Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 379 Engage in publicity and attract them

Chapter 379 Engage in Propaganda and Attract Them

Hu Changqing just came out of Yudong's office and was about to find the video of the art test when he ran into Wu Changxin in the corridor.

"Changqing, I'm looking for you."

Hu Changqing blinked at Wu Changxin, "Principal, what do you want from me?"

"The Science Fiction Association is shooting a movie, and they are going to participate in the Deep Space Short Film Contest in May. I want you to bring the news team to do some publicity for them. After all, it is also a movie produced by our school." Wu Changxin looked at Hu Changqing up and down, "You look busy?"

Hu Changqing smiled and said: "It's not busy, just now I talked to Xiao Xiao about the art test, he was very interested, and asked me to show him the video of the art test."

"Yu Dong wants to see?"

Wu Changxin raised his eyebrows with joy on his face.

He has always wanted Yu Dong to intervene in the recruitment of students, but he has not been able to take the initiative to mention it. After all, Yu Dong and Shenkong Company have helped Jin Yi a lot, and it is somewhat a bit awkward to ask Yu Dong, a teacher of drama creation, to take over the recruitment. Insatiable.

Even though he was the principal and Yu Dong was his teacher, Wu Changxin still kept his sense when dealing with Yu Dong.

Now that Hu Changqing said that Yu Dong was interested in recruiting students, he was naturally happy.

"How about this, let's go to the archives together... You have no place to read the tapes, you go and call Yu Dong up, I'll get the tapes, and then let's go to the small meeting room."

Hu Changqing nodded. He was thinking about the equipment just now, and Wu Changxin took care of it.

Then the two split into two groups, Wu Changxin went to get the video, Hu Changqing went to find Yu Dong, and after a while, the three gathered in the small meeting room.

When he arrived at the meeting room, Yu Dong saw that Wu Changxin was working on the TV, so he smiled and said, "Secretary Hu is too. I just wanted to watch the video of the art test, but he alarmed you, principal."

Wu Changxin waved his hand, "It's not bad for him, I just happened to hear him talk about it. Is there anything special to look at, or let you release them one by one according to the list of certificates issued?"

Yu Dong thought for a while and replied, "Let's look at them one by one. I'm not familiar with these people. If there are some special ones, let's study them."

After Wu Changxin finished working, the three of them sat in a row and watched the video seriously.

The reason why Yu Dong had to look one by one was not only to deceive others, but also to see the level of these 81 students.

The experience of the previous life may be a good thing for him, but it may also be a bad thing. If he only stares at the people he is familiar with, he may ignore some other good seedlings.

Yu Dong watched very seriously, with a pen in his hand, every time he watched a student's video, he would make some records, and sometimes discuss it with Wu Changxin and the others.

Wu Changxin has already watched all these videos, so he will also give some brief introductions to Yu Dong during the viewing process.

"This Liu Ye is the youngest among this group of students, but his parents both work in a studio, so he can be regarded as a film family. In addition, this young man has a good image and is very aura."


To be honest, just watching the video, Yu Dong felt that Liu Ye was a bit dumb.

He is thin, tall, and handsome, but his reaction is a little slow. In the video, Hu Changqing asked him his test number, and he responded after two seconds.

To be honest, if it wasn't for his family background and image, there was a high probability that Liu Ye wouldn't be on this list. Even compared to the previous candidates who Yu Dong had never heard of, Liu Ye couldn't stand out.

Wu Changxin seemed to like the young man Liu Ye very much. Seeing that Yu Dong didn't respond, he helped Liu Ye say something: "This kid is not very photogenic. In fact, he looks better in real life. He looks a little dull in the video, but he can feel it when he meets him on the spot. This kid has a relatively simple character, and he is a seedling who can do things well."

Yu Dong nodded: "I made a note."

He circled Liu Ye's name, and then continued to look down.

The next one to play was Chen Kun, another handsome young man who sang a song.Sings well, but the state is not good, a bit soft.

Seeing Chen Kun, Hu Changqing said with a smile, "I have a deep impression of this kid. He was dragged here by his friends, and he is not very interested in acting."

"I see." Yu Dong curled his lips, "This kid should like singing very much."

"That's right, the solo singer of the song and dance troupe, he sings well." Hu Changqing smiled, "The image is also good, and the probability of him coming is quite high. Did not apply to other schools."

"Let's see the next one."

The next one is Yuan Quan, who is good in all aspects, but Hu Changqing and the others don't hold much hope for her coming to Jinyi.

"She is a student of the Middle School Attached to the Central Academy of Chinese Opera, and she studied Peking Opera performance." Hu Changqing said.

Behind are Zhang Ziyi, Hu Jing, Zu Feng...

Yu Dong circled all these familiar names, and circled a few more names, making a list of about 20 people.

He showed the list to Wu Changxin, "Principal, I think the students on this list are pretty good."

Wu Changxin took the list with a smile.

In fact, he also knew that these students were good, otherwise he would not have given them a pass.

But the problem is, they think these students are good, but the students may not come.

Don't think that if students are willing to sign up for the exam, it means that they will definitely be able to come. Jin Yi is probably a candidate for them.

And Wu Changxin also understands that the number of students who came to take the exam this time and the quality are so high is also because the popularity of the Deep Space Annual Meeting attracted these students, otherwise Jin Yi would not even be qualified to be their candidate.

It’s not that Wu Changxin’s aspirations of others destroy his prestige. Jinyi’s art and music courses are quite good, and they also have a solid background. There is still hope for rolling up their sleeves and competing with other schools.

But the acting major has just been established, and they are inferior to others in all aspects, so it is too difficult to compete.

Seeing that Wu Changxin didn't speak, Yu Dong also knew what he was thinking, so he said with a smile: "There are still a few months left, and there are still many things we can do."

Wu Changxin sighed: "I will be satisfied if half of the students on this list can come."

Yu Dong smiled, his expectation was higher than that of Wu Changxin, he hoped that two-thirds of the list would come to Jin Yilai.

He watched the video, of course not because he was bored and had nothing to do, but because he really wanted to help recruit students.

It's not entirely because of his feelings for Jin Yi, recruiting more outstanding students for Jin Yi is also helping Jin Yi cultivate talents in advance, in other words, helping himself.

Yenching Film Academy, Chinese opera, and Shanghai opera are good, but there are no students from their own school who are easy to use.


After watching the video, Yu Dong called Jiang Jie to the office.

"Xiaojie, take a look at this list."

Jiang Jie took the list and was a little puzzled, "Boss, what is this list?"

"The above are the students who performed better in Jinyi's art exam this year. You take the list to the company and ask Yuyu to pay attention to it. In addition, let Yuyu later promote Jinyi's acting major. I hope the latter few During the month, I can often see the news about Jinyi’s acting major.”

Jiang Jie smiled, "It's not easy to handle. This time I go to the United States, I can bring two acting students there, let them enter the crew to experience the experience, and then I can write a few news articles when I come back. I have all the news headlines in mind." Well, Yu Dong led his students to venture into Hollywood... Boss, what do you think?"

"It's a way, but it's a little thin."

Jiang Jie thought for a while, and then said, "Yes, there are more. In this short film competition, there are many students majoring in acting participating in the short film competition. When the time comes, find a few films to promote, and the fame will be spread all at once. .”

"That's fine." Yu Dong nodded, "These are all auxiliary means. If you need it later, you can come forward and get rid of the students on the list."

"No problem. Our company is also signing actors now. It shouldn't be a big problem to talk to them in the name of the company."

"Okay, take care of this matter. Also, last time I told Yu Yu about the "Great Mansion Gate", how is it going now?"

"The company has already contacted Guo Baochang, but there is no specific progress for the time being."

"You should urge Mr. Yu on this matter, and let him take care of it. We have too little involvement in the domestic film and television industry, and we are already a step behind some people. If we don't catch up, we will lose our position. Our company can't just watch foreign countries blossom. Domestically, we need to work harder.”

"I understand."


After Jiang Jie left, just as Yu Dong was about to pack up and go home, Wang Hailin and Qu Aiguo came again.

Every time he sees these two boys, Yu Dong's head hurts.

Yu Dong glanced at the two of them and asked, "Have you written the script for "Bring Her Eyes?"?"

Qu Aiguo chuckled, "It's already written and ready to start filming."

Yu Dong sighed: "It took so long to start, and there are only two months left before the short film contest. You should hurry up. What is the purpose of coming to find me this time?"

"Nothing else, just report to you, Brother Dong. In the next month, Wang Hailin and I should go on location."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "Wang Hailin can just go with the director, and you want to go too?"

"Hey, don't worry, go and have a look."

Yu Dong nodded, "You guys come back early, especially Wang Hailin, we are going to the United States in April, and you are also on the list. If you come back late, we can't wait for you."

"I understand, I understand." After that, Wang Hailin smiled flatteringly again: "Brother Dong, why don't you read the script again?"

"I won't read it." Yu Dong rolled his eyes, "I've read this script five or six times. If you don't have the confidence, don't write scripts in the future. Tell your family and tell them A few acres of land will be reserved for you in your hometown, and when you go home to grow some crops after graduation, it will be easier for you to make a living than writing scripts.”

Yu Dong ruined a sentence, but the smile on Wang Hailin's face remained unchanged, "I'd better not go back and spoil the crops, being a screenwriter is pretty good, even if I'm stupid, you can cultivate it, Brother Dong, right?"

Yu Dong laughed, "Okay, you guys can go out and make movies with peace of mind, don't have too much psychological burden, I also see your hard work during this time. As long as you shoot with your heart, I won't trouble you of."

In fact, Yu Dong knew why these two boys made a special trip, mainly because he put too much pressure on them before.

The two boys also issued a military order, saying that the movie must be made well, so it took so long to finalize a script, and they came to him many times during the process, because they were afraid that Yu Dong would not be satisfied with the script.

Although Yu Dong liked to scold the two of them, he was quite satisfied to see that they were in awe of the movie in their hearts.

Confidence is of course essential for doing a business, but awe is also indispensable. Once a person loses awe, he will lose his sense of proportion.

Especially Wang Hailin, if he doesn't practice well, he might not be able to go well in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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