Chapter 395

Li Youxue didn't notice the disappointment in Fang Yanwu's eyes, and said with a smile, "I don't think Yu Dong is a saint, and he knows how to fight back. Since he can fight back, it's a good thing."

Fang Yanwu looked at Li Youxue and didn't understand why he was so happy.

"Xiaoxue, Yu Dong's article is... well written. The key point is that I was not mentioned in the article at all. Even if I want to respond, it is difficult to find an entry point."

Li Youxue laughed and said, "What's so difficult about this? Professor He Guoduan must not be able to swallow this breath when Yu Dong pointed at his nose and scolded him. Let's go and fight him."

While talking, he looked at the unfinished painting on the table again: "This painting is not finished yet... But it is also appropriate for the occasion. After Yu Dong showed himself, the battle will definitely not be small. Let's do it this time." Let him be as wingless as the bird in this painting."

Fang Yanwu shook his head: "I'm afraid this is very difficult. Let's not talk about He Guoduan's reaction after reading this paper. Even if He Guoduan turns his guns to the east, our firepower is not enough. On the side of "Zhongliu", And Liu Baiyu, they are mainly concerned about "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks". And Wang Zengqi also came to this muddy water, so it is unlikely that they want to give Yu Dong any serious blows."

Li Youxue said with a smile, "My teacher Fang, you, you are very good at learning, but when it comes to fighting the enemy, you still lack experience. If we want to win the struggle, it is absolutely necessary to divert disasters from east to west. It's true that "Middle Stream" pays more attention to Mo Yan, but we can make them realize that Yu Dong and Mo Yan are in the same camp, and that Yu Dong is the mastermind behind "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks". It mentioned the novel 20 years ago, vaguely pointing to Liu Baiyu and the others."


"The article you published in "Literary News" last time was very good. Keep up your efforts and publish a few articles in "Zhongliu". In addition, if the struggle is all-round, the audience for periodicals and magazines will still be small. We can't help it." Get strong support from the masses."

"The support of the masses?" Fang Yanwu looked puzzled: "What do you mean?"

Li Youxue smiled and waved his hands: "Don't worry about the specific teacher Fang, I will handle it, and you can concentrate on writing articles."

Dialect, I didn't understand what medicine Li Youxue sold in the gourd at all, so I could only nod, "Okay, I see."

But I also have some doubts about the dialect, why is Li Xiaoxue so active?
Is it really as he said, that Yu Dong and the others are not used to it, and they don't want people like Yu Dong to poison the literary world?

No matter what, Li Youxue doesn't look like a righteous gentleman who is eager for justice.

Shaking my head, I didn't think much about Fang Yan. Anyway, as long as Li Xiaoxue and his purpose are the same, there is nothing wrong.


"Hello, Teacher Mo Yan, and Hello, Teacher Yu Hua."

In the morning, Yu Hua and Mo Yan were walking on Jinyi's campus. From time to time, students greeted them, and they all nodded in response.

Mo Yan looked at the students passing by with a smile on his face. After staying here for a long time, he felt like he was one of them.

Two days ago, when he was chatting with Yu Dong and the others, when it came to Jin Yi, he even said "our school" unconsciously.

Sometimes he would make up his mind, and he might as well not go to Rongcheng TV Station, but stay at Jinyi.It's better to have Yu Dong and the others here than to go to a place as far away as Rongcheng alone.

Moreover, the headquarters of Deep Space Corporation is in Jinling. If there is any business contact in the future, he will definitely be better in Jinling than in Rongcheng.

But such thoughts were not firm, they only popped up occasionally, and were dismissed by Mo Yan himself.

The two continued to walk forward, and when they passed the playground, they happened to meet a group of students taking pictures.

Yu Hua smiled and said to Mo Yan: "In the past two years, more and more students have taken graduation photos, and there are many tricks. Especially the students in the directing department, although they haven't graduated yet, they always like to show it to others. Graduation photos."

Mo Yan looked at the playground, and it was true that as Yu Hua said, the students dressed very specially for taking pictures, including Republic of China costumes, Hanfu, and some unnamed costumes that combined Chinese and Western styles.

They were watching when suddenly a few students ran towards them.

There were about seven or eight people, both boys and girls, all wearing school uniforms from the Republic of China period.

"Teacher Mo Yan, Teacher Yu Hua, we are taking graduation photos, can I take one with you?"

The two glanced at each other, and then Yu Hua smiled and said, "No problem, how can I cooperate with you?"

These students originally only wanted to come over and take a simple photo with Yu Hua and the others, but now that they heard Yu Hua said that they wanted to cooperate, they became more courageous and surrounded the two of them to the playground.

"If possible, the two teachers can pose with us."

The two of them were free at first, so they simply followed, only to find out that these students prepared a lot of props, and also designed a lot of plots.

Because Yu Hua and Mo Yan joined, the classmate who was in charge of taking pictures also designed a plot for the two of them.

The plot is roughly as follows:

Yu Hua and Mo Yan were reading a book by the playground. On the playground, the boys were playing football and the girls were waving flags and shouting. Suddenly, the ball flew outside the field and hit Yu Hua and Mo Yan.

The person who picked up the ball went up to apologize, recognized them, and then everyone gathered around.

The plot is clichéd, but Yu Hua and the others had a great time acting it.

After this wave of cooperation was over, another wave of students surrounded them.


One morning passed, Yu Hua and Mo Yan were accompanying the students to take graduation photos.

At noon, the two of them wiped the sweat from their brows and went to the nearby government affairs building and ran to Yu Dong's office.

As soon as they entered Yu Dong's office, the two of them were not polite. They ignored Yu Dong and poured water for themselves.

Gudu Gudu took a sip of water, Mo Yan wiped his mouth, and said with a smile: "Besides Yu, you don't know..."

"I know."

"Ah?" Mo Yan was taken aback, "What do you know?"

He hasn't said anything yet.

Yu Dong leaned back on the chair and pointed out the window, "You have been busy with the students all morning, I have seen them all."

The window of his office is facing the playground, so every time he gets a little tired from working, he will get up and look outside. Seeing the students swaying their youth on the playground, he will be much more relaxed.

"Hey, you've been watching me all morning." Yu Hua shook her head and sighed.

"Who wants to spy on you, just happened to see it." Yu Dong stood up with a smile, and added some hot water to his cup, "Most of the students have already left school, and this wave of students taking graduation photos is the last one." Approved, after today, I'm afraid there will be no such scene on the playground."

"To be more precise, there will be none this year, but next year, the year after, and every year after that." Yu Hua corrected.

Mo Yan nodded: "This means that flowers are similar every year, and people are different every year."

"I didn't pay attention to the fact that the flowers are not similar every year, but the melons are similar every year."

"Your mind is full of thoughts." Yu Dong shook his head, then took a copy of "Journal of Jiangcheng University" from the desk to Mo Yan: "Let me show you something."

Mo Yan took the Journal with a puzzled look on his face, "What are you looking at?"

Yu Hua, who knew the inside story, raised her eyebrows and said, "Have you come out yet?"

"What has come out?" Mo Yan looked at Yu Hua again.

Without explaining to him, Yu Hua snatched the "Journal" from him, found Yu Dong's article, and said, "You'll know it after reading it."


After looking at the two of them, Mo Yan looked down at the article, his brows raised as soon as he saw the title of the article.

"This is……"

Mo Yan didn't go on, but the answer was self-evident. The title of the paper was obvious enough. This was a critical technique used in Yu Dong's paper to refute and criticize He Guoduan's previous paper that labeled him.

Looking down the paper, the more you look at Mo Yan, the more surprised you become.

Surprisingly, Yu Dong actually studied "Big Breasts and Wide Buttocks" so thoroughly, he didn't think of many things... It can't be said that he didn't think of it. In fact, he did think of it, but Yu Dong made it concrete.

And this article is written very boldly.

For example, when denouncing He Guoduan, Yu Dong wrote: "Mr. He's theory is not new, it is just a reappearance of the theory of one class, one model, and the revival of the metaphysical theory of writing essence."

He also said: "According to this theory that was widely popular 20 years ago, in literary works, good and bad, revolution and counter-revolution must be clearly divided... It seems to be the magic bed of Champions League in ancient Greek mythology, according to its size , Shorten the length of a living person, and lengthen the short length... I believe that as long as you are not suffering from amnesia, it is not difficult to find the answer from the history of modern and contemporary Chinese literature as to the success or failure of works written in this way."

But at the end, Mo Yan laughed again, because Yu Dong was not only tough, but also used tiger skin as a banner. He first cited the evaluation of "Dream of Red Mansions" in Lu Xun's anthology, and quoted "Xiaoping anthology" In the words about literary thought.

"What to write and how to write... don't interfere... prevent and overcome the tendency of monotony, rigidity, mechanical uniformity and formulaic conceptualization."

After Mo Yan finished reading the whole paper, he couldn't help giving a thumbs up: "You academics are really good at writing articles. But then again, if you scold me with other people, I will I can't stand it at all, just based on your thesis level, I can't find any loopholes at all."

Yu Dong shook his head, "Brother, don't misunderstand literary criticism just because some people scolded you. In fact, literary criticism is not cursing. There is a difference in the field, and the discussion will definitely be based on the purpose of academic discussion. I wrote an article to refute He Guoduan, not all because of our personal friendship, but also because I don’t want this wrong way of criticism to return to old ways.”

"I understand what you mean." Mo Yan nodded, "But no matter what, I'm still very grateful for this matter."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's time for dinner, let's go to the cafeteria to eat."


During the meal, Cheng Yanqiu was also there, because "1900: Monologue" was being filmed, so they talked about going to Italy in August.

I said this once before, both Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu knew about it, and they both wanted to go, and this time not only a few of them, but also Fu Jing, Chen Hong, and Yu Haiguo's family members will follow .

Hearing that they were all going, Mo Yan smiled and said, "You guys are going to Italy for vacation together."

"Take a vacation by the way." Yu Dong nodded, and asked casually, "Why don't you come with us too?"

"Me?" Mo Yan shook his head, "I'm going to report to Rongcheng soon, so I don't have time to go abroad. Besides, I don't have a visa."

"Reporting urgently has already been delayed for a month or two, and I don't care if it's delayed by another month. We will be back in late August. If Rongcheng doesn't rush you, you must not be in a hurry... TV drama department, can you You know how many things there are, and you will be idle after you go." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Yu Hua had just stuffed a mouthful of rice into her mouth, when she heard Yu Dong's words, she immediately reacted, chewed a few mouthfuls, and said, "Yu Yuanwai is right, it's fine if you go to the TV station now, why not Come with us for a stroll. Besides, when you go to the TV station, you still have to pick up stories. If you go to Italy with us, it’s like picking up stories in advance.”

The two of them sang and matched, and they came out with a combination of punches, which confused Mo Yan a little bit.

Cheng Yanqiu added fuel to the fire at this time, and said: "I heard that the set of this movie is very large. There are nearly [-] sets in Rome alone. It's a pity not to go and see it."

Mo Yan hesitated for a while, pursed his lips and said, "But I haven't applied for a visa, I'm afraid..."

Yu Dong raised his hand and said with a smile: "It's a trivial matter, as long as you agree, the deep space company will arrange it for you immediately, and the time is enough."

Now Mo Yan had nothing to say, and nodded, "It's okay to go and have a look."

"Just go."

Yu Hua patted Mo Yan's shoulder, took a few mouthfuls of rice, got up and said, "I'm leaving first, and I have to pack some food to go back. Chen Hong and his wife are still waiting for me."

"Well, let's go back. The braised pork is pretty good today. There are few people, so there should be more." Yu Dong nodded.

"Hey, if it weren't for the lack of people, I would have called ahead of time."

After Yu Hua left, Yu Dong took out his mobile phone and called Yu Yu, asking him to arrange the visa for Mo Yan.

After the phone call, Yu Dong smiled and said, "It's done."

Mo Yan scratched his head, "Why do I feel something is wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Yu Dong asked.

"After I came to Jinling, time passed without knowing it. If it was a month ago, who told me that I hadn't reported for duty in August, but was going to Italy, I wouldn't believe it."

"It's called plans that can't keep up with changes. Just keep your heart in your stomach and take advantage of this time to go out and have fun. And your "Red Sorghum" is also on sale in Italy. It's good to go and have a look. Maybe you can get it later." Have a book club or something." Yu Dong laughed.

"Well, it makes sense."

 Thank you [Stir-fried Lean Meat with Fat Meat] for the 500 tip
  Thank you [A Penny Reader] for your 100 tip
  happy old year and even happier new year
(End of this chapter)

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