Chapter 37 Honored
"New product?"

Yang Xiao and Tan Kai glanced at each other, and both saw surprise and confusion in each other's eyes.

At this time, Yu Dong had already pulled out the manuscript from the briefcase, "Didn't President Yang ask me if I had any ideas for a medium or short story when I went to Jinling last time? Well, that's it. This is a short story I wrote during this time. , [-] words, just come here this time, I will bring it to you to review it and check it out."

Yang Xiao slowly took over the manuscript in Dong's hand, both surprised and surprised.

When she visited Yu Dong last time, she did mention the short-medium story, that was because she wanted to keep in touch with Yu Dong and leave behind, even if "Second World" was not serialized in "Sci-Fi World" in the future You can establish a cooperative relationship with Yudong.

But at that time, Yu Dong's answer was not clear, and she didn't take it to heart.

Now the "Second World" thing has not officially started yet, but Yu Dong brought another manuscript over.

Coupled with the novel "Zhongshan", Yang Xiao can't help but sigh, this is too productive for Teacher Yu.

She wanted to read the draft now, but thinking of Yu Donglai's main purpose, she said, "Mr. Yu, I'll look back at this draft. Let's talk about "Second World" first."

"Hey, if you don't read it, show it to me. I don't need me at this stage about the "Second World". President Yang, you are a little tired to talk to Teacher Yu, and I will leave the review of the manuscript to me. Do your job."

Tan Kai smiled and stretched out his hand in front of Yang Xiao and asked her for a manuscript.

"Okay, here it is. But hurry up and watch it too. After reading it, you, the editor-in-chief, give an opinion. Take advantage of Teacher Yu's presence here, and settle the matter of these two works together."

In fact, the matter of "One Day" is relatively simple. After all, it is a short story. Just follow the normal manuscript collection process of the magazine, and it is nothing more than the difference in the level of payment.

Because "Second World" is a long story, and the magazine has never done a long story serialization before, it is necessary to discuss with Yu Dong in terms of copyright agreement.

Since Tan Kai was reading a book, Yang Xiao took Yu Dong to her office.

There are only two of them in the office, Yang Xiao said straight to the point: "Mr. Yu, let me talk about my thoughts first. The magazine wants to buy out the copyright directly, which also includes the rights to film and television adaptations."

Yu Dong shook his head decisively, "I'm afraid I can't agree to this. I can sell both the copyright and film and television adaptation rights, but we have to set a time limit. Let's talk about it in detail."

Yang Xiao didn't expect Yu Dong to refuse so quickly, she continued to try to convince Yu Dong: "Mr. Yu, you know that the environment of domestic science fiction literature is still not very good, so I don't think it's the right of film and television adaptation. In a few years, "Second World" may be changed into a film and television work."

"Then talk about this matter in a few years, and you can save a few years of money." Yu Dong said with a smile.

In fact, what Yang Xiao said is not unreasonable at all. If they only sign for a few years, and the copyright has not been used in the past few years, then the money will be wasted.

In reality, a lot of this happens. Many companies buy copyrights for writers, some for five years, some for ten years, and some for three or two years.

In general, this is bought because the copyright is about to be used at the moment.

But sometimes there are accidents. For example, some people bought the film and television adaptation rights of a novel to make a movie. They bought it for two or three years, and then the project was stranded due to various unexpected circumstances.

When the copyright limit expires, you can only choose not to shoot, or you have to renew it.

Of course, there are also irregular ones, and they will still shoot after the time limit is exceeded. Similar copyright disputes occur every year.

Yang Xiao should be more optimistic about the value of "Second World", but they won't use these copyrights for the time being, so they came up with the idea of ​​buying out and occupying this pit for a long time.

From Yang Xiao's point of view, of course she would consider it for the magazine.

However, from his own point of view, Yu Dong would never agree to this proposal.

He understands the value of "Second World" better than Yang Xiao and the others, and he thinks differently from Yang Xiao. He doesn't think "Second World" can't be made into a film and television drama for many years.

There may be no such level in China for the time being, but it is not good in foreign countries.

If there are differences of opinion, the two need to sit down and have a good discussion.Of course, Yang Xiao's bottom line cannot be to buy out the copyright, so the two have been constantly testing each other's bottom line, hoping to get the most favorable result for themselves.

In the end, Yang Xiao still didn't have the heart to spend money to buy the copyright of "Second World" for a few years. She didn't dare to gamble, and there was no need to gamble. If she lost the gamble, the money was lost, and after a few years, there was nothing.If you win, you probably won't earn much.

The key is that Yu Dong is too stubborn about the film and television adaptation rights. Even Yang Xiaokai offered 20 yuan for the [-]-year film and television adaptation rights, but Yu Dong did not agree.

You must know that the price of film and television adaptation rights in the domestic market has never been high. For an ordinary work like "Second World", it only costs 2000 yuan if it is signed for five or ten years.

Some time ago, I heard that the film and television adaptation rights of Su Tong's "Wives and Concubines" sold for a sky-high price, but it seemed to be only [-].

Although Yang Xiao wanted 20 years of film and television adaptation rights, she felt that the price of [-] was definitely enough sincerity.

But even so, Yu Dong still did not agree.

She couldn't understand why Yu Dong insisted so much on film and television adaptation rights.

In the end, Yang Xiao didn't talk about any copyright, and only got a single-edition book with priority publishing rights, which stipulated that as long as the price of other companies did not exceed [-]% of theirs, they could only sell them to them.

There are also some small details, such as the number of years that other magazines cannot be reprinted, etc., are also written in the contract.

As for the remuneration, Yu Dong made a concession. The remuneration for the whole book was only 26 yuan, which was only [-] yuan for a thousand words, which was much lower than the remuneration standard for "Bending the Sky" that he had previously published in "Zhong Shan".

It was also because he paid a little less for the manuscript, Yang Xiao's mood was still good, and she could see from it that Yu Dong was indeed not the kind of person who opened his mouth wide and only stared at petty profits. He was really just interested in "Second World" The copyright is more important, and its value is more optimistic.

"Okay, I'll let someone get the contract, and we'll sign it in a while."

After speaking, Yang Xiao went out. It should be to explain the contract.

After returning, Yang Xiao had a smile on his face.

Because the official business was over, the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed, she poured a cup of tea for Yu Dong, and she half lay on the sofa, "I thought you were an idealist before we talked, and didn't pay much attention to copyright and other things. , I didn't expect you to understand it quite well."

Yu Dong moistened his lips with tea, and laughed, "Can I understand that, President Yang, do you think I am easy to deceive?"

"Haha, to be honest, I did think so before." Yang Xiao smiled and said, "Also, don't call me President Yang in the future, the young people in our club call me Sister Xiao in private, you If you don't mind, you can call me that."

"my pleasure."

 Thanks to the leader of classmate o Xiaopang o, according to the rules I set before, I want to add ten more updates.

  But because it is a new book period, please forgive me for not being able to add it in one day (in fact, there are less than ten chapters in the manuscript).

  But I will add another chapter every day from now on.

  In addition to the monthly ticket update, there are a total of eleven chapters, which means that starting from today, I will update three times a day for the next eleven days.

  If there is another big reward, it will be the same.

  I am really pleasantly surprised. This is my second alliance leader. The last alliance leader was three or four years ago.

  This is the second update today, and there will be one more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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