Chapter 389 Possible Battle

After chatting with Spielberg about the script for a day, Yu Dong went back to the hotel and fell asleep straight away.

Originally, their itinerary also included Los Angeles and surrounding cities, but now Yu Dong has changed his mind. In the next few days, they will not go anywhere, but stay in New York.

For one thing, time may not be enough, and it doesn’t make much sense to go through each of the cities behind. It’s better to just set the background of the novel in New York, which he is more familiar with.Second, he also noticed that the students were more willing to play in the crew.

In the crew, it is both interesting and informative to learn a lot.

In addition, the crews of "Sniper Booth" and "Men in Black" are here, so the crew of "Deadly Identity" should also go.

Most of the filming of "Fatal Identity" is in the suburbs, which is not too far away, and it takes more than an hour to drive there.

So in the next few days, Yu Dong took his students to the crew of "Fatal Identity".

After they got acquainted with the crew, let them choose which crew to study, while he and Cheng Yanqiu played in New York easily.

In the last two days, they went to Alice Munro's house.

It was a small town in Ontario, Canada, with a beautiful lake and charming scenery.This time, there were only Yu Dong and his wife, Bi Feiyu, Yu Hua and Ruan Xiaohu, and the students stayed in New York to continue their studies.

Monroe and her husband, Freylin, are delighted to have them here.

The town is not lively, and having guests visiting is a joyful thing in itself.

They had lived on a more remote farm before, but it was so deserted that they moved into town.

Monroe had been to China.

Speaking of China, the Great Wall is the first thing Alice Munro thinks of.

"The Great Wall left a deep impression on me. I remember that there are layers of slopes along the winding road up the Great Wall..."

The house in the small town is very spacious. The house where Monroe and the others live has three floors. It can be seen that the first floor is used for receiving guests.

Very spacious, not much furniture, but carefully arranged.

In the middle, Monroe asked Yu Dong if they would light the fireplace, because in her impression, China was hot and could not adapt to the cold in Canada.

The reason why she had such an impression was because it was June and July when she went there.

In 1981, not long after the opening of China, Monroe and six other Canadian writers were invited by the Chinese Writers Association to visit China. It was summer at that time, and they went to several places such as Yanjing, Yangcheng and Xiangjiang.

Generally speaking, Munro’s impression of China was not very good, mainly because she was disappointed by the communication with some Chinese writers who accompanied her at that time.

"They don't seem to be interested in our writing methods, they are very cautious." Sitting on a chair, Monroe said with a smile, "I was quite surprised to see your works later. Like "To Live" and "Westward" Can such works be published in China now?"

Bi Feiyu replied with a smile: "Actually, "To Live" and "Xiang Xi" are quite conservative in that regard."

Of course Monroe understood what he meant.

This surprised her.

"It's completely different from what I thought."

Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile, "Mrs. Fraling, it's not just that the literature is different from what you think. Many things in China are different from when you went there. China is facing rapid development. For example, in our home , Yu Dong will share the housework with me, and there are more and more families like this."

The reason why she mentioned housework was because Monroe said that when she was in China, several women complained to her that Chinese men were unwilling to share housework.

Yu Dong followed up and said, "If you have a chance, maybe you can go to China again."

"Of course, if I have the opportunity, I would like to go there again to see what has changed. When I went to China, it happened to be my 50th birthday. Both Yangcheng and Xiangjiang held birthday parties for me. It was a wonderful experience. experience. Maybe I can go there again on my 70th birthday.”

Monroe glanced at her husband: "After the age of 50, every time I celebrate my birthday, I always feel a little gray and a little bit down."

Fralin took advantage of the opportunity to flatter his wife: "Don't say that, Alice, in fact, you look more and more attractive."

Several men lowered their heads and smiled, and they all secretly gave Frelin a thumbs up. This old man reacted very quickly.

After talking about China, they chatted about some literature.

What surprised Alice Munro was that Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu knew her very well, not in general, just like the critics in North America knew her.

Whether it is her early or recent works, Yu Dong and the others analyze them well.

And compared to Bi Feiyu, Yu Dong has a more thorough understanding.

She was quite surprised and said, "If I hadn't read your works, I would have thought you were critics. Did you find out specifically for this meeting... It seems impossible, and the time is too short. I am now I have already believed that the Chinese literary world has undergone great changes, and it can be seen from you that you know a lot about literature outside of China."

Regarding Monroe's doubts, Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu looked at each other and smiled. They both graduated from the Chinese Department, and analyzing the works of writers is something they often do, so there is nothing strange about it.


Yu Dong and the others spent one night in Ontario, returned to New York the next day, and then returned to China after staying in New York for a day.

Although the trip to North America was very pleasant, after returning to school, everyone's hearts were considered to be at peace.No matter how good the outside world is, hometown is the most reassuring place.

On the second day after arriving at the school, Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu went to report to Wu Changxin and heard a piece of news.

Wu Changxin first asked the two about the situation of going abroad this time. After he finished understanding, he nodded and handed Bi Feiyu a cigarette. There are some things that you probably don’t know yet.”

Bi Feiyu took the cigarette and lit it, then asked curiously, "What's the matter?"

"It's not a big deal, but we can see some signs of it. After Mo Yan's "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks" came out, it received a lot of criticism. Some critics and veteran writers stood up and said some bad things. Of course, there were also people who helped say Nice words, but more criticism."

Bi Feiyu and Yu Dong looked at each other, they were not surprised.

When they knew that "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks" was going to be published, they knew that this would happen. If nothing happened, they would be surprised.

"We have also thought about this matter, and I think Mo Yan himself should be prepared. At that time, the publisher asked him to change the title of the book to prevent criticism. He insisted on not changing it, so it is reasonable to receive some criticism and criticism. As it should be." Bi Feiyu said with a smile, not taking it seriously.

Yu Dong also smiled, he knew that Mo Yan would suffer some pain because of "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks".

Wu Changxin shook his head, "If it's just about him, I don't need to be so concerned, and I'll tell you guys specifically."

Hearing Wu Changxin's words, Yu Dong was stunned for a moment. Didn't Old Wu know that he and others had a good relationship with Mo Yan, so he said it on purpose? Could there be other things?

Seeing the doubts on the faces of the two, Wu Changxin said again: "It is very likely that you will be involved in this matter."

"Involving us?" Bi Feiyu squinted his eyes, "Isn't it? Just because we got close to Mo Yan? It can't be said that this book was written by the few of us."

Wu Changxin glanced at Bi Feiyu, then flicked the cigarette ash, "Actually, in the eyes of some people, you two are in the same circle. If they want to trouble Mo Yan, they may naturally trouble you."

"We are..." Bi Feiyu was about to retort, but stopped in the middle of speaking, not to mention, there were indeed rumors that they were the Jinyi Gang.

At that time, they only regarded the rumor of the "Golden Arts Gang" as a joke, and didn't take it seriously. Now it seems that they didn't take it seriously, but some people did.

Yu Dong looked at Wu Changxin and asked, "Has someone pointed the finger at us now?"

Wu Changxin nodded, "There is a sign of this. Two days ago, I saw someone in the Jiangcheng Evening News posted an article criticizing "Alive", and pointed at you. From the very beginning, Yu Hua was implicated in it. Maybe it won't be long before this fire will burn on you too. You should pay more attention to this matter. I heard that the National Short Story Award will be reopened, and the writing conference will also be held. It will take about a year or two to do it.”

Yu Dong nodded. It seemed that the short story award was already a well-known secret, and even Wu Changxin got the news.As for the representative meeting, it is said that it will be held this year, but there has been no specific news about it.

Wang Meng called them before, but there has been no news for more than a year.

But in any case, it is reasonable for Wu Changxin to ask them to pay attention to this.

The literary circle is not much cleaner than other circles, and some nasty things often happen. As for the elimination of dissidents, it is really a child's play.

Although Yu Dong and the others never thought of drawing a circle, others would draw a circle for them.

Now that the National Short Story Award is going to be re-established, and the representative meeting will also be held, and some people are going to make trouble for them, it is very likely because of these two things.

Bi Feiyu also understands the truth, he sighed slightly, "This kind of thing can't be prevented, it can only be done by tricks, I just hope they don't go too far, after all, we have never caused trouble before."

Wu Changxin suddenly smiled and said: "It may not be that they have not caused trouble. When "Xiang Xi" came out, some critics suffered a lot from Yu Dong and the others. This time Liu Baiyu and the others stood up and sounded the horn. It is impossible for these people not to come out to fish in troubled waters."

"Forget about this." Bi Feiyu patted his head and looked at Yu Dong: "This time I was troubled by you, remember to treat me to dinner later."

"Eating is a trivial matter." Yu Dong smiled: "In fact, some people's criticisms are not a big deal. These people are also idle, and they really want to find something to do. It's just..."

"Just what?" Bi Feiyu asked.

Yu Dong sighed, "It's just that I've been very busy in the past two years, and I have a lot of things to do. I really don't want to spend my time on internal friction."

This is Yu Dong's real thought.

He is not afraid of fighting.He neither lacks fighting skills, nor does he lack combat experience, nor does he lack fighting passion.

The key question is that he has been really busy for the past two years.

His current focus is mainly on foreign countries, and he wants to grasp all the plans he can grasp as soon as possible, earn money early, and lay the foundation for the future literary and artistic territory.

At this time, it is really not what he wants to spend time and energy on internal friction.

Of course he would like to avoid it if he could.

But he also knew that this kind of thing was unavoidable.

Since it cannot be avoided, the battle must be resolved as soon as possible.

He thought for a while and said, "Let's leave it alone for a few days. I'll ask Jiang Jie to follow up on this matter. Let's focus on the school. This time, we brought the students there and learned a lot. It's not bad, especially Qin Yi, who is an acting professional, has cameo appearances in the three movies, although he is not an important role, but he has shown his face, and Deep Space will definitely do promotion later."

"In addition, we also need to cooperate with the deep space side to do a good job in this deep space short film competition. As long as this competition is done well, it will definitely be very beneficial to the recruitment work."

Seeing that Yu Dong still cared about the school under such circumstances, Wu Changxin was very moved: "Yu Dong, these things are really thanks to your help. Of course, there is also Feiyu, the Department of Drama can go to the present, it is really thanks to it." You guys. Sometimes I also think about how lucky we Jinyi is to meet such outstanding people as you."

Bi Feiyu smiled and took out a cigarette from his pocket, and handed one to Wu Changxin, "Principal, you are too modest. The development of our school today is mainly due to your ability to carry the locomotive well."

Wu Changxin took the cigarette and lit it, "You're a good flatterer too."


Coming out of the principal's office, he turned a corner and walked to the edge of the playground. A few students passed by and greeted Yu Dong and the others with a smile.

"Hello, Teacher Yu, and Hello, Teacher Bi."

The two nodded and responded with a smile: "Hello, classmates."

After the students passed by, Yu Dong looked at the lively scene on the playground and said to Bi Feiyu, "Old Bi, don't tell Yu Hua about this for now."

"Why?" Bi Feiyu looked at Yu Dong suspiciously, "So far, this matter has the most to do with him, so why don't you tell him it's inappropriate?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "He's young and has a bad temper. I'm afraid he will roll up his sleeves and scold people when he hears the news. We're not ready to fight yet, and he'll suffer if he shoots right away."

"He's young, how dare you say it. But you're right, this guy is sometimes impulsive, so let's talk to him later when something new happens."

Yu Dong nodded, and continued to focus on the playground. He liked to see the lively scenes of the students together.

When they were in Canada before, they all thought the scenery there was good, but when it came to staying there for a long time, no one thought it was good.These people still like to be lively.

In a place like a small town in Canada, it’s okay to stay for a few days, but if they stay for a long time without any noise in their ears, they really can’t stand it.

Seeing him staring at the playground, Bi Feiyu pulled him forward quickly: "Go, go back to the dormitory."

Being pulled by him, Yu Dong wondered, "What are you doing?"

"What are you doing? I haven't played football for a few days, and my feet are itchy. Let's go back and change our equipment, call Yu Hua, and come play football."

(End of this chapter)

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