Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 399 There are chapters in the chapter

Chapter 399 (Subscribe)

Ning Jing and the others came here together with Zhao Baogang. Zhao Baogang walked slower than the young man and fell behind. Yu Dong saw Zhao Baogang walking towards this side without saying a word to Xia Yu.

Just as Yu Dong was about to greet Zhao Baogang, Yang Xiao and Tan Kai came in, and then greeted the guests to sit down and eat.

However, Yu Dong and Zhao Baogang sat next to each other. After sitting down, Yu Dong smiled and asked Zhao Baogang, "Is Director Zhao busy recently?"

Zhao Baogang said with a smile: "The first half of the year was okay. Although there are many activities to participate in after "Don't Talk to Strangers" became popular, it is generally easy. The second half of the year will not be easy, and we have to give deep Worked for an empty company."

Yu Dong shrugged his shoulders: "Who isn't?"

He knew that what Zhao Baogang referred to as a part-time job was the filming of "A Romantic Affair".

Deep Space Company started to sign a contract with Haiyan last year, and finally reached a cooperation at the beginning of this year.

After signing the contract, Deep Space Company immediately approached Yanjing Television Art Center to cooperate in the development of Haiyan's novel "A Romantic Affair" published the year before, and adapted it into a TV series of the same name.

Speaking of "A Romantic Affair", Zhao Baogang couldn't help but think of Haima Studio, which was disbanded last year.

Haima Studio was founded by Wang Shuo and Ma Weidu. Its members are all screenwriters and writers. It is a relatively loose organization.

The original intention of Wang Shuo and the others to set up this studio is actually to strive for greater benefits for writers and screenwriters in the film and television industry. Screenwriters and writers are easy to suffer losses in terms of copyright fees and are often deceived.

In order to avoid these situations, some people stick together and want to gain bargaining power in this way.

The studio developed very well at the beginning, and people like Mo Yan, Liu Heng, Shi Tiesheng and others joined.

It's just that last year the studio unexpectedly disbanded.

It was an accident, but Zhao Baogang was not surprised at all, "It's a good thing that Haiyan came out. People like Haima Studio can produce works. "Story of the Editorial Department" can prove this, but there are operational problems. It’s very big. The excitement is the excitement, and when the excitement is over, no one gets any benefits, only the shouting.”

"Maybe it's bad luck, maybe it will be much better to set up a studio a few years later." Yu Dong said.

Zhao Baogang shook his head, "No, it's still not professional enough after all. I'm still optimistic about Deep Space Company. Everything is clearly divided, and there is a complete set of operating systems that can truly benefit the playwrights. , and save them trouble.”

Yu Dong smiled, "Shenkong and Haima are still different in nature. Shenkong is a company, and Haima is more like a labor union."

Zhao Baogang nodded in agreement and said: "I told you, it's a labor union. But they always want to get together to produce works, and there are problems. Actually, I think your cooperation with Deep Space Company has accelerated the work of Haima. The disbandment of the studio is because of your success, so many writers have signed contracts with Deep Space Company, changing the original model. Otherwise, Haima Studio should still be able to survive for a few more years."

"This...there is no conflict between Deep Space Company and Haima Studio, they should be able to coexist." Yu Dong blinked, wondering why Zhao Baogang would think so.

In fact, even without him and without Deep Space Company, Haima Studio would definitely not be able to continue.Yu Dong remembered that not long after the "Seahorse Song and Dance Hall" came out in the previous life, the Haima Studio was disbanded, basically the same as the present time.

"Regardless of whether there is conflict or not, the result is that Haima Studio will be disbanded and Deep Space Company will grow stronger and stronger. Even if there is really no conflict, other people may not think so." Zhao Baogang smiled, and said when he saw that the dishes were starting to be served. , "The food is here, let's eat and chat while eating."

Yu Dong looked at Zhao Baogang, and always felt that there was something in his last sentence.

What is "other people may not think so", who is this other person referring to?
Wang Shuo?Probably not. Although Wang Shuo has a broken mouth, his heart is not so narrow.

Is it Ma Weidu?

Yu Dong and Ma Wei have never met, and they don't know him well, so it's hard to draw conclusions without authorization.

There are only a few main members of Haima Studio, apart from Wang Shuo and Ma Weidu, Haiyan has also signed with Shen Kong now, so it is unlikely that he will have any major opinions on Shen Kong.

However, since Zhao Baogang specifically mentioned it, he must have heard some rumors, otherwise he would not have spoken out on this occasion.

But Zhao Baogang was unwilling to speak directly, so Yu Dong didn't ask in detail, and there was no way to solve this matter, just keep an eye on it, and look for an opportunity to let the company pay attention.

Yu Dong looked at the bowls and chopsticks in front of him, and thought about Haiyan again.

Hai Yan was not the writer he selected, but when Yu Yu wanted to sign Hai Yan, he came to hear Yu Dong's opinion.

Hai Yan is not a newcomer, he has already made a name for himself in the screenwriting world, and he is also an important figure in Haima Studio.

It took a lot of effort to sign him. The most important thing is that the conditions on the Deep Space side are really good. They just take a commission, and they don't even need the priority of the film and television adaptation of the work.

Yu Dong wanted to sign him mainly because of "Never Rest In My Eyes".

"Never Close My Eyes" and "No One Less" that He Qiushui thought of on the train before were included in Yu Dong's plan because they all have special meanings.

Yu Dong's plan for Deep Space in the domestic market is actually very simple. In the past two years, it still does not aim at making money, and more reflects the company's pursuit in the subject matter.

"Don't Talk to Strangers", which has already been filmed, discusses the issue of domestic violence.

"Never Close My Eyes" conforms to the main theme of the country's anti-drugs, while "No One Less" focuses on basic education issues.

Deep Space Corporation wants to make a solid path in China, and it is very important to shoot this kind of film and television drama.

Of course, in addition to the characteristics of the subject matter, these few film and television dramas will basically not lose money.


Yu Dong originally thought that there would be an awards ceremony tomorrow, so he would not drink tonight, but what he didn't expect was that before the dishes were served, Yang Xiao and Tan Kai raised their wine glasses and went around looking for people to clink glasses.

With the two of them taking the lead, the others followed suit and started toasting around.

Yu Dong and Zhao Baogang glanced at each other, both of their glasses were filled with fruit juice.

"The two of us should keep a low profile." Yu Dong said.

Zhao Baogang shook his head, took the wine bottle from the table, filled two more wine glasses, and handed Yu Dong a glass, "Drink it."

Yu Dong took the wine glass, and before he could speak, Zhao Baogang rushed into the battlefield with the wine glass.

Looking at the background of Zhao Baogang's "no hesitation", Yu Dong raised his eyebrows. It seems that Zhao Baogang still wants to drink in his heart.

Here Yu Dong was holding a wine glass, and before he could decide whether to find someone to drink, someone walked over with a wine glass and a smile on his face.

The first to come was Cunningham.

Before Cunningham came to China, he deliberately learned a few words of Chinese, but when he got there, he found that he couldn't use any of them.Although I brought a translator, and many people here can speak English, it was still inconvenient to communicate.

So Cunningham was quite boring today, and now he finally found a chance to find Yu Dong, so he was very happy.

"YU, I offer you a toast." Cunningham held the wine glass, and before he could respond, he raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

This wine glass is not big, and it was over a tael full. Cunningham's glass just now was not full, but it was almost there, probably close to a tael.

Cunningham probably didn't expect the wine to be so spicy. After he was bored, he let out a long breath, feeling as if a fire was rushing into his chest.

Yu Dong stared blankly at Cunningham, "Who did you learn to drink like this from?"

Cunningham pointed to Bi Feiyu at the table next to him, "BI told me that for Chinese baijiu, you need to raise your glass high and deep into your throat, so that you can feel it. And you must finish drinking the toast, otherwise you will be in trouble." Not respectful enough."

Yu Dong glanced at Bi Feiyu, sighed slightly, then raised his head and drank the wine in the glass, then he covered his mouth and asked Cunningham, "Have you drank with Bi?"

Cunningham shook his head, "Not yet, I want to drink the first glass of wine with you."

Yu Dong smiled: "I understand what you mean, but this is not appropriate, because Bi Feiyu, Yu Hua, and Mo Yan are all older than me, so you have to drink with them first in order."

"Is that so?"

"That's it."

Cunningham nodded, "Then I'll go find them first."

Yu Dong smiled: "Okay."

On this side, Yu Donggang flicked away Cunningham, and on the other side, Cahill, the vice president of Industrial Light & Magic, walked over with a wine glass.

"YU, I offer you a toast."

After finishing speaking, Cahill raised his glass and was about to finish, Yu Dong quickly grabbed his hand, "Don't be like this, Cahill, we still drink very reservedly here."

"Reserved?" Cahill looked suspiciously at the scene where Zhao Baogang and Mo Yan sipped a glass on the other side.


After bargaining, Yu Dong and Cahill each drank half a glass.

After Cahill left, Xia Yu also ran over, holding a wine glass and said, "Teacher Yu, I respect you."

Seeing the boy's unfriendly appearance, Yu Dong waved his hands, and said righteously: "As a people's teacher, I don't drink with students. You must respect me, so drink juice."

Xia Yu drank a glass of juice with Yu Dong and left.

Then Yang Peng and He Hongwei also came over, and Yu Dong was thinking of a reason not to drink, the two boys drank the wine in one gulp, and then said in unison: "Brother Dong, we did it, you can do whatever you want."

How could Yu Dong be so casual, he drank the remaining half of the glass he drank with Cahill just now.

After Yang Peng and He Hongwei left, Yu Dong began to count how much he drank.

Now that his drinking capacity has increased, it shouldn't be a big problem to drink six taels in a meal. Now he has drunk about two taels, and there is still a share of four taels.

Four Liang drinks with twenty people, and drinks with each person on average for two dollars, which is one-fifth of a cup...

While he was doing the calculations, Liu Cixin came over with a wine glass.

Before Liu Cixin could speak, Yu Dong took the lead: "Da Liu, you came just in time, let's have a drink."

Hearing Yu Dong speak so frankly, Liu Cixin raised his eyebrows. He remembered that Yu Dong was not a good drinker.

Then he heard Yu Dong say, "The one I said was about 10 grams."

"Ten grams."

Liu Cixin didn't realize it for a while, he had been drinking for so many years, and he had never met someone who drank by the gram.

Yu Dong held the wine glass and moved to one-fifth of the position, "That's all."

Liu Cixin saw the location of Yu Dong's finger pointing, and laughed: "Then just point."

After drinking with Liu Cixin, Yu Dong would point to whoever came later.

But after drinking, Yu Dong found that it was not enough for everyone to drink a finger, because there were too many people, and everyone wanted to drink with him.

It hasn't been a while, and he has drunk more than four liang.

After drinking to the end, he began to learn from Yu Hua.

Yu Hua is an average drinker, but he is very good at teasing. When others drink with him, he can talk a lot while holding a glass of wine, and it takes more than ten minutes to drink a glass of wine.

It happened that Chuhe and Xing Yusen ran over to offer wine to Yu Dong, and Yu Dong held the wine glass and said, "You must drink wine, but before drinking, let's say a few words."

Chuhe and the others didn't know what was going to happen next. They were naturally very happy when they heard Yu Dong wanted to say a few words, and nodded repeatedly, "Teacher Yu, let's listen."

Yu Dong smiled slightly, and said, "Let me ask you a question first, how did you embark on the road of science fiction creation?"

Chu He and Xing Yusen glanced at each other, and Chu He said first: "Mr. Yu Dong, I'm actually very simple. At that time, "Science Fiction World" called for essays on interstellar topics. I tried to write an article, but luckily, the manuscript was accepted.”

Yu Dong nodded and looked at Xing Yusen: "Xing Yusen, what about you?"

Xing Yusen smiled and said: "I actually saw that science fiction is getting a lot of attention, so I tried to write it, and luckily, the first manuscript was accepted."

"Well, you are all very talented authors..."

Before Yu Dong was drinking the glass of wine, Tan Kai came over with the glass again, Yu Dong said with a smile: "Old Tan, don't worry, I'll talk to these two young people first, don't worry, The wine will definitely be drunk."

When Tan Kai heard what Yu Dong said, he stopped with his wine glass in hand, wanting to see what Yu Dong said to Xing Yusen and the others.

Yu Dong chatted with them without a topic at all, for a while Mars, for a while the sun, and for a while they talked about black holes.

Later, more and more people gathered at Yu Dong's side. They all came to drink with Yu Dong, but they were all fooled by Yu Dong, and they chatted with him about Mars, the sun, and outer space.

After chatting for more than half an hour, Yu Dong saw that many people were almost drunk, and finally raised his cup, "Let's drink one."

At this moment, Xing Yusen and the others remembered that they hadn't drunk the glass of wine they found Yu Dong before.

After the glass of wine was finished, the dinner was almost over, Zhao Baogang and Mo Yan were still fighting, and Yu Dong went to pull Jiang Jie aside.

"Xiaojie, you can contact the company tomorrow and ask them to check the people in Haima Studio."

Jiang Jie was a little puzzled and asked, "What's wrong with Haima Studio, haven't they been disbanded?"

"It's nothing, let Yu Yu pay attention to the movements of these people."

"Okay, I see, are you in a hurry?"

"Don't worry, just let me know if you find any abnormality. If there is no abnormality, you don't need to give the result."

"I understand." Jiang Jie nodded.

"Yeah." Yu Dong thought for a while, and then said, "There was a young man named Xing Yusen who drank with me just now, do you have any impression?"

"I have the impression that my pen name is Lover." Jiang Jie said.

"Yes, it's him. You can find out his works and show them to me later."

"Do you want his personal information?" Jiang Jie asked.

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Okay, give me a copy of the materials too."

 Thank you [Huang Tian Zai Kong] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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