Chapter 36 New Work

Yu Dong woke up in the second half of the night. For some reason, he always felt that the person sitting across from him looked at him strangely.

"Friend, what's the matter with you?" Yu Dong couldn't help asking.

The man shook his head and said nothing.

Yu Dong frowned and thought for a while, suddenly thought of a possibility, and hurriedly pulled out his backpack to check.

In the end, everything was there, the clothes, the manuscript of "One Day", and the more than 100 yuan in the interlayer pocket were not lost.

He breathed a sigh of relief, secretly saying that he was really Wu Niu Chuanyue, and his suspicion was too serious.

Think about it, he didn't bring much money with him when he went out this time, even if the thief wanted to steal it, he wouldn't steal it.

Not far away, when Ruan Xiaohu saw Yu Dong wake up, he turned his head silently and left. He was going to find Fei Qiang, and then told Fei Qiang that he didn't want to work with him anymore.

As for what he was going to do, he hadn't decided yet, but he believed that if he had hands and feet, he would definitely not starve to death.

He originally wanted to go to that handsome young man and ask him what his name was, where he was from, and whether he wrote the novel in the bag... but he didn't dare.


After sitting in the car for more than 30 hours, Yu Dong was about to fall apart. After getting out of the car, he took a deep breath. He had never felt that the air outside was so fresh, as if he had crawled out of an abyss.

When he arrived in Rongcheng, it was already more than one o'clock at night. At this time, he would definitely not be able to find Yang Xiao and the others, so Yu Dong found a place to sleep first, and then took the bus to the magazine office early the next morning.

The editorial department of the magazine was in a small six-story building on the side of Renmin South Road. Yu Dong was standing downstairs with his bag on his back, looking at the building seriously.This building is of great significance to Chinese science fiction, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the place of rejuvenation of Chinese science fiction.

"Hey, where did you find it?"

A voice came, Yu Dong looked towards the door, and an old man came over with a teapot.

"Master, I am looking for the editorial department of Science Fiction World, is it in this building?"

The old man heard Yu Dong speak Mandarin, and tried to speak Mandarin, "They are on the sixth floor, are you looking for a job?"

It was probably the backpack on Yu Dong that made the uncle have this guess. Yu Dong didn't explain it and said with a smile, "Thanks, uncle."

"Thank you, let's go."

Yu Dong nodded and ran to the stairs. There was no elevator on this floor, so he could only climb up.

He was young anyway, and he went up a few floors without any trouble.

As soon as he got to the sixth floor, he saw the sign of "Sci-Fi World", and there was a guide sign on the wall. Yu Dong found the location of the president's office at a glance.

According to the map, he walked to the door of the southernmost office. Yu Dong knocked on the door lightly, and the door that was originally hidden was taken open.

But Yang Xiao was not in the office. There was only a young man in his twenties who was sorting the documents in the cabinet.

Hearing the movement, the young man turned his head and looked over.

"you are?"

"Is this President Yang Xiao's office?"

Young nodded, "Yes, are you looking for President Yang? She just went out, she should have gone to Editor-in-Chief Tan."

"Is it convenient to ask where the editor-in-chief Tan's office is?" Yu Dong was looking for the president's office just now, but he didn't pay attention to where the editor-in-chief's office was.

"Of course, I'll take you there. The editor-in-chief's office is on the other side." The young man was quite enthusiastic, and took the initiative to put down the work at hand and lead Yu Dong to the editor-in-chief's office.

As expected, Yang Xiao was in Tan Kai's office when the two were talking.

The young man knocked on the door, "President Yang, someone is looking for you."

Yang Xiao and Tan Kai turned around at the same time.

Seeing Yu Dong at the door, Yang Xiao froze for a moment, then stood up in surprise and ran towards Yu Dong.

"Teacher Yu, I didn't expect you to come."

Yu Dong gently shook Yang Xiao's outstretched hand and said with a smile, "Didn't you ask me to come, President Yang?"

"Haha, that's not what I meant, I didn't expect you to come so quickly."

On the other side, Tan Kai, who was originally a little puzzled, heard the conversation between the two and immediately reacted, and hurried over.

Instead of reaching out to Dong Yu, Tan Kai "snatched" Yu Dong's hand and held it tightly: "Mr. Yu, I'm looking forward to you. Oh, you don't know me yet, I'll first Let me introduce myself, I am Tan Kai, the editor-in-chief of the magazine."

"Hello, Mr. Tan." Feeling the strength of Tan Kai's palm, Yu Dong pursed his lips, "Mr. Tan must have been exercising regularly, this hand strength is not small."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Tan Kai hurriedly let go of Yu Dong's hand and said with a smile, "I'm excited for a while, and I'm excited for a while."

Yang Xiao, who was on the side, glanced at the bag that Yu Dong was carrying, and said, "Let's stop sticking at the door, put the bag down, and let's sit down and talk. Xiao Li, please help Teacher Yu pour a glass of water."

The young man who led Yu Dong in nodded dumbly: "Oh, good."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded to Xiao Li: "Thank you."

"You're welcome, you're welcome."

While pouring water for Yu Dong, Xiao Li looked at Yu Dong, who was surrounded by the president and editor-in-chief, with big doubts written on his small head.

On the way here just now, he was guessing who the young man was, thinking it was a distant relative of President Yang or something.When they got here, the response of the president and the others was too amazing. One teacher on the left called out from the other on the right.

This young man looks about the same age as himself, except for being a little more beautiful, it seems that there is nothing special about it.

After Yu Dong and the others sat down, Yang Xiao spoke first: "You should have told us earlier that you are coming so we can pick you up."

"No, I know the address too. You're all busy, so there's no need to waste time picking me up."

"The distance from Jinling to here is not close, it's not easy."

Yu Dong shook his head, "It's alright, although it's a bit longer, but I can sleep in the car. When I came, Jinling was raining, and the weather was a little cold. Rongcheng was bright and clear. The temperature is also higher."

"Mr. Yu, if you like Rongcheng, you can stay here for a few more days. President Yang and I will accompany you around." Tan Kai said with a smile. The smile on his face has not stopped since Yu Dong came in just now.

"Yeah, I'm not boasting, our local food in Rongcheng is definitely worth a try. To say that Jinling or Yanjing also has Shu food, but it may not be authentic." Yang Xiao said.

At this time, Xiao Li came over with tea, and Yu Dong took the tea cup and said, "Thank you."

Then he said to Yang Xiao and the others: "I also thank President Yang and Editor-in-Chief Tan for their kindness. I came here this time to ask for leave from President Wu. We have been together for four days, and two days have already been delayed. This afternoon, I will Drive back."

"So." Yu Dong dragged the backpack next to him, opened the zipper, and took out the briefcase, "I'll go straight to the point, this time, on the one hand, I came here to talk about "Second World", on the other hand , I also brought my new work here by the way."

(End of this chapter)

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