Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 388 You should be a publicity ambassador

Chapter 388 You should be a publicity ambassador
Tommy Jones looked at Yu Dong and Will Smith with a smile.

I heard that YU is not even 30 years old. This can be seen from the appearance, but if you talk about the temperament of the whole person, YU does not look like a young man in his 20s.

Tommy Joan always felt that the way YU looked at Will Smith was similar to the way he looked at Will Smith—the feeling of an adult looking at a child.

Maybe the Chinese are so precocious?
This is obviously not true. Although Tommy Jones has not come into contact with many Chinese people, the students who came with YU do not seem to be much younger than YU, and they feel more young.

"I heard, is YU still a university teacher?" Tommy Jones asked.

Yu Dong nodded: "Yes, I have been a teacher since I graduated from university in 91."

"I can feel that you have a serious sense of a teacher."

"Seriousness..." Yu Dong laughed, "Maybe I am more serious..."

Halfway through his speech, he suddenly heard a shout from the same place.


Turning around, I saw a man in a short-sleeved floral shirt running towards this side.

The man wore a pair of wide glasses, and his figure was a little fatter than slightly fat.

He should be in good health. After all, the weather is still a bit cold. Everyone is wearing coats, but this guy is wearing a short-sleeved shirt. He doesn't seem to be afraid of the cold at all.

Sonnenfeld smiled and said, "Cunningham is here."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that this little fat man was Cunningham.

He has read Cunningham's information, he is 37 years old, and he is a cartoonist who is relatively nerdy.

Maybe it's because it's a house, so it's well maintained, and it looks like it's less than [-] years old.

When he came to him, Cunningham happily held Yu Dong's hand, "YU, hello."

When he held Cunningham's hand, Yu Dong squinted his eyes and smiled. This guy is really in good health and his hands are very warm, "Hello, Mr. Cunningham."

After saying hello, Yu Dong wanted to withdraw his hand, but Cunningham held his hand tightly and refused to let go, "YU, I've always wanted to see you, and you didn't make it to the several signing events you held in the United States." It’s a pity this time, I was supposed to come to New York a day earlier, but I was delayed because of some things. Fortunately, you also came to the set.”

Although Cunningham is much older than Yu Dong, he is very young at heart, and he is a senior science fiction fan. He has read all of Yu Dong's science fiction novels, and even joined the YU Umbrella Association in Tennessee. However, people in the association did not know that he was the author of "The Man in Black".

He was very happy when he heard that YU was also involved in writing the script.

Facing the enthusiastic Cunningham, Yu Dong said with a smile, "I have always wanted to see you too. When I first saw "Men in Black", I was very optimistic about this story."

"I heard Jimmy say this. He said that you suggested that Deep Space buy "Men in Black". At that time, I couldn't believe it. It turned out to be true."

Only then did Cunningham let go of Yu Dong's hand. The reason why he was so enthusiastic about Dong was that he liked Yu Dong's works on the one hand, and on the other hand, Jimmy had told him that Yu Dong admired him very much. Willing to spend a lot of money to get the copyright of "Men in Black".

From a certain level, Yu Dong has the grace to know Cunningham.

Seeing that Cunningham was so enthusiastic about Dong, Will Smith pouted secretly. He really couldn't figure out that Cunningham would treat YU like this. After all, Cunningham was the original screenwriter of "Men in Black".

Although Cunningham looked very nerdy, he talked a lot. After he came, others had no chance to talk. He kept catching Yu Dong talking about science fiction.

After the morning show ended, the crew didn't stop, but moved to a nearby restaurant.

It's still a rivalry between the two protagonists. Agent K takes a fancy to Agent J and plans to win him over to the Administration.

Yu Dong and the others sat behind the protagonist and the others, chatting while eating.

"Should we eat slowly, or the camera will scan the food in front of us in a while, and we will be ruined?" Bi Feiyu asked with a smile.

Spielberg shook his head and said, "The camera won't catch the food, so don't worry. Of course, the camera will catch your face at any time, so you have to pay attention to your expressions. But don't worry, this scene is very simple , it won't take long."


After the whole scene was over, Yu Dong and the others breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that the "simple" in Spielberg's mouth was not the same as the "simple" in Bi Feiyu's imagination.

It was just a simple eating scene with not many lines, and it took more than an hour to film, which Spielberg thought was already too fast.

The so-called interlacing is like a mountain.

It is obviously a scene, and there is no problem when shooting it, but it has to be shot from different angles repeatedly.

Bi Feiyu and the others couldn't understand why they didn't just set up cameras from all angles and shoot all at once.And the crew is not short of money, obviously more than one machine.

Spielberg gave them another directing lesson, explaining the reasons for the single-camera shooting.

After hearing it, Bi Feiyu and the others were still confused and confused.Seeing their confused faces, Spielberg said with a smile, "There will be a night show tonight. You can come and watch it then. After watching it, you will know the difference between multi-camera and single-camera."

In fact, Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua would rather go back to the hotel to play cards at night, but thinking that the students would study, they agreed wholeheartedly.

After the noon scene ended, there was nothing to do in the afternoon. Most of the crew went to the suburbs to prepare for the night scene, and Will Smith stayed by the river to make up a few shots.

The reason for making up shots is not because of his previous performance problems, but in this scene, Agent K left first, and then Agent J played by Will Smith stayed alone on the bench until dark.

What needs to be added is the shot of Will Smith waiting until dark.

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu did not go to the suburbs with the crew, but took a stroll by the river holding hands.

After walking around for a while, Will Smith was resting. When he saw Yu Dong, he was quite polite, "YU, would you like a cup of coffee?"

Yu Dong was about to decline, Cheng Yanqiu said to him, "Sit down for a while, I'll go to the toilet."

"it is good."

Yu Dong nodded and walked towards Will Smith.

Will Smith looked at Yu Dong in surprise, he thought Yu Dong would not come.

Yu Dong found a chair and sat down, and someone beside him had already handed him a cup of coffee.

After receiving the coffee, Yu Dong smiled and said, "It seems that the play in the afternoon is very boring."

Will Smith squeezed out a smile, "It's also very relaxed, and the scenery by the river is very good."

Yu Dong nodded and looked towards the river.

The scenery by the Hudson River is really nice, there is stillness amidst the noise, just now he and Cheng Yanqiu strolled around the area, the breeze was blowing, very pleasant.

Sitting in Yu Dong's position, he could just see the lake and the pedestrians passing by, and behind him was the World Trade Center.

Turning around to look at the World Trade Center, they are still there.

Yu Dong couldn't help feeling a little emotional, wondering if his arrival would have an impact on this historical event.

"I heard from Steven, did you originally refuse to participate in "Men in Black"?"

Facing Dong's sudden question, Will Smith was caught off guard, "I just said that I would think about it for a while, but I didn't completely refuse it."

Yu Dong nodded and didn't speak any more. He could feel that his presence made Will Smith a little uncomfortable.Perhaps too prudish for a hip-hop kid like Will Smith?
He decided to wait until the cup of coffee was finished, or when Cheng Yanqiu came back, and then he would leave.

But Will Smith couldn't help breaking the silence, "I heard from them that your signing will be very successful, congratulations."

"Thank you." Yu Dong responded with a smile.

Will Smith licked his lips. Although he didn't like someone like YU sitting next to him, he couldn't bear the silence even more.

So, he continued: "How long will you stay in the United States this time?"

"I'll be back in about ten days."

"Have you heard my song before?" Will Smith asked the question anyway.

"I heard."

Will Smith raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, and then heard Yu Dong continue, "Unfortunately, it may be because I haven't had much contact with you, so I'm not used to your songs. I prefer some lyrical songs."

"Oh? Do you usually listen to American songs?"

"I usually listen to more Chinese songs. As for foreign songs... there are less American songs, and more British songs."

"What songs are there?" Will Smith became interested. He really wanted to know what kind of music people like YU like.

"You mean British?"

"It's all right."

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "The queen of England, the Beatles, Stewart."

"Although Stewart is British, he is an American singer." Will Smith corrected.

Yu Dong shrugged and continued, "In the United States, I have heard more about Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen."

Will Smith clapped his hands, "I knew you would like them."


"They are more like poets than singers, just like you, a writer."

Although the liking for listening to music is different, after chatting for a while, Will Smith has changed a lot about Dong. This person seems not as fake as he imagined.

"They are much better than me. I can't sing at all."

"Haha, if it's a folk song, it doesn't matter if it's bad...Of course, I'm not slandering folk songs. This kind of music has other charms."

Maybe he felt that there was something wrong with what he said, and Will Smith added a sentence later.

Yu Dong smiled, and drank the coffee in one gulp, just as Cheng Yanqiu had already walked this way, he said goodbye to Will Smith: "Goodbye, Mr. Smith, keep filming well, maybe we will have a chance to cooperate later."

"Goodbye." Will Smith waved his hand to Yu Dong, but he didn't pay attention to what Yu Dong said about the cooperation.

His current idea is to make a good film of "Men in Black", sing the theme song well, and then go to make music safely.

As for filming, I probably don't have much chance.


Cheng Yanqiu looked at the smiling Will Smith, and asked curiously, "What did you tell him? He didn't seem to be very enthusiastic about you before."

"It's nothing, I talked to him about music."

"Talking about music, you guys? He seems to be a rapper, you don't listen to this kind of music either."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Who said that when talking about music with a rapper, you must talk about rap? Can't we talk about classical music?"

"That's even more impossible. You can count the classical music you know on one hand."

"Nonsense, Moonlight, Sadness, To Alice, A Maiden's Prayer, Bell, three, that's six, come, come, let me see which hand of yours has six fingers?"


The night scene at night is very exciting, that is, at the beginning of the movie, Agent K goes to solve the problem of alien smuggling.

There were many specially made props on the scene, which made the students of Jinyi shout amazing.

It has to be said that Hollywood's film craftsmanship is much higher than that in China, especially props and special effects.

Leaving aside the post-production special effects, they couldn't feel it at the scene.

Props really dazzle them.

For some props, I feel that there is no need to deal with them in the later stage, and they can be directly put into the mirror.

After decades of special effects baptism in Yu Dong, the current special effects are of course nothing to him.However, he has relatively little contact with these behind-the-scenes work.

These special effects cannot be made by just hanging a green screen and snapping a picture.

Most of them are traditional props and makeup combined with post-production. It looks very complicated, but it is also very interesting.Some of the makeup and props are very ingenious, making people smile knowingly.

The scene was filmed very late, and it was almost dawn when Yu Dong and the others returned to the hotel.

But Yu Dong couldn't sleep in because he had already made an appointment with Spielberg to discuss the script of "The Martian".

After getting up for a meal in the morning, Yu Dong rushed to the deep space alone.

Spielberg was earlier than Yu Dong, and when Yu Dong arrived, he was already sitting in Jimmy's office drinking tea.

Seeing Yu Dong, Spielberg said with a smile: "After drinking Chinese green tea a few times, I am somewhat accustomed to this taste. It can refresh you and also has a refreshing fragrance."

Seeing Spielberg's energetic appearance, Yu Dong was stunned to himself. This guy is already 50 years old. After a long night, he is still so energetic. It's really amazing.

When he arrived at Jimmy's place, Yu Dong was not polite. After making himself a cup of tea, he sat down opposite Spielberg, "Steven, if you like tea, next time I'll make you something better than this." tea."

"Forget it. If I want to drink, I can come to Jimmy. At least I don't have to boil the water myself." Spielberg smiled, as if boiling water was very difficult for him, he sipped Sipping tea, he continued: "Actually, there is no need to rush the script of "The Martian", because according to the current situation, the plan will not start until the beginning of next year at least, and we have enough time to write the script."

Yu Dong rubbed his eyes and smiled, "Since you are not in a hurry, you can actually wait for me to write the script for you. You know, I write the script very quickly."

"Of course I know, but "The Martian" must change the background, so I want to chat with you first, and see if I can help you."

Yu Dong knew that, in fact, Spielberg was still worried that after the background of "The Martian" was changed to the United States, he would not be able to write well.

This worry is also understandable.

From the perspective of the market, the novel "The Martian" is successful and can attract readers.

But the novel is different from the movie after all, and there are many elements of Chinese culture in "The Martian", which may not be too obvious after being scattered in a long novel like a novel, but it is necessary to squeeze them into one movie. It may not be suitable for a movie with a small hour.

The novel's strengths are light-hearted humor and a fast pace, and Spielberg hopes to maintain that quality when the film comes out.

Yu Dong can bring humor to readers in novels, so is it okay in movies?

"I want to keep certain Chinese elements in this movie." Yu Dong first expressed his attitude.

"Of course there is no problem." Spielberg laughed, and then added, "However, we still need to pay attention to the method. As a commercial film, mobilizing the audience's emotions is a rigid standard."

"Don't worry, it won't be too much, definitely less than in the novel."

Yu Dong scratched his hair, and then found some white paper in Jimmy's office.

"Steven, let me tell you about the script."

Spielberg nodded and sat down.

"First of all, it is the background of the characters. The protagonist is a staff member of NASA..."

While making gestures on the paper, Yu Dong explained the script to Spielberg.

In fact, the overall story is no different from the novel, after all, the novel also combines the original book and the movie.

Yu Dong made some changes to some details in the novel, trying to lean towards the United States, but kept some classic passages in the novel, such as the section where the protagonist writes a poem.

In this regard, Spielberg has no objection.

Although the stalk of the poem is not Americanized, it is really interesting. The Chinese literature series is relatively well-known, and these relatively well-known stalks are also widely spread among readers, and there will be no lack of audience base.

In addition, in the script, when the earth rescued the hero, it was also mentioned that the China Space Agency was helpful.

This is nothing, anyway, the main credit is still the United States.

In fact, the original movie of "The Martian" also has China's role in it. Although it is more subtle, but after careful study, China's contribution is still quite large.Later, such a design may be to please the Chinese audience, but Yu Dong advanced this.

To Spielberg's surprise, Yu Dong's changes to some of the jokes were just right, making him laugh right away.

When Yu Dong talked about the latter part, Spielberg couldn't help but said, "YU, you know a lot about American jokes."

"After all, I often read Mark Twain." Yu Dong replied ambiguously.

This is not an answer, but Spielberg quickly accepted it, "It seems that even after 100 years, humor is still the same."

"Of course, the core of humor is eternal. If you learn more about Chinese history, you will find that people thousands of years ago knew better than us what humor is."

Spielberg smiled, "The Chinese government should invite you to be a cultural propaganda ambassador, because you can always promote Chinese culture anytime and anywhere. Just because of your words, I have developed a relationship with the history of China you mentioned. interest."

"I'll give you a Chinese history book later."

"It must be in English."

"Maybe, you can also learn Chinese, which is the easiest language in the world."

"Haha, that's not what others say."

 Thanks to [Bland and Unremarkable] Big Brother for the 1666 reward
(End of this chapter)

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