Chapter 391 The Jury Panel
On Fang Yanwu's side, since the article was sent to the newspaper, he has been thinking about it in his heart.

At the beginning, he was thinking about when the article would be published in "Literary News". Although the editor had told him the publishing time, he still went to the bookstore to pay attention to it every day, even though he clearly knew that "Literary News" was a weekly magazine.

Finally, when "Literary News" published his article, he began to wonder whether Yu Dong would respond to him, when, and how.

There is a painting on Fang Yanwu's desk with a little bird on it. If Li Xiaoxue saw it, he would definitely be able to recognize this painting as the one Fang Yanwu was painting when he came to find Fang Yanwu.

This painting is exactly the same as the day Li Youxue came here, and the wings have not been painted yet.

Fang Yanwu really didn't have the heart to take care of this painting, his mind was full of Yu Dong's affairs, during the period his wife said that he would put it away, but he refused to let him take it away, saying that he would paint it later.

In his heart, he had already connected the continuation of the painting with the complete victory of this scolding battle, and he always wanted to wait for the next happy victory before starting the continuation of that painting.

But Fang Yanwu's heart is very contradictory. He is looking forward to Yu Dong's reply to him, but he is afraid that Yu Dong's reply will be too strong.It would be best if Yu Dong could be scolded into a mess by himself, and then reply hysterically with a few words without content.

To put it bluntly, he wanted to win, but was extremely afraid of losing.

Of course, the premise of all this is still to make a reply from Yu Dong.

Dialect, I have been in the newsstands for the past two days, looking for Yu Dong's reply to his article in the newspaper. There are so many places where the article can be published, it is really difficult to find it.Therefore, he will also call Li Youxue and ask Li Youxue to help him pay attention.

Li Youxue's side always agreed, reassuring me in the dialect, and scolded disdainfully as soon as I hung up the phone: I'm really getting older and more confused in this dialect. His article has only been posted for two days. Even if he wants to reply, he can write like this Hurry up, it's impossible for newspapers and magazines to distribute it so quickly, it's strange to find it.


In fact, Yu Dong didn't even write. He and Bi Feiyu were busy assisting with the Deep Space Short Film Contest these two days.

The so-called assistance is actually entertaining those guests who came from afar, especially the judges.

The Deep Space Short Film Contest has quietly gone through a round of auditions, and 100 outstanding works have been selected from more than [-] submitted works.

Then during the two days of the short film competition, a panel of judges headed by Guo Baochang will select various awards from the [-] shortlisted works.

The judging panel this time has a total of eleven members, not too many, but the lineup is quite fantastic.

Guo Bao is the permanent team leader, Zhang Yimou and Harold are the deputy team leaders, and the remaining eight are Feng Xiaoning, Li Zhiyu, Liu Heng, Jiang Wen, Zhang Xian, Liu Weiqiang, Gu Changwei, and Tian Zhuangzhuang.

In fact, the original invitation list was nine people, and Liu Weiqiang and Guo Baochang were added later.

Guo Baochang added it early, and he joined it not long after the Deep Space Annual Meeting. At that time, Deep Space Company contacted Guo Baochang and expressed his willingness to cooperate in the filming of "The Mansion Gate". The relationship between the two parties gradually became closer.

Also seeing the hope of cooperation, Yu Yu proposed to add Guo Baochang to the list of judges.

But there is a problem. At that time, Zhang Yimou was appointed as the leader of the judging panel. If Guo Baochang joined, in terms of qualifications, it would be inappropriate for him not to be the team leader. Guo Baochang was the leader of Zhang Yimou before.

Just for this matter, Yu Yu had a chat with Zhang Yimou on purpose. After learning the news, Zhang Yimou was also very straightforward. He called Guo Baochang directly and invited Guo Baochang to be the leader of the judging panel.

Guo Bao often came one day earlier, together with Zhang Yimou.

"Teacher Guo, this is Yu Dong."

After the meeting, Zhang Yimou introduced Yu Dong to Guo Baochang, but the latter smiled and said, "Why don't you introduce me, I have already met Yu Dong on TV Mountain. This young face is really unforgettable."

Guo Bao often expresses his feelings. When he knew Yu Dong, it was because of "Death of a Widow". At that time, he knew that Zhang Yimou was going to make "Death of a Widow". impression.

Later, he accidentally saw Yu Dong's appearance on TV, and he was quite surprised. Although he had heard that Yu Dong was very young before, but he actually saw Yu Dong's appearance on TV, which was still far from the image he imagined. .

Yu Dong shook hands with Guo Baochang, feeling the strength from the other's broad palm.

Guo Baochang's complexion was not good, with big bags under his eyes, giving people a very tired feeling, as if he hadn't slept for many days.

"You two, please sit down."

Yu Dong invited the two of you to sit down with a smile, and then busily poured tea for them. While pouring the tea, he said with a smile, "You two came the earliest, and the rest of the judges haven't arrived yet, except for Liu Weiqiang from Xiangjiang who won't arrive until tomorrow. All eight of you can be here tonight."

Guo Baochang said with a smile, "Since I agreed to be the team leader, I naturally have to shoulder the burden, and I should come early. I am very happy to know that Deep Space Corporation will hold a film competition. This kind of competition is getting better and better." If there are more, domestic films will be able to develop more.”

"I think so too." Zhang Yimou nodded: "In the past two years, the domestic film and television industry has become more and more popular, and the reserve of talents must keep up, otherwise it will be difficult to guarantee the follow-up development. This short film competition, I really care about the works of that kid Jia Zhangke."

"Jia Zhangke?" Guo Baochang was a little puzzled, "Which school is he from?"

"Jinyi's." Zhang Yimou replied with a smile.

"You are quite familiar with Jinyi. What is so special about this classmate Jia Zhangke?"

At this time, Yu Dong came over with two cups of tea, and said with a smile: "This kid is a professional in drama creation, and he has nothing special, but he likes to study. Director Zhang has been to Jinyi several times before and chatted with him. "

Zhang Yimou took the tea, "This kid has his own artistic pursuit. Although he is a drama creator, he is very talented as a director, so I am curious what kind of works he will contribute this time."

"Well, this tea is not bad." Guo Baochang took a sip of the tea, and after affirming it, he said with a smile: "Aren't you affecting my judgment? Listening to you, I would like to see how this classmate Jia Zhangke is doing .By the way, how many students from the Film Academy participated this year?"

Zhang Yimou shook his head, "You're asking me wrong, I don't know anything about it, but there are quite a few film academies among the judges."

"It's up to you to say. It's not like I don't have a list of judges. Speaking of which, among the judges this time, there are quite a few of you in that class."

Yu Dong nodded with a smile: "That's right, besides Director Zhang, there are three teachers, Feng Xiaoning, Gu Changwei, and Tian Zhuangzhuang, but none of them are from the director department."

Guo Baochang laughed, "That's right, this year, except for Gu Changwei who is still doing photography, the others are not doing their jobs. They have become directors and come to steal my job. But then again, directors, you can learn anything Do it, as a director, the threshold is low."

Yu Dong knew that Guo Baochang was laughing at himself, so he didn't pick up on this, but changed the subject and asked about the situation of "The Gate of the Mansion": "A year ago, I heard that Mr. Guo took up writing "The Gate of the Mansion" again. I don't know how it is written now. How is it? I've been looking forward to it."

Guo Bao often waved his hand, "Yu Dong, you are so flattering. Compared with you, what I wrote is really not worth mentioning. I have written this novel for many years. I have spent a lot of thought and changed it back and forth. Quite a lot, and it is indeed almost written now, deep space is very interested in it, and we are talking about it."

Zhang Yimou joked: "When the time comes, Mr. Guo remembers to reserve a role for me."

"Oh, you and I can't afford to hire an internationally renowned director. Besides, I invite you to go, I must play the leading role for you, but your image at this age is not suitable for playing the leading role." Then Guo Baochang watched it again Looking at Yu Dong, "To be honest, Yu Dong's looks are quite suitable for the leading role."

Yu Dong waved his hands again and again, "Don't, don't, I can't come."

Now he has after-effects of being on camera, and during that time in the United States, those directors thought about making him a guest star every day.So when Guo Bao often mentioned this matter, he had a big reaction.

Guo Baochang was amused by Yu Dong's reaction, "Haha, then you must not be able to come. I just said that your image is more in line with the protagonist when he was young."

Zhang Yimou said: "If you really want to let Yu Dong act, it is not impossible. This drama will wait for a few years before shooting. In the past few years, Yu Dong will be sent to the Film Academy to study acting for two years, and then sent to other crews to grind. After practicing for three or four years, after five or six years like this, he will definitely be able to do the job. The key is that he has a good memory, is a teacher, and has a good voice, and the lines are easy to pass.”

Guo Baochang clearly knew that Zhang Yimou was joking, but he still nodded seriously and said, "Yes, that's a good idea. But in this way, although the film and television industry has gained a good actor, the literature circle has lost a good writer. It's not worth it."

"Indeed, it's not worth it."

Seeing them singing together, Yu Dong shook his head with a smile and said, "Don't make fun of me."

Zhang Yimou laughed, "I'm not kidding you, but what I said to Teacher Guo just now was not a joke. When the time comes, some characters will think of me. I don't want to be the main character, what kind of traffickers, pawns, concierge, I can do it. The salary is also fine." It’s easy to say, three meals a day, with steamed buns, meat and dried tea will do.”

Guo Baochang nodded, "Okay, I'll remember this, and I will arrange a role for you later, so don't be reckless."

"That can't be."


The three chatted in Yudong's office for a while, and Jiang Jie took Tian Zhuang and Gu Changwei along.

This was the first time Yu Dong had seen Tian Zhuang. This man was not very trim, with a beard, dark skin and messy hair.Although the clothes are quite clean, they give people the feeling that they have just returned from working in the fields, which is very rustic.

He has a forthright personality. As soon as we met, he held Yu Dong's hand before he was introduced, "I think this is Yu Dong."

"Hi Director Tian, ​​I'm Yu Dong."

"As expected, it's you, I've been looking forward to it for a long time, I've been looking forward to it for a long time." Tian Zhuangzhuang shook Yu Dong's arm again.

When Tian Zhuang spoke, his Yanjing accent was very heavy, and his voice was very thick, with some quack flavor, so his Yanjing accent sounded different from Wang Shuo's.

After these two came, there were four film school graduates in the office.

Jiang Jie continued to pick up people. Yu Dong poured tea for the two of them and said with a smile, "I think you might as well hold a film academy alumni meeting this time. There are four of you in my office alone."

Zhang Yimou said with a smile: "You can figure it out, people from the film academy came to Jinyi to hold the alumni association."

"I think it's very good. Who stipulates that the alumni association must be organized in one's own school. Just think about it, is it rare to gather so many alumni at Jinyi, or is it rare to gather so many alumni at the Film Academy?" Tian Zhuangzhuang said.

"Of course it's rare for everyone to gather at Jinyi." Gu Changwei said.

"That's it, so it's more interesting to have an alumni association here. Teacher Guo, what do you think?"

Guo Baochang rolled his eyes, and didn't take this issue, "You were asked to be judges, not to reminisce about the old days."

He turned his head to look at Yu Dong again: "Tomorrow is about to start, I think it's better for us to talk about the game first, so as to be prepared. Don't let there be any problems later that we didn't expect, and we can't deal with them in time."

Yu Dong nodded: "It's fine to chat, but Mr. Guo, don't worry, everything has been arranged properly at Shenkong Company, and there is little possibility of accidents. It's just that tomorrow and the next two days will work hard for everyone. Movies, although the filming time is relatively short, but after two days of watching and ranking, the time is still a bit tight."

Guo Baochang murmured, "What I mean is, let's work harder tomorrow and watch all these [-] short films, and save the whole day for the meeting and discussion the day after tomorrow. But I didn't get the movie list, so I don't know what it is. How long are the [-] movies?"

"In a while, I will ask Jiang Jie to bring a few lists. The shortlisted works are basically between 15 minutes and 10 minutes in length, and rarely exceed 25 minutes. This still includes the opening and closing credits."

"Then it's no problem. I watched five movies in two hours, and everyone worked overtime. I finished watching them in ten hours." Guo Baochang said.

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, thinking that this was too cruel, and watched movies for more than ten hours in a row.

But for Guo Baochang's words, the other people had no opinion and nodded in agreement.

Guo Baochang is the leader of the judging panel this time. Since he said so, it is basically settled like this.

Later, other members of the group came over one after another, and by the time dinner was over in the evening, eight of the eleven had already arrived, and Liu Weiqiang, Jiang Wen, and Li Zhiyu hadn't arrived.

Liu Weiqiang will arrive tomorrow morning, and Jiang Wen and Li Zhiyu may not arrive until night, so Yu Dong didn't wait for them, and took the eight people who had already arrived to have dinner.


The next day, the Deep Space Short Film Contest officially started, and Jin Yi also became lively.

In this short film competition, apart from the participating directors and actors, there are also many media reporters and some film practitioners.

In addition to the rooms where the judges stayed, Jinyi set up five screening rooms, where the [-] short films shortlisted were played in a loop.

Moreover, every audience who is invited to watch the movie will receive a movie viewing log issued by Deep Space. After watching the movie, they can faithfully record their feelings about the movie and rate the movie.

Different from the judges' awards, the short film cycle is played for seven days, which means that the short film competition is not over until the awards are over.

After seven days, Deep Space will collect viewing logs and select an audience favorite award.

 Thank you [68] for your 100 reward
  Thank you [Bookworm No. 52] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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