Chapter 398

Under the influence of Secretary Hu, the author who greeted He Hongwei before, with the pseudonym "Nanshou", first introduced himself as "Chuhe", and then introduced the others one by one.

"This is Hu Li, Gu Yuehu, who stands upright. His pseudonym is Fox, a fox pretending to be a tiger."

"Who is this……"

It can be seen that Chuhe is very popular among this group of young people, and he knows everyone well, probably because he is really interesting in talking, and others are willing to hang out with him.

Yu Dong was listening to the introduction carefully like everyone else, and he was also very concerned about young writers.And besides the concern of the seniors for the juniors, he is also the boss of a cultural company, looking at these young writers, his eyes are different from others.

At the end of the introduction, Chuhe pointed to the boy in a suit beside him and said, "This is Xing Yusen, and he is the only one among us whose pen name is English. His pen name is Lover. Of course, although his pen name is Lover, But I live with him and know he's single."

When Yu Dong heard the name Xing Yusen, it sounded familiar, and he felt like he had heard it somewhere.

After a while, he remembered that Xing Butou in "Wulin Biography" was called Xing Yusen, and then he thought of the Internet writer Xing Yusen.

Xing Yusen, the first generation of Internet writers, is known as one of the three chariots of Internet literature.

The so-called troika of online literature has to start from under the banyan tree. Around 2000, the content on the Chinese Internet was poor, but the number of Chinese netizens was increasing day by day, so the demand for content continued to increase.

The creation of so-called online content is also restricted. At the beginning, it was impossible to watch videos, play games, or even look at pictures on the Internet, so the content that can be created can only be text, which makes online literature flourish.

At this time, a group of Internet writers were born, and reached the first wave of climax when the Chinese website under the banyan tree rose. Among them, Li Xunhuan, Chen Wanning, and Xing Yusen stood out, and were called the troika of Internet literature by the media.

The writing time of the novels of the troika of online literature is actually relatively short, just a few years.Later, Li Xunhuan became a bookseller, while Xing Yusen and Chen Wanning joined the screenwriting industry.

Chen Wanning became popular all over the country with "Wulin Biography", while Xing Yusen participated in the screenwriting of excellent TV series such as "A Family with Children", "A Family in Northeast China", and "The Idle Man".

Yu Dong stared at Xing Yusen for a while. Although he had never seen what Xing Yusen looked like, the one in front of him should be Xing Yusen, one of the troika, because Xing Yusen's online name was Lover at the beginning.

This made Yu Dong very surprised. I don't know why Xing Yusen came to write science fiction novels. This way is completely wrong.

According to Yu Dong's memory, in the past two years, Xing Yusen should be about to publish his novel on the Internet.

I don't know how well this guy's science fiction is written. I didn't notice his work when I read "Science Fiction World" before, so I have to look for it later.

Yu Dong stared at Xing Yusen, and Xing Yusen also noticed it, but Xing Yusen couldn't figure out why Yu Dong was staring at him.

Xing Yusen is now a Ph.D student in Yanjing Post and Telecommunications, majoring in information engineering. The reason why he can write science fiction novels has something to do with Yu Dong.

Since Yu Dong became popular because of "Resident Evil", science fiction has also become popular in China.Xing Yusen liked to write some things since he was a child, but as he grew older, his enthusiasm for writing gradually extinguished. Later, when he saw more and more people paying attention to science fiction, his passion for writing was rekindled.

It was a very cool summer night. After finishing work in the laboratory, listening to rock music with headphones, Xing Yusen tried to start his own path of science fiction creation.

What he didn't expect was that the first manuscript he submitted to "Science Fiction World" was approved, and then it was published smoothly and received the remuneration smoothly.

With the perfect first experience, Xing Yusen has been motivated since then, and he will write whenever he has time.

After a year, he finally gained some minor fame in the science fiction world and was invited by the Galaxy Awards.

It can be said that Xing Yusen probably would not have started writing science fiction if Yu Dong hadn't sparked the popularity of science fiction in China, and he himself knows this.

So when he saw Yu Dong, Xing Yusen was quite moved. After all, on a certain level, it was Yu Dong who led him into the world of science fiction.


With the addition of these young authors, the scene became more lively. They were a little restrained at first, but after chatting slowly, they began to talk more, and they were willing to take the initiative to chat with seniors like Yu Dong and the others.

Yu Hua and the others were playing cards, but when they saw so many people, they stopped.

Although these guys love to play cards, they also care about face. They will try their best to maintain a good image as a writer in front of outsiders.

Yu Hua looked at the young writers in front of her, and said with a smile: "Most of the writers here are younger than Yu Dong, which is still hard to see in the past, which is enough to prove that the subject of science fiction is better than other subjects. It is more necessary to keep pace with the times.”

Wang Jingkang said with a smile: "How can we compare with you, the threshold for creating traditional literature is still higher."

Although what Wang Jingkang said was polite, the sci-fi writers present still agreed with him in their hearts.This is the status quo. Although due to Yu Dong's success, science fiction has been very popular in China in recent years, but everyone still thinks that science fiction cannot be compared with traditional literature.

Mo Yan on the other side shook his head and said: "I actually think that the threshold for writing science fiction is higher. The so-called traditional literature can actually be written as long as you know how to read, and you don't need to know too many words. It's almost enough. But science fiction It’s different, you really need to understand that knowledge.”

Bi Feiyu nodded and said: "The fact is true, science fiction writing needs some different foundations."

Seeing that the three of them were so sure of science fiction, all the science fiction authors present were very moved.

Yu Dong knows Yu Hua and the others well, and knows that they are not particularly affirming the creation of science fiction, but that they hold a tolerant attitude towards the creation itself.

A good writer needs three qualities.

First, hold a tolerant attitude towards other creative types.

Second, have your own artistic pursuits.

Third, I often have an attitude of scrutiny towards my own works.

At this time, Chuhe asked Yu Dong curiously: "Mr. Yu Dong, how do you balance science fiction and traditional literature creation? Can you share with us?"

Facing Chuhe’s question, Yu Dong said with a smile, “If you ask this question, it means that you still separate the creation of science fiction from other literary creations. What you write first depends on what you want to write. And what you want to write depends on what you see."

"For example, on a certain night, when you look up at the sky full of stars, you may want to write about the stars. How to write about these stars depends on your perception of the stars."

Chu He scratched the back of his head, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yu Dong, I don't quite understand."

Bi Feiyu said with a smile, "His words don't have any special meaning, that is, he can write whatever he wants, because he has the ability. The stars in the sky are there, and how to write these stars depends entirely on his mood. "

"Is this what you mean?"

"Not really." Yu Dong waved his hand, "I just want to say that there is no need to balance the two, because for me, it is just cognition and feeling. A person's cognition and feeling are inherently complicated. It’s normal to write different works.”

Chuhe nodded: "I seem to understand a little bit."


A group of people chatted casually here, and the time passed unknowingly. At about 06:30, Xiao Li walked to the restaurant with a few people.

As soon as he saw Yu Dong and the others, Xiao Li breathed a sigh of relief, and walked over with a smile, "You are all here. I knocked on the door just now and found that you were not there. I was shocked. I thought you were all there. Where are you going? Since they are all there, I won’t have to shout one by one.”

Hu Changqing said with a smile: "You are not active in eating, and you have problems in your thinking. Why do you need to call us? We will come here by ourselves. But it is too late for you to start dinner, it is already 06:30."

"Secretary Hu, don't be in a hurry. Dinner will start in a while. President Yang and the others are still busy with some things, so they will be here soon. There are also some guests in the room. I will take someone over to invite them now."

Hu Changqing also knew that Xiao Li was busy, so he waved his hand, "Go quickly."

After waiting for a while, the restaurant gradually became lively.

This year's Galaxy Awards is even more lively than previous years, and more stars are invited to help out, including Ning Jing and Zhao Baogang.

At the Deep Space Annual Meeting, Yang Xiao jokingly extended an invitation to the guests below when he took the stage to speak.

No one else took it seriously, but after Yang Xiao stepped down, he went to invite one by one, and finally invited many people over.

Many of the guests from abroad, although they couldn't come in person, sent people over.

For example, Lucas from Lucasfilm was too busy to be there, so he sent Cahill, the vice president of Industrial Light & Magic, over.

And Spielberg, also sent a staff member from DreamWorks over.

These people are inextricably linked with Yu Dong. When they came to China this time, apart from participating in the Galaxy Awards, they were also assigned tasks to let them contact Yu Dong.

So after arriving at the restaurant, they headed straight for Yudong.

Young writers like Chu He and the others were secretly speechless when they saw foreign friends running over to say hello to Yu Dong.

Before, they only saw how famous Yu Dong was abroad in the news, all in written form, but now, seeing Yu Dong surrounded by foreigners, they intuitively felt how famous Yu Dong was.

"I heard that Mr. Yu Dong's novels have sold tens of millions of novels worldwide. I don't know if it's true or not." Chu He poked Xing Yusen next to him and whispered.

Xing Yusen was looking at Yu Dong in a daze, when Chu He poked him, he immediately came back to his senses, "What did you say?"

"I said, I heard that Mr. Yu Dong's novels have sold tens of millions. I don't know if it's true or not."

Xing Yusen smiled and said: "This must be true, not to mention foreign countries, his novels have sold millions in China alone. I'm talking about genuine ones. If pirated ones are added, it is estimated that only There are tens of millions in the country.”

Chu He nodded: "That's true. "Resident Evil" is the most pirated version, and many of them have changed the title and cover of the book and sold it as other books. A friend knew that I wrote science fiction novels and asked me if I knew about it. Knowing that a book is called "Red Man", I was stunned at the time. After asking a few questions, I found out that he was reading "Resident Evil."

"Pfft, Scarlet Man... Who gave the title to this book, he is really talented. But that friend of yours..."

"Ahem, that friend of mine is definitely a gentleman."

"It's quite reasonable for a gentleman to look at a chivalrous man." Xing Yusen smiled.


Surrounded by a group of people, Yu Dong suddenly heard someone shouting not far away: "Sister, brother-in-law."

Her voice was hoarse and loud, it must be Ning Jing.

As soon as this girl entered the restaurant, she looked at the place with the most people at first glance, and she yelled hastily before she saw Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu.

Then she broke into the crowd carelessly, and hugged Cheng Yanqiu's arm, "I heard they told you your room number, and knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered, and then I found out that you came to the restaurant."

Cheng Yanqiu was also very happy to see Ning Jing, and said with a smile, "You girl, don't you know how to make a phone call? I don't know when you will arrive."

"It's so boring to call." Ning Jing smiled and waved back, "Come on, Xia Yu, let me introduce you to my sister and brother-in-law."

When she yelled, everyone looked behind, and a tall and thin young man stood there shyly.

"Sister, this is Xia Yu, the little brother who filmed "Sunny Day" with me before."

Most of the Chinese people present knew Ning Jing and Xia Yu.

The box office of "Sunny Day" is quite high, and many people have watched it.

In fact, when Ning Jing called Yu Dong's brother-in-law, some people who didn't know the inside story still wondered whether Ning Jing was Yu Dong's sister-in-law?
Seeing that Yu Dong's wife looks completely different from Ning Jing, her sister is obviously more graceful.

Of course, it is also understandable if one looks like a father and the other looks like a mother.

Yu Dong was also a little surprised to see Xia Yu here. He didn't expect this kid to come too. Regardless of his young age, he is already a movie king.

The year before last, "Sunny Day" was sent to Venice to participate in the film festival, and won the Volpi Cup Best Actor Award at the Venice International Film Festival, making Xia Yu the youngest actor.

The actor Xia Yu is not yet 20 years old. He just got into Chinese opera last year, so he is a little shy in front of everyone.

"Hello, Teacher Yu Dong, Hello, Teacher Cheng, and hello everyone."

Yu Dong looked at Xia Yu with a smile on his face, "I heard from Jiang Wen that you are quite noisy, why are you so shy?"

Hearing what Yu Dong said, Xia Yu grinned, "Because those who are close to vermilion are red and those who are close to ink are black, Director Jiang is making a fuss, and I am also making a fuss."

 Thank you [FFrances] for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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