Chapter 390 Midstream
Although Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu didn't tell Yu Hua about the matter, Yu Hua found out about it within two days.

Because the disturbance caused by "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks" is getting bigger and bigger, even the "Yangtze Evening News" reported this matter.

The "Yangtze Evening News" report did not have any tendencies, it just stated the matter objectively from the beginning to the end, and mentioned the matter that Yu Hua was also scolded by the way.

The key is that the opponent is quite strong. He Guoduan, a professor of the Chinese Department of Jiangcheng University, directly published an article in the "Journal of Jiangcheng University" entitled "Literature and Art Praising Revolutionary Violence, Patriotism and Internationalism-On the Essence of Socialist Literature and Art" article.

The article was sharp and severely criticized Mo Yan's "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks" as an "almost reactionary work".

This is a change from the previous criticism.

When "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks" first came out, people criticized it for its sensational title, impure motives, very obscene, and too many descriptions of sex in the novel.

But later they seem to find that just scolding these two things is not powerful at all.

Earlier, Su Tong had a book "Wives and Concubines", which was also criticized for sensationalizing the title, but nothing happened afterwards.

If there are too many sexual descriptions in it, it seems that the force is not enough, because compared with the novels of Shaanxi writers such as "Abandoned Capital", there are not many descriptions in "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks".

After that, He Guoduan's "reactionary" voice appeared.

Once the voice came out, it was quite useful.

"Zhongliu" followed closely, and also published several articles, denouncing "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks" for distorting history and vilifying the anti-Japanese armed forces.

Yu Dong and the others were not surprised by the voice of "Zhongliu", because "Zhongliu" itself is a well-known literary magazine with a strong sense of gunpowder, and they described everything as an enemy's conspiracy.

"Farewell My Concubine" was also criticized by them before, and Zhang Guorong was labeled as a cultural poisonous milk powder.

Yu Dong didn't think too much about this magazine. In this world, left and right always exist at the same time, and no one can live without it.

The key lies in the method.

As long as there is no problem with the method, there is no problem.

Yu Hua knew about what she was being criticized, but she didn't pay much attention to it. She didn't roll up her sleeves like when Yu Dong was criticized last time.

Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu also teased him that he is mature now.

Yu Hua himself said that he didn't feel much about those criticisms of him, but he felt a little annoyed when he saw He Guoduan's criticism of Mo Yan.

In fact, although He Guoduan and Liu Baiyu of Jiangcheng University scolded "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks", their angles and positions are different.

Liu Baiyu belonged to the army, had experienced the war, and was a red writer. He had his own perspective on his understanding during the War of Resistance, so it is not difficult to understand why he felt uncomfortable after seeing "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks".

But He Guoduan is different.

He Guoduan is engaged in academics and criticism. When a scholar criticizes a work, he first labels others, which in itself violates the principles of literary criticism.

If he only expresses some personal opinions on this novel from a personal point of view, then there is nothing wrong with it, but if he publishes a serious paper in a journal to criticize others, then there is a big problem .

But no matter what, whether it was He Guoduan's paper or a few articles in "Zhongliu", Yu Dong and the others didn't pay much attention to it.

After resting at school for a few days, the few of them went to Shanghai again to visit Mr. Ba Jin.

Ba Jin's residence is on Wukang Road in the West District of Shanghai. This is a road with a lot of history, and many celebrities have lived here.

No. 113 Wukang Road, a small three-story western-style building. This building was built in 1923 and used to be the Soviet Union's commercial representative office. Ba Jin has lived here since the 50s.

The gray garden house has a high wall outside, and a small black iron gate, which separates the deep courtyard. Through the crack of the door, you can see the quiet winding path inside and the surrounding flowers and plants.

Yu Dong and the others waited at the door for a while, and then Li Xiaolin came to open the door.

"Come on, what else do you bring?"

Li Xiaolin greeted them with a smile.

As soon as they entered the first floor of the western-style building, the three of them felt that they had come to the world of books.

From the living room to the study to the landing, there are bookcases everywhere, even the sun room on the ground floor was not spared.

The living room and dining room are connected together, and there is a piano and an old-fashioned sideboard.

From the living room to the balcony, there was a small long table in the middle, and old Mr. Ba Jin was sitting on the armchair in front of the long table.

The old man wears glasses, square cheekbones, big back, gray hair, a little tired sitting on the chair.

Seeing Yu Dong and the others come in, he tried to stand up while holding his legs.

The three hurried over, "Sir, sit down, you're welcome."

Li Xiaolin also said, "Don't get up, just sit down and I'll find some chairs for them."

Then she called upstairs again, "Li Xiaotang, come down and pour water for Yu Dong and the others."

Only then did Yu Dong and the others know that Li Xiaotang had returned.

As soon as Li Xiaolin finished speaking, footsteps came from upstairs, and after a while Li Xiaotang walked down the stairs.

He was already familiar with Yu Dong and the others, and when he saw them, he laughed, "Someone is far away, some is far away."

Bi Feiyu laughed, "Don't dare, dare not."

Then the three of them helped Li Xiaolin move the chairs, and when they got all the chairs, they sat around Ba Jin.

Ba Jin leaned on the chair, and said slowly: "Xiaolin said that you want to come over, but you asked her very formally. It's not necessary. If you want to see me, you can just tell her at any time. Now I probably only know how to do it." Appeared in two places, one is a hospital and the other is in Hangzhou."

The old man spoke for a long time at once, but the speed of speaking was very slow, and he could clearly feel that he was short of breath and tired from speaking.

The weather is fine today, the sun slanted in from the balcony and shone on the floor.

The old man moved the chair, stretched his legs forward, and used his feet to catch the warm sunshine.The morning sun was very gentle, but as soon as the old man's feet touched the sun, the vague expression of pain on his face was dispelled at once, just like the magic power contained in the sun.

Yu Dong looked at the yard, then looked at Ba Jin, and said with a smile, "Since we are coming, we must say hello in advance. If there is any inconvenience, we don't want to bother you. We have been discussing before. Come over to have a look, but we haven't negotiated a time to come. On the one hand, I am afraid that it will be inconvenient for Mr. Wang, and on the other hand, as the younger generation, we are also a little apprehensive."

"Too polite." When Ba Jin spoke, he kept rubbing his wrists.

He has Parkinson's disease, he has difficulty in moving and holding a pen, and even if he does not do anything, his hands will shake unconsciously. He rubs his wrists back and forth with both hands, just to relieve the symptoms, but the effect is not good.

After rubbing it twice, he was still shaking, so he gave up and looked at Yu Dong and the others with a smile: "I have read all your new books, and they are very well written. I told Xiaolin to bring you my words, I don't know if she brought it or not."

Li Xiaolin pouted and looked at his father, "Do I dare not take it? It's just that I boast every time, but they don't necessarily believe it. They think it's my polite words. Now that people are in front of you, you can tell them in person, They just have to believe it."

Ba Jin nodded, and said, "Li Xiaotang wrote a novel, "The Rules of the Door", which was not bad, and was later cast in "Zhong Shan". It was written into a novel called "Once Upon a Time in Shanghai", I read it too, and it was very well written."

Bi Feiyu said modestly, "I just made some changes on the basis of the "Guidelines", it's nothing."

Ba Jin moved his legs again, squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "You all wrote Shanghai, but if you want to say that the writing is good, it is Yu Dong, a native of Shanghai. I read "The Crowd", and it is very well written and has a good perspective. , The method is good, and all aspects are good. The Shanghai you wrote is different from Li Xiaotang's, Zhang Ailing's, and Wang Anyi's. You have written a different Shanghai."

Yu Dong replied with a smile, "Actually, it was only after I left Shanghai that I came up with the idea of ​​writing about Shanghai. When I stayed in Shanghai before, I never deliberately thought about what Shanghai was like. This probably It’s just that I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, so I’m only in this mountain.”

Ba Jin nodded, "I can understand this feeling. After staying in one place for a long time, the impression will become more and more blurred, but after leaving, it will gradually become clearer. I will go to Hangzhou for the past two years. Staying for half a year, during these six months, although my body and mind became relaxed, I would often think of going to Shanghai, which was something I never had before.”

Since the past two years, the hospital has implemented a half treatment and half recuperation method for Ba Jin, so he will go to Hangzhou to recuperate from April to June every year, and then return to Shanghai for the winter.

It's a little late today, but it will be over soon.

That is to say, Ba Jin was at home during this period, otherwise, Yu Dong and the others would have to go to Huadong Hospital or Hangzhou if they wanted to see him at other times. He seldom came back here on Wukang Road.

Yu Hua is from Zhejiang Province. His hometown Haiyan is not far from Hangzhou, right between Shanghai and Hangzhou.

Speaking of Hangzhou City, he knew a little better than Yu Dong and the others, and chatted with Ba Jin about Hangzhou City: "The air over there is better, staying for a while is good for your health, and sometimes I also Thinking about going home and staying for a while, if there is something wrong with my body, it will all be healed at once."

"It's really useful. Every time I come back from Hangzhou, I will gain a few pounds."


After chatting for a while, Ba Jin was a little tired, so Li Xiaolin and Li Xiaotang helped him into the room to rest.

After Ba Jin entered the room, Li Xiaolin said with a smile, "It's a good thing you didn't talk about the latest news. I forgot to tell you about it before. I was afraid you would talk about it. Fortunately, you didn't talk about it."

"What's the latest news?" Yu Dong and the others became puzzled.

"Don't say you didn't pay attention. "Zhongliu" published several articles criticizing Mo Yan. The fire at the city gate affected Chiyu, and Yu Hua must have been affected too."

"That's what happened."

The three laughed, and Yu Dong said, "What kind of news is this, and it's worth saying in front of the old man?"

"I'm really afraid that you will say, forget about "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks", and "To Live" was hand-picked by my father to be drafted. If he hears the news, he will definitely take it to heart. In recent years, we have not only shown him Watching some new works, I won’t tell him other news at all, just because I’m afraid that his mood will fluctuate.”

Li Xiaolin sighed, then looked at his younger brother Li Xiaotang again, "It's better that he doesn't know about some things."

Li Xiaotang pursed her lips and said nothing.

They walked to the edge of the balcony, and after sitting down, Yu Hua said, "Don't worry about this matter, we will never talk too much, we are not children, we got into a fight and ran back to cry with our parents, besides, Isn't there a fight yet?"

Only then did Li Xiaotang speak, "It's better to cry with him."

When his sister gave him a blank look, he shut up again.

Seeing the siblings like this, Yu Dong and the others would smile heartily.

About Ba Jin's family affairs, Yu Dong knew better, even Li Xiaotang and the others didn't know about some things, because they hadn't happened yet.

Among Bajin's family affairs, what Yu Dong remembers more clearly is that Li Xiaotang went to Hangzhou to visit his father.On the way to Hangzhou, Li Xiaotang's wallet was stolen, and when he saw Ba Jin, the first thing he said was: "Old Ba Jin, pay me back."

It can be seen from this incident that in Ba Jin's house, his relationship with Li Xiaotang is very natural and peaceful.

It's just that with outsiders like Yu Dong and the others around today, Li Xiaotang behaved more calmly, and would not easily joke with Ba Jin.

In fact, in this family, Li Xiaotang was more afraid of his sister Li Xiaolin.

After Bai finished his younger brother, Li Xiaolin talked about "Zhongliu" again: "You don't have to take this matter too seriously. "Zhongliu" likes to label people, and not many people will listen to them. You can do it with peace of mind. Just do your own business, so as not to delay your business because of these outside voices."

Li Xiaotang scratched her head, "I think they are idle."

This time Li Xiaolin didn't roll his eyes at his younger brother, and probably felt that his younger brother was right.

She smiled, got up and opened the balcony window, a gust of fresh wind came in from the window, bringing a little coolness, but the coolness didn't disturb people, on the contrary, it made people more energetic.

Then she said again: "Let's have a meal at home at noon, and Li Xiaotang will stay at home in the afternoon. You guys should come with me to the club. It's rare for the three of you to come here together. I'll bring you to get together with everyone."

Bi Feiyu nodded, "Okay, I just went to see Wang Anyi and the others."

"I also called Ge Fei and the others." Li Xiaolin said.

When she said this, there was a different light in her eyes, and Yu Dong and the others probably understood what she meant.

Although Li Xiaolin told them not to pay too much attention to the matter of "Midstream", so as not to affect her business, she took this opportunity to save Yu Dong and the others a game.

If there is really a war of words in the follow-up, today's game can also bring some help to Yu Dong and the others.

This is the so-called three gangs of a hero.

 Thanks to 【Reading Countless Fish】Big Brother's 100 rewards
  Thank you [Xiaoyao's brother] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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