Chapter 392 Betting on Ten Catties of Dry Tea (Subscribe)
After the judges entered the "Little Black Room", Yu Dong didn't follow. Except for the staff of Deep Space, no one else could enter the "Little Black Room".

In fact, Yu Dong should also be regarded as a "staff member" of deep space, but no one else knows.

Today's Jinyi has no access control, and people outside the school can also enter the school to watch movies.

The school's lecture hall is also showing participating films, and passers-by are free to enter and watch.It's just that unlike the specially invited audience, they don't have a viewing log, so their evaluation will not have any impact on the game.

In fact, so many people come to Jinyi today, most of them are not for watching movies.They heard that many celebrities will come to this competition, so they came to join in the fun.

The news they got was correct. There were indeed many celebrities among the special audience this time, but they couldn't recognize many celebrities even if they stood in front of them.

For example, Liu Cixin, since "Bring Her Eyes" became very popular, he has also earned some small fame in the science fiction circle, but no one can recognize his face when he walks on the road.

Another example is Wang Jiawei, a great director who has flourished in the past few years, walking in Jinyi's campus swaggeringly, but no one can recognize him.

Of course, the main reason why no one could recognize Wang Jiawei was that he didn't wear sunglasses.

If Wang Jiawei was not recognized because he was not wearing sunglasses, then Yunlong was probably recognized because he was wearing a pair of sunglasses.

Since "Don't Talk to Strangers" became popular all over the country, Yunlong, who plays An Jiamu, has also become famous. Now he is often recognized when he goes out.

But his treatment is much better than his "brother" An Jiahe, because his role is very positive, so those who recognize him are very gentle to him.

Also going to a restaurant for dinner, Feng Yuanqi was slapped in the face, but Qian Yunlong met someone who wanted to pay for him.

This time I came to Jinyi, and there were many reporters, so Yunlong specially dressed up, with a peaked cap, big sunglasses, and a complete set of equipment.

It's just that the more this is the case, the more suspicious it is.

Not long after he entered the door, he was recognized by a reporter, and then a group of people surrounded him.

Later, it was Uncle Zhou who took Xiao Fang to the rescue and let him escape successfully.


In the office, hearing the diametrically opposite experiences of Wang Jiawei and Yu Yunlong, Yu Dong couldn't help laughing: "Brother Yunlong, you said that you usually like to study police, criminals and spies, so why don't you know that there are no such things as this place?" 300 taels of silver, trying to cover up the truth?"

Qi Yunlong sighed, "It's not that I don't know this truth, but if I don't pretend, I will be recognized [-]% of the time, and there is still a little hope after pretending."

"When it comes to camouflage, Director Wang's camouflage is the best. He usually wears sunglasses when he sees the media, but when he takes them off in real life, he is rarely recognized," Liu Cixin said.

"Easy to use is easy to use, but it's too expensive. Sometimes I can't see clearly wearing sunglasses, but I don't want to take them off." Wang Jiawei laughed, looked at his watch, got up and said: "This time the time is tight, While there is still some time, I will go to see the participating films, and I can’t come here in vain. So sorry, I have to say goodbye.”

Yu Dong and the others also stood up.

"Really don't sit around anymore?" Yu Dong asked.

"No, time is really short." Wang Jiawei shook his head.

"Why don't we have lunch together at noon?" Yu Dong asked again.

"Let's save the meal for the next time...Mr. Yu, Mr. Xi, Mr. Liu, you all stay for a while, I can go there by myself."

Wang Jiawei waved his hand with a smile, and left directly.

After he left, Yu Dong smiled and explained to Yunlong and the others, "He was originally invited to join the judging panel, but he was short on time and couldn't arrange it. He couldn't get over it, so he came here specially."

"Looking at it this way, this 'cold director' is quite polite." Xi Yunlong laughed.

"Yes." Yu Dong nodded, and then looked at Liu Cixin: "Da Liu, I didn't expect you to come this time. The work has been arranged?"

"Well, it's arranged."

"Stay a few more days in Jinling this time, and I'll take you to the deep space for a stroll later."

Liu Cixin shook his head: "I'm going to go to the deep space, but I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. I came here to ask for personal leave this time, and I have to go back when the time comes, otherwise I will delay work."

"That's fine." Yu Dong nodded, expressing his understanding.

Science fiction writers like Liu Cixin are not full-time writers, and their work is far from writing, which is quite different from other writers, so they do not have the freedom of other writers.

Take Mo Yan as an example. Although he is in the army, it is very easy to ask for leave because of his status as a writer. When there is an event, the unit will reimburse the travel, which is tantamount to playing at public expense.

Otherwise, why did Yu Hua want to be a writer so much?It is really suitable for fishing.

Liu Cixin sat with Xi Yunlong for a while, and then they all went to the screening hall to watch a movie. After all, they were also invited to watch the movie, so they always wanted to go see it and give some advice.


The "Little Black House" is not dark, and tea, melons and fruits are all available.

At this time, a short film ended and a short break was entered. Guo Baochang rubbed his face and picked up his teacup, and said with a smile: "We have seen seven entries, how do you feel?"

"not bad."

Zhang Yimou said three words, but did not continue. On the other side, Jiang Wei said: "It's quite satisfactory, but considering that they are all students and there are restrictions on the cost, it's not bad."

Guo Baochang looked at Harold, another deputy team leader, "Mr. Harold, what do you think?"

After being clicked, Harold smiled, "I'm looking forward to the next entries."

This is very euphemistic, but the meaning is very obvious, that is to say, there are no works that he is optimistic about yet.

Seven, not much to say the least.

But these are all excellent works after screening. There are only [-] works in total, and I have seen a quarter of them now.

As Jiang Wen said, these films were mediocre.

Guo Baochang sighed slightly, and only one of the seven short films left him with a little impression, that is "Revenge" made by the students of Jinling Academy of Art.

The plot is not bad, the story is very complete, but the specific shooting is somewhat unsatisfactory, which affects the overall presentation of the movie.

"Keep reading." Guo Baochang looked at the list in his hand, "The next one is "Bring Her Eyes"."

After the previous movie was played, the staff had already started to prepare for the next movie. After Guo Baochang spoke, "Bring Her Eyes" was played directly on the screen.

After the title, the first scene came out, which made the eyes of the judges shine.

Because, this movie is a big production.

Its scenes are very technological, and just the first screen can make people see that this is a science fiction film.

The main reason is that the production of other works is all done by digging and searching. Such a comparison reveals the gap.

Of course, nothing can be seen from this first screen, only that the producer is relatively rich. As for how the movie is going to be, we have to keep watching.

Everyone was watching the movie seriously, but the anticipation in one pair of eyes was the most obvious.

These eyes belong to Li Zhiyu.

Li Zhiyu is a professor majoring in acting in STA. He was actually quite surprised when he received the invitation from Shenkong Company, because he had no intersection with Shenkong before.

But later he found out that he and Shen Kong still had some connections, because Li Yu and Li Bing were two little girls, both of whom were his students.

Needless to say, Li Yu participated in "Don't Talk to Strangers" before.

As for Li Bing...

Li Bing's face soon appeared in the movie.

In the film, Li Bing is wearing a fat spacesuit with a weightless pencil in front of him.

She played the heroine of "Take Her Eyes", the owner of the eyes.

Li Zhiyu didn't know much about this movie, only that Li Bing participated in it, and even the name of the movie was not known until Jin Yi.

At the beginning, Li Zhiyu put more attention on Li Bing's performance, but soon, the content of the movie made him have a strong interest.

The first is the setting of "eyes".

When the word "eye" first appeared in the movie, everyone was a little confused.

Can something like eyes be worn?

Then they discovered that the so-called eyes are actually a kind of glasses, which seem to be able to transmit the picture to the other end.

But soon they discovered that it was not that simple. The glasses not only transmit images, but can even transmit touch and smell, making the person on the other end feel like they are there.

Zhang Yimou, who was sitting not far from Li Zhiyu, narrowed his eyes.

He has actually read the novel "Bring Her Eyes", and he also talked with Liu Cixin, the author of the original work, at the last Deep Space Annual Meeting.

So when he saw the movie, he felt a little emotional, the script was well written.

In fact, the plot of the movie is not much different from the novel, but some of the changes can be seen from the screenwriter's skills.

For example, the setting of "eyes".

The explanation of the setting in the original book is very simple, through the dictation of the protagonist "I", a paragraph of text can solve it.

When making a movie, this kind of textual narrative is not easy to put in. If it is made into the protagonist's inner monologue or narration, it will almost make no sense.

The screenwriter is very clever and used some details to show these settings step by step.

From this point of view, this short film is already half successful, after all, the original novel itself is very good.

In fact, as Zhang Yimou expected, the finished product of "Bring Her Eyes" is very good.

Although for a sci-fi movie, there are still some flaws in the production. For example, the picture of Sunset Six sinking deep into the ground was not well presented.

There is no way to do this, let alone a student of Jin Yi, at the domestic level, it is difficult to present this paragraph, so it can only be handed over to Hollywood.

But generally speaking, this movie shows dedication, loneliness, and the reversal of the ending, and it is a very mature work.

After the movie ended, Guo Baochang said with a smile: "You don't need to ask any more questions. You can tell from the expressions on everyone's faces. You should feel pretty good about this movie."

"Yes." Zhang Yimou followed, "This movie is adapted from a science fiction novel, and I have read the original. Although compared with other works, this movie is a lot cheaper in terms of cost, but the overall performance It’s still very good, the story is complete, the performance is very clear, basically there are no major problems.”

Guo Baochang nodded, and then looked at Li Zhiyu: "Professor Li, what do you think about the actors' performance?"


Guo Baochang was a little surprised that Li Zhiyu cherished words like gold. The performances of the male and female protagonists in this show were quite good, so he specifically asked Li Zhiyu a question.

Gu Changwei remembered Li Bing and knew the inside story. Li Zhiyu probably didn't say much because Li Bing was his student.

"Ms. Guo, now is not the time to talk about this. Let's take a break and continue reading. Specifically, we will discuss it at the meeting tomorrow." Gu Changwei said.

"Okay, let's have some tea and continue."


The performance of the latter several entries was quite good, and the overall quality was better than the previous seven entries.Among them, the works of Yenching Film Academy are the main ones, and there are fewer schools such as Shanghai Opera, Chinese Opera, and Jinyi.

It goes without saying that the Chinese opera has kept up with the opera, but Guo Baochang and the others were somewhat surprised by Jin Yi's performance.

Jin Yi's director class has just been set up for two years, and there are no undergraduates yet, but it has already looked good. The two works of Jin Yi they saw in the morning, "Revenge" is not bad, "Bring Her" Eyes of the Eyes surprised everyone.

During lunch, a group of judges were discussing that if no more eye-catching works appeared in the follow-up, "Bring Her Eyes" was likely to be the grand prize of this competition.

Several judges of Yanjing Film Academy were a little bit emotional. Of course, they also hope that the film academy can win the grand prize in the end, but judging from the current situation, the possibility is not very high.

This is also impossible, the investment in the short film "Bring Her Eyes" is indeed much higher than other films.

To their relief, apart from "Bring Her Eyes", the works of the Film Academy are still the best in this batch of works.

Especially graduate student Ning Jingwu's work "Your Great Wall" performed very well. If it weren't for "Bring Her Eyes" first, this "Your Great Wall" is very likely to win the grand prize.

In Guo Baochang's opinion, "Your Great Wall" is very good in all aspects, and the disadvantage is the script.

The story of "Your Great Wall" is too big to fit into a short film. Although the director has handled it very well, it is almost interesting to watch.It is also the longest film among the entries this time, using up three ten minutes.

However, although he can't win the Grand Prize, he may still win the Outstanding Director Award.

After lunch, after a while, the judges team went back to work.

In the afternoon, everyone felt a lot more relaxed, because in the past morning, they had watched thirteen works, and one of them was "Your Great Wall".

Maybe there is no need to work overtime tonight, and it will be over in the evening.


It was past three o'clock, and the end of a work was playing. Guo Baochang took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, "This is already the No. 20 entry, there are nine left, and I should be able to finish watching in three hours."

"Almost." Jiang Wen smiled and said, "I don't know if any of the remaining nine works can surpass "Take Her Eyes"."

"Jiang Wen, what do you mean by that, you have decided that "Bring Her Eyes" is the best of the previous 21 works?" Zhang Yimou said.

Jiang Wen shrugged, "I don't know about you guys, anyway, in my opinion, it's true."

Zhang Yimou looked at the works at the back of the list and laughed: "There are still nine movies, maybe there will be surprises."

"I see Xuan." Gu Changwei shook his head, "Unless there is another big production, it will be difficult to surpass "Bring Her Eyes"."

"How about we make a bet?"

"What are you gambling?"

Zhang Yimou thought for a while and said, "How about ten catties of dry tea?"

Gu Changwei smiled. After Zhang Yimou quit smoking, he fell in love with a kind of dried tea snacks, and he usually ate and played when he was free.

"I don't like dry tea."

"I'm going to lose, please drink."

Jiang Wen heard that there was a gambling game, so he leaned his head over, "Why don't you bring me one?"

"Yes." Zhang Yimou nodded, "Which side do you bet on?"

"I bet on Teacher Gu's side. If I win, you buy me a drink. If I lose, I'll buy you ten catties of dried tea." Jiang Wen said.

As soon as Jiang Wen said that he wanted to join, other people also showed interest.

Liu Weiqiang, who had been silent all this time, said, "Can you bring me one?"

Then Li Zhiyu and Guo Baochang all joined in.

The final result was eight to three, and only three people believed that there were works that could surpass "Bring Her Eyes", and these three were Guo Baochang, Zhang Yimou and Zhang Xian.

Guo Baochang glanced at Zhang Xian, "I was going to stand on the other side, but I came over after seeing Director Zhang standing here."

Everyone looked at Zhang Xian one after another. They were a little puzzled at first, but then everyone came to their senses.

Among the judges, Zhang Xian has the lowest sense of presence. Even Liu Weiqiang has participated in the filming of "Chongqing Forest" and "Carmen in Mong Kok".As for Zhang Xian, he neither participated in any works nor gained any reputation in the education circle.

But Zhang Xian is the director of Jinyi Drama, so he should know more information than them.

Tian Zhuang asked curiously: "Director Zhang, are there any good works among the following entries?"

Zhang Xian said with a smile: "Whether there is a good work, everyone will know if you continue to read."

Seeing that Zhang Xian was not willing to disclose it, and the others didn't ask any more questions, but Zhang Yimou suddenly had stronger confidence, and said with a smile, "I've already bought it, and I can't change it. Don't you eight Forget, ten catties of dry tea per person."

After this little episode, the judges suddenly became interested in the next entries, and cheered up one by one.

Before the No.20 five entries started, Tian Zhuang said with a smile: "Director Zhang, this is the last work of your Jin Yi."

Zhang Xian smiled without saying a word, and the opening credits of the movie had already started.

First there was a slightly dark piano sound, and the title of the film appeared on the black screen: Tuner.

Immediately afterwards, the name of the director: Jia Zhangke.

When he saw the word Jia Zhangke, Guo Baochang narrowed his eyes slightly. He still remembered that Zhang Yimou had mentioned this name before.

But soon, his slightly narrowed eyes widened.

Because the screenwriter's name appeared on the screen: Yu Dong.

"In the East!?"

A low cry came from the room, Guo Baochang turned his head to look, and it was Jiang Wen who made the sound.

Jiang Wen also realized that he had lost his composure, and quickly clapped his hands together to apologize.

Of course, Jiang Wen was not the only one who was surprised, the others were also shocked.A short film contest, Yu Dong actually ended in person?

But there is no time for them to think about it now, the film is still going on.

First, the picture of the piano appeared, and then a voice rang out.

"I rarely perform in public unless it's for a special occasion or audience..."

In a dimly lit room, a motionless elderly man sat on the sofa, a shirtless young man sat on a stool and played the piano, and there was another person standing behind him.

He was blind, the voice said.


There was a sound like a door closing, and the screen changed, and there was a piano in the middle of the auditorium, and the naked man just now walked to the piano in a suit and leather shoes and began to play.

It's an important piano competition, but the main character gets too nervous and messes it up.

This failure demoralizes the protagonist, who is a gifted pianist.

Later, in order to make money, he became a tuner and pretended to be a blind person in order to make more money.


The whole story is very compact, and it was not until the end, when the climax of the story suddenly came, that the judges figured out what was going on in the scene where the film opened.

The protagonist sits on the edge of the piano and keeps playing the piano, and the woman stands behind him and points a rivet gun at the back of his head.

The ending was not explained, and with the soothing sound of the piano, the movie ended.

At this time, Li Zhiyu let out a long sigh of relief, "An open ending?"

Jiang Wen shook his head, "Not necessarily, do you remember the click at the beginning of the transition? It might be the sound of the hostess firing a gun."

Li Zhiyu patted his head: "When you said that, I remembered it. I thought it was the sound of lights turning on in the music hall. But why does the male lead think that women won't shoot if he keeps playing? He can run away. .”

Zhang Yimou thought for a while and said, "Maybe he thought the hostess didn't dare to shoot before the end of the song because the sudden end of the song would attract the attention of the neighbors."

"Is this far-fetched?"

"I'm just speculating on the male protagonist's thoughts... In fact, his thoughts can no longer be judged from the perspective of ordinary people, after all, he is blind."

"But he is pretending."

"This is even more frightening. He has already become dependent on pretending to be blind...otherwise he would have run away as soon as he saw the blood on the ground."

Guo Baochang said: "Everyone may not have to focus on the ending, the protagonist pretending to be a blind person as a tuner is also worth discussing."

Feng Xiaoning held his chin and said, "Tuners are not common in China, but we can always see blind massagers."

"That's right." Jiang Wen nodded, "The last time I saw a blind masseur, he was a normal person, wearing sunglasses would make him look like a blind person."

"There's also a discussion about privacy in the middle of it, where people are..."

 Thank you [Star Soldier Crystal] for the 6000 reward
(End of this chapter)

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