Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 385 Too miserable, too humorous

Chapter 385 Too Miserable, Too Humorous (Part [-])
"The other two writers?"

After a pause, Hal came to his senses, and quickly asked, "It's not their signing event today, so how come there aren't enough books?"

"It's not their signing event, but they were recognized by some readers..."

The clerk briefly reported the situation to Hal.

Hal immediately decided: "Okay, I'll call the headquarters now and ask them to transfer some books..."

Although this is an "accidental" event, it is definitely a good thing for bookstores to be able to sell more books.

Hal apologized to Jimmy and called headquarters.

Let the headquarters transfer some books from other stores in the same city first.

But these books might not be enough, Hal contacted the bookseller again and asked them to prepare some books.

After doing all this, Hal turned his head to look at Jimmy with a smile on his face, and said embarrassedly: "I am responsible for this. I didn't expect such a chain reaction to be caused."

Jimmy shrugged, "Isn't that better?"

Hal was taken aback for a moment, but then he also came to his senses.

Although there was no preparation in advance, some books might be signed less, and the scene was in a hurry, but in this way, the heat of the event rose.

From a news point of view.

What happens normally is not likely to attract the attention of others, but "accidents" are more likely to arouse heated discussions.

If they had made preparations in advance and held signings for Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu at the same time, no one would care too much even if the signings went well in the future.

But it is different now.

They appeared in the form of "visiting the class", and then were caught by careful readers, causing the bookstore to panic... No matter how you look at it, it is more attractive.

Jimmy said with a smile: "I think about designing marketing scripts every day. I'm lucky today. There is no need to design anything, and the script will come by itself."

Seeing Jimmy's calm look, Hal couldn't help feeling ashamed.

When he heard the news just now, he was still a little flustered, afraid that something might go wrong.Compared with the two, I am far behind Jimmy.

But when you think about it, Jimmy is really scary. It seems that he is thinking about marketing anytime and anywhere, and he can contact marketing immediately for everything.

"Jimmy, you are too good." Hal said sincerely.

Jimmy smiled and stood up from the sofa, "Let's go, let's go out and have a look, there are still some things we need to arrange."

"What is it?" Hal asked.

"The books in your bookstore are definitely not enough, and the newly transferred books will take half an hour at the earliest, right?"

"That's right." Hal nodded, "It will take half an hour to come to the Splash Bookstore that is closest to us under the group."

"That's right, these readers can't be left there during this period of time."

"How about announcing the opening of the signing event for the two of them, and then let the readers line up separately? This way we can maintain order." Hal said.

Jimmy shook his head, "Although this can maintain order, it will reduce the drama of the incident."

"Dramatic?" Hal blinked, and the more Jimmy talked, the more confused he became.

"Yes, dramatic."

Jimmy rubbed his hands and walked out, "Look at mine."

The two arrived at the signing site.

Many people surrounded Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu. Although the bookstore could no longer buy their books, these readers did not want to leave and wanted to chat with Yu Hua and the others.

Seeing more and more people, Jimmy asked the staff for a loudspeaker and shouted, "Every reader, if you want the autographs of Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu, please follow me upstairs."

Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu didn't know what Jimmy wanted to do, but they followed Jimmy upstairs, and the readers naturally followed closely behind.

Upstairs, Jimmy asked Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu to sit down, and then arranged for the readers who came up to stand around.

"Because today is the signing event of the "Resident Evil" game, the bookstore does not have enough Chinese literature series. If you want to sign books, you may have to wait for a while."

Jimmy first truthfully told the book friends about the situation, and everyone nodded to express their understanding.

"It's okay, we are willing to wait." Someone said.

Jimmy smiled and saw that one of the readers was holding a copy of "To Live" in his hand, so he walked up to the reader and asked, "My friend, can you lend me this book for a while?"

Although the book friend didn't know Jimmy, he also knew that he was the person in charge of the scene, so he handed the book to Jimmy.

After getting the book, Jimmy said with a smile: "I think everyone is unwilling to waste this waiting time, so, in the next period of time, I will read some excerpts from the works for you on behalf of the two writers. "

Of course, no one objected to this proposal.Reading aloud was originally a regular program of the book club, so they had the right to come to the book club.

Hearing that Jimmy was going to read a part of the work, Yu Hua walked up to Jimmy and asked in a low voice, "Jimmy, which part do you want to read?"

For Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu, reading aloud works is relatively new.

There are also pen meetings and exchange meetings in China, but usually the works are not read aloud.

Jimmy replied with a smile: "I'm going to read the passage after Youqing died."

Yu Hua pursed her lips, said nothing, nodded and sat back in her seat.

He asked Jimmy which passage to read because he was worried that Jimmy was not familiar with the work and would not know which passage to choose.But Jimmy's answer was beyond his imagination. It can be seen that Jimmy is very familiar with "To Live".

Yu Hua thought of several passages in her mind just now, but after much deliberation, the passage in which Jiazhen discovers the truth after Youqing passed away is still the best.

After Yu Hua sat down, Jimmy opened the book and found that passage, cleared his throat, and said, "Youqing is dead."

This sentence is not in the original text. The reason why Jimmy added this sentence is to let some people who have not read the book immediately understand the background of this paragraph-a character died.

His considerations are not unreasonable. Many of the book lovers who are waiting for signed books here have never read "To Live".

Among these people, some have read "Frantic Fingers" but not "To Live", and some have read neither of them.

Some people have never even heard of Chinese literature series before.

These people are just Yu Dong's sci-fi mystery, and then came to the "Resident Evil" signing event, found two other writers at the scene, and learned some information that they didn't know before, so they came to join in the fun.

Sure enough, Jimiga's words were very useful.

The phrase "Youqing is dead" suppressed the atmosphere of the scene. The topic of death was heavy enough for everyone.

"That night, I walked home with Youqing in my arms..."

Jimmy chose a very long selection, starting with Fugui walking home with Youqing's body in his arms, and then burying Youqing with his own hands, until Fugui left Youqing's grave with Jiazhen on his back.

This paragraph is indeed very powerful. Readers who have read this book before thought of this paragraph immediately after Jimmy spoke, and some readers' eyes turned red after only a few sentences.

Some readers, even if they haven't read the book, can feel the charm of this passage through Jimmy's affectionate reading.

The whole scene became more and more depressing.

All the way to the end, Jimmy ended the reading with a classic sentence.

"I looked at the winding path leading to the city. I couldn't hear the sound of my son running barefoot. The moonlight shone on the road, like it was sprinkled with salt."

At the end of the reading, no one applauded, only a long silence.

The distance between the second floor and the third floor is not far. Jimmy read aloud loudly, and people on the second floor could hear Jimmy's voice clearly.

Yu Dong is no exception. Although he is signing autographs for book friends, he has been listening to Jimmy's reading aloud.

Although he has read this part of "To Live" many times, and even participated in Yu Hua's creation before, he still feels sad every time he sees it.

I have to say that Jimmy's performance is also very good, maybe not many skills, but very emotional, thanks to his understanding of the book.

Yu Dong did not hide his sadness, and his red eye circles were noticed by careful readers.

"YU is a little sad."

"His eyes are red."

"He cried."

Yu Dong's performance made book lovers more curious about the book "To Live".

What kind of book will move YU to tears?

What kind of books is the Chinese Literature Series?

Hal looked at the silent scene in front of him, and his heart was filled with waves.

He didn't expect that a simple business signing event would turn into the current situation.

There were more and more people on the third floor, and many people went directly to the fourth floor.

Each floor of Little Bear Bookstore is not completely closed. There is a small patio next to the stairs. People upstairs can lean on the railing, see the part of the downstairs, and naturally hear the sound downstairs. .

Jimmy finished reading the "Alive" excerpt, and then read the "Frantic Fingers" excerpt.

At this time, the books ordered from other bookstores have arrived.

But the readers have been immersed in the strong literary atmosphere, and they are unwilling to end this reading, so they beg Jimmy to continue.

"Read another paragraph."

"Yeah, read another paragraph, it won't affect your signature anyway."

"We promise not to make noise."

Facing the warm invitation from readers, Jimmy drank his saliva and agreed: "Okay, then I will give you another episode of YU's "Westward."

"it is good."

This time, Jimmy didn't choose the tragic part of "Westward", but chose a more humorous part, that is, the part where Dadan instructs Hongzi to go to school to bully the students, and then Dadan acts as a hero.

"Big Dan and Hong Zi were sitting under the belly of the bridge behind the school when they heard a bell..."

Unlike the heaviness just now, when Jimmy read "Westward", the atmosphere at the scene was very cheerful.

The book friends clearly promised not to make noise, but they laughed frequently because they couldn't help it.

Some book lovers who have never read "Xiang Xi" cover their mouths and smile while thinking: It seems that this book by YU is very funny, just like "The Martian", you must read it later.

Some people are thinking: that "To Live" sounds too miserable. If you want to read it later, you must read it together with "Xiang Xi" to adjust your mood.

(End of this chapter)

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