Chapter 386 Trailer

The book club upstairs is in full swing, but Yu Dong is still a ruthless signing machine downstairs.

Especially when Jimmy was reading "Xiang Xi", Yu Dong felt the deepest. He was clearly reading his book, but he was not there.

Cheng Yanqiu was by the side at the beginning, passing water to Yu Dong from time to time, and later couldn't help but go upstairs to see Jimmy and the others having a book club.

At the beginning, it was Jimmy who was reading, but later he couldn't hold his voice, so he invited the readers to participate and share their favorite excerpts.

Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua are relatively relaxed.

It seems that there are many people around upstairs, but because the bookstore is so big, it feels like there are too many people if you gather a little, but there are only a few hundred people in reality.

So they can chat with people while signing autographs.

Downstairs, Yu Dong's signing was not over yet, and the upstairs book club was still going on, but the readers came and went, changing several waves from beginning to end.

Until five o'clock in the evening, all the game CDs in the store were sold out, and the clerk hung a sign at the door saying that the signing was over.

It took more than half an hour for Yu Dong to clear up the last wave of book clubs, and the book club upstairs is still going on.

Yu Dong easily moved a chair and sat down next to Yu Hua and the others, enjoying the happy time of participating in the book club.

Seeing Yu Dong also come upstairs, the readers were very excited, clamoring for Yu Dong to come too.

"YU, can you read us a paragraph?"

Although Yu Dong was tired after signing for a day, he still agreed to the readers' request and nodded with a smile: "Okay, let me read a paragraph."

Jimmy handed "Xiang Xi" to Yu Dong, but Yu Dong waved his hand, "No need."

Bi Feiyu pointed at Yu Dong and smiled, "Look, this guy can pretend."

Yu Hua nodded seriously, "I can really pretend, because I have a good memory, I don't even take books."

When Yu Dong heard them burying himself, he turned his head and smiled and said, "Isn't it the most basic thing for an author to memorize the words in his work? Oh, by the way, I forgot that you two are older and more forgetful."

"Don't talk nonsense, the older one is Yu Hua, and I'm not much older than you."

Hearing this, the oldest Yu Hua crossed her arms and turned her head away.

In fact, the age of the three of them is an arithmetic progression, Yu Hua is four years older than Bi Feiyu, and Bi Feiyu is four years older than Yu Dong.

But the three of them each consider themselves the most mature.

Yu Dong made a few jokes with them, then turned his head to look at the readers, and said, "Jimmy has already read a section of "Xiang Xi" just now, so I will not read "Xiang Xi". Read another one."

Another one?
Everyone was a little puzzled.

Is it science fiction?
Apart from "Xiang Xi", Yu Dong seems to only have science fiction... Oh, yes, there is also a mystery novel "Fatal ID".

If it is these novels, then they are too familiar.

Is it "Deep Space"?

Or "The Martian"?
Or "Second World"?
Just when the readers were secretly guessing, Yu Dong said, "In the cafe, the TV hanging on the wall is broadcasting boring current affairs news..."

what is this?
Liu Yukun showed a puzzled expression. As Yu Dong's diehard book fan, Liu Yukun had read every one of his books more than once, and Liu Yukun could even memorize many sentences in the book.

But he didn't have the slightest impression of what Yu Dong said this time.

Don't worry, just listen to it again, you should be able to guess which book it is by listening a little more.

But what troubled Liu Yukun was that he didn't have the slightest impression of what Yu Dong said later.

I can't even remember which book it was in.

Why is this happening?

Many readers have the same idea as Liu Yukun.

If you only said a few words, it's fine if you can't remember it, but Yu Dong has already told a short story, and none of them can remember which book it is.

Readers looked around, wondering if anyone remembered which book was in it, but all they saw was the same confusion as in their eyes.

Yu Hua, who didn't understand English, felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere, so she poked Bi Feiyu and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter?"

Bi Feiyu scratched her head, "It seems that Yu Dong is not reading his published novels...Of course, I'm not sure."

No one made a sound, only Yu Dong was telling the story quietly.

The story he tells does not belong to any novel he has published, but the escape novel he is conceiving.

Because the novel has not been written yet, there is only a general framework, so what Yu Dong told them is this general framework.

The new president is on a parade, promoting his own political ideas. People watch TV and discuss the new president, but news of the new president's assassination soon spread.

Who the murderer was was quickly locked up.

It turned out to be a clerk who specializes in delivering pizza.

The clerk was a celebrity, and was interviewed by many news media for his bravery in saving a female singer.

Because of his handsome appearance and unpretentious attitude towards life, he is sought after by the majority of young people.

Of course, that was all in the past.

After a gust of wind, people have gradually forgotten this person.It's just because of this assassination that he reappeared in the public eye.

The police determined that he was the murderer and pursued him.

At this point, the story came to an abrupt end.


Book friends made doubtful voices.

"Is this gone?"

Before they knew it, they had already listened to it, completely forgetting to guess which book it was in.

When they came back to their senses, they realized that this didn't seem to belong to any of YU's novels.

"Is it a novel published in China but not in the United States?"

Some people raised doubts in their hearts.

No one is ashamed to ask, because they are afraid that they will make a mistake, and this may be the content of a novel that has been published in the United States, which would be too embarrassing.

Looking at the puzzled expressions of the book friends, Yu Dong said with a smile, "I know many of you have doubts. It seems that you haven't read this paragraph. In fact, I haven't written this paragraph."

It hasn't been written yet, what does this mean?
A question mark popped up above everyone's head.

Yu Dong continued: "This is a novel I'm conceiving recently, and the paragraph I mentioned just now is just a rough draft of the first chapter of this novel."

Everyone instantly understood that this was the content of the new book!
Book friends became excited, YU's new book is almost ready.

He said he was thinking about it, only ghosts would believe it!

What he said just now sounds very mature, and it is very likely that the Chinese manuscript has already been written.

Although some places are indeed rough, but this is probably because of his unscripted and insufficient English proficiency.

"YU, can you tell us the name of the new book?" Someone asked.

Yu Dong spread his hands, "I haven't thought about it yet."

"When will it be published?"

"Not sure yet." Yu Dong spread his hands again.

The book friends were dumbfounded.

It means that YU dug a big hole for them in public, and then they are not sure when they will be able to fill the hole?
They had already listened to the story, and many people were now preoccupied with wondering whether that man was the murderer, and whether there was any terrifying conspiracy behind it.

It's not that they are cranky, but this story reminds them of the assassination of the president in the 60s.

Although the method of assassination is different and the name of the president is different, no matter how you look at it, this novel is related to that incident.

Also, in this story, the "murderer" was a celebrity before and saved a female star. What effect does this plot have on the development of the story?
What kind of role will the female singer who was rescued by him play?Also, and, does this female singer have a prototype?
YU just said a simple beginning, leaving them scratching their heads, eager to know the follow-up story.

Some book friends regret it.

They knew that YU should not be allowed to study, if they hadn't heard the beginning of this story, maybe they wouldn't have to suffer so much.

Sure enough, the more you know, the more trouble you get.

But, who knew YU would read a new story?

Jimmy didn't expect Yu Dong to come to this show, and he was a little confused just now, but he quickly reacted, and said to the book friends who were arguing: "Thank you YU for reading a 'trailer' for us, I think When the complete story is written, it must be very exciting. It’s not too early today, so let’s end the reading session here. If there is an opportunity in the future, we will hold similar activities and will definitely tell you in advance.”

Since it was going to be sold out, it should be sold out, so Jimmy decided to end today's reading session directly.

Although the book friends were very disappointed, they still walked slowly outside the bookstore under the guidance of the staff.

After a while, all the readers in the bookstore were evacuated.

Hal and the staff finally had time to take stock of today's battle situation.

The inventory of the "Resident Evil" game discs is very simple, because they prepared a total of [-] sets of game discs this time, and sold all of them.

In addition, "Alive" and "Frantic Fingers" each sold more than 1000 copies, which is also a surprise.

The selling price of a "Resident Evil" disc is 50 US dollars, and the turnover of the game alone has reached [-] US dollars.

For a bookstore, this turnover is astonishing, not to mention that such a signing will bring more intangible benefits to Bear Bookstore.

There are a few media outlets on the scene today, and they will definitely write a lot about what happened today.

Amazing signing results.

Very dramatic "accident".

"Trailer" by YU.

Every single thing deserves a separate news story.

And every piece of news has to mention Little Bear Bookstore.

Here, Hal is happy with today's achievements, and on the other hand, Jimmy is already preparing for the next marketing plan based on today's events.

Jimmy couldn't be happier.

Apart from reading aloud, he didn't care about anything today, but he had two unexpected gains.

One was Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu who were recognized and held a reading club on the spot, and the other was Yu Dong's new book.

While managing the reporters from several media outlets left today, Jimmy is already notifying Campote to start the plan.

After the things in the bookstore were over, Jimmy invited Yu Dong and all of them to have a big meal.

At the dinner table, everyone chatted about what happened today, while planning the follow-up itinerary.

After the official business was over, Yu Dong and the others were not in a hurry to leave, and planned to stay here for another week or two.

Yu Dong planned to go to Los Angeles first, and then visit several cities near Los Angeles. After the shopping, he would transfer to Canada to meet Alice Munro.

Alice Munro was going to come to New York, but because of work reasons, there was no way to get out. It happened that Yu Dong and the others were almost busy with things, so they decided to go to find her.

"You went to other cities this time just to find material?" Jimmy asked.

Yu Dong nodded, "That's right, just to find material."

"Well, then you have to leave quickly. I'm worried that if you stay in New York for a few more days, Scorsese and the others will have to come to you."

"Why?" Yu Dong asked in surprise, "Did something happen to the movie?"

Jimmy shook his head, sighed and said, "If you want to blame, you can blame Joe with his big mouth. Didn't you join the team of "Sniper Booth" and also made a cameo in the play? He just used it to show off everywhere. I'm worried about Scorsese. After they know about it, they will also invite you over, "Men in Black" and "Fatal Identity" are both filming now, and "Men in Black" was filmed in New York."

Yu Dong smiled nonchalantly, "Probably not. After all, I am the sole screenwriter of "Sniper Phone Booth". "Men in Black" is different from "Fatal Identity". They meet."

Jimmy pouted, "I hope so."




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