Chapter 383 Propagation
The filming is over, and there are still two days left before the "Resident Evil" game signing event.

The next day, Yu Dong and the others went to Deep Space America.

Deep Space America now has more than 200 employees, which is not a very large scale, but for a cultural company that has just been established for a few years, this scale is already not small.

Jimmy was not in New York during this time, and it was the head of the library department, Campbell, who received Yu Dong and the others.

"Hello, everyone, please, please, please."

As soon as Campote spoke, everyone showed strange expressions.

Without him, this guy actually speaks Mandarin, and it's quite standard.

Could it be that he is a China hand like Jimmy again?
But then Campote missed the bottom line.

"Wo Yijing, you are such a dog..."

Yu Hua looked at Bi Feiyu, and whispered, "What's the matter, you seem to have a little Cantonese accent?"

Bi Feiyu nodded, "It seems to be a little bit, I don't quite understand."

Seeing that he was struggling to speak, Yu Dong said with a smile, "Kampote, why don't you use English."

Campote smiled shyly and said, "Then you can use Mandarin. Although my spoken English is not very good, there should be no problem listening to you."

"Okay, but if you don't understand, just say it directly, don't try to be brave."

"Okay, okay." Campote nodded again and again, and while inviting everyone inside, he said: "Jimmy sometimes teaches us Mandarin, but he is busy and not often in the company. Fortunately, there are also a few Chinese in the company now. Employees, we usually take the time to learn Mandarin with them.”

"Mastering one more language is also a good thing for you. Later, I suggested to Jimmy that when the company is free, let him organize the employees here to go to China. To learn a language, the environment is the most important. Taking you to China for half a month is better than studying here for a year." Yu Dong laughed.

"I'm afraid I don't have this chance." Campote shook his head.

Bi Feiyu on the side smiled and said, "Do you think Jimmy won't be so generous?"

"No, Yu said that it will be over when our company is free, but I think that Deep Space Company will never be free. Our company's business is getting better every day, and work is getting busier every day."

Bi Feiyu laughed, "The corporate culture of the Deep Space Company is strong and confident enough."

The students behind were also laughing. They all thought that this Campote would be very good. The boss was not there, but it didn't prevent him from flattering the company.

On the way to the manager's office of the library department, you have to pass the office hall of the library department.

As soon as Yu Dong and the others arrived in the hall, they heard a loud shout.

"Damn it, YU is here."

Hearing this cry, all the people from China were petrified.

Campote's face stiffened, too.

After such a long period of learning Mandarin, everyone in the company also knows that "fuck" and "fuck" are Jimmy's bad taste, not polite words.

It's just that the early cultural edification was too solid, and many people have learned to learn and have formed muscle memory, and they can't help but start with "fuck" and "fucking" at the beginning of their mouths.

The employee who spoke also realized his gaffe, and quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Yu Dong looked at the apologetic employee, then turned to look at Campote, "I thought I heard wrong just now."

Campote said with a sneer: "Some colleagues had a little problem when they were learning Mandarin."

Yu Dong pouted, "Did Jimmy teach you?"

Campote was taken aback for a moment, thinking that the boss really knew Jimmy, and he could guess it all.

"Jimmy also wants us to learn Mandarin quickly. Although these words are a bit impolite, they are really easy to catch. Of course, we are already working hard to correct them now."

"Actually, it's not as serious as you think. It's harmless to say this kind of word among acquaintances. Try not to use it when you meet strangers. When your Mandarin level rises to a higher level in the future, you will naturally understand it. mean."

Yu Dong smiled, and then greeted the staff in the lobby, "Hello, everyone."


The group stayed in Deep Space America for most of the day, and returned to the hotel after dinner. During this period, what they felt most deeply was that the penetration rate of Chinese in Deep Space America was really high.

In Deep Space America, from top to bottom, basically every employee can speak a few words of Mandarin, and some are at a high level, and can even communicate with them fluently.

After returning to the hotel, the students were still chatting excitedly about it.

"Does this count as the spread of our Chinese culture? Now there are 200 people speaking Mandarin, and next year there may be [-], and the next [-]. Maybe the whole world will speak Chinese in the future." Wang Hailin said excitedly: "Then I will They can understand the written script without translation.”

Another student said: "How can it be so simple, and haven't you seen that these foreigners are more interested in those colloquial words, and not interested in our brilliant Chinese culture. In this case, the spread of culture is nothing. meaning."

This statement was endorsed by several students.

"Yeah, I'm afraid that some dross culture will be passed on, making them think that our Chinese culture is like that."

"That's right, we will really have the opportunity to make movies for foreigners in the future, we must let them know what is the real Chinese culture."


Hearing the discussion among the students, Yu Dong and the others looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Yu Dong looked at Ruan Xiaohu who was hiding behind the people again. This kid has been following him for a few days, and has been sullen and silent.

"Ruan Xiaohu, what do you think?"

"Ah?" Ruan Xiaohu was thinking about something with his head down, when he heard Yu Dong shout, he quickly raised his head and looked at his teacher blankly.

Yu Dong asked again: "What do you think of what other people said? When we spread Chinese culture, don't we have to show our glorious, elegant, and traditional side to foreigners?"

"Should, yes." Ruan Xiaohu was a little uncertain, "However, people may not accept this, after all, we Chinese don't usually pay much attention to traditional culture."

Bi Feiyu nodded, "Xiaohu is on point. You always want to spread the splendid traditional Chinese culture to foreigners, so that they can see a great country with a civilization of 5000 years. But this is too embarrassing for foreigners. , How can foreigners be willing to understand something that you yourself are unwilling to get in touch with?"

"But Teacher Bi, I heard that many foreigners are very interested in our ancient civilization. This is what distinguishes us from them. Isn't it our advantage?" Some students wondered.

"Let me answer this question." Yu Dong said, "China's long history and profound cultural heritage are indeed our advantages. But I think it has become our burden now...don't worry, I know you guys Some people must be wondering, how can we have such a good culture as a burden?"

"I understand your doubts, but this is the truth. When Chinese and Western cultures collide, I often hear two opinions. One is that Chinese culture has lagged behind the West in an all-round way, and it is urgent to abandon the backward culture and embrace the advanced one. The other is that Western culture has no foundation and is not as old as China, and we urgently need to let the world know the depth of Chinese culture.”

"These two views, the former, inferiority complex, and the latter, arrogance, are not advisable."

Yu Dong directly rejected both of these views, and then continued.

"Why do I say that the heavy culture has become our burden? It is from the perspective of the proud. The spread of culture should be spring rain to moisten things, not sharp knives to break bamboo. Do you know the difference between the two?"

Wang Hailin was the first to raise his hand: "Brother Dong, the former is for softness, while the latter is for toughness."

Bi Feiyu took over the quarrel, "Wang Hailin's words are rough and not rough. This is the truth. Let me tell you the rest. Let me give you an example and you will understand after listening."

Pointing to Yu Dong, he asked, "Which novel was your teacher Yu's first famous abroad?"

"I know, it's "Resident Evil", and it was also featured in the column of "Reference News" at that time." Qin Yiqian replied.

"That's right." Bi Feiyu nodded, and then said, "Then do you think "Resident Evil" can represent Chinese culture? No, at least it can't represent the traditional Chinese culture you mentioned just now."

The students didn't dare to agree to this, but they all nodded in their hearts.

The fact is also true, "Resident Evil" seems to have nothing to do with Chinese culture.

"However, it is very popular among foreigners. You, Mr. Yu, also gained the first batch of foreign readers because of this book. Then, Mr. Yu's "Second World" also became popular, so this novel can represent China. Culture?"

No one answered, and no one dared to answer.

Because "Second World" really does not represent Chinese culture, at least not traditional Chinese culture.

"However, he allowed Mr. Yu to gain more foreign readers, and made many foreign readers interested in China. Dare you say that this is useless for the spread of culture?"

The students couldn't help nodding.

Bi Feiyu is right. Regardless of whether "Resident Evil" and "Second World" can represent traditional Chinese culture, they do give China a greater sense of presence abroad.

"You all know what happened later." Bi Feiyu said with a smile: "The Chinese literature series can have today's achievements, and it is indispensable for you to pave the way for the teacher in the early stage. But I think this is just the beginning, and there will be more and more in the future. More foreigners will become interested in Chinese culture."

At this moment, Yu Hua suddenly said, "It's useless to say so much. If you want to achieve your goal, you must first have a way. You, Teacher Yu Dong, have done a very good job of putting away the arrogance of cultural people."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I don't have the arrogance of a scholar, so I don't need to accept it."

(End of this chapter)

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