Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 397 The performances have caused you chaos

Chapter 397
"Xiao He, see you later."

Mo Yan and the others patted He Qiushui on the shoulder and walked under the banner.

He Qiushui opened his mouth, wanting to say something in response but didn't know what to say for a while, the scene before him shocked him too much.

Yu Dong and the others don't have time to look after He Qiushui right now, the scene in front of them is enough for them to deal with.

Fortunately, "Science Fiction World" sent a lot of people over this time, led by an old acquaintance Xiao Li, a total of seven or eight people.

As soon as Yu Dong and the others came out of the iron fence, Xiao Li led someone to block the crowd, and then led Yu Dong and the others outside, allowing them to experience the feeling of a big star traveling.

The onlookers still didn't give up, they were still chasing after their buttocks.

Yu Dong looked at the crowd behind and asked Xiao Li: "Why is there such a big fanfare this time? Whose idea?"

Xiao Li smiled and said: "President Yang's idea. I heard that several teachers came together, so I want to make it lively and let everyone feel the enthusiasm of the people of Rongcheng."

Yu Dong curled his lips and looked at Mo Yan who was aside. Sure enough, this guy looked sad.

Yu Dong knew why he was worried.

The unit he changed jobs was Rongcheng TV Station. He originally planned to go to the TV station to report directly after he came this time, but he changed his plan in the middle and wanted to follow Yu Dong and the others to Italy.

In this way, it will not be easy to publicize his coming to Rongcheng.

Just imagine, if the leaders of Rongcheng TV Station knew that Mo Yan had passed through the unit and refused to enter, they would definitely have some objections.

Yu Dong patted Mo Yan's shoulder with a smile, "Since you're here, you can rest easy, don't think too much."

"I know." Mo Yan nodded, forcing out an ugly smile.

Surrounded by Xiao Li and other people who greeted them, Yu Dong and the others went to the side of the road, only to see a row of six or seven Santana 2000s parked on the side of the road.

Yu Dong joked, "Hey boy, your company is rich now, these cars must be worth a lot of money."

"Hey, two of them belong to our agency, and the others are borrowed from other places. Isn't this a conference, just to save face." Xiao Li laughed.

"Two are fine."

The Santana 2000 just came out last year, and one cost 20 yuan less. "Science Fiction World" is just a magazine, and being able to buy two of them shows that their social efficiency is good on the one hand, and on the other hand, it also shows that the president Yang Xiao is bold.

"It's not as good as the Deep Space Company. I heard that the Deep Space Company has quite a few of these cars, and they even have a tiger head." There was a trace of envy in Xiao Li's words.

"Compared to their private companies." Yu Dong smiled and helped Xiao Li assign Yu Hua and the others to the car.

After going to the hotel, Yu Dong and the others were still looking for a room, so Yang Xiao and Tan Kai came over.

Seeing the two people in a hurry, Yu Dong couldn't help joking: "I've been here for so many years to attend the awards ceremony, and I've never seen you two be so active. It seems that my face is not as good as Yu Hua's and the others. It's big."

Hu Changqing also said aside: "Yes, I have to add mine."

"You two, don't make trouble." Yang Xiao waved his hands at the two of them, and then enthusiastically ran to shake hands with Yu Hua and the others.

After shaking hands, they said some nasty welcome words, and then led them to find a room in person.

After that, Yang Xiao and Tan Kai didn't stay any longer. As the organizers, they were indeed very busy. It was not easy to come to see Yu Dong and the others immediately.

After Yang Xiao and the others left, everyone went back to their rooms, preparing to rest for a while before reuniting.

But not long after Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu entered the room, someone knocked on the door of the room.

Hearing the knock on the door, Yu Dong lay on the bed and yelled at the door: "Who is it?"

Although he was sitting in a sleeper berth, the bed was very hard, and the space in the middle berth was small, making it really uncomfortable to sleep in. So when he got to the hotel room and felt the softness of the bed, he didn't want to move.

Cheng Yanqiu was similar, lying beside him, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Yang Peng's voice sounded outside the door, "Brother, it's me, Yang Peng."

Hearing that it was Yang Peng, Yu Dong replied angrily, "You are looking for the wrong person, I am not Yu Dong."

After a moment of silence outside, Yang Peng said again, "Senior brother, I recognized your voice, and I didn't say my senior brother is Yu Dong."

Listening to Yang Peng's serious analysis, Yu Dong couldn't help laughing, "Hey, this kid."

Patting Cheng Yanqiu, Yu Dong struggled to get up from the bed, and then opened the door for Yang Peng.

"Senior brother, I'll just say it's you." Yang Peng was very happy to see Yu Dong, and then he saw Cheng Yanqiu in the room, feeling a little embarrassed: "Sister-in-law is here too."

Cheng Yanqiu smiled and nodded, "Well, Xiao Yang is here, come in for a cup of tea."

But Yu Dong said, "What kind of tea can you give him? We just arrived and there is no hot water."


Yu Dong thought for a while, and then said, "Don't you really like Yu Hua? Let me tell you, he lives in the same room as Mo Yan in 416. Bi Feiyu and Secretary Hu live in 417 next door."

Sure enough, Yang Peng's eyes lit up when he heard Yu Hua, "Then I'll go and have a look? But I'm not familiar with Teacher Yu Hua, so it's not good to just go there."

"It's not easy. You first knock on the door of 417, find Secretary Hu, and then ask Secretary Hu to take you to 416." Yu Dongzhi beckoned.

Yang Peng pondered for a while, then nodded, "That's fine, I'll try it. Then, senior brother, sister-in-law, I'll go there first."

After fooling Yang Peng away, Yu Dong went back to the room to find a pen and paper, drew an arrow on the paper, and wrote under the arrow: If you need anything, please go to 416.

After finishing writing, he pasted the paper on the door with the arrow pointing in the direction of 416.

After finishing all this, Yu Dong closed the door, and then lay on the bed with Cheng Yanqiu, let his mind go, and made two Chinese cabbages that wandered in the sky with peace of mind.


After more than two hours, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu recovered a lot.

Looking at the time, it was already past five o'clock in the evening, and it was almost time for the agreed gathering time, so he got up and washed his face, then opened the door, and the note he pasted before was still there.

No one knocked on the door for more than two hours, and I don't know if the note played a role, or if no one really came to look for it.

Afterwards, the couple ran to 416 to look for Yu Hua. Before they reached the door, they heard noisy voices coming from inside.

Walking to the door and looking at the scene in the room, the couple looked confused.

There were more than a dozen or 20 people in this room, and it was filled with smoke, and some of the people inside couldn't even see clearly in the misty smoke.

Cheng Yanqiu took a step back subconsciously, because the smell of smoke was too strong.

No wonder they want to open the door. If the doors and windows are closed, the people inside will be suffocated.

Mo Yan saw Yu Dong and his wife first, smiled and said to the side: "Aren't you looking for Yu Dong, isn't this here?"

Only now did Yu Dong see clearly that Liu Cixin and Wang Jingkang were sitting next to Mo Yan.

And behind Wang Jingkang and Liu Cixin, Cunningham and George Martin were still sitting.

Cunningham and Martin were the special guests of this awards ceremony, and they were also invited through the relationship of Deep Space Corporation. Yu Dong knew about it beforehand, but he didn't expect that these two people would be in Yu Hua's room.

There was a table set up in the room, and Yu Hua and his other veteran players were playing poker around the table. Seeing Yu Dong coming, Yu Hua held the cigarette in his mouth and said angrily, "You really are You know how to hide, and all the people came to us with a notice. If Bi Feiyu didn't stop me, I would have to tear off the piece of paper on your door."

Yu Dong took advantage of it and wanted to be obedient: "The main thing I know is that they want to see you, so I gave them some guidance. I don't think you have a very harmonious atmosphere here?"

After speaking, Yu Dong greeted Martin and Cunningham in English.

After greeting Martin and the others, Yu Dong waved his hand, trying to disperse the smoke in front of him, but his actions were all in vain, the smoke could not be disperse at all, the key is that Yu Hua and his fellow smokers were still continuing Create smoke.

Looking at the room like a "fairyland", Yu Dong gave up his plan to go in, stood at the door and said, "It's getting late, let's go to the restaurant, there are ready-made tables, and the place is big enough for people to disperse." Gotta go."

Everyone else agrees with this proposal.

Yu Hua and the others hadn't finished playing cards yet, but that didn't prevent them from moving. The four of them each held the cards in their hands, and Wang Hailin helped keep the cards they had played. Just like that, everyone walked towards the restaurant.

After arriving at the restaurant, Yu Dong and the others found that the restaurant had already gathered a lot of people.

They are all young people, about a dozen of them, except for two girls, the others are all young men.

After Yu Dong and the others entered, the group of people looked over one after another.

He Hongwei seemed to know them, and greeted them with a smile, "You guys are here now, it's still early for dinner."

One of them responded with a smile, "Mr. He, let's get together to chat. The room is too small, so we came to the restaurant."

Hearing someone calling Mr. He Hongwei and Mr. He, Wang Jingkang and others beside him were all laughing.

No way, this feeling is really strange, after all, in their view, He Hongwei is just a kid who just graduated.

When Yu Dong and Hu Changqing met He Hongwei for the first time, he was only a sophomore.

But then again, He Hongwei has also been in the sci-fi world for five or six years, and he has done well. It seems that there is no problem for young people in the industry to call him Mr. He.

After Yu Dong and the others sat down, Hu Changqing asked He Hongwei curiously, "Are all these young people here to participate in this awards ceremony?"

He Hongwei nodded, "Yes, they are all newcomers who have emerged in the past two years, and their performances are quite good. I think you have seen several works by Secretary Hu. For example, the one I talked to just now, his pseudonym is Nanshou .”

Difficult to collect...

Hearing this pseudonym, everyone looked at Hu Changqing strangely. They all knew that Hu Changqing's pseudonym was Fushui.

It's hard to collect if it's covered with water.

Although Yu Dong is relatively busy, he still takes time to watch "Science Fiction World", but he doesn't read much, and he has never heard of this.

Hu Changqing had heard of it, and suddenly said: "So it is him. I have read the "Darkness Floating" written by him. It is a bit of an imitation of "Avalanche". Although it is an imitation, the quality is indeed quite high."

"He is your book fan, Secretary Hu." He Hongwei laughed.

The muscles at the corner of Hu Changqing's mouth twitched, "The pseudonym is pretty good. The young people nowadays are very powerful, and the younger generations are awesome. Maybe in a few years, we will be eliminated."

Yu Dong quickly waved his hand, "Secretary Hu, if you say this to yourself, you can bring an old king with you at most, but don't bring us. I'm only in my early twenties and I'm in the prime of my life."

"Then your head is a bit long..."

Yu Dong and the others were talking about the young people at that table, and the young people at that table were also looking at this side eagerly.

In the past few years, the Galaxy Awards ceremony has become bigger and bigger, and it has become more brilliant.

In the early years when Yu Dong hadn't participated in the Galaxy Awards ceremony, the awards ceremony was a small event where a group of authors sat in a small room and presented the awards.

Since the 1991 science fiction convention, the award ceremony has only become lively.However, in the first year Yu Dong participated, there were not many authors present, because only the authors who were confirmed to win the Galaxy Award would receive invitations to the Galaxy Awards, and some of them were unable to attend due to various things.

It's just that the situation changed later. Yang Xiao and the others also began to send invitation letters to authors who did not win awards. At first, due to limited funds, the number of invitation letters sent out was relatively small. Invitations were sent out more and more.

In this way, before the award ceremony begins, no one knows whether they have won the award, unlike in the past, as long as they received the invitation letter, it proved that they must have won the award.

Yu Dong and the others chatted here for a while, and Wang Jingkang suddenly said: "Hong Wei, go and call them over, let's have a chat together, everyone is writing science fiction, more communication is a good thing. And I always think Science fiction is the world of young people, and young people are more capable of accepting new things and can keep up with the pace of the times."

"Okay, I'll go tell them."

He Hongwei nodded, got up and walked over there, said a few words to them, and then saw the happy expressions of the young people, they all stood up and walked this way with He Hongwei.

"Hello, teachers."

"Hello, don't be restrained. Sit next to us and let's chat together." Wang Jingkang smiled, and then introduced himself, "My name is Wang Jingkang."

"Hello, Mr. Wang!"

Hu Changqing was very displeased with Wang Jingkang's way of only introducing himself, so he curled his lips and said, "Can't you introduce us too?"

Wang Jingkang said with a smile, "I don't know you."

Hu Changqing shook his head and said, "My name is Hu Changqing, and my pen name is Fushui..."

Before the young people shouted "Hello, Teacher Fushui", Hu Changqing continued: "This is Yang Peng, whose pseudonym is Zhengshi. This is Liu Cixin, this is Yu Dong, this is Martin, and this is Cunningham. Who is this……"

Hu Changqing tirelessly reported Yu Dong's and the others' names, while the young people listened in a daze.

After Hu Changqing finished introducing everyone on his side, those young people looked left and right, not knowing who to greet first.

Seeing this, Yu Dong smiled and said, "Secretary Hu, look, the rhythm is messed up for you."

(End of this chapter)

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