Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 396 Can't Miss One

Chapter 396 No One Can Be Missed (Please Subscribe)
When Yu Dong and the others set off for Rongcheng, Mo Yan had already gained several kilograms.

He is not tall, and it is very obvious that he has gained a few pounds.

He was fat for a while before, and lost a little weight in the middle, and now he has gained weight again.

There were a lot of people going to Rongcheng this time, students Ruan Xiaohu, Qu Aiguo, Wang Hailin, Lu Xi, and Qin Yi all followed, plus Mo Yan, Yu Hua, and Bi Feiyu, they occupied two sleeper compartments.

The students are in a compartment, and Yu Dong and the teachers are in a compartment.

Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu consciously slept in the middle and upper berths, leaving the lower berths for the other four to play cards.

This time there were a lot of people traveling together, so Yu Dong's "player" was naturally not popular, so the three of Yu Hua and Hu Changqing pulled Hu Changqing into a table.

Yu Dong pawed at the edge of the shop for a while and felt bored, so he found a book from his backpack, grabbed a bag of melon seeds, and prepared to read with the melon seeds for a while.

After he finished eating a melon seed, Cheng Yanqiu knocked on the edge of the upper bunk, and then stretched out his hand.

Yu Dong smiled and grabbed the melon seeds and put them on Cheng Yanqiu's hand, then Cheng Yanqiu's hand retracted.

The couple were eating melon seeds on the middle and upper berths. After a while, Yu Hua and the others noticed them. They immediately turned into bandits and got up to snatch Yu Dong's melon seeds.

Fortunately, Yu Dong was well prepared. After one bag of melon seeds was robbed, he took another bag out of his schoolbag.


After about an hour or so, Mo Yan couldn't hold on anymore, got up and dragged Wang Hailin from the next cubicle, "Let Hailin hold me for a while, I'll go smoke a cigarette."

Yu Hua said from behind, "Hurry up, come back and replace me when it's over."

Mo Yan nodded and walked out.

It's just that he went there and didn't come back after half an hour. Yu Hua said impatiently, "Why did this guy go and haven't come back for so long? Take a break first, I'll go find him."

Hearing what he said, Bi Feiyu put the cards down, "It's just right, let's go there together."

As soon as the two of them left, Hu Changqing and Wang Hailin, two non-smokers, sat down and stared at each other, waiting for the others to come back.

After another ten minutes, Mo Yan still hadn't come back, neither did Yu Hua and Bi Feiyu, who were looking for him.

Hu Changqing muttered: "What's the matter with these three people, could it be that they still got lost on the train?"

"Isn't that possible?" Wang Hailin said with a smile, "Is it because I was so suffocated before that I was finally able to smoke and don't want to come back?"

"Such a big addiction?" Hu Changqing shook his head, "Don't tell me something happened, you wait here, I'll look for it."

After finishing speaking, Hu Changqing got up and walked out.

About 5 minutes later, Hu Changqing brought Mo Yan and the three of them back, and there was one more person.

He was a young man, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses with thick lenses, and he seemed to be nearsighted.

When we got to the cubicle, Hu Changqing was still muttering, "You guys are really, just chatting, I don't know if you come back and talk about it. After going out for so long, I thought something happened to you. Since we had a good chat, please invite someone over to sit down." Just sit down."

Yu Hua laughed out loud, "How could I think so carefully."

After speaking, he rushed to Yu Dong, who was reading in the middle shop, and said, "Hey, outside Mr. Yu, I met a very nice young man."

Yu Dong poked his head down to have a look, and smiled at the young man, "Hello."

"Hello, hello, excuse me."

The young man is thin and small, with dark skin but bright eyes, and speaks with a southwestern accent.

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "It's been a long journey, and it's fate to meet you. But you are really brave. These few people are not good people at first sight, so you dare to come with them."


Bi Feiyu pouted, "Don't listen to him, this guy likes to joke. Xiao He, sit down."

When Xiao He sat down, Bi Feiyu stretched out his hand to Yu Dong again, "Here, get melon seeds."

Yu Dong glanced at him, and directly stuffed the plastic bag of melon seeds into his hand, "The landlord's family doesn't have much leftover food, so save some food."

After taking the bag of melon seeds, Bi Feiyu disperses for the others, and then excitedly said to the young man: "Xiao He, tell us about the situation in the mountain. You said that little pumpkin is going to drop out of school. You and the principal went to his house to find him, and then what happened, what did his family say, did Little Pumpkin finally come back to school?"

"Why did Little Pumpkin drop out of school because the family has no money? The tuition is not expensive, and they are too young to go out to work." Yu Hua said.

Holding the melon seeds in both hands, Xiao He was a little overwhelmed by Yu Hua's enthusiasm.

Talking about Little Pumpkin, he sighed again, "Little Pumpkin's father broke his leg while working on the construction site, and he owed a lot of debts to see his leg. Although Little Pumpkin is only ten years old, he can only go out to work .”

"Did you go in the end? Didn't you persuade me to come back?" Bi Feiyu asked.

Xiao He bit her lip and shook her head, "No, it's not easy to persuade."

Hearing the result, Yu Hua and the others also sighed. Of course they wanted to hear a good story from Xiao He, but the reality is so cruel.

They also understood what Xiao He meant by "not easy to persuade".

Little Pumpkin's mother passed away a long time ago, leaving only their father and son to depend on each other. Now that something happened to his father, he couldn't work. If Little Pumpkin continued to go to school, he would have no way to live.

Unless Xiao He and the others can solve the plight of Little Pumpkin's family, it's hard to say whether persuading people to continue studying is good or bad.

Everyone knows that knowledge is important and learning is important, but nothing is more important than living.

Yu Dong listened to it for a while, and probably understood that this little He, whose full name is He Qiushui, is from Rongcheng. He was originally a student of Jiangcheng Food Industry College. After graduation, he stayed in Jiangcheng to teach in rural areas.

There were only seventeen students left in the village school he was in, but after Little Pumpkin left, there were only sixteen students left.

"What's the name of the village you live in?" Yu Dong suddenly raised his head and asked.

He Qiushui replied, "It's called Lixu Village."

"Muzi Li, is the soil in the dike?" Yu Dong asked again.


After Yu Dong asked, He Qiushui continued, "After this holiday, I don't know how many students will come back when the school starts. Well, I certainly hope that there will be a lot of students, but..."

But what, he didn't say, but everyone else understood.

But the reality is that it's hard to beat manpower.

Yu Hua sighed, and suddenly looked at Yu Dong again, "Yu Yuanwai, do you think the scholarship for the essay from before..."

Yu Dong knew what Yu Hua meant, he shook his head, "That matter has been settled, and we cannot change it without authorization."

Yu Hua seemed to have expected this answer, and nodded, "I see."

At the same time, he also knew that Little Pumpkin's situation was not an exception. There must be many children in the same situation as Little Pumpkin across the country. Even if they wanted to help, they couldn't help at all.

It's just that hearing such a story with one's own ears always makes the feeling deeper.

At this time, Yu Dong said again, "The scholarship for essays can't be moved, but there are other ways. I'll mention it to Shen Kong later."

Before Yu Hua replied, He Qiushui raised his eyebrows and asked in surprise, "Deep space? Is it that deep space?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Which deep space are you talking about?"

"The Deep Space Company that built several schools and set up scholarships? They seem to be Yu Dong's cooperative company."

"You even know Deep Space Corporation?"

Yu Dong was a little surprised. He always thought that Shenkong Company was only famous in the film and television industry.Although Deep Space has now signed many well-known writers, ordinary readers don't pay attention to the name of the author's agency when they read the book, and they don't even know that the author has an agency.

He Qiushui probably didn't know the details, otherwise he wouldn't have said that Shen Kong Company was Yu Dong's cooperative company, not a brokerage company.

Seeing Yu Dong's surprise, He Qiushui pushed his glasses and said with a smile: "I read the news that their company is donating to the school, so I paid more attention to it. Later, I found out that they are still Yu Dong's cooperative company. It seems that there are many others. Writers have cooperated with this company, it should be a big company, what is your relationship with Deep Space Company?"

"We work in Jinling, have been to deep space, and know that they are doing charity."

"oh, I see."

"Well, Deep Space Corporation will collect opinions from the society to adjust their charity plans, so you can give them feedback in this situation."

"Then I'll try to give them feedback when I go back."

"of course can."

Yu Dong nodded. In fact, what He Qiushui said just now reminded him of Zhang Yimou's "No One Less", which was also about education in backward areas.

In the film, there is also a student who drops out of school and goes to work in the city, and then the substitute teacher goes to the city to find that student with the belief of "not one less".

However, the difference is that the ending of the film is romantic.The title of the film cannot be missing, that is, none of them is missing.

The reality is not as beautiful as the movie.

This kind of romanticism in the film has been criticized by some people. They think that a director can apply a layer of romanticism to the end of his own film, but he cannot apply the same romanticism to the grim social reality.

To the east, such criticism is like farting.

Since works of art can reveal the darkness of society, they should also be able to express good hope.

Some people always equate expressing good hopes with singing praises.

Yu Dong remembered that "Not One Less" was adapted from Shi Qiangsheng's novel "There is a Sun in the Sky", and it should have been published in the past two years. Before the movie came out, this novel attracted the attention of many people. Dong also read this novel on "Flying Apsaras".

Shi Qiangsheng is not good at writing novels. "There Is a Sun in the Sky" is actually relatively average, but it is valuable because it has real feelings, and the subject matter is easy to attract attention.

I don't know if this novel has been written yet, I have to pay attention to it later, maybe the Deep Space Company has the opportunity to participate.

This kind of movie doesn't care about the box office. If you can participate in it, it will be very helpful to the future of Deep Space Corporation.

He Qiushui didn't know that the people in front of him were the well-known writers he was talking about. He just thought that these old men had a pretty good temperament, and their conversations were quite interesting. The most important thing was that they were more concerned about rural education issues.

He bought the ticket late and didn't get a seat ticket. Before Mo Yan went to smoke next to the toilet, he happened to bump into him, and they chatted by chance.

Knowing that he didn't have a seat, Mo Yan and the others dragged him to sit on the bed and chatted together, without revealing their identities during the process.

Speaking of which, He Qiushui is also very interesting. He chatted with Mo Yan and the others all the way, but he didn't even ask their names. He only knew that the students were called Yu Dong and his teachers, so he followed the words of Teacher Yu and Teacher Yu.

After getting out of the car, Mo Yan was still asking He Qiushui, "Xiao He, where do you live, maybe we can make a stop."

He Qiushui scratched his head, "Where is the event you are going to participate in? I'm not in the city center, and I have to take another bus."

While talking, Mo Yan looked up and saw a large group of people gathered outside the aisle, very lively.

Looking up again, I saw a banner above the crowd, which read: Warmly welcome Yu Dong, Mo Yan, Yu Hua, Bi Feiyu, Fu Shui and other teachers...

Mo Yan no longer had the time to read the following words, he suddenly turned his head to look at Yu Dong, and asked, "What's going on?"

Yu Dong shrugged, "I don't know either."

He only knew that "Science Fiction World" was going to send people to pick them up, but he didn't expect it to be so big, and it wasn't like this in previous years.

He Qiushui also saw the banner and was still wondering: "Are Yu Dong and the others coming to Rongcheng too? What is the Galaxy Award?"

Bi Feiyu was surprised: "You are from Rongcheng, don't you know about the Galaxy Award?"

He Qiushui was confused, "I'm from Rongcheng, so I must know about the Galaxy Award? What's the origin of the Galaxy Award?"

"You don't usually pay much attention to science fiction, do you?" Wang Hailin said aside.

He Qiushui nodded and said, "Well, I haven't paid much attention to sci-fi. In fact, I rarely read novels. I'm a science student, and I read more reference books. Is this Galaxy Award related to sci-fi?"

"That's right, it's the highest award for science fiction in China. Wasn't Yu Dong famous for writing science fiction back then?"

"Didn't Yu Dong become famous first because of "Resident Evil"? Oh...Speaking of which, "Resident Evil" is indeed a science fiction. Hey, isn't it right? Did Mo Yan and Yu Hua write science fiction?"

Wang Hailin laughed and said: "There is no rule that if you are not a science fiction writer, you cannot participate in the Galaxy Awards ceremony."

"Oh, that's right." He Qiushui looked up at the banner again, and said regretfully, "It's a pity that I'm in a hurry to go back, otherwise I'll just stay here and wait a while. I haven't seen what these writers look like yet."

Before He Qiushui finished speaking, someone in the crowd shouted: "Yu Dong, Yu Dong!"

He Qiushui's first reaction was to look behind him when someone called Yu Dong towards him, and then muttered, "It doesn't look like anyone."

Mo Yan couldn't help laughing, "You haven't seen them before, how can you tell that no one looks alike?"

"I don't know, just feel it." He Qiushui shook his head, "I think writers should exude a unique temperament, especially these famous writers."

"Ahem." Mo Yan cleared his throat, and his chest unconsciously stood up.

While they were talking, they had already approached the iron fence, and Yu Dong waved to the people around him.

Seeing Yu Dong waving, the crowd immediately exploded, and some people even reached out to Yu Dong through the iron fence: "Mr. Yu Dong, welcome to Rongcheng, Rongcheng welcomes you!"

The hand was stretched out towards Yu Dong, and it stopped in front of He Qiushui, and then He Qiushui saw Yu Dong hold this hand, and responded: "Thank you."

 Thank you [Xuefeng Weiyu] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Zhang Xiansen Jushuai] for the 1500 reward
  Thanks to [The Thorough Lonely Demon] for the 1500 reward
  Alas, I think of Shi Tiesheng every New Year's Day

(End of this chapter)

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