Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 387 Will has a personality

Chapter 387 Will has a personality
Yu Dong and the others left a day late and were stopped by Spielberg.

Spielberg came in person.

After seeing Yu Dong, he asked the teacher, "YU, you are also the screenwriter of "Men in Black", and you have already arrived in New York, why don't you go and see it?"

Yu Dong and Spielberg are also old friends, so he naturally knew that he was joking, so he replied with a smile, "It doesn't matter if I go. With you and Barry, there will be no problems with the movie."

"But didn't you also follow the group of "Sniper Phone Booth", and you followed the whole process. I heard from Joe that you also played a cameo role in it."

Spielberg's words were full of jealousy, while Yu Dong yelled that he was wronged, ""Sniper Phone Booth" was filmed for only eleven days. As for the cameo, I just entered the camera like the passers-by around me, and I didn't have any role at all."

"Go and see the scene, everyone wants to see you."

Spielberg even came here in person, so Yu Dong certainly had to save face, "Steven, I promise you, but I may not be able to stay for a few days, because I have other things to do."

"I know." Spielberg smiled, "I've seen it on the news, you are writing a new book recently. The beginning of the new book is very interesting, and I am also looking forward to the follow-up story. Give me two days, one day Put it on the crew, another day, let's discuss the script of "The Martian"."

"Did the news come out so fast? I didn't pay much attention."

Spielberg laughed, "You sold more than 1 sets of "Resident Evil" games a day. Of course, Sony is eager to release news. Actually, I am not surprised by the results of the signing. So many interesting things happened. I asked Jimmy if you deliberately designed those things, and he told me no."

"Jimmy was telling the truth, and what happened at the signing was an accident."

"Including you reading fragments of your new book aloud?"

"Of course." Yu Dong nodded with a smile, "If this part is designed, then the part about the book club is also designed."

Spielberg patted his forehead, "That's right."


After Spielberg left, Yu Dong apologized to Cheng Yanqiu, "Mr. Cheng, I'm sorry, I was going to take you for a walk."

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "It's okay, I really want to go to the crew to see it, it's also very interesting to watch them filming."

Yu Dong was really sorry for this. He intended to take Cheng Yanqiu to have fun, but there were so many moths in the middle. First, Wang Jiawei and Liu Weiqiang came to visit suddenly, and then Spielberg stopped them.

After the matter of "Men in Black" is over, they don't have much time left, and they will go to see Alice Munro later.

After seeing Alice Munro, they were about to rush back, and there were still many things to do in the country.

I have made an appointment with Li Xiaolin before, and I will visit Mr. Ba Jin in early May.

After visiting the old gentleman, the selection of the short film competition in Shen Kong Lane will begin.

Moreover, the first batch of drama creation majors, that is, Jia Zhangke and the others are also graduating this year. As teachers of drama creation, Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu are still busy.

"I don't think there's much time this time. Let's take a stroll when the summer is off." Yu Dong said softly, stroking Cheng Yanqiu's hair.

"As long as we are together, it doesn't matter where we go." Cheng Yanqiu smiled, and pushed Yu Dong out again: "Hurry up and inform Teacher Bi and the others, I guess they are still waiting to go to Los Angeles."

Yu Dong nodded, and the two walked towards Bi Feiyu's room.

Before reaching the door, I heard discussions from inside the room, which sounded quite lively.

He knocked on the door, and it was Wang Hailin who opened it.

"Brother Dong, Teacher Cheng."

Yu Dong stretched out his head to look inside, and the students were all inside.

The room is not big, and Bi Feiyu and the others gathered a table of cards in the middle, while everyone else found a place to sit.

Seeing Yu Dong coming, the students stood up respectfully.

Yu Dong walked in and asked, "What are you doing?"

Qin Yi shook the newspaper in his hand, "Teacher Yu, we are watching the news about the autograph sale. You, Teacher Bi and Teacher Yu Hua were blown up in the news."

Jia Zhangke on the side patted Qin Yi on the head: "What's the matter... Isn't everything in it the truth?"

Wang Hailin also echoed, "That's right, according to me, the news is still written in a subtle way. Brother Dong and Mr. Bi are half of the Chinese literary world. It's an honor for foreigners like them to come to the United States."

"That's right, Senior Brother Wang is right."

"It's reserved."

The other students also agreed.

Bi Feiyu, who was playing cards, smiled at Yu Hua, "Look, Bao Zhun, a student of our Jinyi School, will not die of hunger, and his ability to flatter people is getting better and better."

Yu Hua nodded earnestly, "That's right, your school spirit is indeed pure. Of course, you teachers wear your headbands well. The old saying doesn't mean that you should be on the beam... Wrong, wrong, it should be a famous teacher who produces a good student."

Bi Feiyu glanced at Yu Hua, then turned to look at Yu Dong, "What are you doing here at this time?"

Yu Dong nodded: "It's really something, you are all here, so I don't need to inform one by one, we will not go to Los Angeles tomorrow."

"If you don't go to Los Angeles, where should you go?" Wang Hailin asked.

Yu Dong pointed to his feet, "Still in New York."

"What's the situation?" Bi Feiyu asked.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "To Jimmy's misfortune, Spielberg called me just now and asked us to go to the crew of "Men in Black"."

When they heard that they were going to the crew of "Men in Black", the students all showed excited expressions.

"It's good to go to the crew, and I can still see Spielberg filming."

"Spielberg is the producer, Sonnenfeld is the director."

"Sonnenfeld is fine too."

"I heard that the investment in this movie is nearly [-] million US dollars, so it must be a big scene."

"I heard that all the money is spent on visual effects, and the shooting scene is not necessarily very big."

"It's a pity that we can't see what they did in the later stage."

"It's useless to read it, and we won't."

"Do we have a chance to make a cameo this time?"

"I don't know wow."


Yu Dong pressed his hands and signaled them to be quiet: "Listen to me, everyone, this time is a temporary arrangement, which is different from "Sniper Booth", and I will try my best to discuss with Spielberg so that you can learn from the crew. But until then, you guys don't move around on set."

"Understood, Teacher Yu."

Yu Dong nodded, "Okay, you guys can play, I'll go first."

"Goodbye, Teacher Yu."

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu turned around and just two steps away, he turned his head again and waved to Qin Yi, "Qin Yi, show me the newspaper."


Qin walked over with a newspaper in his hands, and pointed at the news in the newspaper, "Mr. Yu, I'm here to praise you."

This is a copy of "USA Today", which looks colorful, with mostly pictures and few words.

The same is true for the news about the signing event. There are two big pictures on it. One is the picture of Yu Dong signing the signature, the other is the picture of Yu Dong attending the book club later, and the second picture is Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua. is also among them.

After leaving Bi Feiyu's room, Yu Dong glanced at it, and Cheng Yanqiu took the newspaper.

"The written reports are too few, and the pictures are so big." Cheng Yanqiu muttered.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "That's what attracts people. American readers don't have the time to read the dense news. They want to see intuitive pictures and concise and powerful news. Although the news is not many words, it is the key information. It's all there."

"Such a large picture does look quite bluffing." Cheng Yanqiu nodded: "Maybe it will be the same in China in the future. People watch more and more TV, and they don't want to read long text news."

"I think so too."

Yu Dong smiled. The country has indeed passed through such a period. There are more and more pictures in newspapers, more and more colorful colors, and fewer and fewer words.

But unlike the United States, this period in China was very short, and it didn't take many years to directly transition to a period when paper media were almost eliminated.

Later, everyone didn't even bother to read graphic news, and preferred to obtain information through short videos.


The next day, when Yu Dong and the others arrived at the set, they were filming an exterior scene.

On a bench by the Hudson River, two protagonists, Will Smith and Tommy Jones, are sitting on it and chatting.

Yu Dong remembered this plot. Agent J, played by Will, had just entered the headquarters of the men in black, and his three views were violently impacted. Agent K was giving him psychological training.

"They still have a long time to shoot."

Spielberg came over, "We can find a place to sit first, and come over after they are over."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's okay, let's take a look at it."

"Okay, then we'll wait here for a while."

It was a very simple plot, but it was quite troublesome to shoot. Sonnenfeld made a lot of adjustments back and forth.

Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu and their teachers chatted with Spielberg, while the students tried to get closer to see how they filmed.

Of course, they remembered Yu Dong's instructions, not only kept a distance, but also restrained themselves from making a sound.

"These students are easy to learn." Spielberg praised with a smile.

Hearing his praise, Yu Dong smiled and said, "I'm afraid that it will cause trouble to you and affect your filming. This time I brought them to the United States to let them go to "Sniper Phone Booth" to learn the filming experience."

"You can also study with confidence in "Men in Black." Spielberg thought for a while, and then said, "Well, I will let Kara take them. If you have any problems with the filming, you can talk to Kara. communicate with."

Then Spielberg called Kara.

A woman in her mid-thirties with brown hair and an average appearance.

"This is Kara, the director's assistant. He has also participated in the filming of "Rain Man" and "Back to the Future" before. He is very experienced. Kara, this is YU."

Kara quickly put the script in her armpit, and shook hands with Yu Dong, "Nice to meet you, Yu. I am a fan of your book, I like your "Deep Space" very much, and of course "Second World" I love it too, whether it's a novel or a movie."

Yu Dong smiled, Kara was very good at talking, and he didn't forget to flatter the leader while complimenting him.

"Thank you for your support, I may trouble you today."

"No, no, it's my honor." Kara looked in the direction of the students, "Then I'll go find them now?"

Spielberg nodded, "Go ahead. If they have any problems, you must try to help them. I heard that there are still students majoring in acting, right? See if there are any roles that you can help arrange."

Hearing that roles were to be arranged, Kara was very embarrassed: "Our roles have already been arranged, I'm afraid..."

Before she finished speaking, Spielberg said with a straight face: "With so many characters, we can always arrange a few. If there are really none, let Barry add a few. I believe he can do it."

"But, this..."

"It's nothing to do, just do as I say."

Yu Dong listened to the conversation between the two of them with a smile, and thought that Spielberg looked very simple and honest, but it was no wonder he could sing oboe.

Now that he had put on a performance with great difficulty, Yu Dong had to cooperate. He said with a smile, "No, no, it's already very troublesome for you to let them learn from you, so there is no need to arrange roles."

Spielberg waved his hand and said firmly: "It's okay, let them arrange it. But I hope you don't mind too much, it won't be an important role, but I guarantee that the camera can be brought."

They acted this way to make Yu Dong appreciate it, and Yu Dong took advantage of the situation to get it, "Thank you very much."

After Kara left, Spielberg said with a smile, "The next scene is in the restaurant, and it happens that we have dinner together at noon, and you also have a shot."

Yu Dong had expected this step a long time ago, so he didn't refuse. He nodded and said, "There's no lines, right?"

"No, don't worry, we will take care of the meals." Then Spielberg looked at Bi Feiyu and the others again: "Because I was in a hurry yesterday, I didn't visit you when I went to the hotel. I hope you don't mind."

Bi Feiyu shook his head and said with a smile, "You're welcome, Mr. Spielberg, we're very sorry to disturb you today."

"You are here to be guests, not to disturb. I saw the news. You two are very popular in the American literary circle. I think it won't be long before you Chinese writers will be able to create a strong literary trend in the United States. wind."

"I'm overwhelmed, compared to your fame, we are nothing worth mentioning."

They touted each other for a while, and Sonnenfeld paused the filming and walked over with the two leading actors.

"Welcome, Yu." Sonnenfeld held Yu Dong's hand tightly, then looked around again, and said strangely, "Cunningham has been talking about seeing YU, but now he sees you." There are no more people."

Cunningham is the original author of "Men in Black", and he also came to the scene this time.

The assistant director Eric pushed his glasses and said with a smile: "He has a stomachache and has gone to the toilet. He has gone three times this morning."

Sonnenfeld laughed, "Isn't it because I was too nervous to see YU?"

Eric shrugged, "Who knows."

After talking about Cunningham, Sonnenfeld introduced the two protagonists to Yu Dong.

The two are not small roles. Tommy Jones just won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for his outstanding performance in "The Fugitive" two years ago.

As for Will Smith, he is more famous in music, a famous rapper and a frequent guest of Grammy.

However, in the past two years, he has gradually put his focus on acting. Last year, "Jedi Men" starring in him won a box office of 4000 million US dollars.

In addition, "Independence Day" in which he participated will be released in a few months, and the outside world is very optimistic about this movie.

Will Smith is very young now. He is the same age as Yu Dong, but he is more fashionable than Yu Dong. He is dressed like a hip-hop kid in and out of the play, and he still wears earrings on his ears.

Yu Dong shook hands with the two leading actors, "I like the works of the two very much. I am very happy to meet real people today."

The older Tommy Jones responded with a smile, "I like your work too, YU."

Will Smith laughed too, but reluctantly.

He is young, and he is also engaged in rapping, so he pays attention to "real".

Although he had heard about Dong's fame, he had never read a single word of Yu Dong's works.And in his opinion, Yu Dong was a bit hypocritical.

Yu Dong doesn't look like a person who likes rap. As for film and television works, Yu Dong probably hasn't watched the few movies he acted in.

So Yu Dong's sentence "I like your work very much" is a bit false.

Of course, Yu Dong is one of the screenwriters after all, and he still maintains the basic respect, but he doesn't take the initiative to speak up.

Of course Yu Dong could feel that Will Smith didn't like him, but he didn't care. After all, Will Smith was a young man, and it was normal for him to have a little personality.

(End of this chapter)

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