Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 372 Mastering More Initiatives

Chapter 372 Mastering More Initiatives

After chatting with Jimmy, Ning Jing ran to Yu Dong and the others with a smile, "Sister, brother-in-law, brother Ji just said that he would be my manager."

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile: "This is a good thing, Jimmy and the others are very professional and should be able to help you a lot."

Yu Dong nodded, "Teacher Cheng is right. Jimmy can definitely help you a lot, but you have to work hard yourself to repay the brokerage company. You can't let them work for nothing, you know?"

Ning Jing looked at Yu Dong, blinked her eyes, "Brother-in-law, why do I feel like you are standing on the side of the broker, why are you still thinking about helping people make money?"

"I'm on the side of reason. Of course, people want to make money when they start a company. Look at me, I have been working hard all these years, and I have published works one by one, isn't it just to repay the hard work that the agency has put into me? Only in this way can I be worthy of the company's dedication to me, and you have to learn a little bit."

"Cough cough." Cheng Yanqiu coughed lightly, and smiled with Ning Jing, "Don't listen to his nonsense, you just need to calm down. It's their company's good fortune that Jimmy can sign you."

Saying that, Cheng Yanqiu turned his head and gave Yu Dong a blank look.

Poor Ning Jing didn't know that Shen Kong belonged to Yu Dong's family, and she was a little moved by Yu Dong's words.

That's right, a big celebrity like my brother-in-law is still working so hard, so why don't I, an actress who has just become famous, not work hard?
Yu Dong continued, "You are still young, and you are about to make a career. You must endure more hardships. You are a bit talented, but your foundation is too poor. When you look back, you should learn more and exercise more. Of course, we can't stop playing, after all, actual combat is easier..."

He was pouring chicken soup for Ning Jing, while Zhang Yimou and Zhao Baogang walked over with wine glasses smiling.

When he came to him, Zhao Baogang smiled and said, "Teacher Yu is building values ​​for young people."

"Director Zhao was joking, so I just said casually, this is Ning Jing, you should have seen it before, right?"

"Of course." Zhao Baogang nodded, "This year's "Sunny Day" starring Ning Jing caused quite a stir."

Zhang Yimou also nodded, "Speaking of it, there is some origin. Ning Jing's previous role in "Team Detective" was directed by Guo Baochang, and I went to see it once."

Yu Dong felt a little familiar when he heard the name Guo Baochang, and then suddenly remembered that he should be the director of "The Mansion Gate".

Before that, Guo Bao often served as the art director of GX Film Studio and gave Zhang Yimou a lot of support. From a certain level, he also had a kindness for Zhang Yimou.Therefore, it is not uncommon for Zhang Yimou to go to the scene of Guo Baochang's play.

And didn't Zhang Yimou also guest-star the eunuch Li Lianying in "The Mansion Gate" later?It can be regarded as the peak of his acting career.

Thinking of this, Yu Dong couldn't help asking, "Where is Teacher Guo now?"

Speaking of Guo Baochang's current situation, Zhang Yimou shook his head slightly, "Teacher Guo is rather stubborn. He began to practice behind closed doors at the end of last year, and continued to write his "The Mansion Gate."

Zhao Baogang next to him also sighed slightly, he knew something about Guo Baochang.

Guo Baochang started writing "The Mansion Gate" when he was in college, but he didn't finish it because of some special reasons.

However, he was also very persevering, and after a long time, he started to write again, but the sky failed, and something went wrong again, and "The Gate of the Mansion" continued to run aground.

Even so, he still did not give up and kept on writing, and finally finished "The Mansion Gate". (revised version)
However, there were no external worries, but internal troubles. After he divorced his wife, the manuscript of "The Gate of the Mansion" was burned by his wife.

With such twists and turns, most people have long lost hope, but now that Guo Bao is over half a year old, he will pick up his pen and start writing again.

When Yu Dong heard that Guo Baochang was writing "The Gate of the Mansion", he was a little bit moved. He wondered if the Deep Space Company could participate in this project.

However, he didn't ask Zhang Yimou and the others more, but prepared to let Yu Yu and the others get in touch with Guo Baochang later.

Speaking of the studio, Yu Dong looked at Zhang Yimou again, "Do you have any new plans recently?"

"Yes, the filming is about to start, "Speak Well". Isn't it that I can't wait for your script, so I asked someone else for a script."

Zhang Yimou smiled, and before Dong could respond, he continued, "Actually, I really want to shoot your "Tree Hole", but I have to wait for the project at hand to be completed. I don't know if you want to." I am willing to leave this novel to me.”

"If no one else wants it, I'll leave it to you. If someone else wants it, I won't keep it." Yu Dong laughed.


"Haha, I'm just joking with you. I'll keep it for you, but I'll keep it for three years at most. When the three-year period comes, don't blame me."

Zhang Yimou waved his hand, "No, soon it will start at the beginning of next year. But the screenwriter I'm working with this time is still very talented. Wouldn't Deep Space consider signing it?"

Zhao Baogang smiled from the side: "Director Zhang, you are really good to Shenkong, and you always want to help them recruit talents. What is the name of this screenwriter, have we heard of it?"

"Director Zhao, you probably haven't heard of it. He just showed up last year and published a novel "Through Desire" this year. My new movie is based on his debut novel "Evening News" last year. His name is Wang Shuping."

"It's true that I haven't heard of it, but since Director Zhang said that he is talented, he must be right."

Yu Dong said: "I wrote down this name, and I will tell Yu Yu later that if I really find a talent, I will thank you on behalf of Shenkong Company. But let me tell you, you two also signed a contract with Shenkong Company." Great. Directors like you usually have a lot of things on hand, so how can you be so busy? After you have an agent, you can save a lot of worry."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, both of them were a little moved, and Yu Dong stepped up his efforts: "It not only saves a lot of things, but also makes it more convenient. With so many works in Shen Kong's hands, what do you want to shoot in the future?" Yes, you can take it for shooting at any time, after all, it belongs to the same family.”

Zhao Baogang thought for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "Haha, we still have to wait for this kind of thing. In the past two years, the rumors have been tense and loose, which made us mentally weak."

"It's good to think about it." Yu Dong nodded.


At the end of the dinner, Giuseppe came to say goodbye to Yu Dong.

Yu Dong was a little surprised by his farewell, "Didn't you say you want to spend New Year's Eve in China and experience Chinese culture?"

"Yeah, it still hasn't changed, but I will definitely not be in Jinling for the next few days, so I'm afraid it will take a long time for us to meet again."

"Where are you going?" Yu Dong asked.

"I don't know, but Jimmy told me that he would take me to a good place, a place where I can fully experience the holiday spirit."

Yu Dong patted his head, "You mean, you want to find a place to spend New Year's Eve with Jimmy?"

"It's not just me, there may be several other Americans, but it's not sure yet."

Yu Dong smiled, this Jimmy is really capable, so he encouraged them to spend New Year's Eve together in China, but there are probably not many of them, like Spielberg, Schumacher, they are relatively Busy, definitely impossible to stay.

The ones who are most likely to stay are probably George Martin, oh, and Dan Brown and his wife. They told Yu Dong before that they would stay in China for a while.

Thinking that Giuseppe was going to leave with Jimmy, Yu Dong said to Giuseppe again: "If there is still time later, I want to talk to you about the soundtrack of the movie."

Giuseppe raised his eyebrows, "Do you also understand the soundtrack?"

"Let's talk about it after the New Year. When we meet again, I may bring you some demos."

Although Giuseppe was puzzled, he still nodded, "Okay, then I'll wait for your good news."


On the second day after the annual meeting, many of the guests attending the annual meeting had not left Jinling, and the news about the deep space annual meeting had already appeared in major media.

The news headlines released by the larger media are relatively restrained, usually "Deep Space Annual Meeting, Congratulations from the Stars" and the like.

Some smaller media will exaggerate a lot.

"Deep Space Annual Meeting, An Oscar Awards Ceremony Covered in the Skin of a Company Annual Meeting", "This Company Has Become a Leader in the Cultural Circle", "Deep Space Annual Meeting, a Touchstone of Fame in the Cultural Circle", various titles , and so on, one exaggerated than the other.

Forget it, and some fake news.

For example, Yu Dong saw a headline titled "The star was not invited by the deep space, and got drunk late at night", but the content of the news was that the famous singer Tenger was photographed drinking with friends on the day of the deep space annual meeting.

The point is that it is well known that Tengol likes to drink, and it is not news at all, so it can still be used by reporters to link him with the Deep Space Annual Meeting and make it into a piece of news.

"This kind of news will only increase."

Holding the hot tea that Yu Dong made for him, Jimmy leaned comfortably on the sofa, "And it will become more and more outrageous."

After the guests were almost delivered, Jimmy ran to Yu Dong.As soon as he arrived, he ordered Yu Dong to make tea for him, quite like an old man.

Yu Dong saw that he had been busy for a few days and it was really hard, so he let him go.

After drinking tea for a while, Jimmy spoke again, "Tomorrow I'm going to take them to the north for New Year's Eve. If you have anything else to explain, it's best to explain it in advance."

Yu Dong put down the newspaper and turned to look at him: "It's nothing else. After the New Year's Eve is over, remember to bring Dan Brown back to me. I have something to tell him."

Jimmy wondered, "What do you have to say to him, why haven't you said it these two days?"

"I've been too busy these two days, and I haven't found any free time. What I want to tell him can't be explained clearly in a few words. You can leave this matter alone, just bring me back."

"Okay, promise to complete the task, nothing else?"

"No, I hope you have fun."

"Hey, I still have something to tell you." Jimmy sat up on the sofa, "Among the domestic actors who came to this annual meeting, how many do you think are worth signing?"

Yu Dong thought for a while, and said: "If you want me to say, you can sign, but the problem is, you may not be able to sign all of them. For example, Yunlong, I tried this one before. He has made some money by starting a company in the past two years. It is estimated that I will have to open an entertainment company in the future.”

"I know this, but what about the others? Let's focus on those young actors."

Yu Dong looked at Jimmy and suddenly laughed, "You really think of me as a scout."

Jimmy shrugged, "Let's talk and see if we agree."

"Okay, let's talk."

Now that they were chatting, Yu Dong didn't just chat nonsense, took out a pen and paper, and first wrote down Li Yu's name on the paper.

"Let's talk about Li Yu first. This girl is still in school. I don't know the school's grades, but Zhao Baogang's evaluation of her is not bad, and her appearance is also very good. Signing her and giving her some resources should not be a loss. .”

Yu Dong didn't know much about Li Yu's future, because he only remembered Li Yu's role in "Deeply Loved and Rainy", and he had no impression of other plays, and he didn't know what Li Yu would develop into later.

The current judgment is based entirely on the current information.

Jimmy nodded and said: "About her, we both have similar opinions. As for her situation in school, I know a little bit about her. She has good grades in all aspects, and it is said that she is very talented in comedy. In addition, she has a foundation in singing and dancing, Foreign languages ​​are also good, and there is still potential.”

"Looks like you're ready."

"That's natural. No matter what kind of battle you're fighting, information is the most important thing." Jimmy smiled confidently, and then asked, "Where's her classmate, Li Bing? What do you think?"

Yu Dong spread his hands, "I don't know much about this, but in terms of appearance and temperament, it's pretty good."

Of course, Jimmy didn't know that Yu Dong was lying to him, so he nodded with a smile, "This Li Bing has more experience in the industry. He has acted in two movies, and the first one was Feng Yuanyu's younger sister. I personally think that her potential may be stronger than that of Li Yu." Some, as for how much stronger it is, I can't judge it based on the information I have so far."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I mean, sign it first. Sign according to the rookie contract, don't sign for too long, and give each other some space."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Are you afraid that someone will suddenly become popular and kick our company?"

Jimmy also laughed: "Don't think about it for the time being. No other company can threaten us for the time being. And the resources we give newcomers are fixed. If they want more resources, they have to change the contract. If they don't have the resources from us If we can be popular, and then kick us, it can only be blamed for our incompetence."

"You have a good attitude, don't regret it when you are poached in the future."

"I am very open-minded about this. As long as our fundamentals are not shaken, even if there is a small episode in the middle, our path will not go astray in the end."

Jimmy is very clear that their foundation is the work in hand, as long as there is a work, the actors are secondary.

As long as there is IP, no matter how bad other industries do, they will not starve to death.

The reason why they signed these actors and directors is that they want to make some money from them, but more importantly, Deep Space Company wants to have more initiative in IP operations.

 Thank you [Xuefeng Weiyu] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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