Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 380 Don't Beat Your Wife From Now on

Chapter 380 Don't Beat Your Wife From Now on

As soon as Yu Dong got home, he received a call from Yu Yu, saying that Duras had passed away.

In this regard, Yu Dong was not too surprised. Duras was not young, and he was already at an age where bad news would come out at any time.

The reason why Yu Yu made a special call to Yu Dong was also because Duras had said good things about their Chinese literature series before and had memorized the books.

After talking on the phone with Yu Liang, Yu Dong went to tell Yu Hua about it.

After hearing the news of Duras' death, Yu Hua was silent for a while, and finally sighed, "I said before that I had the opportunity to visit her in France, but now it seems that I have no chance."

Even though both Yu Dong and Yu Hua have written about the deaths of many people, the topic of death is still a bit heavy for them.

Yu Hua lit a cigarette, and Yu Dong watched him finish, then said, "I'm going back first."

"En." Yu Hua nodded.


While watching TV at night, Yu Dong told Cheng Yanqiu the news of Duras' death.

"It seems that the previous illness has not healed well, but I heard that he passed away quite peacefully, without any pain."

After speaking, he was observing Cheng Yanqiu's reaction.

He knew that Cheng Yanqiu liked Duras very much. The last time Duras said good things about the Chinese literature series, Yu Dong and the other authors didn't have much reaction, but Cheng Yanqiu was happy for several days.

"Oh." Cheng Yanqiu nodded and continued to watch TV, as if the news of Duras' death was nothing more than an insignificant matter to her.

But soon, Yu Dong saw his wife's tears overflowing from her eyes.

Yu Dong went to hold his wife's hand, and she couldn't bear it anymore, sobbing on Yu Dong's shoulder.

He understood Cheng Yanqiu's feelings. In the early morning of the 11th New Year's Day, he saw the news of Shi Tiesheng's death, and was also sad for a long time. An old man hugged his pillow and wept secretly.

Even before that, he had never met Shi Tiesheng in person, but he had already connected with him through his works. The world Shi Tiesheng built with words had already become a part of his world.

When Shi Tiesheng passed away, some things remained, but some things were taken away.

I think Cheng Yanqiu feels the same way now.


Duras' death did not cause much sensation in China.

After Cheng Yanqiu, Chen Hong and Fu Jing also got the news.

It has to be said that Duras's influence in the female circle is far greater than that of the male circle.

The three female relatives were sad for several days.

Yu Dongdu was fine, Cheng Yanqiu played the piano when he was in a bad mood, at most he listened to sad tunes several times a day.

Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu were in a much worse situation. Ever since Chen Hong and Fu Jing found out about Duras's death, the quality of life of these two men plummeted. Sometimes Bi Feiyu couldn't even eat a warm meal.

It wasn't until later, after "Don't Talk to Strangers" started, that the situation was better.

After the broadcast started, the three of them plus Feng Ming's family often gathered at the host's house to watch TV.

Because his TV is the largest and the color is the best.

There are only two episodes per night, and on the first night, everyone's response was mediocre.

Not only was the audience's reaction mediocre, but the ratings data was quite satisfactory. It can't be said to be bad, but it's definitely not very good.

In the past two years, there have been a lot of popular TV series, and the data of any one that starts broadcasting is better than "Don't Talk to Strangers".

Zhao Baogang also saw the data, but he didn't pay much attention to it, because it was also within his expectation.

Although this TV series is not slow, the first few episodes are really nothing special, and the characters change step by step.

As he expected, after the second day's episode aired, the ratings started to rise.

Especially in Dragon TV, it directly broke 40.00%.A few other stations are slightly worse, but not by much.


Wang Anyi went to Li Xiaolin's office early in the morning.

Seeing Wang Anyi's dark circles, Li Xiaolin smiled and said, "What happened?"

Wang Anyi sat on the sofa and sighed, "I watched a horror movie last night."

"Horror movie?" Li Xiaolin was a little puzzled, "What horror movie?"

"Don't talk to strangers."

Li Xiaolin raised his eyebrows, "Is this a horror movie? I watched it a few days ago when it first aired. It's just an ordinary family drama. What's so scary about it?"

"You didn't see the back." Wang Anyi bit her lip, "It's too scary, I feel like I have sequelae now."

As she said that, she looked at the sofa again, and suddenly thought of the scene where the heroine was beaten violently by the hero, she shivered, and then stood up, "I don't even dare to sit on the sofa now."

Li Xiaolin smiled and said, "Is that an exaggeration? I want to go back and take a look at what you said."

"It's not an exaggeration at all, the filming is truly terrifying. Now that I think about it, An Jiahe even came to toast us at the Deep Space Annual Meeting."

"An Jiahe?" Li Xiaolin didn't realize it at first, and then said with a smile: "You said Feng Yuanqian, yes, he is a very elegant person, and the role he played on TV matches his real image."

Wang Anyi waved his hand, "Forget it, I won't tell you anymore, I'll go back first."

Not long after Wang Anyi left, Cheng Yongxing came over to talk to her about work. Halfway through the conversation, Li Xiaolin suddenly asked, "Have you read "Don't Talk to Strangers?"

Cheng Yongxing nodded with a strange expression, "I saw it, isn't it the last time I heard that this TV series was written by Yu Dong? I watched it by the TV the night it started."

"Does it look good?" Li Xiaolin asked.

"Good-looking is good-looking." Cheng Yongxing sighed, "The main reason is that my wife likes to watch, and the way she looks at me in the past two days is not right."

"Why is something wrong?"

"Sister Xiaolin, go and see for yourself, you'll know after seeing it." Cheng Yongxing made a fool of himself.

Out of curiosity, Li Xiaolin watched "Don't Talk to Strangers" when he went back that night.

Although she didn't watch a few episodes in the middle, seeing the scenes of An Jia and domestic violence still made her gnash her teeth and curse An Jia and the bastard.

Of course, Li Xiaolin can still tell the difference between the inside and the outside of the play, she just scolded An Jiahe but not Feng Yuanqian.

But there are many people who don't know the difference.


Liang Danni received several calls in the past two days, all of which were from friends, asking her in a roundabout way whether Feng Yuanqi was beating someone at home, and if she needed help.

These few phone calls made Liang Danni dumbfounded.

The TV series my husband acted in became famous, which is of course a good thing, but it seemed that he acted so well that some friends misunderstood her husband.

And among the few friends who called me were actors, even these actors would have misunderstandings, let alone ordinary people.

That's nothing, yesterday she went to the vegetable market with Feng Yuanqi to buy vegetables, and suddenly a man ran out and patted Feng Yuanqi on the shoulder, warning him: Don't hit Jiang Wenli in the future, do you understand?
This incident shocked the couple, and they went out less in the past two days than before.

But it's impossible to never go out, after all, they are all working.

With the popularity of TV series, more and more viewers recognized Feng Yuanqi on the road.

There are good and bad.

Those who are better, those who can clearly distinguish TV dramas from people, come up and call Mr. Feng, and some of them will even ask for autographs.

But these are very few, and more people will call him An Jiahe and stare at him angrily.

Liang Danni suspected that if it wasn't for the public, the other party would come up and beat people.

The husband and wife live a cautious life, thinking that after the TV series is over, the popularity will be better.

But at the end of March, something happened that completely broke Liang Danni.

That day, the husband and wife went to the restaurant for dinner and were ordering food. A middle-aged woman went up and slapped Feng Yuanqi, telling him not to beat his wife in the future.

It was such a big deal that it made the news.


After Yu Dong knew about this, he made a special call to Feng Yuanqian.

Feng Yuanqian probably knew what Yu Dong was going to say. Before Dong could speak, he smiled and said, "Mr. Yu, don't have any psychological burden. The audience's reaction is so intense, which just shows that the play is good. When I was accepting the play, I was mentally prepared."

Hearing what he said, Yu Dong didn't say anything more. He chatted with him a few words, and finally said: "Keep in touch and look forward to future cooperation."

Feng Yuanqian didn't take Yu Dong's words to heart, he only thought that Yu Dong said polite words.


When "Don't Talk to Strangers" was broadcast on major TV stations one after another, domestic violence gradually attracted the attention of the society.There are also some news media that have begun to report news related to domestic violence, but most of them are relatively rough. After all, they are rushed out, and the quality of the news cannot be guaranteed.

While most people were paying attention to the TV series and domestic violence incidents, some people noticed that the screenwriter of this TV series was actually Yu Dong.

After learning that the screenwriter of "Don't Talk to Strangers" is Yu Dong, readers have two reactions.

The first one: Yu Dong is awesome, he can be so popular if he just writes a TV series.

The second type: Yu Dong is not doing his job properly, instead of writing novels, he will write TV dramas, and write novels as soon as possible.

This also reminds readers that Yu Dong seems to have published fewer novels this year.

A "Crowd" came out.

"The Martian" came out last year, and "Resident Evil 2" is the sequel.

There are also a few short and medium stories, so that counts?
And even those short and medium stories, calculated according to the lunar calendar, were all things from the year before last.

Just for this matter, someone even specially wrote a news article and researched it. The final result is that Yu Dong, like Wang Shuo, has begun to pay more attention to the film and television industry in the past two years, and has no intention of writing novels.

When they saw this news, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu almost died laughing—the combined output of the two of them was not as good as that of Yu Dong alone.

"These people really think that writing novels is like shit, and you can come out as soon as you take off your pants?"

When Yu Hua heard Bi Feiyu's analogy, she couldn't help but retort, "Even if it's shit, it doesn't mean you can come out after taking off your pants."

Bi Feiyu smiled, "The key is that Yu Dong wrote too fast before, but now he writes a little less, and he feels that he is slack. People who always take the No. Backsliding. Unlike us, the errands are used to it, and no one pays attention to our output.”

Yu Hua tilted her head, "Anyway, I won't touch novels in the past few years, and my body can't keep up."

Yu Dong smiled: "Let's take a rest, this trip to the United States is just for fun and relaxation. It's agreed this time, none of you are allowed to bring poker."

"Don't take it with you, there are poker sellers in the United States." Bi Feiyu said.


Bi Feiyu said he didn't bring any poker, but he still brought two sets when he boarded the plane. He was afraid that the poker in the United States would not work well.

Regarding playing cards, Yu Dong didn't want to talk about them anymore. These two people were as addicted to cards as they were to cigarettes, and they basically couldn't quit.

After arriving in New York, everyone went to the hotel to settle down, and went straight to the shooting location the next day.

The filming location was West 53rd Street between Broadway and Eighth Avenue.

When Yu Dong and the others arrived, Schumacher was giving a lecture to Matthew McConaughey. Seeing Yu Dong coming, the two warmly greeted him.

"YU, I'm finally looking forward to you. We've been filming the interior for a whole day yesterday, and we just found something." Schumacher hugged Yu Dong, and then greeted Cheng Yanqiu and the others.

Yu Dong looked around the scene and said with a smile, "It can be seen that the shooting went well."

If it weren't for the smooth shooting, the smile on Schumacher's face would not be so bright.

Schumacher nodded, "Matthew's performance exceeded my expectations. He was very well prepared and saved a lot of time for shooting."

"In this way, it's okay if I don't come."

Schumacher said quickly, "No, no, it's okay if you don't come. You are the creator of the script. If there are any problems in the shooting, you are the most able to find out. Although our filming went smoothly, I think you must still Being able to spot problems that we can’t see.”

Yu Dong smiled and didn't say much.

He felt that Schumacher had too high expectations of him, but in fact he knew nothing about filming, and it was simply unreliable to expect him to find problems and solve them.

He turned and pointed to Wang Hailin and said to Jia Zhangke and the others, "These are my students. I brought them here this time because I want them to learn from you."

Schumacher said modestly, "We learn from each other. Since they are your students, they must be very good."

Yu Dong pointed to Bi Feiyu again, "This is my colleague, Bi Feiyu, who is also the teacher leading the team this time. If you have any questions in the crew, you can communicate directly."

"Hello, hello." Schumacher smiled and shook Bi Feiyu's hand, "I have an impression of you. I saw you at the last annual meeting, and the one next to you."

The "next one" mentioned by Schumacher refers to Yu Hua.

Yu Hua was not good at English, but through Bi Feiyu's translation, she realized that Schumacher remembered her. She smiled and shook hands with Schumacher, "Shu Dao has a good memory."

After getting to know each other, Schumacher took Yu Dong to direct the crew to start filming.

The students who came with learning tasks naturally followed.

Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu had nothing to do, so they wandered around the film crew.

Cheng Yanqiu waited at the scene for a while, Bryce and Dan Brown rushed over, and then the two female relatives went shopping nearby, leaving Dan Brown behind.

(End of this chapter)

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