Chapter 374 Little Book Fan

During the close of the past two years, Jinling was busier than before, and the restaurants were not closed all the time as in previous years. Otherwise, it would be really hard for Lao Hu to find a place to treat him to dinner.

Normally, teachers like them would go to Wu Changxin's relative's house for dinner together, but that house had closed a few days ago to go home for the New Year, so they had to find another restaurant.

Before the group of people reached Xinjiekou, they saw a restaurant that was open.

It's not a big hotel, but the front door is not small, and there is a sign at the door, which says with a brush: there are private rooms inside.

"These words are well written, which is rare." Wu Changxin boasted with a smile.

Everyone raised the plastic curtain and walked in. The hall was relatively deserted, only two young men were eating with a small hot pot.

Behind the counter was a primary school student, who was doing homework on the desk.

Hearing someone coming in, the elementary school student immediately stood up and asked in a dignified manner, "Hello, do you want to eat? How many people?"

Hu Changqing probably counted and said, "Eight or nine."

The primary school student nodded and shouted inside, "Eight or nine distinguished guests, please enter the box!"

This shout was especially loud, which surprised Yu Dong and the others.

It is estimated that this restaurant has been open for a long time, and this child has been influenced by his ears and eyes, and he has the temperament of a restaurant waiter all over his body.

Following his business, a very capable woman ran out from the back kitchen.

"Guys, please come inside, it's warm inside."

Everyone followed the woman into the box, and after they were seated, Hu Changqing asked curiously, "Miss Boss, is that your child outside?"

The proprietress smiled and said, "Yes, I just entered the sixth grade. It's not a holiday and there is no one at home, so I brought him to the store."

"He loves to study. When we first came in, we saw him doing homework." Wu Changxin said.

The proprietress laughed when Wu Changxin said this, "His academic performance is not bad, but he doesn't like doing homework that much. What you saw just now is that he is writing a novel."

"writing a novel?"

Everyone was even more surprised, Yu Dong asked: "He is so young, I'm afraid he hasn't read many novels, how could he think of writing novels?"

"Hey, it's not that his father likes to watch it, so he took it on the road. I don't understand these things, anyway, I don't care if I don't delay my studies. What do you have for dinner, it's the Chinese New Year, and my boss is the only one in the back kitchen. You order a few dishes first, and I will let him do it first."

Hu Changqing casually ordered a few common dishes. After the proprietress ran to explain to the kitchen, she ran back to continue ordering for them.

There was no rush to order food this time, and Yu Hua asked about his child again, "Can I ask what novels your child likes to read, and what novels are he writing now?"

It can't be blamed on Dong and the others for gossip, in fact, this kind of situation is relatively rare.

The proprietress smiled and said: "I don't know the details, anyway, I'm just talking about it. If you bosses want to know, wait for my boss to finish his work later, and let him come and tell you."

Hearing what the proprietress said, Yu Dong and the others couldn't ask any more questions.

"No, no, boss, go ahead, we're just curious."

Later, Yu Dong and the others never mentioned it again, and gradually forgot about it, but the proprietress did not forget about it. When she came to serve the last dish, she said: "I asked just now, and said that I was writing Mystery novels, I don’t know what mystery novels are, and I don’t know if the bosses understand them.”

Bi Feiyu smiled and said, "This is even more unusual. I thought that children at such a young age like martial arts novels, and mystery novels in our country are not very popular."

"That was before." Yu Hua added, "Since Yu Dong wrote "Fatal Identity", mystery novels have also become popular in China. Of course, the key is to get the mystery essay essays for "Sprout" well."

The proprietress nodded again and again: "That's right, that's right, my child has contributed to "Sprout" before, but they didn't want it."

"I have also submitted a manuscript."

Submitting a manuscript proves that a complete work has been written. No matter how well written, at least the first step has been taken, and it is no longer in the category of self-entertainment.

That's why everyone was so surprised.

"Yes, yes, just not."

The proprietress said something with a smile, and then went out to work.

In the box, Yu Dong and the others discussed again about the novel written by the proprietress' son.

"Writing novels at such an early age means that children still have great ideas, but I am not too optimistic about it. It is too young to focus on writing novels, which may not be a good thing." Hu Changqing said.

Wu Changxin said, "It's not necessarily a good thing, and it's not necessarily a bad thing. We don't know much about his situation, so it's hard to make a conclusion. The world is so big, there are so many wonders, maybe this is a rare genius."

Yu Hua continued: "It must be a good thing if someone guides you. If you are afraid, you are afraid. He only cares about writing and wasted the golden age of reading. The ten years from his age to the next one is the time of a person's life. The best reading years. As we are now, the passion for reading is completely incomparable with that time."

Yu Dong nodded and agreed, "Yu Hua is right, this is a good time for reading. But the proprietress also said just now that her boss loves to read, and the child should not read less. And this child is not just Because I read a lot, I think of writing novels, so our worries are unnecessary."

"I'd like to read the manuscript that that kid contributed to "Sprouting", a mystery novel written by a sixth-grade pupil... My requirement for it is that there are not too many mistakes in the choice of words and sentences." Bi Feiyu said with a smile.

"If you really want to see it, you can ask that child later."

Bi Feiyu shook his head, "It's better to say goodbye, or the pressure on him will be too great."

Yu Hua rolled her eyes, "I hope people will read his novels, otherwise they won't contribute."


After the proprietress left the box, she went to help her husband with the kitchen.

Tonight's business seems to be over, and after the guests in the box leave, they will also close.

While working, the proprietress chatted about the guests asking about her son, "The guests in the box were quite curious when they saw that Mo Wei wrote novels, so I asked a few more questions. I think they are also cultural people, and they know "bud"."

Mo Tian smiled: "I know that "Sprout" is a cultural person, you, you think the threshold for cultural people is so low."

"Then what do you think, what is considered a cultural person?"

"Cultural people..." Mo Tian scratched his head, "I'm not sure either."

"You can't tell for sure." The proprietress smiled, "I think you are a cultural person."

"What kind of cultural person am I?"

"Anyway, in my heart, you are a cultural person."

Mo Tian smiled and said nothing more.

The couple were cleaning the kitchen, and Mo Wei shouted outside, "Dad, Mom, pay the bill."

Mo Tian wiped his hands, "I'll go."

After coming out of the back kitchen, Mo Tian looked at the menu and was about to settle the accounts for them. While doing the calculations, he suddenly saw a somewhat familiar face.

No, not one, but several.

Two days ago, Suzhou TV station broadcast a special program about the annual meeting of Deep Space Company, and these faces were what Mo Tian saw that day.

Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu, Yu Dong...

He couldn't have mistaken three at once.

Seeing the boss in a daze, Hu Changqing said with a smile, "Why, it's difficult for us to calculate the cost of meals?"

"Oh, no, a total of 60 yuan."

"60 yuan?" Hu Changqing looked at Mo Tian incredulously, "Boss, did you make a mistake? How could it be only 60 yuan? Do you want your lady boss to recalculate?"

Others also found it strange that they ordered several hard dishes tonight, and they also took two bottles of wine, which cost more than 60 yuan no matter what.

Mo Tian waved his hand, "No, no, Chinese New Year is coming soon, our shop is holding events, and the price of the dishes is a bit cheaper, the main thing is that teachers should eat and drink well."

Every teacher……

Yu Hua discovered the problem.

The proprietress has been calling them bosses all the time, but when it comes to the bosses, they become teachers.

In all likelihood, the boss knew himself and the others.

Yu Hua smiled and said, "Secretary Hu, I guess this boss knows you."

"Do you know me?" Hu Changqing looked at him suspiciously.

The boss smiled shyly, and said to Yu Hua, "Actually, I know you, Teacher Yu Hua."

Yu Hua didn't expect the boss to know her, so she asked in surprise, "Boss, how do you know me?"

"Actually, I not only know you, I also know Teacher Yu Dong and Teacher Bi Feiyu." Mo Tian said.

Mo Wei who was standing next to him blinked, "Yu Dong?"

Mo Tian patted his son's head, and said with a smile, "My kid is still a fan of Teacher Yu Dong's books, and he especially likes to read "Fatal Identity."

Wu Changxin laughed, "Just now we were discussing about this kid's writing a novel. I didn't expect him to be Yu Dong's book fan. But I didn't even expect that there are still elementary school students who like to read "Fatal Identity."

Old Wu put it mildly. In fact, he thinks that books like "Fatal Identity" are not suitable for elementary school students. After all, this book is a bit too dark for children.

But then again, Yu Dong doesn't seem to have any novels suitable for elementary school students.Only "The Martian" is lighter, but it involves a lot of scientific knowledge, and elementary school students probably can't understand it.

It was also the first time for Yu Dong to meet such a young book fan, and he looked at Mo Wei in surprise, "Little friend, I heard from your mother that you also wrote mystery novels and voted for "Sprouting". Feedback?"

Mo Wei said with some embarrassment, "They wrote back to me, and said a few words of encouragement."

Poor students mainly focus on encouragement, so the situation is already clear, probably because his writing is really not good, and the magazine office is afraid that he will lose confidence, so he encouraged him a few words.

"It's okay, you are still young, there are plenty of opportunities to write novels. At this time, you still have to enrich yourself."

Mo Wei nodded, and then summoned up the courage to say, "Mr. Yu Dong, can you read my manuscript? My dad is just like the editor and teacher of the magazine. He only knows how to encourage me and not to find fault. I don't even know How to improve."

Hearing Mo Wei's words, everyone laughed. This kid really looks good. Not only was he not discouraged when the manuscript was returned, but he was also focused on making progress.

Mo Tian chuckled twice, "I also want to focus on encouragement."

When Bi Feiyu heard that Mo Wei wanted Yu Dong to show him the manuscript, he winked at Dong and signaled Yu Dong to agree, because he also wanted to read Mo Wei's manuscript.

Yu Dong also became interested in talents, nodded and said: "Of course, but can you show your manuscript to other teachers?"

Don't be crazy for your little head: "Yes, yes."

Then he took out a stack of manuscripts from under the counter.

The length is not small, there are about a dozen sheets of manuscript paper, thousands of words.

Everyone found a place to sit down again, Yu Dong read it first, and then passed the manuscript after reading it.

It doesn't take too long to write a manuscript of several thousand words. Although Mo Wei is a primary school student, his handwriting is average, but it is neat and tidy, and it looks effortless.

This is indeed a complete speculative novel.

The novel tells the story of a young detective named Mo Wei who encountered a murder case when he was traveling in Jinling. A guest died in a restaurant box while eating.

Then Mo Wei found out through clues that the prisoner was a friend of the guest who had dinner with the guest.

It was originally a promotion banquet, and the friends of the guests were jealous of their friend's promotion, so they poisoned the dishes.

The reason why there was only one deceased person was because the dish was fermented bean curd mixed with parsley, which only the deceased loved to eat.

The method of killing is crude, as is the whole novel.

But for a sixth grade elementary school student, being able to tell the story clearly is already very good.

Moreover, Mo Wei seems to have brought his aversion to fermented bean curd mixed with parsley into his works. In the novel, he mentioned how unpalatable this dish is many times. It is probably because some customers ordered it before, which left a deep impression on him. Bar.

Originally, Yu Dong shouldn't find fault with a sixth-grade elementary school student, but seeing Mo Wei looking at him eagerly, he said, "There are many problems, and I will only mention two. One is the common sense problem. There are a lot of common sense mistakes, which will make the story lose its authenticity. The second is the structural mistakes. You want to show that the detective is very good, which is fine, but you are always rushing to throw clues to the detective. In this way, it will not show. The strength of detectives can be solved by spending some thought on the structure."

"In general, it's not bad, but I suggest that you don't just read mystery novels, you should read some other genres of novels, and observe life more. With the development of the times, mystery novels also have to change , the reasoning methods in many well-known works are now behind."

"Mystery novels not only test the author's logical ability, but also test the author's understanding of life. Accumulating more knowledge will be more conducive to your future writing."


When Yu Dong and the others left the store, the owner's family sent them to the door, and Mo Wei stood at the door and stared at Yu Dong's back for a long time.

After walking a long way, Hu Changqing was still amazed, "You can write a novel with a length of several thousand words in the sixth grade. From this point of view, this kid's future is limitless. Maybe he can really become a master of mystery novels."

Wu Changxin agreed: "Aside from other things, it is not easy to have this perseverance. It is unknown whether he will become a master of mystery novels in the future, but he will probably be able to eat the rice of writing."

"Haha, it's hard to say whether this kid will succeed, but it's a real deal to save dozens of dollars tonight. It seems that your three faces are worth some money." Hu Changqing laughed.

Bi Feiyu will also come, and said with a smile, "Then the three of us have invited half of today's meal?"

"Go, go, I'm still relying on you."


While China is rejoicing and preparing for the new year, readers in North America have welcomed YU's new book "The Martian".

During this period of time, YU fans are undoubtedly happy, because YU has published several novels in a row, and "Deep Space" has just come out. When they thought it would take a while to see new books again, "The Martian" was a big hit release.

"Kane, YU's new book is on the shelves today, is there any activity in your branch?"

Early in the morning, Liu Yukun received a call from his old classmate Lewis.

Liu Yukun joined the Boston Chapter of the YU Association very early. After graduating from high school, he did not go far. He studied at Harvard and is now the vice president of the Boston Chapter.

And his old classmate Lewis went to school in Tennessee.

Lewis didn't like science fiction at first, but since Liu Yukun watched the movie "Second World" on his behalf, he fell into it, and now he has become a very fanatical fan of YU books.

"Yes, it's still an old event. Points are exchanged for books. Many members have already redeemed them."

"That's so boring." Lewis smiled, "I still want to learn from your activities."

It is worth mentioning that after Lewis went to Memphis, he also set up a YU branch, and was appointed as the president of the branch, responsible for developing the Memphis market.

"Internal activities are secondary, and the key is going out. If you want the branch to expand rapidly, you have to do more promotional activities." Liu Yukun said.

"Okay, okay, I have to go to the bookstore. I am contacting the cooperative bookstore these two days. Wish me the best."

"I wish you all the best, maybe when you grow stronger in the future, you can also invite YU to your Memphis to hold a signing event."

"I don't have such dreams."

After finishing the call with Lewis, Liu Yukun ran to the association and got "The Martian" which he exchanged for points.

Because today is the day when new books are on the shelves, many people from the association have come.

Everyone found a place to read the book seriously, and Liu Yukun was no exception.

Soon, Liu Yukun knew that "The Martian" was a very humorous novel, because the members laughed from time to time in the association, and the smiles were very dense.

At first, Liu Yukun was a little puzzled, is it so funny?
It was only later that he discovered that the members had tried their best to restrain themselves. If they hadn't restrained themselves, Liu Yukun believed that the laughter of the members would have been louder and denser.

Of course, as a Chinese, he also found some jokes that others couldn’t find, such as the name of the protagonist, and the few literary stalks in the novel. understandable.

 pig stomach, good night
(End of this chapter)

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