Chapter 373 Game Signing
"I have a wider heart than you." Yu Dong smiled and asked again, "I heard Ning Jing said that she has agreed to sign a contract with the company?"

Jimmy nodded, "Yes, the promise was very straightforward. I wonder if she understands what the agent means."

Yu Dong laughed, "You don't have to worry about that, this girl is smarter than anyone else."

Jimmy praised the passage, "It's true, this girl looks carefree, but she actually has a lot of ideas."

"By the way, does the company have a complete plan in this area?" Yu Dong asked, "After signing these people, how do you plan to operate them?"

"Here, give me the notebook and pen."

Jimmy stretched out his hand to Yu Dong, waited until he took Yu Dong's notebook, saw the words on it, then shook his head, "Forget it, I'll just speak with my mouth."

The point is that his handwriting is too ugly. Seeing that Yu Dong's handwriting is so beautiful, he has no idea of ​​writing.

"My idea is that for young actors, we still need to accumulate more at the beginning. These young actors are different from you writers. You can speak with your works as soon as you come up. There is no problem with your strength, so no matter how much publicity you do. Can."

"But they can't. They are lacking in both their works and their own abilities. No matter how much publicity they have, it's useless. Even if they are famous for a while, they won't last long."

Yu Dong nodded in approval, "This idea is great, it's a good thing for them and for us."

"I knew you would definitely approve." Jimmy smiled and continued, "Let them play more roles to get exercise first, and then find some more suitable film and television dramas to increase their fame, and let them participate if necessary Some of our films in the United States, so follow-up publicity is easier to do."

"It seems that your thinking is very clear, but I advise you to leave these things to Yu Yu and others. You can't do so many things by yourself, and you should focus on more important things. It's not that " Is the Resident Evil game going to be released, and when?" Yu Dong said.

"At the end of next month, I don't need to pay too much attention to the game. The game company is running smoothly. I heard from Schumacher that you have agreed to go to the United States to talk to the team?"

Yu Dong nodded: "Yeah, he's chasing too closely. And when I think about it carefully, it really won't take too much time, so I might as well go and have a look, and then ask Lao Wu for a vacation."

"Why do you ask for leave?" Jimmy chuckled, "I forgot how you helped "Second World" before? Let's do the same thing this time, let their crew pay to invite you as a consultant, and then from the director major, drama creation Select a few students from the professional and performance majors to form an advisory group. You don’t need to ask for leave, but also benefit the students, isn’t this killing two birds with one stone?”

Yu Dong patted his head: "Hey, forget about this."

"Okay, if you want to do it, you should settle it early and discuss it with Lao Wu. It will take a lot of work for students to get visas."

"Understood, isn't this experienced? I'll probably go in April. There's enough time."

"April..." Jimmy pondered for a while, and said, "If it's April, you can just go to a "Resident Evil" game CD signing event. Sony asked about this before, and I haven't given it to you. Reply, I'm afraid you don't have time, and now you just have to make a trip, so let's take care of this by the way."

In fact, not only did Sony say this, Sega also mentioned to Jimmy that Yu Dong should do the signing.

The two companies launched PS and SS almost at the same time. The competition in the past two years has been very fierce, and there has been a price war throughout 95.

The reason why Jimmy didn't mention Sega is because Sega has been completely defeated in this competition now, and there is no need to mention it again.

Yu Dong didn't think much about it, he didn't know much about games.For someone like him who doesn't play games very much, ps is a game console, and a game console is ps.

For many people of his age, Xiaobawang, PS, and Nintendo are just other names for game consoles.

"Yes, you can arrange it." Yu Dong nodded in agreement, "See how Schumacher and his side arrange it in detail, and try to accommodate them as much as possible."

"no problem."


After Jimmy left, Yu Dong and his family also started to prepare for the New Year.

On Lunar New Year's Eve, Yu Dong prepared a lot of red paper and was about to write a couplet. Yu Hua and the others rushed over after hearing the news.

"By the way, I also wrote it for us, so I can save it and buy it."

Yu Hua came first and didn't intend to discuss with Yu Dong, so he left after leaving a word.

Not long after Yu Hua left, Bi Feiyu also came, but his request was more.

Compared with Yu Hua's casualness, Bi Feiyu is much more "rigorous". When he found Yu Dong, he brought a list.

The list says how many are needed for "blessing", how many are needed for "fullness", and how many are needed for "safe water and fire". Even the couplets at the gate have been arranged in advance.

After writing to them, the news of Yu Dong's writing the Menlian leaked out again, and other colleagues who lived in the apartment also came to ask for the Menlian.

Even after the doorman, Uncle Zhou, heard the news, he came here on purpose.

Yu Donglai never refused to this, and wrote to them one by one.

Fortunately, because there are many doors and windows in Luoyuan, Yu Dong prepared a lot of red paper, otherwise he really couldn't cope with the enthusiastic colleagues.

Others naturally praised the couplet written by Dong, but Yu Hua was the only one who was so shameless, when he came to collect the couplet, he said flatly, "The writing is average, and it can be hanged."

Yu Dong was so angry that he almost smashed the inkstone on his face.

"Do you want love, don't give it back to me."

Seeing that he was angry, Yu Hua changed her face again, and said with a smile, "It's okay, wait until after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month next year...Okay, no kidding, I'm very upset that Bi Feiyu bought the wine, you see When will it be transported, there are still a lot of things to bring over.”

"Tomorrow, but don't buy too many things, we don't have many people, and so does the wine. There are only so many people in total, and a few bottles of wine are enough."

"Don't worry, you don't have money if you want to buy too much." Yu Hua nodded, then shook the door link in her hand, "I took the door link, but don't worry, I won't take it for nothing, I will go with Bi Feiyu later. The garden will help you post the door couplets."

Yu Dong looked at Yu Hua's back and said, "You guys have a bit of a conscience."


Before posting the couplets to Luoyuan, there is another big project.

On Lunar New Year's Eve, Wu Changxin and Hu Changqing went to school on a broken tricycle.

There are a lot of things in the tricycle, door couplets, banners, ribbons... They came this time to dress up the school.

I bought these things a long time ago, and Wu Changxin planned to dress them up when he was not on vacation. At that time, he had the help of the school, so it was faster to do it.

Later, Hu Changqing said something more, saying that it was too early for the Chinese New Year, and it was inappropriate to post the door union so early, so he might as well wait until before the Chinese New Year, and there were many teachers in the school, so he might not be too busy.

As soon as Lao Hu clicked his upper and lower lips, bad ideas came up, but it was Yu Dong and the others who were suffering.

In order to decorate the school, Yu Dong's three-person team and several other teachers worked up and down for a long time before finishing the calculation.

If Uncle Zhou hadn't brought Xiao Fang over to help in the middle, it would have taken a little longer.

It is worth mentioning that at this time Uncle Zhou was already on vacation, and Xiaofang was on duty during this time.

However, Uncle Zhou still likes to run to the school every day when he is free, talking to Yu Dong and the others.

Later, after the matter was over, Hu Changqing probably also felt a little embarrassed, so he was generous and took the initiative to treat everyone to a meal.

But there was a hiccup in this meal.

 Thank you FFrances for the 500 tip, that's all for today, more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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