Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 381 New ideas, new works

Chapter 381 New ideas, new works

Yu Dong has been to the scene of "Don't Talk to Strangers", but the tension of the scene of "Don't Talk to Strangers" is completely incomparable with that of "Sniper Phone Booth".

Once the shooting starts here, the scene is like a war, and everyone has to move.

Yu Dong couldn't even keep up with the rhythm.

Not only him, but the students who came with him couldn't keep up with the rhythm.

But Schumacher can't slow down the shooting speed for them, they can only work hard to adapt to this fast pace, including Yu Dong.

The only good thing is that now all of the filming is the male protagonist's one-man show, and there are not too many things that need to be paid attention to.

At this stage, Yu Dong only needs to pay attention to Matthew's lines, and give him time to adapt to the overall shooting rhythm.

Of course, there is also a problem with the fast shooting pace, that is, Matthew can't handle it.

Most of the scenes in this movie are Matthew McConaughey's, and today he was filming his scenes all day long, but a person's physical strength is limited. Under this kind of high-intensity shooting, Matthew, although young Can't stand it for too long.

After shooting for about two hours, everyone started to stop and rest.

At this time, Dan Brown, who had been waiting not far away, walked over with a smile, "YU, you look very professional."

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "It's also my first time with the group, and I don't understand many things."

"You are too modest, Yu." Schumacher came over and handed Yu Dong and Brown a bottle of water, "It's almost lunch time, let's rest for a while, after dinner, let's talk about the morning scene .Did Mr. Brown come from Los Angeles?"

Dan Brown nodded, "Well, it's been a while."

"Let's have lunch together at noon..." Schumacher hadn't finished speaking when he saw his assistant bring someone over with a box, and waved to Dong and the others with a smile, "Come on, let's show you something good. "

good stuff?
Yu Dong didn't know why, so he followed Schumacher without asking any further questions.

When the assistant opened the box, Yu Dong raised his eyebrows.

It's a gun, a big gun.

"Is this a real gun?" Yu Dong asked.

"Of course." Schumacher nodded with a smile, and introduced while stroking the body of the gun, "This is a sniper rifle L96A1 produced by British Precision International Company. It can fight in severe cold environments and has very good performance."

It was the first time for Yu Dong to come into contact with a real gun at such close range, and it was a sniper rifle.

He reached out and touched the body of the gun.

The touch is very ordinary, and there is no such "cold glow" feeling, but the scope looks quite stylish.

The Chinese students had never touched a gun. When they heard that the gun was coming, they all gathered around, wanting to see what a sniper rifle looked like.

"You can only look at it, not touch it."

Seeing that the students were very enthusiastic about guns, Yu Dong hurriedly shouted for fear of accidents.

Schumacher didn't take it seriously, "A gun without bullets will not pose any threat."

"I'm afraid they broke the scope."

"Not that vulnerable."

The students were looking at the guns, and the three of them walked aside. Looking at the enthusiastic students, Schumacher said with a smile: "The gun is a good gun, but it depends on who is using it. The sniper is the most important thing."

Dan Brown nodded in approval, "Indeed, it is not easy to cultivate a good sniper. Is the main character of this movie a sniper?"

Schumacher shook his head with a smile, "No, he's just a poor guy who can't move under the scope."

Dan Brown raised his eyebrows in surprise. He knew the movie was called "Sniper Phone Booth", and when he saw a gun just now, his first reaction was that it was a shootout movie.

Just now he was wondering, YU didn't seem to know much about sniper rifles, could such a script be written well?

Now it seems that things are a little different from what he thought.

But he didn't ask in detail, after all, the movie hasn't been made yet, so it's inappropriate to ask too many questions.

After thinking for a while, Dan Brown said, "Speaking of sniper rifles, the recent news has reported the assassination of the president in 63. I heard that a lot of information has been released, but I read the news and there seems to be no special progress."

"Hmph, this kind of thing will never be true." Schumacher smiled contemptuously, "The shooter must be a scapegoat. There is no doubt that it is proved by being shot dead after being arrested for two days. Once this happened, the whole world Watching the jokes of the US government, we are no exception."

Yu Dong didn't know much about the president's assassination case, so he asked, "Isn't there a conclusion yet?"

Dan Brown pretended to be mysterious and said, "Whether there is a conclusion or not depends on whether we are willing to believe the official information. But in fact, most people don't believe it. It's too strange..."

Talking about this, Dan Brown is quite energetic.

He seems to have collected information on this matter and explained the situation at that time very clearly.

And he shouldn't be making it up, Schumacher nodded again and again, indicating that he was right.

"The witnesses are all dead, so there is no proof. They can't protect the president, even the witnesses and criminals, so what they say is hard to believe." Schumacher sighed.

After hearing what they said, Yu Dong narrowed his eyes, but remembered a novel he had read.

In "Golden Dreamland" written by Kotaro Isaka, the protagonist in the novel was slandered as the murderer who assassinated the Prime Minister and was hunted down, but he miraculously escaped in the end.

That novel left a deep impression on Yu Dong. It has won many awards for mystery novels, but Yu Dong believes that its brilliance lies in things other than reasoning, such as the power of life itself.

Now, because he was chatting with Schumacher and Dan Brown, Yu Dong thought of this novel, and then he thought a little bit, maybe he could write a novel similar to "Golden Dream" along with what Schumacher and the others said.

In the chaotic streets of America, a little man faced sudden slander, and finally went through untold hardships. In the intertwined relationship of family and friendship, he sought a chance to escape and accomplished a miracle.

"YU, what are you thinking?"

Seeing that Yu Dong was silent, Schumacher asked curiously.

Dan Brown next to him joked: "Maybe he has some inspiration for new works because of what we said."

Yu Dong nodded and said, "I do have some ideas, but it's not complete yet."

"Are you really inspired?" Schumacher exclaimed, "You don't want to write that kind of revealing novel, do you? It involves politics? For example, the black story of the president's murder?"

Yu Dong shrugged, "As I said, it's not complete, it's just a thought, and I don't know if it will be written in the end, and what it will be like."

"Maybe, if we say a little more, your thinking can be more complete?" Dan Brown said.

Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "Let's not talk about this now, let's go to dinner later, and the movie is still in progress."


Dan Brown will be pulled aside before filming in the afternoon.

"YU, I have prepared some materials on occultism and semiotics for you, do you still need it?"

Yu Dong looked at Dan Brown for a long time, "You really don't think about writing it yourself? You have studied these things for so long and know them better than I do. It is more appropriate for you to write it."

Dan Brown smiled and said: "I have read all your novels, and I have no confidence that I can write better than you. And now my mind is on music, it is difficult to be distracted to do other things - of course, if you need some Help, come to me anytime."

"Okay." Yu Dong nodded, "Give me the information later, and I'll take a look first."

"Okay, the information has been sorted out, and I will bring it to you later. Also, can I make a request?"

"What request?" Yu Dong asked.

Dan Brown rubbed his hands in embarrassment, "If you decide to write a novel, can you show it to me after you finish writing it? I have been making music in this area recently, I think, if you can read it The novel you wrote may be able to inspire me...Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to, I can wait until the novel is published and go to the bookstore to buy it.”

Yu Dong nodded: "No problem at all, I promise you, if the novel is written, I will contact you as soon as possible. No matter what, if this novel can be published, you will have a great contribution."

"It's just some information."

Yu Dong squinted his eyes and smiled, thinking that Dan Brown's contribution was not as simple as providing information.

The two chatted for a few more words, and when the filming started, Schumacher called Yu Dong over there.

Later, when Bryce and Cheng Yanqiu came back from shopping, the couple came to bid farewell to Yu Dong.

During the afternoon shoot, Yu Dong started to get into shape and was able to keep up with Schumacher and the others. He even changed a line for Matthew McConaughey on the spot.

That line is said by the protagonist to the outsider who delivered the pizza. It was originally "This is five dollars, you go and return the pizza to the person who ordered it".

However, when Matthew McConaughey was acting, Yu Dong always felt that he was not interested, so he pondered for a while on the spot and changed the line to "Eat the pizza, you seem to need a good meal".

This is a foreshadowing and a point to deceive the audience, making the audience think that the pizza delivery man is behind the scenes.

The previous protagonist's lines were too gentle to give this plot more support.

After the modification, the effect was much better, and the hatred of the pizza delivery man became reasonable.

"YU, I just said that it must be right to invite you here." Schumacher was very satisfied with the effect of the line changes and kept praising Yu Dong.

Yu Dong himself was also very satisfied, and he was glad that he had come. It turned out that the script still had some flaws.

On the spot, watching the actors perform, you can intuitively feel these flaws, and then prescribe the right medicine, which is impossible to write the script with a pen by yourself.


In the afternoon, the shooting ended early.

There is no night scene in the movie, and when the light is dim in the afternoon, there is no way to shoot.

Moreover, Yu Dong and the others just arrived today, and Schumacher, as the host, of course wants to treat Yu Dong to a good meal.

After dinner in the evening, Schumacher and Matthew McConaughey were dragged to their house by Bi Feiyu to have a fight. Bi Feiyu called it promoting Chinese culture.

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu watched the cards in their room for a while, and then went back to their own room.

While Cheng Yanqiu was taking a shower, Yu Dong was not idle. He took out a pen and paper and began to record what Schumacher and Dan Brown said today.

After a while, Cheng Yanqiu came out wrapped in a bath towel, saw that he was writing, and asked curiously, "What are you writing?"

"Today I heard Schumacher and the others talk about the details of the assassination of the US president in 63. I think it is very useful and I am going to write it down."

Cheng Yanqiu smiled: "I thought you were memorizing occultism and semiotics. Bryce kept whispering these things in my ear when I was shopping with me today. It can be seen that she really wants you to Could write a novel using Mr. Brown's material."

"I also understand her thoughts. If I really use Dan Brown's information to write a novel, she will have to promote it."

Cheng Yanqiu came over and half sat on the table, "Then how did you decide? Are you going to write?"

"Let me read the information first, and then decide whether to write or not. I don't know much about occultism and semiotics. If the information is not detailed enough, I may not be able to write it after reading it."

Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu's long legs that couldn't be covered by the bath towel, and smiled again: "Bryce is good at calculating, she knows to follow Madam's route, and she probably knows too, who is in charge of our family."

"Come on you." Cheng Yanqiu pressed Yu Dong's forehead with his fingers, "I can't control you. Although Bryce is more realistic, she is still a nice person. Although she has been whispering about the occult in my ear, it is true. She didn't say much either. She wanted to give me a gift, but I refused. "

"Let's not talk about them."

Yu Dong held Cheng Yanqiu's slender calf, "The night is long..."

"To take a bath."

"After sweating..."

"To take a bath."

Yu Dong couldn't help but hugged her, "wash, wash, let's wash together."

Cheng Yanqiu was hugged by him, and his small fists were pounding on his back, "I've already washed it, you can wash it yourself."

"Then wash it again, and I will wash it for you."


The next morning, while Cheng Yanqiu was still sound asleep, Yu Dong had already woken up.

I haven't started writing some time ago, but now I have the idea of ​​writing, my hands can't help itching.

He quietly got up, in order not to disturb Cheng Yanqiu who was still sleeping, he turned on a lamp to write on the table without washing up.

Although "Golden Dreamland" borrowed the assassination of the President of the United States as a story template, the background was placed in Neon, and the assassin was also the Prime Minister of Neon.

Yu Donglai wrote, of course it is impossible to put the background in neon, let alone in China.

In China, this kind of thing simply cannot happen.

Therefore, he decided to set the background of the story in the United States.

Before, he planned to put the story in New York, but after thinking about it, he decided to not be sure of the specific location for the time being, and if he had time, he would go to several other cities to investigate and investigate to see which city was more suitable.

If you want to write a story with an American background, you can't just use your head to think about it. He also needs to collect materials from the field.After all, the main line of this novel is the escape of the protagonist. If he doesn't even know the cities in the United States, how can he write a wonderful and reasonable escape process?
 pig stomach, good night
(End of this chapter)

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