Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 384 Not Enough, Not Enough

Chapter 384 Not Enough, Not Enough

Yu Dong and the others didn't say much about cultural dissemination.

For these students, it is not their turn to worry about cultural dissemination for the time being. What they should do now is to improve their skills and become a good director, screenwriter, and actor.

Only by making achievements in one's own industry can one talk about others.

Telling them this now is just planting a seed in their hearts, and sooner or later, it will have an effect.

On the second day, the itinerary was empty for one day, and everyone was free to move around.

Yu Dong originally wanted to go shopping around New York with Cheng Yanqiu, one was to relax with his wife, and the other was to add material to the new book.

But the night before, Jimmy called him, saying that he had met a Xiangjiang director who wanted to meet him.

Hearing that it was Xiangjiang's director, the first name that popped up in Yu Dong's mind was Wu Yusen. This should be the most active Xiangjiang director in Hollywood.

But Jimmy said a name that surprised Yu Dong: Wang Jiawei.

Is Wang Jiawei also in Hollywood?

After Jimmy explained, Yu Dong probably understood that Wang Jiawei came here for an event. The "Chongqing Forest" released the year before last was rated as one of the [-] must-see movies by the Toronto International Film Industry. They think this movie is very popular in the North American market. If you have a head, come over and do some activities.

Now that we've met, it's okay to meet each other, so Yu Dong agreed.

On the second day, Yu Dong and Wang Jiawei met in Jimmy's office.

Seeing Wang Jiawei, Yu Dong was quite surprised.

Yu Dong has seen Wang Jiawei on TV, he always wears a pair of sunglasses, quite unpredictable.

However, Wang Jiawei in front of him didn't wear sunglasses, but a pair of myopia glasses, which looked quite handsome.

Wong Kar Wai is tall and taller than Yu Dong. Although he is 37 or [-] years old, he has a very sunny and charming smile.

After Jimmy introduced Wang Jiawei, he introduced another shorter man next to Yu Dong, "This is Liu Weiqiang, the photographer of "Chongqing Express."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect it to be Liu Weiqiang.

Compared with Wang Jiawei, Liu Weiqiang is a bit ugly, of medium height, wearing a pair of thick-rimmed glasses with brown eyes, and has very light eyebrows.

He stood behind Wang Jiawei, waited until Jimmy introduced him, then walked up to shake hands with Yu Dong with a smile, "Mr. Yu, hello."

This may have something to do with the fact that his Mandarin is not as good as Wang Jiawei's. There are only five words in total, and he stumbles, but it can be seen that he has worked very hard.

Yu Dong held his hand and said with a smile, "It's a pleasure to meet you, it's a pleasure to meet you."

After taking his seat, Wang Jiawei said with a smile: "Mr. Yu, I was actually born in Shanghai, so I can be regarded as half a Shanghai native. We are still fellow villagers."

Yu Dong replied with a smile, "Since we are in New York, we Chinese are fellow villagers. I am also very happy to hear that Jimmy said that you are also in New York. It is also a kind of fate to meet in a foreign country."

"We know that you are in New York, Mr. Yu, and Tojimi contacted you for a visit at the first time. We didn't expect you to really want to meet us. We are really honored."

Wang Jiawei’s words are a bit modest. These few years have been the peak of his career. From "Carmen in Mong Kok" to "Days of Being Wild" to "Evil and West Poison" and "Chongqing Forest", every level of the film he directed They are all very tall, and they are already very famous directors.

This time he came here without any special purpose, he just wanted to meet Yu Dong.

This world-renowned Chinese writer, after "Second World" and "Resident Evil" came out one after another, his influence in the film industry has also grown.

I heard that there are still a few movies coming out. Although I haven't seen the movie yet, I know the movie will not be bad just by looking at the co-directors.

Joe Schumacher, Scorsese, Barry Sonnenfeld, Giuseppe Tornatore, which one is not famous.

After these movies come out, Yu Dong's influence in the film and television industry will definitely increase to a higher level.

Therefore, in front of Yu Dong, Wang Jiawei definitely has reason to be humble.

Yu Dong chatted with Wang Jiawei for a while, and probably knew that the other party had no special purpose, so he chatted with him very casually.

Liu Weiqiang on the side didn't know whether it was because of the occasion or his own personality, so he didn't speak much all the time, and always drank tea with his teacup in his arms.

Halfway through the chat, Yu Dong looked at Liu Weiqiang with a smile, "How much does Mr. Liu cooperate with Director Wang?"

Before Liu Weiqiang opened his mouth, Wang Jiawei explained to him, ""Chongqing Forest" is our second cooperation, but Wei Qiang himself is also the director. This year's two "Young and Dangerous" performed very well at the box office. Wei Qiang's efficiency is very high , The second part of "Young and Dangerous 2" was finished in less than two weeks."

Speaking of efficiency, Liu Weiqiang said, "In order to seize the spring schedule, the shooting and post-production were rushed, and it was a helpless move. It could have been better."

Yu Dong didn't pay much attention to Xiangjiang's movies. He didn't expect the "Young and Dangerous" series to come out.

As for shooting a movie in less than two weeks, it is not an exaggeration for Xiangjiang Films. Xiangjiang Films' shooting speed is already fast.

Jimmy said from the side: "Director Liu's two "Young and Dangerous" this time made their best partners a lot of money, otherwise they wouldn't be so eager to grab the schedule. If there is a chance, the two directors can consider Cooperating with Deep Space Corporation, we also have some domestic film plans in the later stage."

"If it's possible, it's naturally a wish. I don't think anyone can refuse the opportunity to cooperate with Deep Space Corporation." Wang Jiawei laughed, "Going international has always been our goal."

Hearing Jimmy talk about the cooperation, Yu Dong remembered two movies.

One is "Flowers". Before Yu Dong was reborn, he heard some news that "Flowers" was going to be made into a movie. Wang Jiawei was one of the directors on the Internet. As for what happened afterwards, Yu Dong didn't know.

The other is "Infernal Affairs".

Although Liu Weiqiang filmed "Young and Dangerous", his road to fame has just begun. It should be the "Infernal Affairs" series that really made his fame reach its peak.

Leaving aside "Flowers", the plan of "Infernal Affairs" is really worth moving here.

The box office is second. After all, whether it is the mainland or Xiangjiang, the box office is so big now, and the money is simply not as good as Hollywood.

Among other things, Yu Dong now writes a script and sells it in Hollywood, starting with 100 million US dollars, which may be more profitable than spending time making a movie in Hong Kong or the Mainland, and it is safe.

But the plan of "Infernal Affairs" is far from being as simple as making money.

Deep Space has already signed actors in China. After these actors are signed, if they can be assigned some roles in "Infernal Affairs", it will naturally be very beneficial to their future.

After thinking about it, Yu Dong said, "Jimmy is right, maybe we will have the opportunity to cooperate in a short time. I recently had an idea for a gangster movie, but it hasn't taken shape yet."

"Police and gangster movies." Wang Jiawei looked at Liu Weiqiang, "That may be more suitable for Wei Qiang."

Yu Dong nodded: "That's true. If Director Liu is interested, you can take a look at my script after I finish it."

"Of course I'm interested." Liu Weiqiang looked excited, "I can't worry about chickens."

Yu Dong was taken aback, "Can't you ask for it?"

Liu Weiqiang smiled coyly, "Yes, yes, no worries."

Yu Dong laughed, "Director Liu's Putonghua is quite interesting."

Speaking of Mandarin, both Wang Jiawei and Liu Weiqiang were ashamed.

It's easier to say than Yu Dongdu, but Jimmy, a foreigner, is much better than what they say.


After Wang Jiawei and Liu Weiqiang left, only Yu Dong and Jimmy were left in the office.

Jimmy asked Yu Dong, "Dong, is the plan you told them about the new book you are preparing recently? It turned out to be a police novel?"

Yu Dong shook his head: "No, what I told them was another plan."

"The other one?" Jimmy was very surprised, "Why didn't I know?"

"Because I just thought of it." Yu Dong laughed.

"Just now..." Jimmy blinked his eyes and laughed, "It seems that this period of rest is very useful, and I have two plans at once. By the way, there may be three, you and How about Dan Brown's novel about occultism and cryptography?"

"I haven't read the information yet, let's wait until the two plans at hand are completed first."

Jimmy nodded, "Don't worry, take your time, we are now talking to Dan Brown about signing."

"Sign a contract?"

"Yeah, since it's a cultural and entertainment company, it's natural to expand its business to music." Jimmy added some hot water to Yu Dong's cup, "I wanted to tell you some time ago, but today I just talked about this Well, let me just tell you about it. Didn’t the proprietress make the soundtracks for “The Tuner” and “1900”? These things also need to be operated. Of course we do our own business. Our company is the first writer who signed a contract If it's you, then the first signed musician should naturally be the proprietress."

"You are asking us both to work for the company."

Jimmy snorted, "Why do you work or not? Don't we all work for you and your wife?"

"It's unconscionable for you to say that. Have I received a penny from the company all these years? If it's a part-time job, I'm the one who works for you."

Jimmy chuckled, "Isn't it all in the pot?"

Immediately, the two looked at each other and smiled, picked up the tea cups and touched each other.

It's not easy for Jimmy to be busy in recent years, but Yu Dong has not treated him badly and has been injecting capital into the company.

He basically didn't keep the manuscript fees earned by Yu Dong, and invested them all in the company.

Otherwise, the company has no money to do things everywhere in the past two years.

Of course, this is all relative. If he hadn't seen Jimmy's ability, Yu Dong would not have continued to inject capital.And if it weren't for seeing Yu Dong's continuous capital injection and Yu Dong's talent, of course Jimmy wouldn't be able to run the company so wholeheartedly.

That afternoon, Jimmy took out the drafted contract and put it in front of Cheng Yanqiu, and Cheng Yanqiu signed it after a brief glance.

Since then, the music map of deep space has also been unfolded.

Of course, Deep Space's current focus is not on music. The reason why they signed Cheng Yanqiu and Dan Brown is because of chance on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is to lay the foundation for supporting the film and television industry in the future.


The next day, the "Resident Evil" game signing will start as scheduled.

This signing will be arranged at the old place - Little Bear Bookstore.

Because of the YU Umbrella Association, the cooperation between Deep Space and Bear Bookstore is very close.

Today's Little Bear Bookstore has become the top three stable bookstores in New York, and because of the characteristics of this bookstore, customers like to call it YU Special Bookstore.

The reason for this name is that this bookstore has two YU sections.

The first YU area is on the second floor. This area existed when Yu Dong first came to hold a signing event.

At that time, Jimmy also joked that the area of ​​the special zone would be a little small in a few years.

When Hal, who was the store manager at the time, heard Jimmy's words, he still thought that Jimmy was bragging, but after more than a year, they found that the YU area on the second floor was really small.

Later, the bookstore simply set up a second YU area on the fifth floor.

The new special area is no longer just a small space, but an entire floor is vacated, and only things related to YU are placed.

Since then, the fifth floor has also become a gathering place for YU readers. Basically, readers who want to find Yudong just need to go to the fifth floor.

"YU, I can proudly say that I have searched all over North America, and I can't find another bookstore with two special sections and such a large area. Not only your books are here, but there are also many books related to you. News reports, movie CDs, game CDs..."

Hal, who has been transferred to the headquarters, went to the bookstore today to arrange work for Yu Dong's book signing.

Listening to his old friend's words, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Hal, I seem to have heard this somewhere."

Jimmy said, "That time it was different. That time there was only a special area on the second floor."

Hal sneered and said: "I did say it last time, of course, even if I say it again, I still have confidence. Although there are other bookstores following us one after another and setting up a YU section, it is definitely not as large as our store. "

Hal was right.

There are many reasons why Little Bear Bookstore has such a large YU area. The main reason is that they have a close relationship with the YU Umbrella Association from the very beginning. Many YU fans regard this place as a gathering place for book fans.

Other bookstores, even if YU's books sell well, can't have such a special area like Little Bear Bookstore.

After showing Yu Dong around, today's signing session will begin.

Looking at the golden marker pen in his hand, Yu Dong couldn't help feeling that Little Bear Bookstore would do business.

Just like last time, these golden shell markers are specially customized, and each pen has a specific number.

According to Hal, the pen left over from the previous signing has almost been delivered.

When talking about this, Hal was very happy. Although he didn't elaborate, everyone can guess that these pens should have brought a lot of benefits to the bookstore.

Signing a book is very different from signing a game disc.

To sign a book, you need to open the title page, but to sign a CD, you can sign directly on the package, which is faster.

Moreover, the disc package is so big, and the marker pen is very thick, which is not suitable for special signing, so Yu Dong basically just signed it.

Yu Dong directly turned into a ruthless signing machine, once he started, he couldn't stop.

Today, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu also followed. They stood by the side, watching Yu Dong's signing speed, both of them were stunned.

After reading for a while, Bi Feiyu regained his composure, and said in a low voice, "I was wondering how these thousands of books were signed, but now it seems that with his speed, he can probably sign tens of thousands of books a day."

Yu Hua nodded approvingly and said, "That's right, I counted it in my head just now, he signed six sets in 20 seconds, and he can sign one set in just over three seconds on average."

"The main reason is that his name has fewer strokes and is easier to write than ours." After speaking, Bi Feiyu felt that this reason could not convince himself, and said: "He signed more times, and we can practice more, and we can probably have this speed. "

Yu Hua chuckled, "Even if we have this speed, can so many people ask us to sign?"

"Oh, that's true."


The two stood chatting on the side, but they didn't know that someone had noticed them.

Liu Yukun came last night, in order to come early today to occupy a favorable position.

Huangtian paid off and let him be in the front row.

Just now he had been staring at Yu Dong in the front, and then looked to the side for a while, and immediately saw Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu.

Why do you know both of them?
Because of the signing event of these two people, he also participated.

Liu Yukun was still complaining before, why didn't the three of them sign the autograph together, which caused him to go to New York three times during this period.

After discovering Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu, Liu Yukun kept staring at them.

Yu Dong would definitely not run away, but not necessarily the two of them.

Fortunately, the two have been chatting and have no intention of leaving.

Until later, the people in front of Liu Yukun had already signed, but he still hadn't kept up.

The security guard responsible for maintaining order reminded: "Sir, it's your turn."

The security guard was also puzzled. Others were very active in participating in the signing, and they were afraid that they would not be able to sign.

This pause gave Yu Dong a break. He looked up and recognized Liu Yukun at once.

He shouted happily: "Liu Yukun?"

Liu Yukun froze when he heard Yu Dong calling his name.

Yu Dong still remembers himself? a little too incredible.

They only met once, and it was at the signing event. There were thousands of book fans who participated in the signing, even if there were a lot of special signings.

Liu Yukun walked forward blankly, "YU, do you still remember me?"

Yu Dong smiled, "Of course I remember, and I still remember that I told you that you like science fiction and you have backgrounds from two countries. If you write novels, you may be able to write different works."

"You really remember..."

Is it necessary to have such a strong memory if one wants to be an excellent writer?
"Because you are special, how about you, have you tried to write by yourself?"

"Yes, but they are written casually."

"Nothing is written casually... Today is a special occasion, and I can't talk to you in detail. If there is a chance later, let's have a good chat."

Yu Dong smiled and stretched out his hand to Liu Yukun, who then remembered to pass the game disc to Yu Dong.

After receiving the CD, Yu Dong first wrote "To Liu Yukun" on the cover, and then wrote his own name.

This is also the first special sign so far today.

After getting the signature, Liu Yukun was very excited. He thanked him again and again, but he didn't have the nerve to stay longer, for fear of delaying the process of the signing meeting.

But he didn't leave immediately, but first went to the bookstore staff to ask if he could buy books, and after getting a positive answer, he immediately went to buy "Frantic Finger" and "To Live".

Although I bought it before and got the signatures of Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu, but such an opportunity is rare today, so I naturally didn't save this little money.

Holding two books, Liu Yukun nervously walked in front of Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu.

"Teachers, can you sign your name?"

Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu were chatting, and suddenly a person came up to ask them to sign, and they were a little dazed.

"You know us?" Bi Feiyu asked.

Hearing Bi Feiyu's question, Liu Yukun suddenly breathed a sigh of relief for some reason.

It seems that a strong memory is not necessarily required to be a good writer.

The two in front of me are proof that they only met a few days ago.

"Yeah, I also participated in the signing event of the two of you."

Yu Hua patted his forehead, "Oh, I'm sorry, there were quite a lot of people that day, I don't really remember... But since you have already participated in the signing event, you should have signed it, right?"

Liu Yukun nodded: "Yes, but I really like the two of you. As long as it's your signature, I won't be too many."

"Uh... Actually, there is no need to waste it like this." Bi Feiyu smiled, took out a pen from her pocket and signed Liu Yukun's name, and even signed two.

"Since you don't mind too much, I'll sign one more for you."

"Thank you, thank you." Liu Yukun thanked repeatedly.

Yu Hua also took over "To Live" and signed his own name on it. He signed three of them.

"I'm more generous than him, and I'll sign three for you."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Liu Yukun thanked again and again.

Bi Feiyu laughed, "I seem to have found out. Let's sign a few names, and you just say thank you a few times. Okay, very particular."

"Teacher Bi, I'm not..."

Yu Hua laughed, "He's kidding you, are you studying here in America?"

"No, I came here with my parents when I was young."

"That's rare. Mandarin is preserved very well."


Liu Yukun's act of asking Yu Hua and the others for his autograph attracted the attention of some readers who lined up behind.

Among them, some readers who participated in Bi Feiyu's or Yu Hua's autograph event also recognized them.

After they got Yu Dong's book to sign, they followed suit and bought Yu Hua's book from the bookstore and asked them to sign it.

There are also some readers who have never met Yu Hua and the others. When they see someone asking for their autographs, they ask about others, and then they know that these two are the authors of the Chinese literature series.

After knowing their identities, no matter whether they have read their books or not, they also ran to find them for autographs.

After a while, many people surrounded Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu.

However, a problem arises.

Today is the "Resident Evil" game signing event, the game CD is very well prepared, but other books may not be.

Because of Yu Dong's relationship, the bookstore has a lot of sets of Chinese literature series, but the number is limited, and it will not be enough after a while.

When the staff saw that someone came to buy books, but the books were gone, they rushed to Hal to report the situation.

Hal was chatting with Jimmy, and the employee knocked on the door and walked in, panting, "Hal, it's not good, it's not enough."

Hearing this, Hal was startled, "What! We have prepared more than 1 sets, but it's not enough?"

Even if there are many people who come, but only signed for a while, how could it not be enough?

The employee knew that he had misunderstood, and quickly said: "No, no, the books of the other two authors are not enough."

 Thank you [Late Night] Big Brother for the 1500 reward
  Thank you [Dream For You] boss for the 500 reward
  Thank you [FFrances] for the 1500 reward
  Thank you [Moon Hidden Star Hidden Moon Nong] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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