Chapter 371
After Jimmy reported the company's achievements last year, he invited the partners to give speeches on stage.

As the unit with the longest cooperation in deep space, it is reasonable for the representative of "Science Fiction World" to be the first to give a speech on stage.

Yang Xiao looked very well prepared, and walked onto the stage with his head held high and his chest held high with two pages of manuscript.

"Hi everyone, I'm Yang Xiao from "Science Fiction World"."

"When I learned that I was required to give a speech on stage, and I was the first one, to be honest, I was still a little nervous. After all, everyone here today is a leader in the industry, and they are more qualified to speak on stage than me. But—— "

As we all know, "however" and "but" are followed by what the speaker really wants to say.

"From the time of contact, we may have to be earlier. I have seen Jimmy's shrewdness before the establishment of Deep Space Corporation." Speaking of this, Yang Xiao smiled and looked at Jimmy. "Mr. Ji, I'm totally complimenting you."

Jimmy shrugged, saying it didn't matter.

Yang Xiao continued, "I was even worried that Jimmy was a liar. At that time, Yu Dong had just made his debut. We could see his great potential, and we pinned the hope of Chinese science fiction on him. In our eyes , At that time, Yu Dong was not only a rising star, but also a child who needed our care. We were afraid that he would be deceived, so when we first contacted Jimmy, we were very cautious."

A paragraph that was not funny at first, but there was a lot of laughter underneath. Some people probably remembered the experience of getting in touch with Jimmy at the beginning.

Speaking of this, Yang Xiao stroked the manuscript, "I have said so many bad things about Jimmy, I have to say good things about him. Since Mr. Ji chooses to use data to speak, then I will follow the gourd and tell everyone Let's talk about the data of "Science Fiction World"..."

In the next 10 minutes, Yang Xiao listed the data changes of "Science Fiction World" in the past few years, from a minimum of a few hundred copies at the beginning to now a stable monthly sales of about 20 copies, and it is still growing slowly .

The highest issue, the first issue of "The Martian" just started serialization, sold 35 copies, which is also the historical record of "Science Fiction World".

In addition to the most intuitive data such as sales, the number of manuscripts received by the magazine every month is also dozens of times before. More and more excellent science fiction authors are emerging, and sometimes they even have to reluctantly give up. Screen out some good manuscripts.

At the end of his speech, Yang Xiao said: "Finally, I would like to use this stage to advertise that the Galaxy Awards in 96 will still be held in Rongcheng in July. If you are interested, we all welcome you."

After she said this, there was warm applause from below, but Yang Xiao didn't finish his speech, he still supported the microphone and said, "I can see clearly who is applauding below you, after the annual meeting is over, I'm going to invite you, haha."

After saying the last sentence with a smile, Yang Xiao stepped off the stage, and the applause became more enthusiastic. It can be seen that her speech this time has a very good effect.

To sum up, her speech has two core points. First, it shows that they have a very good relationship with Deep Space, and the cooperation will become closer in the future. Second, "Science Fiction World" is now flourishing and has made great achievements.

Everyone understands, so this warm applause is not only for Yang Xiao, but also for "Science Fiction World", which has a close cooperation with Deep Space and is the leader in China's science fiction world.

After Yang Xiao came down, Zhang Yimou, Zhao Baogang, Spielberg and others also came on stage one after another.

Compared with Yang Xiao's speech, the speeches of the latter people were much more official. On the one hand, they thanked Deep Space for their previous contributions, and on the other hand, they looked forward to the follow-up cooperation, and then praised Deep Space Company severely.

Yu Dong was the last one to speak on stage.

What does everyone represent on stage? Yang Xiao represents the "Science Fiction World" magazine, and Zhang Yimou represents the film crew of "Alive" and "Soft Knife"...

Yu Dong represents all the content creators signed under Deep Space.

Content creators, this word means that their company is now not only signing writers, but also signing some directors, screenwriters, and even actors.

"Hello everyone."

When Yu Dong spoke, the atmosphere was completely different.

As Jimmy said, those who came to the annual meeting today want to hear his speech most.

"I'm Yu Dong." Although everyone knew each other, he still introduced himself.

"In a few days, it will be New Year's Eve, our traditional Chinese festival. At such a time, it is very difficult for all of you here to come to this annual meeting. Not to mention friends from abroad, who are separated by oceans, mountains and roads are far away. "

Yu Dong smiled and continued, "However, I believe that this trip is worthwhile for all foreign friends, because a brand new world will open up in front of you. Chinese culture and Chinese history will allow you to have A new experience. And I believe that in the near future, the Chinese market will also impress you.”

"China is a country with a population of more than one billion. It is a country with a long history but full of vitality. In such a country, the construction of economy is very important, and the construction of spiritual civilization is equally important. And I believe that more than one billion Chinese people's demand for cultural and entertainment products will also grow exponentially in the past few years or ten years."

"Perhaps when I say this, you still don't quite understand. Let's take the movie box office as an example. In recent years, the domestic movie market has been sluggish, and the box office performance has not been very satisfactory. After being stimulated by foreign blockbusters, there is a little rebound. Wen. But the industry is still generally bad-mouthing, thinking that the domestic film market cannot develop at all.”

"But I think that the domestic movie box office will usher in a big explosion in the near future, and even become the same as the North American box office."


Hearing Yu Dong's words, many people below gasped.

How can the Chinese ticket warehouse compare with the North American ticket warehouse?

Although there are a lot of people, but as far as the current situation is concerned, the box office performance is simply one day at a time.

Not to mention the total box office, but just the number of moviegoers, the number of moviegoers in North America is more than one billion every year.

Not to mention, how much the fare difference between the two places is.

YU is talking big.

Yu Dong also knew that his words seemed a bit exaggerated to them, but he didn't care, and continued to say: "Everyone can doubt, but time will give us the answer. However, if that day really comes, it may be too late There is an old saying in China that the first to strike is the strongest, and today I am telling you this to tell you that maybe you can become the group of people who strike first.”

"I suddenly remembered a story that a shoe factory was planning to open up overseas markets and sent two salesmen to Africa for field inspection. After the investigation, the two salesmen gave diametrically opposite replies. The first salesman Tell the headquarters that no one wears shoes in Africa, so even if the shoes are made, they cannot be sold. The second salesman tells the headquarters that the market prospect in Africa is very good, because no one wears shoes, as long as the shoes are made, there must be people purchase."

"This story may be fictional, but I think everyone understands the truth. Whether Africans buy shoes depends on two points. First, whether they need shoes, and second, whether they can afford them. I think , as long as you want to understand these two questions, everything will work.”

At the end, Yu Dong smiled, "Maybe I stole Jimmy's job. I think it would be much more exciting for him to share this kind of case with you. I don't know much about business, but I know a little bit. When I Walking in the streets and alleys of China, you can see people's hard work, hard work and their desire for spiritual entertainment."

After Yu Dong finished speaking, Jimmy was the first to applaud. This guy looked at Yu Dong very relieved, and thought in his heart: Good guy, he is getting more and more good at fooling around.

That's right, from Jimmy's point of view, what Yu Dong said was deceiving. Although it was a bit exaggerated, the effect was definitely achieved. After this speech, Lucas and the others will definitely focus more or less on the Chinese market. .

Even if they think Yu Dong is talking big, so what?If you don't speak big words, you don't know how to draw cakes, so what career do you have?
In fact, Yu Dong hopes that China will become a major exporter of entertainment, not just a country with a large demand for entertainment.

But on occasions like today, talking about output is just for self-entertainment, and talking about demand is what foreigners want to hear.

After Yu Dong stepped down, Jimmy returned to the stage and said with a smile, "I am looking forward to seeing the day Yu Dong said. Our Deep Space Company will gradually increase our work in China. Of course, in the next year , our work centers are still in North America and Europe, and the company now has several on hand..."

Jimmy began to talk about Deep Space's plans for the next year. In addition to a few movies, there are also some cultural products. At the same time, the company will increase some book publishing next year.

In addition, Jimmy also briefly mentioned the short film contest in the first half of the year, which can be regarded as some publicity for this short film contest.

Jimmy's report was quite detailed, but Spielberg and Lucas in the audience were still a little disappointed because they didn't hear what they wanted to hear.

In the morning, they learned from Yu Dongkou that Jimmy was paying attention to IMAX a few days ago, so they naturally wanted to hear Jimmy talk about this matter, but they didn't hear Jimmy mention it after listening for a long time.

Lucas and the others didn't pay attention to the lottery draw later.

When the lottery was over and the annual meeting ended, Lucas and Spielberg went to find Jimmy.

Stopped by these two people, Jimmy was a little puzzled, "Who are you two?"

Spielberg laughed, "Jimmy, we have a question for you. Have you paid more attention to IMAX recently?"

"How do you know?" Jimmy made a surprised expression, "I didn't advertise it."

"We heard it by accident." Lucas played a sloppy eye, "What do you think of 3D movies?"

Jimmy smiled and held the two men's arms, "Guys, is it time to talk about this? Let's talk about work later. Tonight, let's have a good drink. I think Chinese liquor has been given Are you impressed?"

When they heard that they wanted to drink, the two waved their hands again and again. The scene of drinking last night was still vivid in their memory, and they were a little scared.

But they couldn't help it here, Jimmy pulled them and walked directly towards the restaurant.


Speaking of drinking, everyone has to restrain a lot tonight, because many people will rush back tomorrow, and most of the time, they are chatting with wine glasses.

Jimmy kept telling Lucas and the others that they would not talk about work tonight, but he himself talked about a lot of work, and he went through several magazines such as "Science Fiction World" and "Science Fiction King".

He also talked with each of the representatives of several publishing houses present about their publishing plans for next year.

Especially Huang Jie, the representative of Chuanshu People's Publishing House, had been in contact with Shen Kong earlier, and had met Yu Dong when he went to participate in the book fair.

Later, the full-length science fiction novels under the banner of Deep Space were basically handed over to them.

Jimmy told Huang Jie that the task of their publishing house next year is very heavy, because there are many publishing plans in the deep space, including several novels and some collections of short stories.

In addition, the two novels "A Song of Ice and Fire" and "Harry Potter" are also ready to be handed over to them.

After arranging the publication of the book, Jimmy went to communicate with several directors and talked about some possible plans for next year, including movies and TV series.

It's just that none of these plans have taken shape, and we can't talk about any clues for the time being.

Finally, Jimmy ran to the young actors.

The first thing she looked for was Ning Jing.

Seeing Jimmy coming, Ning Jing asked with a smile, "Brother Ji, what do you want from me?"

"Jingjing, have you ever thought about finding an agent?"

"Agent?" Ning Jing rubbed her head, a little puzzled.

In fact, there are already agents in the domestic entertainment industry, but people don't know about professional agents. Most of the current actors are working within the system.

Jimmy nodded, "That's right, manager, just like my relationship with your brother-in-law."

"Okay, Brother Ji, you can be my manager too." Ning Jing said very simply.

This straightforward attitude caught Jimmy a little unprepared, and he stared at Ning Jing, wondering if this girl was really fooling around, or if she had made up her mind a long time ago.

But anyway, since you are willing to sign, then everything is easy to handle.

"Okay, I'll ask someone to draw up a contract for you later on."

After Ning Jing was dealt with, Jimmy went to chat with several other young actors, but he didn't directly mention the brokerage company.

Jimmy wants to take the elite route, there are not many people, mainly high-quality.

Those few young actors, such as Li Yu and Li Bingbing, can't see anything now, and it's still too early to talk about signing.

On the other side, when Yu Dong saw Jimmy chatting with Li Yu and the others, he probably knew what Jimmy wanted to do.But he can't take care of Jimmy's affairs at the moment, because Schumacher came to him again to reply.

Yesterday Schumacher asked him if he would like to join the group "Sniper Phone Booth". At that time, Yu Dong told him that he would reply this morning, but Yu Dong talked with Spielberg and the others all morning and forgot to find Schumacher.

"YU, how are you thinking?" Schumacher held a big wine glass, which was filled with white wine, which meant that if Yu Dong didn't agree, he would fight for wine with Yu Dong.

Seeing Schumacher's reluctance to give up, Yu Dong could only nod and agree, "Okay, I'll just go there."

 Thank you [Night Cat 09] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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