Chapter 394

It is useless to plant ear seeds without planting them.

Yu Dong came home from the office drenched in rain, and glanced at the calendar hanging by the door, June [-]th, Grain Grain.

When he came out of the government affairs building, he saw the gloomy sky and guessed that it might rain, so he deliberately quickened his pace, for fear of encountering heavy rain on the road. He still remembered the heavy rain a few years ago.

It's just that he was really out of luck. He was about to get home, and when there were 70 meters left, the heavy rain poured down, pouring him a chill.

Cheng Yanqiu was cooking in the kitchen, when he heard the door open, he hurried out.

Seeing that Yu Dong's hair was completely wet, she hurried to find a towel.

"I heard it was raining heavily outside, so I wondered if you would suffer, and I really expected it." She wiped Yu Dong's hair while laughing, "Is your physique particularly rainy?" what."

Yu Dong lowered his head and asked her to wipe the water, "I don't recruit others with my physique, so I specially recruit you."

He sniffed again, and then laughed, "You still don't give up, and make braised pork again?"

Hearing this, Cheng Yanqiu stopped wiping the water, and put the towel in Dong's arms, "I just said that the braised pork cooked in brown sauce yesterday was not that delicious. Sure enough, it was stuffed?"

Yu Dong took a towel and wiped the water by himself, "Spoken words, bad words, but just by smelling the smell, I know that today's pot of braised pork must be better than yesterday's pot."

Cheng Yanqiu glanced at Yu Dong, turned around and went back to the kitchen: "I'll know in a while whether it's delicious or not."


Yu Dong's nose is right, and Cheng Yanqiu's braised pork today has really improved a lot.

Today is Wednesday, and the husband and wife have no classes in the afternoon. After eating, the two of them slumped on the chairs, looking at me and I looking at you, waiting for each other to do the dishes.

In the battle of eyes, Yu Dong was quickly defeated and got up to wash the dishes consciously.

After washing the dishes, the couple sat on the sofa with a cup of tea and watched TV.

The sound of the rain outside gradually became quieter, but it was still pattering, with no intention of stopping.
The pleasant TV time passed quickly, Yu Dong went to the study to write, and Cheng Yanqiu ran to sort out the piano scores.

At about three o'clock, Yu Dong was a little tired from writing and was stretching his arms when he heard a knock on the door outside.

Cheng Yanqiu got close and ran to open the door.

"Brother Mo Yan?"

Cheng Yanqiu's surprised voice came, Yu Dong frowned and stood up, and when he left the study, he saw Mo Yan standing at the door.

"Siblings are at home." Mo Yan held up the things in his hands: "I brought some small gifts."

"Here you come, what gift do you bring?" Cheng Yanqiu took the gift, turned around to call Yu Dong, but seeing Yu Dong had already walked over, he said with a smile: "Look, Yu Dong, brother Mo Yan is here, and he brought a gift .”

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Just bring it with you. How can you not bring a gift when you are a guest at someone's house?"

Cheng Yanqiu rolled her husband's eyes, then smiled and said to Mo Yan: "Brother Mo Yan, don't stand outside, come in and sit down, I'll make you a cup of tea."

Mo Yan leaned the umbrella against the door, rubbed the soles of his feet vigorously on the ground, and then entered the house.

Seeing his actions, Yu Dong shook his head with a smile, "You, you're so fussy."

He caught a glimpse of two identical gifts on the corridor again, and asked, "Have you gone to see Yu Hua and the others yet?"

"No, I came to see you first."

Yu Dong nodded and invited him to sit on the sofa, "Why did you come here suddenly without notifying me in advance? You are also lucky. I don't have class today, or you can't afford it?"

Mo Yan showed a simple and honest smile: "If I don't see you, I can go to Bi Feiyu, and if I don't see Bi Feiyu, I can go to Yu Hua. Yu Hua is an idler, and it is unlikely that I can't find him. If it is true I can't see any..."

Having said that, he sighed, "Then I shouldn't see you, see you next time."

Feeling his emotional loss, Yu Dong asked strangely: "What's the situation with you? Why are you so sad? Did you get scolded by those people?"

"I changed jobs."

Cheng Yanqiu, who had just made tea, paused for a moment, then gently put the teacup on the tea table, "Drink tea, Brother Mo Yan."

"thanks, thanks."

Yu Dong was a little surprised at the side. He knew that Mo Yan would leave the army because of this matter, but it didn't seem so soon.He didn't remember the exact time, but it should have been a year or two after "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks" was published.

It seems likely that Mo Yan's job change came earlier because the scolding war had its own existence and became more intense.

"When did it happen and where do you go next?" Yu Dong asked.

Mo Yan picked up his teacup and took a sip, "I wrote the application report the morning before yesterday, and the leader approved it in the afternoon. After thinking about it, I took advantage of this time to come to Jinling. As for the next step, the TV drama department of Rongcheng TV Station happened to be in short supply. Man, I'm going to be a screenwriter."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. Not only did the time change, but also the unit that changed jobs. Yu Dong remembered that Mo Yan went to "Procuratorial Daily" after changing jobs, but now it has become Rongcheng TV Station.

If Mo Yan really changed his career to the "Procuratorial Daily", Yu Dong would not say anything. Now that he heard that he went to Rongcheng TV Station, Yu Dong felt that he might as well go directly to the sea.

To be a full-time writer, Deep Space Company will pave the way for him, and he can also go to Jinyi to be a writer-in-residence. There are double guarantees, and the development prospects are also very good.

It’s just that Yu Dong was not in a hurry to bring up this matter. On the one hand, he is not the principal, and it would be superfluous to invite Mo Yan directly. On the other hand, he hasn’t gone to Rongcheng TV Station yet, and he doesn’t know the specific situation. Let him come here now. Not necessarily a good time.

"Then don't rush there, stay in Jinling for a while...Rongcheng TV station didn't tell you to report now, did it?"

Mo Yan shook his head: "That's not true, there is still some time. It's just that it's work after all, so it can't be too late."

"Well, just wait for now, you can decide for yourself about the report." After thinking for a while, Yu Dong picked up the phone and dialed out.

Seeing him on the phone, Mo Yan asked in surprise, "Who are you calling?"

Yu Dong raised his hand to signal Mo Yan not to speak, and then the phone was connected, and he said to the phone, "Old Bi, Mo Yan is here, go and call Yu Hua, and come to my house together."

Then he hung up the phone.

Mo Yan looked at him, dumbfounded: "It's so close, do you still need to call?"

"Too lazy to run."

After a while.

Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu walked over cursing.

"Shouldn't it be enough to call so close?" Bi Feiyu said.

Yu Hua said, "Why yell, he should run to us, it's only a few steps away? The advancement of technology makes people become more and more lazy."

Seeing Mo Yan, Yu Hua said again, "Guan Moye, why are you here?"

Mo Yan chuckled, "Can't I come?"

"I can come if I come, I don't know how to make a phone call in advance. You see, there are people outside the senior officials, and I still need to make a phone call after a few long distances."

Hearing "Master Yu", Yu Dong couldn't help rolling his eyes. These two guys used to like to give people nicknames, and they were like Feng Ming and the others.

As for Yu Dayuanwai's nickname, it came about simply because Yu Dong had a lot of money, and they deliberately used this nickname to mock Yu Dong.

Yu Hua sat down with Bi Feiyu, and subconsciously took out a cigarette from his pocket. At this time, Cheng Yanqiu just made two cups of tea, and the two put the cigarette back a little embarrassedly.

Cheng Yanqiu noticed their movements and said with a smile: "You smoke, it's okay."

"This is so embarrassing." Bi Feiyu said sorry, but she had already taken out the cigarette in her hand, and handed one to Mo Yan and Yu Hua each.

Cheng Yanqiu waved his hand, "It's okay, it's okay, brother Mo Yan just came over today, I'm going out to get some food, and I'll have dinner at home tonight."

Yu Hua nodded, "Let Chen Hong come with you."

"No, that little Haiguo is enough for my sister-in-law, I can do it alone."

Yu Dong looked outside and saw that it was still raining, so he said, "Go and take your sister-in-law to play with sea fruit, we'll go out to eat at night, it's not easy for Mo Yan to come here once, I'll call my brother, there are more people. "

Cheng Yanqiu saw that it was indeed not too early, and it was indeed a bit late to start preparing meals, so he nodded and said "excuse me" and went to find Chen Hong.

After Cheng Yanqiu left, Yu Hua rushed to Mo Yan and said, "Look at you, you came in such a hurry, you caught us off guard. Fortunately, there are senior officials, otherwise it would be really difficult to arrange the dinner tonight. By the way, Why did you come here this time without making a sound? Is it because someone has been scolding you all this time, and you are in a bad mood, so come here to relax? "

Mo Yan puffed his cigarette and said nothing, Yu Dong helped him and said, "He has changed his job."

"Change jobs?"

Both Bi Feiyu and Yu Hua were stunned.

"Is it so serious?" Yu Hua asked.

Mo Yan smiled and said, "I applied for it myself."

Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu glanced at each other. Although Mo Yan explained that he applied for it himself, they could probably guess the circumstances, and they must have applied for a job change due to pressure.

"Then where do you change jobs? Do you stay in Yanjing or go elsewhere?" Bi Feiyu asked.

"Go to the TV drama department of Rongcheng TV station."

Bi Feiyu slapped his thigh: "Then what else are you going to do? It's better to resign and come to our school as a writer-in-residence. With your qualifications, the salary is definitely not bad. Old Wu will definitely agree to this matter. If you want to, turn around I'll tell Old Wu."

Mo Yan shook his head, "It's better to say goodbye, Rongcheng TV Station is also very good."

"I don't see what's good, if you come to Jinyi..."

Bi Feiyu wanted to continue talking, but Yu Dong waved his hand, "Old Bi, don't talk about this for now, I have agreed with Mo Yan, let him play in Jinling for a while, and we can talk about the rest later."

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Bi Feiyu didn't go any further, nodded and said, "That's fine, I'll have a lot of fun here during this time. Although Yu Dong and I are busy, Yu Hua is free. Usually we When you're busy, the two of you can hang out together."

Yu Hua took a breath of cigarettes and leaned to the side. It seemed that he had a problem with Bi Feiyu's words.

He looked at Mo Yan and said, "Actually, it doesn't matter that much. When I resigned, a lot of people persuaded me that I would regret it. After such a long time, I have no regrets at all. "

Mo Yan didn't say a word, and he wasn't just thinking about the establishment.The point is that a lot of people who scolded him beat him up with Yu Dong and the others, so he was somewhat hesitant about the proposal of coming to Jinyi.

As for the establishment, the economy has opened up in the past two years, and everyone has become less and less concerned about the establishment.

If it was pushed forward a few years, it would be impossible for Bi Feiyu to say what he said just now.At that time, persuading a writer to leave the establishment might really offend people.

Here Mo Yan and the three of them were chatting, while Yu Dong picked up the phone and started calling Su Tong and the others one by one, telling them about having dinner together at night.

Not long after the phone call, before five o'clock, Su Tong skipped work and came to Yu Dong's house.

As soon as he entered the door, before he could speak, three cigarettes were handed to him, and he was not polite at all, accepting them all without pushing any.

Sitting down by the coffee table, Su Tong lit a cigarette first, then looked at Mo Yan with a smile, "Have you changed your job?"

Before Mo Yan could speak, Yu Hua asked in surprise, "How do you know?"


"There is such a god?"

"It's nothing special, Mo Yan must have come here suddenly, didn't he say hello in advance?"

"How did you know?"

"Isn't this nonsense? If I had called in advance, why did Yu Dong call me about dinner?" Su Tong curled his lips and continued: "Since it was a sudden visit, something must have happened .Reminiscent of the recent situation, the possibility of changing jobs is very high, of course I am not sure, but your reaction proves that I am right."

Mo Yan nodded and said, "You guessed right."

"Where do you go to work after changing jobs?" Su Tong asked.

This was the third time Mo Yan was asked this question today, and he didn't want to repeat the answer, so Yu Hua did it for him and explained the situation again.

Hearing that he was going to Rongcheng TV Station, Su Tong raised his eyebrows: "You are exiled, you made it so far."

Mo Yan pursed his lips, "Why do I feel that all of you are gloating, especially you, Su Tong, who poked my lung tube when you came up. What's wrong with this Rongcheng TV station? Why are you exiled? I will definitely send you away later. Tell the truth to the leaders of Rongcheng TV Station and let them know how crazy you, the editor-in-chief of "Zhong Shan", are."

"Okay, okay, very good, you Mo Yan went to Rongcheng TV Station, it can be regarded as a big step in your life, and you must have a bright future in the future, so you are satisfied with it?"

After saying this, Mo Yan didn't speak at all and just smoked.

Yu Hua said with a smile, "Su Tong, I just admire your eccentric energy."

Su Tong waved his hand, "Forget it, let's not talk about this, Mo Yan, since you have changed jobs, don't rush to report, let's play in Jinling for a while first. When you are free, you can go to our club to play. Those of us Among the people, Yu Hua is the most leisurely, you can ask him to be your guide to wander around Jinling."

Now Yu Hua stopped talking, and smoked quietly with Mo Yan.


That night, Yu Dong invited them to a meal.

The next day, Bi Feiyu was the host and invited Mo Yan to dinner.

On the third day, Yu Hua was the host and invited Mo Yan to dinner.

On the fourth day, Hu Changqing was the host and invited Mo Yan to dinner.

On the fifth day, Zhang Xian was the host...

The first week Mo Yan came to Jinling, he ate and drank all the time. In the end, he was afraid of eating, saying that his stomach couldn't bear it, and he wanted to eat light food for a few days.

Hearing that he wanted to eat light food, Yu Hua took him to the vegetable garden over there to steal cucumbers to eat. In just a few days, all the melon grandsons over there were ruined by them.

Fu Jing and Chen Hong wanted to stir-fry cucumbers, but they searched for a long time beside the melon stand but found nothing.

Later, Bi Feiyu created an allegory for this.

Cucumbers in the Cucumber Garden - Can't see the sun of tomorrow.

After destroying the cucumbers in the cucumber garden, Yu Hua and Mo Yan, the two "big villains" did not stop, and went to the suburbs to look for ponds and ditches to fish, and when they were thirsty and tired, they looked for watermelons nearby to eat.

After all, the two of them are also celebrities, and they are embarrassed to steal melons in broad daylight, so they spend money to buy them.Sometimes when someone gives melon farmers generous food, they also have the cheek to accept it, but when they leave, they will give them the fish of the day.

Of course, with the fishing level of these two people, there are naturally not many fish caught.

Sometimes there is really no catch, and the two of them have the cheek to tell a story to others, which is counted as a melon.

As for Yu Dong and the others, they each have their own affairs.

Yu Dong usually has to teach the students, and he is still writing his novel about "escape" recently, so the time is very tight.

In a blink of an eye, it was the end of June, and it had been almost a month since Mo Yan arrived in Jinling.

On June 28th, Mo Yan was really embarrassed to play, and told Yu Dong and the others that he wanted to leave.

He went to Yu Dong's office with Yu Hua.

As soon as he entered the office, Yu Hua said, "Mo Yan said he wanted to leave."

"I've been here for almost a month, it's shameful to stay any longer, I have to go," Mo Yan said.

Yu Dong was writing a novel. When he saw them coming, he put down his pen and asked, "Did the TV station rush you?"

Mo Yan shook his head: "That's not true."

"Then are you tired of playing in Jinling?"

Mo Yan shook his head again: "That's not true, let alone, just playing around, I feel a little bit overwhelmed."

Yu Dong laughed, "Then why are you in a hurry to leave? Let's play for a few more days. In half a month, in mid-July, we will also go to Rongcheng to attend the Galaxy Awards Ceremony, and you happen to be with us."

Mo Yan turned to look at Yu Hua: "Are you going too?"

Yu Hua nodded, "Ang, I'll go too."

"You're not a science fiction author, what are you doing?"

Yu Hua said confidently, "Go and join in the fun."

Mo Yan was speechless for a while, but this proposal moved him a little.

Anyway, I've been playing for a month now, so it doesn't seem to be a problem to play for another half a month, and I will have a companion when I go to Rongcheng with them.

Finally, after a short thought struggle, Mo Yan nodded: "That's fine."


Mo Yan had a great time in Jinling, but Fang Yanwu suffered a lot.

Because he hadn't waited for Yu Dong's response.

Could it be that Yu Dong didn't respond?
Scared?It shouldn't be possible. How could someone like Yu Dong be afraid?
I punched out without any feedback, which made Fang Yan very uncomfortable.

The only good news during this period is that Mo Yan is no longer in the army, which can be regarded as a phased victory for their group.

I believe Mo Yan must be suffering now.

Fang Yanwu stared at the unfinished painting on the table at home, wondering what he was thinking, when suddenly the phone rang.

He picked up the phone: "Hello?"

Li Youxue's voice came from the other end of the phone, "Teacher Fang, Yu Dong responded."

Dialect Wu's eyes lit up, as if he had heard a great news, he quickly asked, "Where did you send it?"

"Published in the "Journal of Jiangcheng University"."

"Journal of Jiangcheng University?" Fang Yanwu frowned, "It's a bit difficult to do."

"It's okay, I'll send you a copy now."

"Thank you then."

Not long after, Li Youxue brought a copy of "Jiangcheng University Journal" to find Fang Yanwu.

After receiving the "Journal of Jiangcheng University", Fang Yanwu read it excitedly, but after reading it for a while, his brows were tightly furrowed.

It's not because Yu Dong scolded too hard, but because Yu Dong didn't mention him at all in this paper.

The beginning of the paper is like this.

[Mr. He Guoduan published the article "Praise the Literature and Art of Revolutionary Violence, Patriotism and Internationalism" in the second issue of "Journal of Jiangcheng University" in 1996. When connecting with the current practice of literary and artistic creation, he severely criticized Mo Yan's novel "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks" It is a "nearly reactionary work". This kind of criticism has become rare in recent years.However, as a rigid concept and method that has been widely popular, if it is not criticized, it is still quite harmful, so it is specially analyzed...]

The purpose of this paper is very clear, which is to counterattack and criticize He Guoduan's paper for labeling Mo Yan as a "reactionary".

The following content is also based on this theme, taking out He Guoduan's papers one by one to refute.

And every objection is justified.

Of course, the big theme of this paper is still to attack this kind of labeled literary criticism.

But no matter what, the whole paper is on the same line with He Guoduan, without even mentioning his dialect, which makes him feel deeply disappointed.

 Thank you [Flying Big Clumsy Bear] for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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