Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 375 is very suitable for making movies

Chapter 375 is very suitable for making movies

In the evening, book friends who had finished reading "The Martian" got together to chat about this book.

It can be seen that everyone is very satisfied with this book, and everyone has an excited expression.

In fact, YU has never disappointed book fans.

Even if "Xiang Xi" was not as popular as other works before, it was also liked by many people. Some book fans who didn't like it didn't think the book was bad, but they didn't know it and felt that they were not worthy of the book. Feel.

"This is YU's happiest book. I was depressed after reading "Westward" and "Deep Space". Fortunately, this book came out to help me reconcile it." A man named Carragher The book friend said with a smile.

"It's really cheerful, and it's not just as simple as being cheerful. It's still a very hardcore science fiction novel. I saw a thank you letter at the front of the book, which should be the technical support of these institutions."

"That's right, although it looks cheerful, some very hard-core scientific knowledge was written unconsciously. If I had read this book in middle school, my physics knowledge would not be so bad."

"There are also chemistry and biology." Liu Yukun smiled, "This is where YU is so good. It is obviously the main character's diary, and most of the time I still read it in bits and pieces, but it is very interesting to read."

"Yeah, the jokes are really dense, but I can't understand some of the jokes. I don't know if it's because of cultural differences." A book friend wondered, "Although these jokes that I don't understand don't prevent it from being a novel. Interesting novel, but I still wonder why YU wrote it like that."

Everyone looked at the vice president Liu Yukun.

Here, Liu Yukun understands Chinese culture best.

Many of them also found out when they were reading this novel that there are some places that should be funny, but they don't find it funny.

There are not many such cases. If it is digitized, then about one out of ten jokes is like this.

Liu Yukun said with a smile, "This is not just caused by cultural differences. In fact, there are some jokes in it that even Chinese people may not be able to understand."

"Why?" Carragher looked puzzled, "Then who are these jokes for?"

"It is prepared for some readers who understand the Chinese literary circle—or understand YU's circle of friends."

As he said that, Liu Yukun took out a notebook, "Let me explain to you some of the more critical points, such as the protagonist's name."

"Is the protagonist's name also a dot?"

"Of course, you will understand after listening to my explanation."

Liu Yukun wrote down the pinyin of "Bi Donghua" in the notebook, and continued, "You are all old readers of YU, and you should have some understanding of the structure of Chinese names. The name Bi Donghua is actually three independent Chinese characters, and Every word represents a person."

"Bi represents Bi Feiyu, who is the author of "The Panicked Finger"... Some of you may not know this book, but I can tell you that this book is in the same series as YU's "Xiang Xi" .”

"I know, I know." Carragher raised his hand, "I've read all of this series, and this "Frantic Finger" is full of short stories, which are very interesting."

Liu Yukun nodded and asked, "Then do you know what other books are in this series?"

"There is also YU's "Xiang Xi", and another writer's "To Live"."

"That's right, the second character of Bi Donghua's name stands for YU, because YU's Chinese name contains the word Dong. The third character stands for the author of "To Live", and his name is Yu Hua."

"It turns out that every name has such a special meaning."

Liu Yukun smiled and said, "This is not over yet. Just now we mentioned that the author of "To Live" is called Yu Hua. He was also mentioned in the book."

"Has it been mentioned? Why don't I know?" A book friend asked strangely.

"It's not directly mentioned. There is a poem written by the protagonist in the book, and there is a sentence in it, to live, only by relying on death can people experience it. It is the book "To Live". Although the title of this book is It's called life, but it's full of death."

"Yes, this book is very miserable and absurd, but after reading it, I feel that the title of the book is very suitable..."

Liu Yukun waved his hand, "Carragher, don't talk too much. If you are interested, you can read it yourself. The novel is very good. Of course, there are many such plots in "The Martian", such as..."

In fact, Liu Yukun does not know all the literary stalks in "The Martian", but it is more than enough for him to explain to the book friends present.

Book friends are also willing to listen to him, and the more they listen, the more interesting the book becomes.

There are already a lot of jokes that they can understand, but they didn't expect there to be so many jokes that they couldn't understand, so they could still dig into this book.

After hearing the literary stalks in it, many book lovers couldn't help becoming interested in the two writers Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu and their works.

I love my house and I want to know the book "The Martian" better.

And people are good teachers. These book friends knew these literary stalks from Liu Yukun, so naturally they couldn't help telling others.

In fact, they don't need to promote this matter spontaneously, because the Deep Space Company has already prepared a publicity plan in advance, and soon, book lovers all know that there are literary memes hidden in "The Martian".

In the bookstore, the Chinese literature series suddenly became more popular.


This year's New Year's Eve dinner in Luoyuan was contracted by the Cheng family.

It's the first time to celebrate the New Year together, and who will cook the New Year's Eve dinner becomes a problem.

The parents of both sides discussed for two days without reaching a result. Later, the old man Cheng Minde proposed a plan, mahjong will determine the winner or loser.

In the end, after three hours of fierce fighting, Yu Dongyue's parents won by a narrow margin and won the right to contract this year's New Year's Eve dinner.

However, the old couple of the Yu family were not idle, so they ran to fight.

Chen Hong, Fu Jing and the others also wanted to help in the kitchen, but they were all kicked out. The last few female relatives chatted with their children, while Yu Dong and the others ran to chat with the old man.

Cheng Minde liked writers, and of course he admired Yu Hua and the others very much. He was quite happy to know that they came to celebrate the New Year.

"When you went to Yanjing last time, it's a pity that I had something to do, otherwise I would have seen you that time." Cheng Minde cleared the cigarette for Yu Hua and the others, and talked about the previous literature exchange meeting.

"I will definitely visit next time." Bi Feiyu said.

Cheng Minde said with a smile: "Your annual meeting is very powerful this time. I heard people talking about it when I was in Yanjing. I also heard someone mention that there will be a representative meeting next year, and you have held it in advance. .”

"Grandpa, we haven't even joined the Writers' Association yet, so we can't even call it a congress." Yu Dong said, "And we've been to a lot of film and television circles, but more people say it's like a film festival."

In fact, Yu Dong and the others knew something about the congress. After all, Wang Meng had called them before, but there was no news since then, and they didn't know the specific situation.

After all, Cheng Minde is not from the literary circle, and he doesn't know much about these things, so he didn't ask much, and then looked at Yu Dong, "I heard from some colleagues in the physics department that one of your science fiction novels has attracted the attention of the scientific community abroad? "

Yu Dong nodded, "It has attracted a little attention, mainly about celestial gravity. Deep Space Corporation also invited Caltech's Kip Thorne to be the company's scientific consultant, which can be regarded as a means of publicity."

"This kind of publicity method is also very good. If you need any information in the future, you can ask me. Our school also has a lot of information."

"Okay, grandpa, just don't think I'm troublesome."

Cheng Minde smiled and said, "Even if I think you're troublesome, colleagues from other departments won't think you're troublesome. I've heard of this Kip Thorne, and he can be regarded as my junior. He also stayed in Princeton. Very famous in gravitational physics."

"Speaking of Princeton, it has a close relationship with us. After the Chinese literature series was published in the United States, it was favored by Joyce Oates, and it was included in the required reading list recommended by the school." Bi Feiyu smiled. said.

Cheng Minde raised his eyebrows, and said in surprise, "I don't know about this, so this series of Chinese literature is quite popular in the United States?"

"Sales are not bad." Yu Dong said modestly.

"That's great." The old man sighed, "If I encountered such a thing when I was studying in Princeton, I would probably be very happy... But I might miss it too. At that time, when I went abroad to study, my mind was full of advanced knowledge. , I probably don’t have time to pay attention to these things. I only stayed in Princeton for more than two years, and I really don’t have enough time.”

Listening to Cheng Minde talking about the past, the eyes of Yu Dong and the others were full of respect.

Back then, Hua Luogeng resolutely returned to China and wrote the famous "Open Letter to All Chinese Students Studying in America". Scientists have their own motherland."

At that time, Cheng Minde had just given up his job at Princeton and returned to China.

It can be said that China's mathematics today is inseparable from the efforts and dedication of people like Hua Luogeng and Cheng Minde.

"Mr. Cheng's devotion, the people of the country will remember it in their hearts." Bi Feiyu said sincerely, "Compared to you, we are like a speck of dust, not worth mentioning."

Cheng Minde smiled and waved his hands, "Don't underestimate yourself, we're just working in different directions. It's like this pot of tea——"

The old man pointed to the teapot in front of him, "If you want to make a good pot of tea, you must first have a teapot, and then you need hot water and tea leaves. You can't lack both."

Yu Hua asked with a smile, "Mr. Cheng thinks that literature should be tea or hot water?"

"I think that a series of cultural constructions such as literature should be a teapot. If there is a problem with spiritual civilization in a country, it is like a teapot with holes. No matter how well the tea is brewed, it will slowly leak out. If people's thoughts appear The problem is that no matter how good the economic construction is, it will eventually be short-lived... I have confidence in China. China has gone through ups and downs for so many years, and everything is just a matter of time."

Afterwards, Cheng Minde looked at Yu Dong meaningfully: "Of course, sometimes, the function of a teapot is not just as simple as holding tea. If it has a beautiful appearance, it may attract others and make people look inside. I am more interested in the tea."

The old man spoke cryptically, and Yu Dong didn't answer directly, but said with a smile, "This set of teapots was taken by Yanqiu before, and I also thought it was very good, so I bought it back. By the way..."

He turned to look at Yu Hua and the others again, "I'm going to the United States next year, do you want to come together? The Chinese literature series is selling well, so I'm going to have a signing event for you guys."

Yu Hua shrugged, "I can do it."

"I have to ask Principal Wu. I don't know if I will be busy after the next year." Bi Feiyu said.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It just so happens that this time I'm going to bring students majoring in directing and drama creation. Then you can lead the team with you, so you don't need to ask for leave."

"You've already thought about it, is there any reason for me not to go?"

Mr. Cheng nodded and said, "Very good, you go out more while you are young, not only to learn from foreign experience, but also to do publicity for the country. By the way, let's bring Xiaohu with you this time, this kid is young and talented Potential, it’s a good thing to take more out for a walk.”

"Okay, I'll ask him later." Yu Dong replied.

"By the way, what about Little Tiger, I haven't seen anyone else since I got here." Bi Feiyu asked.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I'm writing something in the Wangqiu Pavilion at the back. In the past two days, I've had inspiration. I'm afraid I won't be able to grasp it, so I'm in a hurry to write it out."

"Hey, this kid is working too hard." Yu Hua shook his head and said.

Yu Dong glanced at Yu Hua, "Compared to you, I really worked very hard."

Yu Hua rolled her eyes, took out the cigarette case and gave the old man and Bi Feiyu some smoke, "Look at what you said, my hard work is invisible to you, it's all in your head."


After the New Year's Eve dinner, Yu Dong finally saw Yu Hua's hard work—the way he played cards.

Several families gathered in the living room, set up a table of mahjong, and a table of smashing eggs, playing cards and watching the Spring Festival Gala.

But before the Spring Festival Gala ended, Yu Hua couldn't bear the sleepiness and went to sleep.

The point is that they drank a lot of wine with the elders at night, and in the end the elders had nothing to do, but the young people were already put down.

After Yu Hua was sleepy, Yu Dong could hardly hold on anymore. Tonight he had performed beyond normal. He drank six or seven taels of wine, and when he was playing cards at the table, he was in a daze and made many mistakes. No one talked about him, because everyone else at the table was just like him.

After waking up the next day, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu had already left.

Yu Dong and the others are also taking action. Starting tomorrow, he will be visiting Cheng Yanqiu's relatives as a new son-in-law. He is still very busy in the first month of this year.


When Spielberg was very busy, he suddenly received a call from Lucas.

As soon as the call was connected, Lucas smiled and congratulated, "Steven, congratulations on getting another good script."

Spielberg was confused, "What do you mean, Lucas?"

"Haha, don't tell me that you haven't discussed the matter of "The Martian" with Deep Space."

"The Martian? I haven't talked to them yet."


"Because I haven't read the novel yet."

"Didn't they show you the manuscript of the novel in advance?"

"After I returned to the United States, Deep Space gave me the manuscript, but I haven't had time to read it. There are too many things recently. You know, I'm very busy recently, "Men in Black", "Jurassic" Ji Park 2", "Tornado", and a "Broken Lock Rage", I didn't take time to read novels for a while." Spielberg explained.

"..." Luka paused, "But, now that the novel has been published, it doesn't make sense for you to get the manuscript in advance."

"Has it been published? I didn't pay attention."

"It was published the day before yesterday, and I bought a copy."

"very good?"

"Of course it's very good, otherwise why would I call to congratulate you? And although it's only been on the shelves for two days, the market response is very good." Lucas sighed, "Hurry up and read it, or wait until the novel sells more and more. Well, negotiating with Deep Space Corporation is not going to be easy."

Spielberg laughed instead, "Lucas, do you think you can take advantage of talking with Deep Space in advance? Jimmy is not someone who can suffer, and they will definitely be able to see the potential of the novel. Since I am very likely to If you shoot, then the more this book sells, the better it will be. But after hearing what you said, I can’t wait to see what’s so good about it.”

"Go and have a look, after you have seen it, you will know where it is."

After hanging up Lucas's phone call, Spielberg did not take out the manuscript given to him by Deep Space, but went to the bookstore himself.

At the bookstore, he saw how popular "The Martian" was.

Of course, this is not surprising, as long as YU has a new book now, the scene will definitely be hot.Even for the previous "Xiang Xi", the scene on the day it was released was not much worse than today.

Spielberg deliberately stayed in the bookstore for a while, and heard many readers' comments on the book, and the most he heard was "humor".

This surprised him very much, because Yu Dong's novels are rarely "humorous".

But after he opened the novel for a while, he understood why readers said the novel was humorous.

Because it's really funny.

Whether it's the protagonist's way of speaking or the things he did on Mars, everything is interesting.

In addition to being interesting, the most attractive point of this novel is the plight of the protagonist. Everyone wants to see if he can survive or even escape on Mars.

Such a clear and powerful novel is indeed very suitable to be made into a movie. It is relatively easy to shoot, and it is easy to receive miraculous effects.

Lucas is right, if you can win the film adaptation rights of this novel, it is indeed something worthy of congratulations.

Thinking of this, he immediately called Jimmy, but the call didn't go through.

Then he remembered that Jimmy was taking several other people to spend the Spring Festival in China, and the mobile phone must not be able to get through.

Then he called Deep Space again, found Campote, and then got a landline number through Campote.

 Thanks to [Fat Man Standing Pig] for the 500 reward
  Just [-] today, double it tomorrow, if you don’t add more this month, your performance won’t pass
(End of this chapter)

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