Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 400 It's him, he's hcq!

Chapter 400 is him, he is hcq! (seeking subscription)
The TV station is planning to shoot a local comedy recently, and it is in the planning stage, so Zhu Yonggang has been quite busy recently.

Of course, as the director of the department, Zhu Yonggang certainly doesn't need to be on the front line of TV drama production. Most of the time, he would ask the director for instructions with the proposal.

When working in a unit, it is never wrong to ask for more instructions.

No, I just took the script to the director for some advice, and now Zhu Yong has just returned to his office to pour a glass of water.

But the buttocks here were not hot yet, Li Tao, the director of the news center, walked over with a teacup and a smile.

Seeing Li Tao, Zhu Yonggang smiled and said, "Director Li, you must be very busy these two days, why do you still have time to come to my place?"

Today is the Galaxy Awards Ceremony, which is a major event in Rongcheng. As a local TV station in Rongcheng, they will of course pay more attention to this event, so Zhu Yong just said that Li Tao should be very busy these two days.

Li Tao pulled a chair and sat down opposite Zhu Yonggang, "Hey, Lao Zhu, I have a question for you."

Zhu Yonggang looked at Li Tao, "What's the matter?"

Li Tao chewed the tea leaves, then spat back the broken tea leaves, and said with a smile, "Is this Mo Yan coming to your TV drama department?"

"Yes." Zhu Yonggang nodded, "It's been more than a month, but he hasn't come to report yet."

"Then he came to Rongcheng, do you know?"

"Come to Rongcheng?" Zhu Yonggang looked surprised, "Did you come to Taili to report? I didn't receive any news. Where did you see him?"

Li Tao shook his head, "I didn't see him, he was here to attend the Galaxy Awards ceremony. A team from our center went to this Galaxy Awards ceremony. I read yesterday's report and said that Mo Yan also came Yes. I know that Mo Yan is coming to your TV drama department, so I came here to ask you."

While talking, Li Tao looked strange, "What do you mean by Mo Yan, everyone has already arrived in Rongcheng, and they haven't come to the stage to report?"

Zhu Yonggang was also very puzzled, but he didn't take it too seriously, "Maybe it's because we plan to come back after participating in the Galaxy Awards. Anyway, we are not in a hurry here, and it doesn't matter if he is a few days late. Besides, Mo Yan is here. We are in the stage, but he has a special status after all, and it is normal to have some privileges."

"Well, that's the reason." Li Tao raised the cup, put his mouth down just after touching the rim of the cup, looked outside the door, and then whispered: "Actually, if you want me to say, it's better for Mo Yan not to come. He is now If he comes to our station, it might cause chaos on our side. Why do you think he changed his job from the army and came to our station?"

Zhu Yonggang raised his eyebrows, "Isn't that the case, the scolding war between the literati can still involve the work unit?"

Li Tao curled his lips and shook his head. He was thin, and there was not much flesh hanging on his cheeks. With such a curl of his lips, the creases on his face also folded.

"Old Zhu, you are still thinking too simply. I saw some people scolding Yu Dong and the others for being a Jinyi gang, creating circles, eliminating dissidents, and even scolding Jinling Art Academy. There is no way to escape, and it is even more impossible for our TV station. For example, when Mo Yan comes, do you let him write the script or not?"

"Don't let it go, the outside world must have something to say, saying that our station is a waste of resources, even such a great writer doesn't need it. Let it go, if there are any ideological problems after writing, we will definitely be implicated."

Zhu Yonggang said indifferently: "It's not that serious, let's stop thinking about it, Mo Yan's coming or not is his own business."


The next morning after drinking, Jiang Jie sent Yu Dong the information about Xing Yusen and the few novels he wrote.

Yu Dong didn't expect Jiang Jie to be so efficient, and the things he explained the night before would come to fruition so quickly.

Xing Yusen's works are actually quite easy to find. Knowing that his pen name is Lover, you can find them by looking through previous issues of "Science Fiction World".

Personal information is more difficult. After all, the Internet is not well developed now, and Xing Yusen is not a celebrity.

Of course, the information Jiang Jie sent was also very simple, with only superficial information such as Xing Yusen's birthplace, school, and age on it.

After glancing at Xing Yusen's personal information, Yu Dong looked at his novel.

Last year, Xing Yusen published four short stories in "Science Fiction World", which is not a high output, but considering that "Science Fiction World" is much more difficult than before, four manuscripts can be published in one year , it is already very difficult for a newcomer.

After reading Xing Yusen's four novels, Yu Dong's evaluation is only four words: not bad.

But it's just not bad, the level can't be called high.

In addition to Xing Yusen's four novels, Yu Dong also read a novel written by Chu He.

As a newcomer, Chuhe's works are better than Xing Yusen's.

Xing Yusen has a problem, even short stories can express the short feeling of parents.

It's not that being short in parents is bad, it's just that short stories in parents are not suitable for a short science fiction novel.

But this seems to be another advantage of Xing Yusen. He can write very interesting short stories about parents who are not suitable to appear, adding a little color to the novel.

In this regard, Yu Dong came to a conclusion that if Xing Yusen did not write science fiction, but switched to life-related novels, his performance might be better. He has the talent in this area.

Probably because sci-fi is more popular now and has a larger audience, so he devoted himself to it.Yu Dong also understands why Xing Yusen later participated in the screenwriting of film and television dramas such as "A Family with Children" and "The Idle Man". In these dramas, he can show his talent very well.

"Haven't you finished watching?"

Yu Dong was thinking about Xing Yusen, Cheng Yanqiu put his arms around his neck from behind and asked softly.

"I've finished reading, and the writing is okay." Yu Dong smiled, turned sideways, saw Cheng Yanqiu was carrying a small bag, and asked curiously: "Are you going out?"

"Well, Xiaojing and I went out for a stroll, and we won't come back for lunch."


"And Li Bing."

Yu Dong nodded. Because Li Bing participated in "Bring Her Eyes", she also received an invitation from "Science Fiction World" to attend the Galaxy Awards ceremony.

But thinking of the three girls going out, Yu Dong was still a little worried, "Let Xiaojie drive you there, Rongcheng is no better than Jinling, people who live here are unfamiliar, so don't encounter any danger."

Cheng Yanqiu didn't think there was any danger in broad daylight, but he nodded in agreement, "Okay, then I'll trouble Jiang Jie. But then again, Jiang Jie is your assistant, so you can't always use him as a bodyguard."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "It won't take long."


"Prepare to give him a promotion."

Yu Dong had planned to promote Jiang Jie at the beginning of the year, but he never thought about what position to give him.

In fact, Yu Dong was still a little bit reluctant to part with Jiang Jie. This kid needs to have a degree, ability and ability. He is a top student in the computer department, can speak a few foreign languages, and is practical in his work. It is difficult to find this kind of assistant again.

But he is so capable, and he cannot always be an assistant.

If Yu Dong's boss is a serious boss who handles the company's affairs every day, Jiang Jie will have no problem being his assistant for a few more years.

However, although Yu Dong is the boss of Shen Kong, his focus is still on school and writing. It is difficult for Jiang Jie to get more promotion in his work if he stays with him, and his future will be affected if he does not leave.

For young people, wages are of course important, but the path to advancement is even more important.

What Yu Dong is thinking now is to let Jiang Jie go back to the company to participate in the operation of the Deep Space Chinese Website. If he strives hard and does his job well, he can take care of the Deep Space Chinese Website in the future.

"Then next, you have to spend time looking for an assistant." Cheng Yanqiu smiled, and walked out: "I'll go first, if you don't go, you won't have to go shopping."

"Well, remember to come back before the afternoon ceremony." Yu Dong nodded, and called Jiang Jie again, asking him to drive Cheng Yanqiu and the others out.

Not a while after Cheng Yanqiu left, Tan Kai came.

It is not clear whether Yu Dong can win the award today, but he will definitely be able to take the stage, because today he has another task, which is to present the award.

Yang Xiao had already told Yu Dong about the award, but Yu Dong never knew what award he was awarding.

Tan Kai came to him this time just to talk about it, "You are awarding the Best Science Fiction Short Film Award today."

"Best Science Fiction Short Film Award?" Yu Dong looked at Tan Kai in surprise, and guessed, "Is this award set up temporarily?"

"You guessed it right, it was only last month that we decided to set up this award."

Yu Dong nodded secretly. It seemed that they specially set up this award after seeing the short film "Bring Her Eyes".

It's just that Yu Dong felt that this matter was a bit hasty.

"I understand what you guys mean, but isn't this award a bit hasty. Apart from "Take Her Eyes", there shouldn't be any short films in the selection range, right?"

Tan Kai said with a smile: "Even if there are other works, I'm afraid it won't affect the result. I understand your concerns, but what we want is to start with this short film and attract more people to participate in the production of science fiction films." Come."

After hearing Tan Kai's words, Yu Dong said with emotion: "I hope it can be done."

In fact, this sudden increase of awards is very risky. If an award wants to have enough weight, it is very taboo to add or change awards frequently. Last year, awards for comics were added.


Yu Dong never expected that this time, Yang Xiao and the others were very courageous. They not only added the Best Science Fiction Short Film Award, but also changed the original award.

Before the awards ceremony began, there was a half-hour opening performance, and the last program of the performance was still a stage play.

This stage play is adapted from "Take Her Eyes", and the effect of the stage play is beyond Yu Dong's expectations.

"Bring Her Eyes" is a sci-fi novel after all, and many of the scenes involved in it are not easy to present on stage, but this time the stage play is well done, at least they sci-fi writers can understand it.

At the end of the stage play, amidst the warm applause, Yang Xiao stepped onto the stage, gave a welcome speech, and then announced the awards to be presented next.

"The next award to be presented is the Best Short Story Award, a total of six novels have won this award..."

Hearing Yang Xiao's words, Yu Dong was stunned.

At the same time, most of the people present were also stunned.

Before the Galaxy Awards, there was no Best Short Story Award at all. In the beginning, when the Galaxy Awards were co-organized by "Science Fiction", which is now "Science Fiction World" and "Tree of Wisdom", the winning works were separated. There is a group, which is divided into two classes, A and B.

Later, "Wisdom Tree" ceased publication, and the Galaxy Awards were independently organized by "Science Fiction World", which became the first, second and third prizes, which lasted for several sessions.

But if you think about it, it seems understandable, because there were no novels in the early "Science Fiction World".After Yu Donghengkong was born, the magazine began to serialize the novels.

Now the awards still use the first, second and third prizes, and it doesn't seem appropriate to distinguish between long and short stories.

"The winning works are HCQ's "Falling Mars", Zhengshi's "Super Fire", Liu Cixin's..."

Hearing that "Falling Mars" won the award, Yu Dong looked at Hu Changqing who was sitting next to him with malicious intentions.

Hu Changqing was also looking at Yu Dong.

"What should I do?" Hu Changqing whispered, "You or me?"

Yu Dong also responded in a low voice, "Isn't this nonsense, you won't read the novel you wrote?"

"This novel is your idea, you go."

"Impossible, I..."

The two were arguing quietly, and the other five award-winning authors had already stepped onto the stage. Yang Xiao joked with the microphone, "Where is hcq, are you asleep?"

Yang Xiao knew that hcq was Hu Changqing, so when she said this, she looked in Hu Changqing's direction.

Speaking of which, Hu Changqing also performed well in another novel this year, but because "Falling Mars" was really good, Yang Xiao and the others had to give up the other one.

Everyone else present was also looking around, wondering where hcq was.

Many people have heard about this hcq, especially people like Xing Yusen and Chu He who often surf the Internet.

In the sci-fi section of Deep Space Chinese Network, hcq is a legend in the world.

At that time, hcq sprayed the water on the forum so badly that it aroused the resentment of many fans of the book. Later, hcq wrote a science fiction novel and posted it on the Internet, and also submitted it to "Science Fiction World". The novel was "Falling Mars" .

Therefore, in the hearts of many "deep friends", hcq is quite a troll.

Chuhe looked around in the auditorium, wanting to see what hcq looked like, he was a loyal book fan of Fushui.

"I want to see who this HCQ is."

On the other side, Yu Dong and Hu Changqing were arguing.

"Old Hu, it's shameless if you don't go up again, hey, you..." Before Yu Dong finished speaking, he felt two arms hugging him.

It was Hu Changqing, who opened his arms to support Yu Dong.

"It's him, he is hcq!"

Hu Changqing pointed at Yu Dong and shouted.

Everyone looked at Yu Dong.

Dazed, dazed, still dazed, the expressions on each face were exactly the same as if copied.

Even Yang Xiao, who was holding a microphone, did the same.

What the hell is this? Isn't hcq Hu Changqing?How did it become Yu Dong?That's not the way to joke.

Yu Dong, who was being looked at by everyone, looked down at Hu Changqing and rolled his eyes. This guy was very happy to spray people on the website at the time, but now he is scared.

At this point, without making everyone wait too long, Yu Dong walked up.

As soon as he went up like this, everyone gave way to him, as if he was the only one who won the award.

Facing the sudden situation, Yang Xiao only panicked for a second, then calmed down and said with a smile, "I didn't expect that we called hcq to call Yu Dong up. Why don't we give the microphone to Yu Dong first, Let him tell us what's going on."

Then Yang Xiao handed the microphone to Yu Dong.

Yu Dong took the microphone with a smile: "I received this award on behalf of Fushui. Friends who are familiar with me and Fushui should know that he and I are colleagues and teachers of Jinyi. When we are in school, we also I will talk about some topics related to science fiction. The novel "Falling Mars" comes from a chat between us. I won't go into details about how we chatted. Interested, and expressed willingness to write it out."

"At that time, Fu Shui liked to have friendly exchanges with some netizens on the Deep Space Chinese Network, so after finishing the novel, he published it on the website..."

Chuhe listened to Yu Dong's speech in a daze, and his brain froze.

This means that the hcq who was sprayed with water on the website and was chased by book fans who were sprayed with water was the water himself?

Isn't that absurd.

Yang Xiao on the stage understood the ins and outs of the matter, and said with another microphone: "Thank you Yu Dong for sharing this interesting story with us. Two excellent writers have created an excellent novel together. This is a more wonderful thing. But I regret to tell you two that we have only prepared one trophy, and you may have to discuss who will put the trophy after you go back...Okay, let’s focus on the other trophy. On one of the winners..."

Several other winners stepped forward one by one to deliver their acceptance speeches.

Hu Changqing sat below, with a look of remorse on his face. If he had known that Yu Dong would have sold him if he had gone up, he might as well have gone up.

Well now, everyone in the world knows that he is the one who sprayed him on the website.

After the best short story award was over, Yu Dong walked down with the trophy, and then stuffed the trophy into Hu Changqing's arms, "I brought it back for you."

Hu Changqing was also polite, and put away the trophy, "I'll take it away, you probably have it in a while, and I should not have it."

"Is there any? This is all yours. If you say you are too, just go upright. You have to pull me up and make such a farce."

Hu Changqing tilted his head and laughed, "Otherwise, how would you have the opportunity to promote the Deep Space Chinese Network? Look at how many reporters have come today. Now that you have spoken on stage and mentioned the Deep Space Chinese Network, these reporters must Will report."

Yu Dong squinted his eyes, he didn't expect Lao Hu to have such a business mindset.

"I'm doing publicity for Deep Space Chinese Network, and I'm in a hurry."

Hu Changqing curled his lips: "Tch, stop pretending with me, if you don't have shares in deep space, I'll eat this trophy."

 pig stomach, good night
(End of this chapter)

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