Chapter 378 Look at the video (first update)
"Sky Ax Sand Palace" seems to be a strange novel, which tells the birth of a kingdom at the beginning.

It looks quite novel, but there is not much to see in the first small part, it just gives people the feeling that the beginning is very grand, and the length of the story should be very long.

The novel was not updated all at once, and Chen Mobai didn't count it in detail, but it was only about [-] to [-] words.

After reading the updated part, he looked at the bottom of the post, and there were already many comments from netizens.

Long Xiang Shengteng: [This novel has a very grand start, and I am still looking forward to the follow-up. 】

Old Zhu is a skinny man: [I can't see anything yet, but I have more confidence in Dong, and I believe that the follow-up story will not disappoint me. 】

Wandering disciple: [How many more are there in this novel?How much is serialized every day?When will it be uploaded? 】

Huang Tian Zaikong: [It would be great if it was serialized every day, it's much more exciting than reading magazines and chasing novels. 】

Dongfang smiled: [The official didn't say what it means to sign a novel, which makes me still think about it. It seems that it is no different from ordinary users publishing novels. 】

Fatty Lizhuzhu: [Signed novels should be paid. 】

Dongfang smiled: [Have income?How can we earn income? We all watch it for free. How can we earn income by publishing novels online?I think it should be some kind of treaty signed, such as subsequent physical publication and the like. 】

The black spot of the little white rabbit: [I think Brother Dongfang is right, it should be a follow-up to the entity, and first do a wave of publicity on the website. 】

Wandering today: [What, isn't Dongfang a woman?Why is it my brother?But I don’t think it’s enough just to go physical. Deep Space’s resources in the publishing industry don’t make it necessary to put physical books on the Internet first. How many people do we have in this forum? 】

Dongfang smiled: [Wandering brother, I'm not a girl.Although there are not many people in the Deep Space Forum now, there will be more and more in the future. Many of my friends are now ready to come in and play. 】

Apache is very white: [Sister Dongfang, you are a woman, don't think I don't know.There are too few computers now, and it may take a long time for the number of people to grow. 】

Dongfang smiled: [I'm really not a woman... Let's leave it alone, the official will definitely give news later. 】


In the evening of the same day, the official came out to answer questions for everyone.

The Deep Space official posted a post detailing the signing system of the Deep Space Forum.

Any work that is on the website or wants to sign a contract with the website has the hope of signing a contract with Deep Space. Once the contract is signed, the website will be responsible for helping the operation and promotion of the work and subsequent copyright operations.

The specific proportion of the percentage will vary according to the different works.

In addition to the subsequent copyright operations that can bring income to the author, Deep Space will also provide the author with a certain amount of guarantee funds when the novel does not generate income in the early stage to ensure the author's creative passion.

This also means that as long as the work is signed by Deep Space, even if it is not published later, it can get a part of the profit in advance, just like being serialized in a magazine.

In addition, this post also mentioned that the follow-up website will also hold an essay competition, inviting well-known writers to be judges, and once you stand out in the essay competition, you will have the opportunity to get a considerable essay bonus.

After this statement came out, one stone stirred up a thousand waves, and once again aroused heated discussions among netizens.

In the past, everyone discussed literature in the forum, and occasionally some netizens would publish articles for other characters to read, but the scale has not been large.

Now that the official has directly stepped down and given this set of signing models, things have suddenly become different, and the distance between these netizens and literature has become closer.

You don't need to go through a publishing house or a magazine. You can also hope to publish your own works, and you can also make money through your works.

Dongfang smiled: [I said that the official will explain it. Now it seems that there is a big move in deep space. 】

Tianbo asked: [I still don't quite understand how to make money.If you count on the later physical publication, what is the difference from offline? 】

Shuqing Shuyu: [Will there be a fee in the future? 】

Tianbo asked: [Is there a charge for online services?Not too optimistic. 】

Fat Lizhuzhu: [You don't care how deep space makes money. Now it seems that this also provides another way for authors. It is a good thing for authors and a good thing for us readers. 】

Tianbo asked: "If you don't make money, I'm afraid they won't be able to do it." 】

Little White Rabbit's black spot: [The forum did not charge fees before, but Deep Space is still doing a good job, so many people have taken care of it. 】

Tianbo asked: [The speed of burning money is different. 】

Apache is very white: [Just wait and see, time will give the answer, Deep Space Corporation will not fight unprepared. 】


As the netizen "Apache is very white" said, Deep Space Corporation will indeed not fight unprepared.

At the current stage, the Deep Space Forum has only one signed novel, and the Deep Space Chinese Network has become independent, with a total of two departments, [-] people in the editorial department, and [-] people in the operation department.

The monthly salary of this 25-person team is a huge sum of money, but Deep Space Company is now rich and powerful, so it doesn't care about this investment at all.


"After Xiao Li's novel was published on the website, the response was very good."

On March [-]th, just after the Waking of Insects, and the afternoon sun was just right, Hu Changqing came to Yu Dong's office with a teacup to chat with him.

He is an old netizen, and he pays more attention to the affairs of the deep space website than others.

Yu Dong smiled: "Why, Lao Hu, you are also moved, and want to publish novels on it?"

Hu Changqing quickly waved his hand: "Forget it, just post an article last time. From that account, I will chat with netizens, brag, and do nothing else."

"Can you bear it?" Yu Dong smiled, got up and poured some water for himself, "But if you are really interested, you can use the pseudonym of Fushui. Now that the website signing system has just come out, many people are waiting to see. If you, a sci-fi boss, take the lead, you can also attract more authors to join.”

"The main reason is that my output is low. If my output is high, it won't be enough to publish in "Science Fiction World", but I can consider sharing some and posting it on the website." Hu Changqing said.

Yu Dong nodded, Hu Changqing said it very sincerely, and the reality is the same.

For a well-known author like Hu Changqing, there is actually no need to publish novels on the website. Although the website provides the author with an early guarantee, the amount is definitely not large, and it is not as good as the manuscript fee given by the magazine.

Moreover, the website traffic is now low and the audience is small.

"By the way, later on, you can connect with Fu Jing and the others, and make out the news about taking students to study in the United States this time, so that they can do publicity." Hu Changqing said again.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "I have already asked Jiang Jie to do this, but this year's art test has ended, and this news will not have a big impact on this year's enrollment."

Hu Changqing laughed: "It's not that the school only recruits this year's students, and maybe they will miss it in the future? The art test can't be accurate."

"Yo, Hu, you're still in charge of recruiting students."

"Hey, isn't it that those who can do more work? Some good seedlings came in this art test, but you're not here, so I didn't see them."

"I don't have time to take care of art exams..." After thinking for a while, Yu Dong asked again: "How many people are going to be recruited by the acting department this year?"


"So many?" Yu Dong was a little surprised, "How many certificates are you going to issue?"



Yu Dong pursed his lips, good guy, accept 25 people and issue [-] certificates, and he is not afraid of a bunch of invalid certificates in the future.

But Yu Dong also understood the school's concerns.

There must be a gap between Jin Yi's acting department and several schools such as Chinese Opera and Beijing Film Academy. It is not easy to receive good seedlings, so this method of widely distributing "hero posts" was adopted.

"Do you have a list of the eighty students, Lao Hu?"

"Yes." Hu Changqing nodded, and looked at Yu Dong in surprise: "It's a bit late for you to read the list now, why don't I show you the video recordings of these people's art exams?"

"Let's take a look at the list information first, and talk about it later in the video."

"Okay, it's easy to handle. I have a copy in my office, so I'll get it for you."

After a while, Hu Changqing went back with a stack of materials.

On the top of the information is a form with a total of 81 people on it, which is quite auspicious.

Yu Dong's gaze had just scanned two lines on the list before he narrowed his eyes. He saw a familiar name——Mei Ting.

Is it the same name?
Yu Dong found Mei Ting's information according to the serial number.

It's really her.

According to the data, Mei Ting is a native of Jinling. He graduated from Jinling No. 88 Middle School.

There is no detailed information for more than a year in the middle, she should be preparing to take the Drama Academy exam.

Seeing that Yu Dong took out a document on purpose, Hu Changqing stretched his head over to look at it, and then laughed, "This little girl is a pretty young girl, she can dance very well, and she is already a senior cadre, but she just doesn't want to dance. Come check out the show."

Yu Dong nodded: "It's not bad."

He took out Mei Ting's information and put it aside, then continued to look at the list.

Looking at it, I saw many familiar names again.

Liu Ye, Chen Kun, Hu Jing, Yuan Quan...

Yu Dong roughly counted, and there are more than a dozen names he is familiar with.

Hu Changqing said next to him: "The quality of this year's batch is really good. I think it may be affected by the deep space annual meeting. After all, the reports on the deep space company mentioned our Jinyi a few years ago."

"such a pity."

Hu Changqing sighed again, "These good seedlings may not be able to stay. Many of them will definitely get a certificate even if they go to other schools."

Yu Dong pressed the students' materials with his hands and said, "Old Hu, please go and get the art test videos of these students and show me."



Pig stomach, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a subscription
 Thank you [FFrances] for the 5000 reward
(End of this chapter)

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