Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 377 The Beginning of Deep Space Chinese

Chapter 377 The Beginning of Deep Space Chinese

Because Jimmy and the others are going back to China tomorrow, Yu Dong took the time to chat with Jimmy alone for a while, mainly about the signing event.

"Arrange the signing of the game first, and then arrange the signing of the Chinese literature series. The location should not be too far away."

"It's all in New York, to save time. The signing of the Chinese book series will be separated. Let Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua start first, and then you will go on."

"You arrange this." Then Yu Dong thought of another thing, "Last time you said that you would sign a few traditional writers in the United States, is there any clue?"

Jimmy nodded, "Three people have been contacted, Joyce Oates, Philip Roth, and Alice Munro. Except for Philip Roth, the other two are close to signing. Rose's literary agent is Andrew Wei Li, a very well-known writer agent, he is very famous in New York, and Rose works closely with him. It may be difficult for us to intervene in his affairs now."

Yu Dong smiled, "It's okay, this kind of famous writer is hard to find, just do your best, don't take it too seriously."

The main purpose of signing some well-known traditional writers is not to make money, but to enhance the company's influence and image,

Moreover, there are indeed fewer writers represented by Deep Space. Compared with some agents, the number of writers represented by Deep Space is only a fraction.

Take Carmen Balces, a well-known Latin American literary agent, as an example. Among the writers she represents, besides heavyweights like Marquez and Llosa, there are four to five hundred other writers, most of whom are Young and middle-aged writers.

Deep Space will not sign so many writers, but there are indeed fewer writers represented now.

"Speaking of which, you and Joyce are quite familiar, but you have never met. It is also because of this relationship that the negotiation with her is the smoothest this time. In addition, Alice Munro seems to be interested in I'm very interested in Bi Feiyu's "The Panicked Finger". Maybe this time you go to the United States, you can meet them." Jimmy said again.

"Oh?" Yu Dong was a little surprised, "Alice Munro is interested in "Frantic Fingers"?"

"I heard from Campote that she specifically mentioned this collection of novels. Alice Munro came to China ten years ago, and she has a little understanding of China."

Yu Dong nodded. The current Alice Munro is not an unknown person. She has won the Governor General's Award twice and is very famous in Canada and even the United States.

However, her "Escape" has not yet been published, nor has she won the Nobel Prize for Literature, so her international reputation is still completely incomparable to that of later generations.

Among these contemporary writers, Alice Munro is the one Yu Dong admires more.

"If there is a chance at that time, I can meet her. Is she in the United States?"

"In Canada, but you can invite her to New York then."

"Let's do it this way first." Yu Dong nodded, and asked again, "The last time I asked Yu Yu to talk to Li Qiuhao, did Yu Yu tell you later?"

"Say it." Jimmy laughed, "His "Axe Sand Palace" will be serialized in the Deep Space Forum on the sixteenth day of the first lunar month, and it will also be the first signed novel serialized in our Deep Space Forum. I believe this will be a good start.”

Yu Dong also smiled: "As long as you are prepared to lose money, no matter what kind of start it is, it won't be too bad."

"We can still afford to lose this little money."


Chen Mobai dragged his exhausted body back home. In the past few days, he visited relatives every day without a day off.

Let’s talk about being tired, but I’m actually not too tired physically. The key is to stay in such a noisy environment for a day, and people will be numb from the noise.

After lying on the bed for a while, Chen Mobai got up and turned on the computer, and skillfully logged into the account of the Deep Space Forum.

"Let's see what's new since I haven't been online for the past two days."

Chen Mobai rubbed his hands, and was just about to flip through the post, but saw a small banner on the website, which read: "Tianfu Sand Palace" will be launched soon.

This is the first time Chen Mobai has seen this kind of banner on the Deep Space Forum, and it is quite novel.

Even more curious, what is this "Sky Ax Sand Palace"?
After trying to click on it, it really made him click on the banner. It was an official post.

The post said that the first novel "Tianaxe Sand Palace" signed by the website has been confirmed to be launched, and it will be launched on time at zero o'clock in three days.

What?Sign a novel?

What the hell is this?Isn't the Deep Space Forum a social networking site for Deep Space employees?

Why did you start a novel?
That's right, some netizens did post some novels on the forum before, the more famous one is hcq, and his novel was even published by "Science Fiction World".

But I have never heard of such a thing as signing a novel on a website.

What is the difference between signing novels and ordinary netizens posting novels?
Chen Mobai looked at the content of the post, and there seemed to be no introduction in this regard.The whole post is talking about how good the novel "Sky Ax Sand Palace" is, and how it is worth looking forward to.

Unable to solve his doubts, Chen Mobai looked through the comments below, trying to find the answer.

It's been a while since this post was posted, so there are a lot of comments below.

Dongfang smiled: [What is the origin of this author named "Sand Man"?Up here is the signed author. 】

Fatty Lizhuzhu: [Could it be a certain boss under the banner of Deep Space? 】

Yellow casio: [Could it be Yu Dong...]

The fat man stood up piggy: [Sleeping upstairs and still not waking up?Dreaming. 】

The lonely and thorough demon: [Is it only me who pays attention to this signed author? 】

An Liuge: [Isn't this the same as Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu?It should be the writer of Deep Space Agency. 】

Fatty Lizhuzhu: [It should be different, have you researched the content of the post?It means that the Deep Space Forum signed this novel... I feel that it is different from the appointment of a literary agent like the Deep Space Company. 】

Falling in Heaven: [Let's wait and see what Deep Space Corporation will do this time. 】


Chen Mobai looked through a lot of comments, but couldn't find the answer he wanted. He could only look forward to the launch of "Tianaxe Sand Palace" like other netizens.

Until the sixteenth day of the first lunar month.

Many netizens are squatting on the deep space forum waiting for the launch of "Axe Sand Palace".

The online time is very punctual. As soon as midnight arrives, the layout of the new book will be published. It is no different from ordinary posts, except that there are more words.

The post was not made by the official, but by a user named Sharen, who should be the author himself.From a formal point of view, there is no difference between the novels signed by Deep Space and the novels published by ordinary users on the forum.

At the top of the post is not the text of the novel, but a preface written by the author.

"Hi everyone, I am Sandman, and I am very glad to meet you with my novel "Amazing Ax Sand Palace 1". Before the main text, I would like to talk to you about why I wrote this book..."

Chen Mobai originally wanted to turn to the back to read the text, but he still patiently read the author's preface. After reading it, he was a little thankful that he didn't turn to the text directly.

"Almost missed something so important."

In the preface, the author tells a story.

He was originally a student of a certain university. Before graduating from his undergraduate degree, he met a writer, and by chance, he went to a famous local scenic spot "Tianaxe Sand Palace" with that writer. Later, the writer suggested that he Materials Write a novel related to attractions.

The name of this writer was not mentioned in the preface, but Chen Mobai felt more and more familiar with it.

Later, Chen Mobai patted his head: "By the way, in one of Yu Dong's previous travel notes, he mentioned Tianfu Sand Palace, why didn't I think of it."

It’s not really Chen Mobai’s fault. Yu Dong’s previous travel note didn’t include much about the Heavenly Ax Shagong, but just a brief mention, and more about the art festival at that time.

It's just that "Sandman" is written in great detail now, and it's also mentioned that the second time they met this writer was at an art festival, so Chen Mobai remembered it.

"This writer must be Yu Dong."

Sure enough, at the end of the preface, Sand Man revealed the answer, and the writer who guided him to write this novel was Yu Dong himself.

When something is related to Yu Dong, there will always be some different magic power.

With such thoughts in mind, Chen Mobai has more expectations for this novel.

He began to flip through the text, wanting to know what kind of story was written in "Sky Ax Sand Palace", which made Yu Dong so interested.

 Thank you [Star Soldier Crystal] for the 600 reward
(End of this chapter)

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