlemen..."

After a simple opening speech, Jimmy said affectionately: "A month ago, I still lacked a little confidence in holding this annual meeting. One month later, my self-confidence swelled. What made me swell was Everyone here, your presence has given me great confidence."

"Next, let me briefly talk about the process of today's annual meeting. First, I will report to you the achievements of Deep Space Corporation last year."

After that, Jimmy didn't use English anymore, because foreign guests were equipped with an interpreter next to them.

"Last year, we participated in the filming of two TV series, one in China and the other in the United States..."

Jimmy's report started from the simplest. He first talked about the two TV series that the company participated in, one was "Don't Talk to Strangers", and the other was the unit drama that Jimmy produced.

"Participated in filming..."

"Publishing books..."

Jimmy's report didn't play any games, just simply listed the data, but even so, it was surprising enough.

Especially when it comes to publishing books, everyone is taken aback.

Last year, Deep Space participated in the publication of more than 4000 books. This year, the total sales volume of their books reached more than 100 million copies, with an average sales volume of more than [-] million copies per book.

Of course, the real average will not be so many, because many of these sales are the sales of previously published novels, such as "Second World" and "Resident Evil".

However, as a company that has just been established for a few years, Deep Space can sell more than 4000 million copies of its author's works a year, which is already surprising enough.

At the same time, it is foreseeable that this number will increase this year, and there will be a substantial increase, because many books have been published in Deep Space this year, and more books will be published in the future.

It is worth noting that Jimmy only mentioned the main industry of Deep Space Corporation, and did not mention some industries, such as Amazon, such as games.

 pig stomach, good night
(End of this chapter)

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