Chapter 376

After Spielberg got the landline number, he tried to dial first, but no one answered, and he didn't take it seriously, only because of jet lag, Jimmy was sleeping at the moment.

But when I called again at night, there was still no answer. I made seven or eight calls, but no one was contacted.

It took another two days before Spielberg got a call back from Jimmy.

"Steven, are you looking for me?"

Originally, Spielberg was anxious and angry, but after hearing Jimmy's bohemian voice, he laughed instead, "Jimmy, you are a dignified boss of the company, and you have not been able to contact anyone for so many days. You are really not afraid of problems in the company. ?”

"Haha, Steven, you didn't find me, it just means that you were not in a hurry. If you were really in a hurry, you would definitely be able to find me." Jimmy smiled, "Tell me, what's the matter."

"Didn't you agree to shoot "The Martian" for me? Is the contract ready?"

Jimmy smiled, "Steven, did you remember something wrong, I just promised someone to show you the manuscript of "The Martian" in advance. If you are interested in this novel, no problem , just tell me directly, there is no need for this.”

Spielberg laughed: "Hurry up and get the contract ready, I'm going to decide on this novel."

"Don't be in such a hurry, I promise you, I will be the first to talk to you about this novel. Anyway, you still have a lot of projects in hand, wait for me to go back, and we will talk about it after I go back. Yuu will also do it after a while Go to the United States, then we can sit down and have a good chat about this matter."

"Did YU talk about the script?" Spielberg asked.

"As I said, he is quite concerned about the script of this novel."

"Is he going to write the script himself?"

"I didn't say that, but he definitely has requirements for the script. Let's talk about it later when we meet. I'm still busy here."

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to go back to the United States."

After Jimmy hung up Spielberg's phone, he went to find Dan Brown and the others, and planned to take them to Jinling to pay New Year's greetings to Yu Dong, and then returned home.


When Jimmy and the others arrived in Jinling, it was already the tenth day of the first lunar month, and Yu Dong and his relatives had already left.

The parents on both sides were visiting their relatives, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu went back to Luoyuan first.

Jimmy took Dan Brown and they went directly to the park.

When the car stopped at the gate of Luoyuan, a group of foreigners looked at Yuanzi dumbfounded.

"Jimmy, is this YU's home, a whole manor?" George Martin exclaimed, "How big is this place?"

Jimmy said with a smile, "How big is it, you will know it when you go in and have a look."

While talking, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu had already come out to greet her.

Yu Dong shook hands with them one by one, and then said with a smile, "Everyone, please."

George Martin stretched out his hand with a smile, and said in broken Chinese, "Gong Xi Fa Cai, here are the red envelopes."

Yu Dong was taken aback, and looked at Jimmy, who shrugged, "I didn't teach it, he learned it from watching TV."

"Haha, George, in China, only you give me red envelopes, there is no reason for me to give you red envelopes."

"Why?" George Martin wondered.

"Because you are older than me, logically speaking, I should call you Uncle Martin." Yu Dong smiled and led them inside, "Let's go, tell me by the way, how did you spend your time?" Yes, do you feel the festive atmosphere of China?"

"Of course, Jimmy took us to a country..."

After everyone arrived at the living room, Yu Dong probably knew where Jimmy took them to play. Not far from here, it was a small town in Ontario. Jimmy had played there for a while before and was quite familiar with the locals. of.

Speaking of celebrating the New Year in rural China, George Martin was very enthusiastic and praised the Chinese countryside to the sky.

However, according to their description, Yu Dong knew that the place they went to should not be a very poor rural area.

Nowadays, many rural areas don’t even have electricity, let alone watching the Spring Festival Gala together.

And the reason why the locals welcome them is also because they brought a lot of things there.

It's okay for them to try this kind of rural life for a few days, but if they really let them live, I'm afraid they won't want it.

After resting for a while, Yu Dong pulled Giuseppe aside and told him about the soundtrack of "1900: Monologue".

When Giuseppe heard Yu Dong say that Cheng Yanqiu would participate in the soundtrack, he had some doubts, "YU, I didn't know that your wife is also a soundtrack artist?"

Yu Dong smiled and didn't speak, but at this moment, the sound of piano playing was already heard upstairs.

Giuseppe also held his breath and listened carefully.

The first half of the song is playful and shows off skills, and the rhythm is brisk, like flowing clouds and flowing water.

Just when Giuseppe thought the rhythm would continue like this, the tune suddenly became soothing.

The soothing notes are very free and have a special emotional fluctuation, as if a person's feet are lightly stepping on the floor, sometimes moving forward, sometimes stopping.

The performer's heart follows the footsteps, sometimes flowing, sometimes stopping, and sometimes chasing the footsteps and becoming a little hurried, but this rush carries a feeling of happiness.

This is not a very difficult piece, nor is it a particularly catchy piece, but Giuseppe was very pleasantly surprised, because this piece fits a plot in the script very well.

Giuseppe specially added a plot where the protagonist meets a girl in the script, and the song just now is just like the change of mood when the protagonist meets a girl for the first time.

After the song ended, Giuseppe asked in surprise, "YU, is this a song written by your wife?"

Yu Dong nodded, "That's right."

This piece of music was completely created by Cheng Yanqiu himself.

Originally, Yu Dong wanted to give her some hints. After all, he had heard the original version of "playing love", but he didn't expect Cheng Yanqiu to write it out soon.

It's not the same as "playing love", but the rhythm changes are similar, and it fits very well with the plot in the script.

That's the essence of the soundtrack.

The soundtrack does not need to be singled out to be very ear-catching, but needs to fit the plot.

"I think I should talk to your wife about the soundtrack." Giuseppe laughed.

Yu Dong nodded: "Of course, let's go up."


The matter of the soundtrack was finally settled, and Cheng Yanqiu would participate in it, but after all, she has relatively little experience and has never done such a large project, so she still has to cooperate with other soundtrack teachers in the future.

Yu Dong never thought about asking her to take down all the soundtracks of the movie. This time, he mainly asked Cheng Yanqiu to exercise and study.

After finalizing the soundtrack, the couple took Giuseppe back to the living room.

Jimmy smiled and asked, "We heard the sound of a piano just now, is it Teacher Cheng playing the piano?"

Giuseppe was in a good mood, and said with a smile, "Yes, Madam just played the soundtrack of my new movie, what do you think?"

Dan Brown asked: "Is this a love movie? I heard the tree of love sprouting from the music, a feeling of love at first sight."

Giuseppe gave a thumbs up, "Dan, you are very powerful, and you speak very well. This soundtrack is mainly used for the first time the male protagonist meets his beloved girl."

Dan Brown shook his head modestly, "It's not that I'm good, but that the piano player is good, and the emotions are expressed very well. Mrs. Yu plays the piano very well."

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Brown." Cheng Yanqiu smiled.

Since Dan Brown mentioned music, Yu Dong took the opportunity to ask, "Dan, your recent music seems to be doing well, I heard from Jimmy."

Dan Brown said with a smile: "It's still a bit of improvement, much better than before."

Bryce said on the side: "Since I met you last time, his talent seems to have been activated, and he has more and more inspirations. I was still a little confused before, YU, as a well-known writer, why are you interested in music? Interested, now it seems, because your wife is a very good musician."

I have to say that Bryce is very good at socializing. This kind of flattering words are blurted out without blushing or heartbeat, which is quite Jimmy's demeanor.

But Bryce is more than just boasting. She herself is the director of the Art Creation Department of the National Composer Students.It can be said that Dan Brown can go on the road of music, she has a lot of credit.

"Dan, I remember you said before that you are interested in code breaking, semiotics and occult science."

Dan Brown nodded, "That's right, so some of my music during this time also incorporates these elements."

"Actually, I think these things are very suitable for writing novels. I have some ideas, but I don't know anything about these things." Yu Dong said.

Dan Brown's eyes lit up: "Do you really think it's suitable for writing a novel? I've had this idea before, but it's impossible for me to write it."

"You can try……"

Before Yu Dong finished speaking, Dan Brown said, "If you have an idea, I can provide you with the information you need. As long as you have an idea, I can provide you with all the information to ensure your Writing is not only official information, but also a lot of information that I have researched myself."

"..." Yu Dong blinked, why didn't things develop as he thought?

Bryce, who was sitting next to Dan Brown, also said, "That's right, YU, you have ideas and the ability to write, and Dan has this knowledge. Your cooperation must be perfect. If you really write Publishing such a novel can also combine Dan's records with the novel, giving readers a comprehensive experience."

Bryce and Yu Dong's ideas are not on the same channel at all. She is now focused on promoting Dan Brown, so after Yu Dong brought up this matter, her first response was to catch a wave of Yu Dong's popularity.

If Yu Dong really writes such a novel and binds Dan Brown's record with the novel, Dan Brown will definitely become popular.

She didn't doubt whether the book would be popular after writing, not because he had much confidence in the subject, but in YU.

The current situation is that as long as it is a work published by YU, there will be no one that is not popular, just for the two letters of YU, the novel will definitely sell millions of copies after it comes out.

Once this idea appeared in Bryce's mind, she couldn't hold it back.

Before Dong could answer, she continued, "I think, no one can write about such a subject except you. Dan does have a lot of research in this area. If you want to write, he can really write about it." Give you a lot of help."

"Yeah, I also think this subject matter is very suitable for you to write, YU." George Martin on the other side also said: "If this novel is written, I will definitely read it first."

Yu Dong looked at George Martin with an embarrassing face, and thought to himself, what are you making fun of with a big beard.

He asked Jimmy to pull Dan Brown over, just to "set things right" for Dan Brown's mind, but what he never expected was that things were getting more and more confused.

It seems that it's okay if he doesn't shoot, the more he shoots, the more he misses the trajectory.

Both Bryce and Dan Brown were staring at him, wanting to hear his answer.

Yu Dong sighed secretly, "Let me think about it, and I'll talk about it later."

After hearing what Yu Dong said, Bryce was obviously a little disappointed, but she couldn't help it. She couldn't force Yu Dong to write a novel.

Jimmy, who had been silent all this time, raised his eyebrows and said, "It's not urgent. Yu will go to the United States in a while. Dan Brown, you can bring the materials and we will meet. Maybe the plan will come true."

"YU, are you going to America in a while?" Bryce asked in surprise.

Yu Dong nodded, "That's right, Director Schumacher's "Sniper Phone Booth" is about to be filmed. I'm the screenwriter, and I'm going to follow the crew. If you are interested, you can go to the scene to see it together."

"Of course, we will definitely go and have a look." Bryce smiled, and then she looked at Cheng Yanqiu again, "If there is a chance, I will ask my wife to visit our National Composition Academy."

Bryce has already made up her mind that she must hug Yu's thigh, and if she wants to hug Yu's thigh, it is obviously the most efficient way to take the lady's route.

Thankfully, YU's wife is also a musician, giving them a unique advantage.

Cheng Yanqiu was very interested in Bryce's proposal, and said with a smile, "If it's possible, of course I want to see it too."

 Pig stomach, have you eaten yet?
(End of this chapter)

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