Chapter 393 Thesis

The appearance of "Tuner" made the judges a little restless, because this movie is so mature that it feels out of place in this pile of entries.

"The idea of ​​the story is very good, and the drama is particularly strong... Of course, considering that the script was written by Yu Dong, it is understandable." Liu Heng smiled and analyzed it from the perspective of the script: "The script should be this short film. The most eye-catching place, the whole story is completely natural, every place is very reasonable, but it always exceeds the expectations of the audience."

Gu Changwei talked about the picture of the movie: "The picture of this movie is also very well done. The camera language is perfectly combined with the plot of the film, and the style is very mature. This is not easy for an undergraduate student."

"There is another thing that you will never think of. The director of this film is a dramatist." Zhang Yimou said.

Guo Baochang said with a smile: "That's why I said the director's threshold is low."

At this moment, Jiang Wen said, "However, the level of this director is indeed very good, surpassing the average directing students. The level of this film can already be taken abroad to win awards."

Everyone else nodded secretly. Indeed, with the level of this short film, it is absolutely possible to go abroad to participate in film festivals, and the competition is very strong, and it is very likely to win an award.

"We won't talk about whether we can go abroad to win awards today." Guo Baochang said with a smile: "I don't know if I read it wrong. Is the leading actor in this movie the one who plays An Jiamu in "Don't Talk to Strangers" Actor? I kinda look like one."

Feng Xiaoning nodded and said: "Teacher Guo, you read it right, it is indeed him. His name is Xi Yunlong, and he also graduated from the Film Academy."

"Well, the image is good, and the acting skills are also quite good, giving the performance the feeling of the protagonist." Guo Baochang praised Yunlong, and then looked at Zhang Xian: "Director Zhang, you Jin Yi is well prepared this time. This " "The Tuner" was filmed after "Don't Talk to Strangers", this Yunlong just played Zhao Baogang's play, and he is still an important role, and he is also willing to participate in a short film made by a student."

Zhang Xian said with a smile: "Thanks to Yu Dong, it's all because of his face."

"That's right, Yu Dong has had a great influence on your Jinyi." Guo Baochang sighed, "But it's too extravagant. He actually gave such an excellent script to the students for filming."

In Guo Baochang's opinion, a script like "The Tuner" can be filmed by a famous director, and then sent abroad to win awards.It is indeed a bit of a luxury to entrust a student to take pictures.

Fortunately, this student still lived up to expectations and made a good film.

Jiang Wen was also very emotional, "Jinyi's students are enviable, and they have to start higher than others. Not only the script, but I also noticed that the soundtrack of this movie is also very particular. It's just right. It can be seen that this piece has also worked hard. Compared with other entries, the soundtrack is better."

When Jiang Wen mentioned the soundtrack, Zhang Xian laughed: "The soundtrack of "Tuner" was made by Cheng Yanqiu, a music teacher in our school. Mr. Cheng learned from the famous pianist Mr. Liu Shikun, and he is very accomplished in piano."

As soon as the name Cheng Yanqiu came out, Zhang Yimou and Feng Xiaoning laughed.

Jiang Wen didn't know the inside story, but seeing Zhang Yimou's expressions, he guessed that they knew this teacher Cheng, and asked curiously, "Do you know this teacher Cheng?"

Zhang Yimou nodded: "Of course I do, she is Yu Dong's lover."

Tian Zhuangzhang exclaimed: "My dear, your Jinyi teacher is so kind to the students. In a short film, husband and wife will go into battle together."

Zhang Xian said with a smile: "It's not because our school's background is not as good as those of other schools. We teachers can only use more snacks. If the students in our school can have half the worries of the students in the Film Academy, we will naturally be willing to be teachers." Get rid of the shopkeeper."

Feng Xiaoning waved his hand and said, "Director Zhang, don't be modest. The biggest highlight of the film "The Tuner" is of course the script, but the director's performance is also very worthy of recognition. Gu Changwei, the first Chinese actor, has said it all. The lens language is very good."

"Hey, Xiaoning, you're burying me. I'm not the first shot." Gu Changwei pointed to Liu Weiqiang: "Mr. Liu's shot..."

Before Gu Changwei finished speaking, Liu Weiqiang hurriedly said, "No, no, I can't compare with Mr. Gu."

"This is your modesty. I have watched both "Carmen in Mong Kok" and "Chongqing Express". Their level is absolutely outstanding." Tian Zhuang said.

Seeing that they were flattering each other, Guo Bao quickly interrupted: "Okay, everyone, what about the discussion in this industry, when the work is over, let's sit down at a place to eat and have a good chat. Now, hurry up and take the rest Let’s read the next work.”

Zhang Yimou hurriedly said, "You guys, don't forget, ten catties of tea per person."

Hearing that he was still thinking about Chagan, everyone laughed in unison.

"Put your heart in your stomach, tea is indispensable to you."


After watching all [-] films, it was already past six o'clock, and the team leader Guo Baochang announced that today's work was over, and the specifics would be discussed at the meeting tomorrow.

Because the selection was not over yet, their dinner was arranged by Deep Space Company, and Yu Dong was not present.

The next day, the judging panel had a full-day meeting and finally finalized the list.

In fact, the special prize and the first prize are relatively easy to determine.

One special prize, of course, is "The Tuner". When the show of hands was voted on, it was unanimously approved by eleven votes.

There are two first prizes. First of all, "Bring Her Eyes" was confirmed, and it was unanimously approved.

Another first prize "Your Great Wall" experienced some difficulties when it was finalized.

There is only one place left for the first prize, but "Your Great Wall" still has a strong competitor, which is "Dark Fragrance" by Li Hong, an undergraduate student of the Film Academy.

"Dark Fragrance" tells the story of a teaching teacher. The script is very artistic, but the camera performance is a bit poor. In the end, after three rounds of voting, it lost to "Your Great Wall".

After the special prize and first prize are determined, there will be second prize and third prize.

There are three second prizes, five third prizes, and a total of eight places.

Guo Baochang suggested that the method of exclusion should be used to first eliminate the works that everyone thinks must not win the award.

After rounds of votes by show of hands, [-] entries were finally eliminated, leaving [-] entries.In the remaining time, they have to select eight of these fifteen works.

This process is the most time-consuming, because the gap between the [-] selected works is not big, and it is very difficult to make a choice.

In the end, after a day of discussion, the judges' buttocks were almost rotten, and finally all the awards were determined.

The biggest winner of this short film competition is undoubtedly Jin Yi.

Jin Yi has won three works in total. In addition to the grand prize and the first prize, "Revenge" also won the third prize.

Followed by Yanjing Film Academy, they have won five works, one first prize, two second prizes, and two third prizes.

The panel of judges handed over the list to the Deep Space Company, and the Deep Space Company will go through a review process first, and then wait for the audience to select the most popular award before announcing the results and distributing prizes to the winners.

This year is the first deep space short film competition, the scale is relatively small, and there is no awards ceremony, and the prizes will be distributed directly to people.

At the celebration banquet that night, Yu Dong, Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua attended.

When talking about "The Tuner", Guo Baochang and the others laughed.

"Yu Dong, you are too bullying to talk about you. Once such a good script comes out, is there any other entry that can compare?" Jiang Wen patted Yu Dong on the shoulder, as if meeting an old acquaintance , "If you can't run out of scripts, you can give them to me, and I'll help you film them."

It was really painful for Yu Dong to be slapped by Jiang Wen like this, this guy is quite strong in his hands.

Zhang Yimou smiled and said, "Why, I still feel that being an actor is not good enough, and I want to make a movie again?"

"It depends on whose script it is. I won't shoot other scripts." Jiang Wen laughed.

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Your personal style is too strong. If I write a script for you, it will take some time."

Zhang Yimou shook his head, "You just take his words to heart, he just said it casually."

Jiang Wen quit immediately: "I don't like to listen to what you said, so I just said it casually. I want to shoot Yu Dong's script, and it comes from the heart. Don't say anything else, this I was convinced of the first "Tuner". To be honest, I really moved my mind about the novel "Tree Hole" before, but after thinking about it, I still let it go, it is really not suitable for me."

"I think "Tree Hole" is quite suitable for you. It is very witty, with a bit of black humor and irony." Zhang Yimou said.

"I still think "Xu Sanguan's Tale of Selling Blood" is suitable for you." Jiang Wen smiled, then looked at Yu Hua again, "Teacher Yu Hua, are you right?"

Yu Hua didn't respond, Zhang Yimou shook his head: "It's not easy to shoot."

"What are you afraid of?"

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that it's not easy to shoot."


It stands to reason that a new short film competition, and it still faces school students, should not cause any trouble.

But Deep Space Company's marketing ability is too strong. After the game, you can see movie reviews and notices everywhere.

The key is that Deep Space Company is willing to spend money, and has given generous rewards to the award-winning directors. The special prize has 3 yuan to support the reward, and the first prize is [-] yuan.

It is said that it is a support reward, but in fact the money is directly sent to the director personally, and they can use it whatever they want.In addition, Deep Space will select a few of these award-winning directors to enter the director support program to help them shoot movies.

These directors will receive financial and technical support from Deep Space Corporation.

Moreover, the eleven winning works this time will also be burned into CDs by Deep Space Company and put on the market for publicity.

The income from CD sales will also be distributed to these directors.

But these things are not Yu Dong's concern. After the short film contest ended, he finally freed up to take care of those who scolded him.

His plan is very simple, first write a paper and submit it to a journal, just after a while he will be evaluating the title, write a paper, and by the way, make the materials for the evaluation of the title, killing two birds with one stone.

A few days ago, Old Wu kept urging him to do materials, but Yu Dong never had time.

He had all the thesis topics in mind.

[Is "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks" an "almost reactionary work"? 】

The subtitle is: Comments on Mr. He Guoduan's Concepts and Methods in Literary Criticism.

Yu Dong wrote this paper very quickly, because the goal was clear and there were few references. He only referred to "The Complete Works of Lu Xun" and "The Complete Works of Xiaoping".

Generally speaking, this paper is easier to write than the previous paper in response to the "Xiang Xi" storm.

It took Yu Dong just a week to write an academic paper.

After finishing writing, Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu read it first. After reading it, they asked Yu Dong where to post it. Yu Dong waved his hand and said, "Let's post "Journal of Jiangcheng University."

Regarding his decision, Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua both gave a thumbs up: "This is a real warrior."

He Guoduan is a teacher of Jiangcheng University, and his paper criticizing Mo Yan's reaction was also published in the "Journal of Jiangcheng University".

If the "Journal of Jiangcheng University" accepted Yu Dong's paper, it would definitely deal a heavy blow to He Guoduan.

"What if people hold back your paper and don't publish it?" Yu Hua asked.

Bi Feiyu shook his head and said, "This possibility is unlikely. The level of this paper written by Yu Dong is very high. There is no reason why Jiangcheng University should not accept it."

Yu Dong laughed, "It doesn't matter if they don't want it, I just submit to other journals."

"That's true. There are so many journals. If you don't want this one, you can naturally submit to another one. The Journal of Jiangcheng University is not the only choice." Yu Hua nodded, and said, "Since the quality of the paper passes the standard, Jiangcheng University has no reason not to accept it. .If you really don’t accept it, other journals will accept it, and it won’t be very pleasant to hear the news.”

"That's the truth."


Facts proved that Yu Hua was overthinking. Not long after Yu Dong's paper was sent, "Journal of Jiangcheng University" wrote back and told Yu Dong that it had passed the manuscript and that it would be published in the next issue.

"Journal of Jiangcheng University" is a bimonthly publication, that is to say, people will be able to see Yu Dong's article in "Journal of Jiangcheng University" in more than a month.

This result was expected by Yu Dong. For the "Journal of Jiangcheng University", as long as there are papers that meet the standard, they are naturally willing to publish them, which is beneficial to maintaining the standard of their journal.

Moreover, Yu Dong is also a celebrity now. From a utilitarian point of view, the benefits of accepting Yu Dong's paper outweigh the disadvantages.

They were not afraid of quarreling between Yu Dong and He Guoduan in the journal. It was precisely after such an argument would increase the reputation of their journal.



ps: Pig stomach, that’s all for today, the rest will be added tomorrow.As for the monthly pass, let’s just let it go, this month’s update is really awkward, so I’m too embarrassed to ask for a monthly pass.

Sincerely, good night.

(End of this chapter)

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