Chapter 38 Written in tears? (Add 1\12)

When it comes to business affairs, Yang Xiao's courage and ability are very thorough, but now she won't talk about business affairs, she is like an older elder sister, saying some homely things to Yu Dong.

She seems to love Sichuan and Shu cuisine. As long as she talks about food, she will try her best to sell local famous food to Yu Dong.

I have to say that she is a good salesman, and she can arouse Yu Dong's desire for local cuisine in a few words.

If she wasn't the president of the sci-fi world, maybe she could be a food critic too.

Yu Dong is from Shanghai, but he also likes spicy food. Among the spicy flavors in various places, Yu Dong is most in love with Shu and Hunan.He has researched many times, and he has also cooked twice-cooked pork, which is not authentic but still delicious.

But when it comes to food, Yu Dong has no right to speak in front of Yang Xiao, and only sits and listens.

When Yang Xiao talked about the spicy rabbit head and was in high spirits, Tan Kai ran in with the manuscript of "One Day".

Tan Kai put the manuscript on the coffee table, "The manuscript has been read, I'll report to work."

"Hey, Yu Dong, I'll talk to you about the rabbit head later." Yang Xiao said to Yu Dong, and then looked at the smiling Tan Kai, "Looking at your expression, you are very satisfied with Yu Dong's new draft. Hey."

"It's more than satisfaction, it's just an accident." Tan Kai couldn't be polite with Yang Xiao, he pulled up a chair and sat down in front of the two, "This novel is very interesting, and it is completely similar to "Second World" There are two types."

"How do you say it?" Yang Xiao leaned forward, took the manuscript on the coffee table in his hand, and turned the page and asked.

Tan Kai smoothed a handful of hair, and the originally messy hair fell back, revealing a half-arc hairline.He is less than fifty this year, and his face is also considered spiritual, but this hairline is not very promising, and it makes him look a few years older.

Others never mentioned the hair stubble in front of him, but he likes to tease himself, always saying that his hairline is not high, but the heaven is too full.

When his hair was smooth, Tan Kai spoke again: "There are not many sci-fi elements in "One Day", the only one... Forget it, I won't say the specific content, otherwise it will affect your later reading experience. The main reason is that the story is very interesting, The progress is very smooth, especially with humanistic care. I am also a person who is about to know the destiny, and after reading this, I have a special feeling.

"Is this a story about the loss of time?" Yang Xiao asked.

Tan Kai waved his hand again and shook his head again, "No, no, it's just a story about time that doesn't go away."

"Isn't it lost?" Yang Xiao had not read the book, so he couldn't understand it, "It seems that I have to read it myself."

She was about to turn over the manuscript, but Tan Kai said, "Don't read it yet, it's a waste of time. Isn't Mr. Yu going to leave in the afternoon? It's almost dinner time, and we're going to prepare to have a meal with the teacher in a while. I think this The article is very good, and I propose to put it before "Second World". First, to avoid the later serialization of "Second World", there will be no space for it, and secondly, let's release this first, Let the readers know about Teacher Yu's strength first. "Second World" has a lot of foreshadowing in the early stage, and the rhythm is relatively slow. I am afraid that readers who are used to reading short and medium stories will not adapt for a while. If they know about Teacher Yu's strength in advance, It’s one more reason to keep going.”

"Okay, you are the editor-in-chief, you can decide on the layout." Yang Xiao nodded and said, she did think that Tan Kai was right.

"Then let's go out and find a restaurant now?"

"Don't worry, I have one last question for Teacher Yu." Tan Kai looked at Yu Dong.

Yu Dong nodded slightly: "Just ask, Editor-in-Chief Tan."

Tan Kai "snatched" back the manuscript in Yang Xiao's hand, turned to the last page, pointed to a small piece of paste, and asked: "A sentence here, tomorrow... I will come back, there is a paste in the middle. Dropped, what is the word? No? Will it? Or did you deliberately smear it out and remove the word?"

Got it out?Yu Dong stretched out his head and looked at it. What Tan Kai said was true. It was indeed a word missing. There was originally a word "no" there, which should have been smeared by water.

But Yu Dong was very careful when transcribing at that time, so this should not happen.

"It's a no, but I don't think it's wet."

Yang Xiao said with a smile: "Xu is stained with tea, you didn't pay attention, who can be so careful?"

Tan Kai joked: "Maybe it was Teacher Yu who wrote about the emotional part, shedding tears, and leaving tears on the paper."

"It's not, it's not." Yu Dong shook his head and didn't think about the reason. Maybe Yang Xiao was right, he accidentally got the water up, and it wasn't a big deal anyway.

"Okay, now we can eat." Yang Xiao looked at the time and stood up from the sofa.

"Sure, let's go."


During a lunch, Yu Dong spent half the time enjoying the food, and the other half listening to Yang Xiao’s explanation.She didn't eat much herself, but she had to introduce each dish to Yu Dong in detail, down to how to master the heat of each dish.

Yu Dong didn't hate it. After his rebirth, he became more fond of life and liked to pay attention to the things around him. Listening to Yang Xiao's explanation in this way was another kind of attention.

After the meal, the three of them sat for a while, Yu Dong was drinking water, when Yang Xiao suddenly asked him, "By the way, Yu Dong, do you want to sign your real name for the novel on Science Fiction World?"

The reason why Yang Xiao asked this question was because of Yu Dong's identity.He is a political counselor and has published articles in magazines such as Harvest and Zhongshan.

The environment in the past few years is here, and people like Yu Dong are very likely to take into account their identity and are reluctant to disclose their science fiction writing.

Yu Dong had never thought about this, but now that Yang Xiao suddenly mentioned it, the pen name thing came to his mind.He only used one pseudonym, which was "Fish Jelly Immortal" when he communicated with his pen pal "Golden Horse and Jade Rooster Veteran".

I heard "Golden Horse and Jade Rooster Veteran" mention in the letter that he also reads science fiction, perhaps using a pseudonym. In the future, this pen pal will be surprised when he sees the novel. Thinking of this, Yu Dong said to Yang Xiao: " You can also use a pseudonym, which is more interesting, I used a fish jelly fairy before."

Hearing Yu Dong's answer, Yang Xiao and Tan Kai were a little disappointed.

They thought, sure enough, Yu Dong is the same, very shy of science fiction.

Yang Xiao was okay and didn't show it, but Tan Kai directly wrote his loss on his face.

Yu Dong noticed Tan Kai's expression and said puzzled: "What's the matter, isn't the pseudonym Yujing Xianren not a good one?"

"No, the pseudonym is good, and it really should be used to separate sci-fi works, otherwise it will affect you."

It turned out that, Yu Dong reacted at once and knew why Tan Kai was lost.

He didn't take into account the current environment just now, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with using a pseudonym. Now he thinks that it must be Tan Kai's misunderstanding, and he thinks that he wants to put science fiction works aside from himself.

Yu Dong explained with a smile: "I don't mean anything else, but when Sister Xiao mentioned it, I thought I still had a pseudonym, so I said to use it. Let's use it for Dong, the pseudonym of Immortal Yujing can be reserved for later. It is used for rumors and the like.”

 Thank you [Easy to fall in love with me] and [20210228145455902] for their rewards
  Thanks to my operating officer [Longxiang Rising] for the 10000 reward.

  Jiagen has become 12 chapters...

(End of this chapter)

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